This file of the formation of the ARDSTRAW, COUNTY TYRONE, BRUNSWICK CONSTITUTIONAL CLUB IN 1828 forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTY TYRONE CLUBS, GROUPS & ORGANISATIONS on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
***Brunswick Clubs were formed by Protestants concerned at the implications of Catholic Emancipation which was granted in 1828***
In consequence of Notice given on the day preceding, a very numerous and respectable Meeting of Protestants was held on the 2nd ultimo, at Ardstraw Bridge.
Mr. Rogers moved that WILLIAM CHAMBERS, Esq., take the Chair, when the following resolutions were moved, and unanimously carried: -
1st – Moved by Mr. David Love, seconded by John Chambers, Esq., Barrister – That a Club be formed to be called the Ardstraw Brunswick Constitutional Club, Brunswick Club on the principle of preserving the integrity of our Protestant Constitution, and that it be considered on ta Branch of the Tyrone
2nd – Moved by Mr. Andrew Jack, seconded by Mr. Alexander Acheson: That this Club be regulated by a President Vice-President, a Committee, and Secretary, and that a Treasurer be appointed.
3rd – Moved by Mr. Ewing, seconded by Mr. John Forsythe –
That all Persons now present, who shall subscribe the foregoing Resolutions, be admitted as Members, and that in future, all Persons wishing to become Members, be eligible, on the recommendation of three of the Committee.
4th – Moved by Mr. Patrick Kerr, seconded by Mr. Francis Kerr – That the subscription be such sum as each person may think proper to give, from One Shilling upwards.
5th – Moved by the Rev. John McArthur seconded by Mr. John Smyth – That William Chambers, Esq. be President of the Club
6th – Moved by Mr. William Lynch, seconded by Mr. Andrew Welsh – That the Vice-Presidents be John Chambers, Esq., Barrister, Mr. Andrew James Kerr, Mr. John Smyth, and Mr. David Love
7th – Moved by Mr. Andrew Rea, seconded by Mr. Patrick Kerr – That William Acheson be Secretary, and Mr. William Given, Treasurer
8th – Moved by Mr. John Smyth, seconded by Mr. William Given – That the following Gentlemen be the Committee with power of adding to their numbers, viz.
Mr. Joseph Patrick
Mr James Welsh
Mr. William Leitch
Mr. Patrick Kerr
Mr. James Rea
Rev. John McArthur
9th – Moved by the Rev. John McArthur, seconded by John Chambers, Esq. – That it is our fixed determination through prayers to Almighty God, strenuously to use our exertions as Christians, to uphold by all legal means in our power, the Protestant Constitution of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, scurrility, and all other unchristian means used by the seditious for the purpose of exciting disturbance and rebellion, and promoting anarchy , devastation and bloodshed. Thanks were returned to the Chairman, a subscription was immediately commenced, and the great assembled multitude of loyal and zealous men unanimously joined in thrice three cheers for our King and Constitution.
A second Meeting of the above Club took place at Ardstraw, on Wednesday, the 29th ult., and the following Gentlemen were added to the list of Vice-Presidents, viz.
The Rev. Dr. Nash
James Aughenleck, Esq.
William Taggert, Esq.
John Rogers, Esq.
Upwards of three hundred persons in the course of three weeks, have enrolled themselves as Members of the Ardstraw Brunswick Constitutional Club.
1st November 1828
Further records for ARDSTRAW PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE can be found at:
Ardstraw Parish Records, County Tyrone
Further records for County Tyrone Groups and Organisations are located here:
Societies & Groups, Masonic, Orange, Political, etc., County Tyrone
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