Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Gortin Dismounted Cavalry, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland, March 1797

[The village of Gortin is located in Bodoney Lower Parish]
Extracted from FHL Film #258509
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Surname Firstname Rank
Cole Hamilton A. Capt.
Cole Hamilton Claud Lt.
McFarland Armar Lt.
McLoghlin Chas. Lt.
McLoghlin Jn. Sergt.
Galbraith James Sergt.
McFarland Jn. Sergt.
McLoghlin And. Sergt.
Crawford John Corporal
Forsyth Jas. Corporal
Mathewson Jas. Corporal
McLoghlin Andw. Corporal
Mossey Edward Drummer
Armstrong …….ty? Private
Balantine Geo. jun. Private
Balantine Geo. sen. Private
Campbell Alexr. Private
Campbell Archbd. Private
Campbell Archd. Private
Campbell Hugh Private
Campbell Jas. Private
Campbell Wm. Private
Carlan Felix Private
Carlin Dan. Private
Carrol Bryan Private
Cochran Wm. Private
Colhoun Audly Private
Colhoun Chas. Private
Cook Dan. jun. Private
Cook Dan. sen. Private
Cook Sam. Private
Craig Jas. jun. Private
Craig Jas. sen. Private
Daly Duncan Private
Develin Henry Private
Divin Alexr. Private
Divin Chas. Private
Dougherty Jno. Private
Fisher Jas. Private
Galbraith Wm. Private
Gallagher Jas. Private
Gallagher Pat. Private
Glen Jas. Private
Glen Robt. Private
Glen Robt. Private
Hempton Jn. Private
Huston Jn. Private
Irwin Wm. Private
Jamers Jas. Private
Knox Jn. Private
Knox Wm. Private
Laughlin Hugh Private
Leetch John Private
Leetch Malcolm Private
Martin And. Private
Martin Jn. Private
McAneny Jn. Private
McAneny Pat. Private
McCarter And. Private
McConal Jno. Private
McConel Chas. Private
McFarland Audly Private
McFarland David Private
McFarland Jn. Private
McFilemy Jas. Private
McFurlan Jn. Private
McGee? Pat. Private
McGinnis Jn. Private
McGork ……? Private
McGurk Jn. Private
McKeever Jno. Private
McKelvey Robert Private
McLaughlin Irwin Private
McLoghlin Chas. Private
McLoughlin Jn. Private
McNickle Jas. Private
McNickle Jn. Private
McNickle Jn. Private
McNickle Jn. Private
McNickle Pat. Private
McNulty Barney Private
McNulty Eneas Private
McNulty Pat. Private
Mitchel Jas. Private
Mitchell Jn. Private
Moffatt Tho. Private
Moffet Archd. Private
Moffet Jno. Private
Moffet Robt. Private
Noble Jn. Private
Nugent Chas. Private
Richy Jn. Private
Scot Archbd. Private
Scot Wm. Private
Speer Sam. Private
Watson Wm. Private