Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Muster Roll of the Regiment of Robert Lyndsay, Esquire, Tullyhogue, Desertcreat Parish, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland, 1630

Extracted from the work of Robert J. Hunter
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


The Civil Survey of 1654-6 describes ROBERT LYNDSAY as a Scots Protestant; his lands in Desertcreat parish consisted of one hundred and thirty acres; “the above two townes and one sessiogh of Land called Lussincrosse &c. held by the above sd Robert Lyndsay by Irs patents, is bounded East with lands belonging to said proprietor in the pish of Donaghenry, South with the Church land of Donaghreask, West with the Towne Land of Tulloghog. And North with the Towne Land of Granshagh…….”

Robert LINDSAY Esq. Undertaker of 1,000 acres, His Men and Arms

# Surname Firstname Arms
1 McMURLAN Robert sword & caliver
2 NIXON Robert sword & snaphance
3 STYLE John sword & snaphance
4 ENGLISH David sword & snaphance
5 THOMPSON David sword only
6 WALSE/ WALSHE John sword & snaphance
7 SAMMUELL William sword & snaphance
8 BELL Jenkin sword & pike
9 HETHERRINGTON George sword & snaphance
10 McCAFFIE Rynyon sword & snaphance
11 ELLOTT William sword & pike
12 ELLOTT John sword & pike
13 BAXTY Robert sword only
14 ELLOTT Archbald sword only
15 GLENDUNNING Adam sword & pike
16 SOMMERVILLE James sword only
17 CARR George sword & pike
18 HARPER James sword only
19 SOMERVILLE John sword & pike
20 BELL Adam sword & pike
21 CREIGHTON John drummer
22 LYNDSAY Barnard sword only
23 ROWLE William sword only
24 HASTY James sword only
25 SCOTT William sword only
26 BRUCE William no arms
27 CARR Francis no arms
28 SINCLEARE James no arms
29 CRAWFORD Robert no arms
30 IRWIN John no arms
31 GLENDUNNING James no arms
32 CADUSH Patrick no arms
33 FARGISON Andrew no arms
34 PEARSON Rynyon no arms
35 MAXON William no arms
36 BERRY Andrew no arms
37 McKEDYON Andrew no arms
38 SEEBIT George no arms
39 STEELE Robert no arms
40 STEELE William no arms
41 RUD John no arms
42 ELLOT Robert no arms
43 McCONNELL John no arms
44 McGRIFFIN Robert no arms
45 GLYNON George no arms
46 WALKER James no arms
47 ACHESON Luke no arms
48 CARR/ CASS John no arms
49 FOSTER James no arms
50 GOURDON John no arms
51 SANDERSON James no arms
52 ELLOTT Robert no arms
53 McDILSHONDER Andrew no arms
54 SANDERSON William no arms
55 ELLOTT William no arms
56 HASTY James no arms
57 CREIGHTON John no arms
58 LURG James no arms
59 ELLOTT Archibald no arms
60 BELL Jenkin no arms
61 WALLS/ WALSH John no arms
62 NIXON Robert no arms
63 THOMSON David no arms
64 ROWL William no arms
65 CARR George no arms