Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Linen Merchants of Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland 1812

Extracted from the Belfast Commercial Chronicle, March 28 1812
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


LINEN TRADE – We are happy to find, from the following documents, that a meeting of that highly respectable body, the Linen Merchants of the County of Londonderry, is to be held on Wednesday next, to take into consideration, the propriety of Petitioning the Prince Regent against the importation by licence, of French Cambricks, &c. The general importance of the subject is so obvious, and the necessity of preserving the Staple Trade of Ireland, from the ruinous effects of this licence system, is so striking, that we not only highly commend the public spirit of the County of Derry, but hope their example will be immediately followed by all the Linen Counties of Ireland.



of the City and County of Londonderry

We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, request you will call a Meeting of the LINEN MERCHANTS of the City and County of LONDONDERRY to take into consideration the propriety of Petitioning the Prince Regent, upon the subject of the Resolution of the Board of Trade, which permits the granting of licences to import from France, &c. Linens, Cambrics, and Linen-yarn. Upon a former occasion, the importation of these articles was highly injurious to the sole and staple products of this country; and in the present reduced state of our commerce, and exclusion from Continental and American markets, we are apprehensive that a similar importation may be attended with equally calamitous consequences.

Wm. John Wm. Dysart

James Acheson

James A. Smyth

John Alexander

Arthur Kyle

Leslie, Ogilby & Co.

Conolly Boyle

Alexander Alexander

Adam Scoales & Co.

James Alexander

Robert McCrea

Richard McIlwaine

John Kelso

James Smyth

John McClury

John Campbell & Sons

James Hamilton

A. Patterson

Robert Kennedy

James Hemphill

Robert Gordon

John McCrea

Robert McCrea

William Bailey

Hugh H. Handcock

William Bond

J. Black

Thomas Handcock

James & Michael Ross

Alexander Ogilby

Henry Entwistle

Francis Horner & Co.

William Mackey

Patrick Gilmour

Carey, McClellan & Co.

Wm. A. Fletcher & Co.

James Wilson

John Boyle

John Ross

Henry Orr

John Gwynn

William Ramsay

G. McConnel

Samuel Crookshank

In consequence of the above Requisition, we do hereby request a Meeting of the LINEN MERCHANTS of the City and County of LONDONDERRY, in the Town-Hall in the City of LONDONDERRY, on WEDNESDAY the 1st day of April next, at the hour of TWELVE o’clock, at noon. – Dated this 25th day of March, 1812