Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Brunswick Constitutional Club, Benburb, Clonfeacle Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1828

Extracted from the Dublin Evening Mail, November 17, 1828
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


This file of the FORMATION OF THE BENBURB and CLONFEACLE PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE, BRUNSWICK CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB IN 1828 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CLONFEACLE PARISH and COUNTY TYRONE SOCIETIES, GROUPS & ORGANISATIONS on this website can be found at the foot of this file.


***Brunswick Clubs were formed by Protestants concerned at the implications of Catholic Emancipation which was granted in 1828***



At a numerous and highly respectable Meeting of the Protestants of BENBURB and its Vicinity, held on WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of OCTOBER, in the Old Castle of said Town, for the purpose of forming a Brunswick Constitutional Club for that District, Charles Magee, Esq. in the Chair, the following Resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Moved by the Rev. Dr. Wilson, seconded by Benjamin Eyre, Esq.:

1st. That this Meeting consider it expedient to form a Club upon the principles of the Brunswick Constitutional Club of Ireland, to be called the Benburb Brunswick Constitutional Club.

2nd. That all those present who subscribe to the foregoing resolution be considered original Members and that those who may hereafter wish to become Members shall be admitted on the recommendation of three Members of the Committee.

Moved by Captain Saunderson, seconded by Thomas Hawkins, Esq.-

3rd. That the Right Hon. the Earl of Roden be requested to accept the office of President; that the following Gentlemen be requested to act as Vice-Presidents, viz.

Name Name
The Ho. Colonel WINGFIELD Joseph GREER, Esq.
Lieut.-Colonel VERNER Joseph JOHNSTON, Esq.
Rev. Dr. WILSON Arthur N. MOLESWORTH, Esq.
Rev. C. IEVERS Charles MAGEE, Esq.
Rev. C. RICHARDSON Richard CROSS, Esq.
Benjamin EYRE, Esq. William HARPER, Esq.


And that the following be the Committee of Management, with power to add to their number, viz.

Name Name
James REID, Esq. Mr. Robert HOLMES, jun.
William WILSON, Esq. Mr. James WILSON
Surgeon THISTLE Mr. John AIKEN
Mr. Alexander PRINGLE Mr. Richard MALCOLM
Mr. James IRWIN Mr. Joseph ORR
Mr. William WALKER Mr. Joseph WILSON
Mr. Joseph FRAZER Mr. David HOLMES
Mr. William HOLMES Mr. John NOONAN
Mr. Robert HOLMES, sen. Mr. Robert ORR
Mr. Samuel CARLISLE Mr. William ORR
Mr. Alexander MORELAND Mr. Nathaniel HOLMES
Mr. John SMYTH Mr. Henry DICKSON
Mr. Robert REID Mr. James SMYTH

Moved by Stuart Murray, Esq., seconded by William Harpur, Esq. –

4th. That as the principles of this Club are for the purpose of preserving our Protestant Constitution as now established, by every exertion in our power consistent with a due obedience to and observance of the laws of the realm, the act of any Member which shall by a majority of the Committee be considered an infringement of them shall subject him to be expelled from the Club.

Moved by M. Pringle, Esq., seconded by John Caulfield, Esq.

5th. That it is the imperative duty of every Member of the Club to keep a constant watch on the actions of the disorderly and disaffected in this neighbourhood, to procure all possible information as to seditious and illegal meetings and to report same to the President with caution and despatch.

Moved by Rev. C. Ievers, seconded by Mr. James Wilson

6th. That as this Club is not formed in hostility to any portion of his Majesty’s subjects, but solely for this purpose of upholding and maintaining the integrity of the Constitution in Church and State, it shall be open for all denominations of Christians who are willing to subscribe to its rules and regulations.

Moved by the Rev. J. Willis and seconded by John Crothers, jun., Esq.

7th. That it be the duty of Every Member of this Club to discourage as much as possible every proceeding which could be construed into, or which might lead to offence or insult to any class of our fellow-countrymen

Moved by Mr. John Smyth and seconded by Mr. James Smyth

8th. That the subscription of not less than two shillings annually, by any Member who may choose to join this Club.

Moved by Mr. Hugh Whittle, seconded by Mr. William Wilson: -

9th. That Richard Ross, Esq. be Treasurer, that John Caulfeild, Esq. and John Crothers, jun. Esq. be Secretaries – moved by Stuart Murray, Esq., seconded by Rev. C. Richardson

10th. That Charles Magee, Esq., do leave the Chair, and the same be taken by A.N. Molesworth, Esq.

Charles Magee, Chairman

Moved by Stuart Murray, Esq., seconded by John Crothers, Esq. –

11th. That the thanks of this Meeting are due and hereby given to Charles Magee, Esq., for his proper and dignified conduct in the Chair; and also the thanks of this Meeting to William Harpur, Esq., for his exertions in promoting it

A N. Molesworth, Chairman

John Caulfeild & & John Crothers, jun., secretaries

Further records for BENBURB and CLONFEACLE PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE can be found at:

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