The second annual ploughing match of this society was held on Friday, the 13th instant, in a field of Mr. Hunter’s at Lislea. The judges, Messrs. Purves, Moies and McElree, rewarded the prizes as follows: -
1st Alexander Clarke, Esq., Upperland
2nd Mr. Robert Smith, Kilrea
3rd Mr. Bernard Rogers, Lisnagrob
4th Mr. Samuel Gilmour, Erganagh
5th Mr. James Henderson, Crossland
6th Mr. William Paul, Moneysally
7th Mr. Patrick McKendry, Gortan
8th Mr. Richard McCotter, Moneygran
9th Mr. Hunter, Lislea
At half-past five o’clock the judges and a number of the members were entertained at dinner, by the president, at the Mercers’ Hotel, Kilrea.