Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research
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St. James' Church of Ireland, Moy, Clonfeacle Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Marriages 1845-6
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of ST JAMES’ CHURCH OF IRELAND, MOY, CLONFEACLE PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE 1845 & 1846 forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CLONFEACLE PARISH on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
St. James’ Church of Ireland, Moy, Co. Tyrone
Interior of the church
Images of marriage certificates commencing 1845 may be downloaded at for no cost
May 8 1845
William Williamson full age bachelor weaver Derryscollop. Father: Thomas Williamson farmer
Mary Cotter minor spinster Derryscollop. Father: Joseph Cotter weaver
Witnesses: Samuel Williamson & William Williamson
May 9 1845
John Beaumont full age bachelor labourer Derryscollop. Father: William Beaumont farmer
Ellen Anderson full age spinster Derryscollop. Father: Henry Anderson farmer
Witnesses: Robert Corrigan & Stephen Anderson
Jun 6 1845
James Hamilton full age widower farmer Drummond. Father: Benjamin Hamilton farmer
Jane Abernathy full age spinster Coolhill. Father: Samuel Abernathy farmer
Witnesses: George Sturrock & John Abernathy
Jun 21 1845
William Coote full age bachelor labourer Moy. Father: William Coote maltster
Anne Carson full age spinster Moy. Father: James Carson smith
Witnesses: Thomas Carson & Robert Taylor
Jul 5 1845
William Neely full age bachelor shoemaker Moy. Father: William Neely shoemaker
Susan Mullen full age spinster Moy. Father: John Mullen labourer
Witnesses: John Mullan & George Sturrock
Sep 12 1845
John Barry full age bachelor shoemaker Moy. Father: Robert Barry carpenter
Anne Nevill 19 years spinster Tullyvare? Father: Robert Evans (sic) gentleman
Witnesses: Robert McKeown & Thomas Carson
Sep 19 1845
Robert Gillespie full age bachelor pensioner Moy. Father: Robert Gillespie shoemaker
Margaret Gillespie full age spinster Gorestown. Father: Robert Gillespie labourer
Witnesses: Robert Carlile & George Sturrock
Oct 10 1845
Patrick Murray full age bachelor labourer Derrymagone. Father: William Murray farmer
Susan Anderson full age spinster Canary. Father: Joseph Anderson farmer
Witnesses John Leach & George Sturrock
Nov 11 1845
Robert Fullerton full age bachelor weaver Grange. Father: Robert Fullerton farmer
Jane Kincaid full age spinster Grange. Father: Robert Kincaid farmer
Witnesses: John Blair & George Sturrock
Nov 28 1845
John Murphy full age bachelor labourer Moy. Father: John Murphy labourer
Mary Clarke full age spinster Tullygoney. Father: John Clarke farmer
Witnesses: John Murphy & George Sturrock
Dec 5 1845
David Henderson full age bachelor farmer Drummond. Father: James Henderson farmer
Isabella Wilson minor spinster Terryscollop. Father: John Wilson farmer
Witnesses: William Ruddy & Robert Wilson
Dec 9 1845
George Cumberland full age bachelor labourer Moygashel. Father: William Cumberland farmer
Isabella McCauley full age spinster Derrycreevy. Father: John McCauley farmer
Witnesses: George Sturrock & Ellen Jane McCauley
Oct 12 1845
Robert Reid full age bachelor farmer Culrevock. Father: Robert Reid farmer
Jane Barclay full age spinster Mullaghboy. Father: William Barclay farmer
Witnesses: Thomas H. H…..? & William Barclay
Jan 7 1846
William Falls full age bachelor weaver Drummond. Father: James Falls labourer
Margaret Magee full age spinster Drummond. Father: John Magee farmer
Witnesses: John Leech & George Sturrock
Jan 8 1846
William Weir full age bachelor farmer Tullymore, Parish of Kilmore. Father Henry Weir farmer
Martha Wilson full age spinster Derryscollop. Father: Thomas Wilson farmer
Witnesses: John Menagh & Thomas Wilson
Feb 26 1846
Thomas Emerson full age widower farmer Derryscollop. Father: WilliamEmerson farmer
Margaret Marshall full age spinster Derryscollop. Father: GeorgeMarshall farmer
Witnesses: Robert Corrigan & Thomas Marshall
Mar 1 1846
Joseph Kidd full age bachelor farmer Culkeeran. Father: John Kidd farmer
Arabella Pillar minor spinster Moy. Father: James Pillar farmer
Witnesses: William White & George Sturrock
Mar 20 1846
James Beatty full age bachelor labourer Tullygoney. Father: JamesBeatty labourer
Sarah Bleek full age spinster Moy. Father: William Bleek labourer
Witnesses: Thomas Bleek & William Fitzsimmons
Mar 27 1846
George Cotter full age bachelor labourer Derryscollop. Father: JosephCotter pensioner
Sarah Wallace full age spinster Derryscollop. Father: John Wallace labourer
Witnesses: George Sturrock & Thomas Marshall
Mar 29 1846
John Simons full age bachelor labourer Moy. Father: JosephSimons labourer
Frances Hobbs full age spinster Moy. Father: Francis Hobbs farmer
Witnesses: John Mullen & George Sturrock
Jun 18 1846
James Conlan full age bachelor labourer Killyman. Father: WilliamConlan farmer
Jane Vance spinster full age Canary. Father: William Vance farmer
Witnesses: John Leech & Moses Henderson
Jun 26 1846
Robert Edmunson full age bachelor tailor Crew. Father: ThomasEdmunson farmer
Mary Jane Moore full age spinster Drummond. Father: William Moore farmer
Witnesses: James Moon & William Ruddy
Jul 14 1846
Robert Staples full age bachelor gentleman Dunmore. Father: EdwardStaples gentleman
Mary Isabella M. Bond minor spinster The Argory, Moy. Father: WalterM. Bond gentleman
Witnesses: Walter M. Bond & George Cavendish
Jul 24 1846
Thomas King full age bachelor labourer Gorestown. Father: Henry King soldier
Eliza Ann Browne full age spinster Drummond. Father: ThomasBrowne farmer
Witnesses: Thomas Irvine & William Browne
Aug 5 1846
Thomas Colligan full age bachelor labourer Canary. Father: John Colligan labourer
Eliza Thompson full age spinster Canary. Father: Thomas Thompson weaver
Witnesses: Colhoon Mulligan & John McGonigle
Aug 5 1846
Francis Woods full age bachelor pensioner Clonfecle. Father: JamesWoods cabinetmaker
Jane Garvey full age spinster Clonfeecle. Father: Owen Garvey labourer
Witnesses: John Cowan & Laughlin McQuade
Aug 20 1846
Robert Quinn full age bachelor weaver Tullyrone. Father: FrancisQuinn weaver
Mary McNally minor spinster Tullyrone. Father: William McNally weaver
Witnesses: James Young & William Read
Sep 17 1846
George Morrison full age bachelor labourer Derryscollop. Father: GeorgeMorrison weaver
Ann Wilson full age spinster Derryscollop. Father: John Wilson weaver
Witnesses: William Wilson & George Sturrock
Oct 16 1846
Richard Payne full age bachelor mason Tullyrone. Father: John Payne weaver
Margaret Morrison full age spinster Tullyrone. Father: JamesMorrison weaver
Witnesses: Robert Crothers, Surgeon & George Rowe
Oct 30 1846
Thomas Martin full age widower carpenter Corr & Donavally. Father: John Martin sawyer
Susan Young full age spinster Canary. Father: David Young farmer
Witnesses: John Walker & Samuel Davidson
Oct 24 1846
Henry Weir full age bachelor labourer Derrycaw. Father: Henry Weir farmer
Esther Davis full age spinster Derrycaw. Father: John Davis saddler
Witnesses: R.S. Bond & Anne Bond
Nov 26 1846
John Gunning minor bachelor apothecary Armagh. Father: JamesGunning cabinetmaker
Isabella Sinclair minor spinster Canary. Father: John Sinclair farmer
Witnesses: Thomas Sinclair & William Gunning
Dec 2 1846
John Hammond full age spinster servant Desertcreight. Father: JohnHammond labourer
Margaret Hazelton full age spinster Grange. Father: John Hazelton farmer
Witnesses: RobertHazelton & John Hazelton
Dec 3 1846
Samuel Davidson full age farmer Canary. Father: George Davidson farmer
Susan Young full age Canary. Father: John Young farmer
Witnesses: John McMahon & George Davidson
Dec 22 1846
James Hughes full age widower schoolmaster Moy. Father: MichaelHughes dealer
Susan Stewart full age spinster Moy. Father: John Stewart mason
Witnesses: Samuel Miller & Thomas Menagh
Further records for CLONFEACLE PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE can be found at: uses cookies to: analyze usage so that we can improve our service; allow our advertisers to provide content of specific interest to each user; monitor usage of our service; detect, prevent and address technical issues; allow you to participate in interactive features of our service when you choose to do so and to provide and maintain our service.
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