The Civil Survey of 1654-6 describes ROBERT LYNDSAY as a Scots Protestant; his lands in Desertcreat parish consisted of one hundred and thirty acres; “the above two townes and one sessiogh of Land called Lussincrosse &c. held by the above sd Robert Lyndsay by Irs patents, is bounded East with lands belonging to said proprietor in the pish of Donaghenry, South with the Church land of Donaghreask, West with the Towne Land of Tulloghog. And North with the Towne Land of Granshagh…….”
Robert LINDSAY Esq. Undertaker of 1,000 acres, His Men and Arms
# | Surname | Firstname | Arms |
1 | McMURLAN | Robert | sword & caliver |
2 | NIXON | Robert | sword & snaphance |
3 | STYLE | John | sword & snaphance |
4 | ENGLISH | David | sword & snaphance |
5 | THOMPSON | David | sword only |
6 | WALSE/ WALSHE | John | sword & snaphance |
7 | SAMMUELL | William | sword & snaphance |
8 | BELL | Jenkin | sword & pike |
9 | HETHERRINGTON | George | sword & snaphance |
10 | McCAFFIE | Rynyon | sword & snaphance |
11 | ELLOTT | William | sword & pike |
12 | ELLOTT | John | sword & pike |
13 | BAXTY | Robert | sword only |
14 | ELLOTT | Archbald | sword only |
15 | GLENDUNNING | Adam | sword & pike |
16 | SOMMERVILLE | James | sword only |
17 | CARR | George | sword & pike |
18 | HARPER | James | sword only |
19 | SOMERVILLE | John | sword & pike |
20 | BELL | Adam | sword & pike |
21 | CREIGHTON | John | drummer |
22 | LYNDSAY | Barnard | sword only |
23 | ROWLE | William | sword only |
24 | HASTY | James | sword only |
25 | SCOTT | William | sword only |
26 | BRUCE | William | no arms |
27 | CARR | Francis | no arms |
28 | SINCLEARE | James | no arms |
29 | CRAWFORD | Robert | no arms |
30 | IRWIN | John | no arms |
31 | GLENDUNNING | James | no arms |
32 | CADUSH | Patrick | no arms |
33 | FARGISON | Andrew | no arms |
34 | PEARSON | Rynyon | no arms |
35 | MAXON | William | no arms |
36 | BERRY | Andrew | no arms |
37 | McKEDYON | Andrew | no arms |
38 | SEEBIT | George | no arms |
39 | STEELE | Robert | no arms |
40 | STEELE | William | no arms |
41 | RUD | John | no arms |
42 | ELLOT | Robert | no arms |
43 | McCONNELL | John | no arms |
44 | McGRIFFIN | Robert | no arms |
45 | GLYNON | George | no arms |
46 | WALKER | James | no arms |
47 | ACHESON | Luke | no arms |
48 | CARR/ CASS | John | no arms |
49 | FOSTER | James | no arms |
50 | GOURDON | John | no arms |
51 | SANDERSON | James | no arms |
52 | ELLOTT | Robert | no arms |
53 | McDILSHONDER | Andrew | no arms |
54 | SANDERSON | William | no arms |
55 | ELLOTT | William | no arms |
56 | HASTY | James | no arms |
57 | CREIGHTON | John | no arms |
58 | LURG | James | no arms |
59 | ELLOTT | Archibald | no arms |
60 | BELL | Jenkin | no arms |
61 | WALLS/ WALSH | John | no arms |
62 | NIXON | Robert | no arms |
63 | THOMSON | David | no arms |
64 | ROWL | William | no arms |
65 | CARR | George | no arms |