Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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A List of Protestant Attainders 1689

Extracted from an “Act for the Attainder of Divers Rebels and for the Preserving the Interests of Loyal Subjects” Passed I the Irish Parliament, Dublin
Transcribed from The Siege and History of Londonderry (ed.) John Hempton (The Diamond, Londonderry, 1861)
Transcribed from a very old anonymous submission to CTI
Amended, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

In 1689 an 'Act for the Attainder of Divers Rebels, and for Preserving the Interest of Loyal Subjects' was passed in the Irish parliament. It listed the names of Irish Protestants considered by the government of James II to be disloyal to the King. Most of those listed were members of the landed gentry or freeholders. The names of those attainted (i.e. found guilty of treason) were published in 'The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government' by William King (Dublin, 1713).

For useful background to the Siege of Londonderry refer to this Wikipeida page

The Parliament, called in Dublin, by King James, 7th May, 1689, had no representatives from the counties of Derry, Donegal or Fermanagh; and as many Protestants from those counties were engaged in the defence of Londonderry, they are described in the Act as .of Donegal or Derry. In the subjoined abstract, from it, are the names and addresses of such of the attainted persons as appear in the Corporation Minutes or any of the Derry Diaries, as participators in the defence of Derry, Sligo, or of the Passage of the Bann.

Of course many more are in the Act than we can identify as being the same persons mentioned in those histories. If parties possessed of local information respecting them supply it to the Publisher, additions can be made to this abstract hereafter.

An Act for the Attainder of Divers Rebels, and for Preserving the Interest of Loyal Subjects.

WHEREAS a most horrid invasion was made by your Majesty's unnatural enemy the Prince of Orange, invited thereunto and assisted by many of your Majesty's rebellious and traitorous subjects; and having likewise raised, and levied open rebellion and war in several places in this kingdom, and entered into associations, and met in conventions, in order to call in and set up the said Prince of Orange, and the said rebels and traitors, having the impudence to declare for the Prince and Princess of Orange against your sacred Majesty, BE IT ENACTED, that the Persons hereafter named, viz.:


Hugh Montgomery, Earl of Mount Alexander

John Skeffington, Viscount Massareene

William Caulfield, Viscount Charlemont

William Stewart, Viscount Mountjoy

Ezekiel Hopkins, Lord Bishop of Kerry

Henry Lord Blaney, of Monaghan

Sir Arthur Royden, of Moyra, Bart.

Sir Francis Hamilton, of Castlehamilton, Bart.

Sir William Francklin, of Belfast, Bart.

Sir Tristrum Beresford, of Ballykelly, Bart.

Sir John Magill, of Gill-Hall, Knt.

Samuel Morrison, Gent.



Robert Rochford, Esq., of Westmeath



Henry Baker, of Dumaghan, Esq.

James Brabazon, of Carrstown, Gent.

Christopher Fortescue, of Dromiskin,Esq.



George Vaughan, of Buncrana, Esq.

John Forward, of Coolemackiltraine, Esq.

Hugh Hamill, of Lifford, Esq.

William Groves, of Castleshannaghan, Esq.

Kilmer Braizier, of Rath, Esq.

Major Gustavus Hamilton, of Rusogile

John Wigton, of Raphoe, Gent.

John Coven, of St. Johnstown, Gent.

Chas. Calhoone, of Letterkenny, Gent.

James Fisher, of Derry, Gent.

Capt. Jervis Squire, of Donaghmore



David Kearnes, of Askragh, Esq.

Audley Mervyn, of Trilick, Gent.

George Walker, of Donoughmore, Clerk

William Stewart, of Killemoon, Gent.



John Knox, of Glasslogh, Clerk, of the County of Monaghan



Clotworthy Skeffington, of Antrim, Esq.

Col. Robt. Adaire, of Ballymena

Arthur Upton, of Templepatrick, Esq.;

Lieutenant-Colonel William Shaw, of Gemeway

Captain William Shaw, of Bash

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Hueston, of Cregg

Captain William Adare, of Ballymena



Daniel MacNeale, of Dundrum, Gent.,



Major Joseph Strowde, of Lisburne, in the COUNTY of ARMAGH



Alex. Stewart, Esq., son to the Lord Mountjoy

Warham Jemett, Collector

Capt. Alexander Lecky

Capt. Samuel Norman

Capt. Matthew Cockins

Capt. Alex. Tomkins

Capt. John Tomkins

Capt. Thomas Moncrieff

Capt. Jas. Lennox

Capt. Horace Kennedy

Lieut. Wm. Crookshanks

Lieut. Jas. Spicke

Lieut. Danl. Sherraid

Lieut. Edward Brooks

Lieut. Henry Long

Lieut. William Macky

Lieut. Robert Morrison

Lieut. Wm. Newton

Lieut. Henry Campsy

Lieut. Henry Thompson

Col. George Philips of Newtownlimavady

Lieut.-Col. Edward Gary, of Dungiven

Capt. Stephen Heard

Capt. James Strong

Capt. Thomas Ash

Capt. Samuel Hobson

Captain Abraham Hilhouse of Ballycastle

Col. George Canning, of Garvagh

Capt. Wm. Church

Capt. Miller

Capt. Adam Downing of Bellaghy

Captain Samuel Wright

Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Lundy

David Rosse, of Londonderry, Gent



Capt. Chidley Coote, of Voughtershire



Henry Nickleson, of Ballanagargine, Gent.

Adam Ormsby, of Comine, Gent.

Francis Gore, of Sligo, Gent.

Charles Nicleson, of Larrass, Gent.



Major Owen Vaughan, of Carrowmore

-whether dead or alive, or killed in open rebellion, or now in arms against your Majesty, and every of them shall be deemed, and are hereby declared and adjudged traitors, convicted and attainted of high treason, and shall suffer such pains of death, penalties and forfeitures respectively, as in cases of high treason are accustomed. And whereas:

Robert Lindsay, of Manor Lindsay, Esq. of Tyrone, and Francis Annesley, jun., of Cloghmagherycatt, Gent., of Down, have absented themselves from this Kingdom, since the Fifth of November last, they shall suffer such pains of death, and other forfeitures and penalties as in cases of high treason are accustomed."

This abstract of the Act, is taken from a copy of it published in "The State of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's Government." As that work was written by William King, Chancellor and Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin, during the Revolution, and afterwards Bishop of Derry, and who must have had opportunities of obtaining correct information, a few passages from it are here inserted:-



Mr. Christophilus Jenny, of Mullaghbreak

Mr. George Walker, of Donaghmore, near Dungannon

Mr. Moses Davis, of Donaghendrie.

Mr. John Knox, of Glaslogh.

Mr. Bartholomew Black, of Aghalow.

Mr. Thomas Sempell, of Donaghmore, near Cladyford

Mr. Robert Morgan, of Cappy

Mr. John Campbell, of Sego

Mr. Andrew Robertson, of Derriloran

Mr. Michael MacClenachan, of Derry

Mr. Christy, of Monaghan

Mr. Seth Whittell, of Balliaghy, dead

Mr. William Cunningham, of Killishandra, dead

Mr. Richard Crowther, of Comber, dead

Mr. James Watmough, of Arigal, dead

Mr. John Rowan, of Balteagh, dead

Mr. Elingsworth, near Newry, dead



Mr. Thomas Boyd, of Aghadowy

Mr. William Crooks, of Ballykelly

Mr. John Rowat, of Lifford

Mr. John Mackenzie, of Derriloran

Mr. John Hamilton, of Donagheady, dead

Mr. Robert Wilson, of Strabane, dead

Mr. David Brown, of Urney, dead

Mr. William Gilchrist, of Kilrea, dead



Mr. G. Walker, Governor of Londonderry

Mr. Mich. Clenakan, Minister of the same

Mr. Seth Whittel of Bellioghy, dead

Mr. James Watmouth, of Arigal, dead

Mr. John Rowen of Belteagh, dead

Mr. Richard Crowther, Curate of Cumber, dead

Mr. Tho. Sempel, Curate of Donaghmore

Mr. Robert Morgan, Curate of Gappy.-Of the Diocese of Derry

Mr. Christ. Jinny, Prebend of Mullahbracke

Mr. John Campbel of Segoe

Mr. Moses Davies, of Stewart-town

Mr. Andrew Robison of Stewart-town

Mr. Bartholomew Black, Curate of Aghalow

Mr. Ellingsworth, from beside Newry, dead.-Diocese of Armagh

Mr. John Knox, Minister of Glaslogh, &c.

Mr. Johnston, of ??;

Mr. Christy, Curate, of Monaghan, off the Diocese of Clogher

Mr. William Cunningham, of Killishondra