Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research
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St. Augustine's Chapel of Ease, Church of Ireland, Londonderry City, County Londonderry, Northern Ireland Marriages 1834-62
Extracted from Personal Notices inserted in the Londonderry Sentinel
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of MARRIAGES RECORDED IN ST. AUGUSTINE’S CHAPEL OF EASE, LONDONDERRY CITY, IRELAND 1835-62 FROM PERSONAL NOTICESINSERTEDIN THEPRESS forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to COUNTYLONDONDERRY MARRIAGES on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
St. Augustine’s Chapel of Ease, Palace Street, Londonderry
Mar 1 1834
VALENTINE & WILLIAMSON. On Tuesday the 25th ult., in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. William F. Roe, John Valentine, Esq., Culmore, to Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. George Williamson, of this City
Jul 21 1838
DIXON & CARLAND. On the 4th inst., in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. William Lodge, Rector of Killea, Mr. William Dixon, of Kildrum, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. John Carland, of Imlick
Feb 16 1839
CRAWFORD & STEVENSON. In the Chapel of Ease, in this City, by the Rev. James Graham, James Crawford, Esq., of Farm Hill, Donegal, to Mary Anne, youngest daughter of the late Josiah Stevenson, Esq., Captain 81st Regiment
Aug 17 1839
CUOLAHAN & CUOLAHAN. On Thursday, in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. William Burton, Thomas Cuolahan, Esq., of Ashgrove, in the King's county, to Alice, eldest daughter the late Captain Cuolahan, 98th Regiment, of Millfield, county of Donegal
Jul 8 1853
SMITH & GOUGH. On the 5th inst., at the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. B.B. Gough, Rector of Urney, the Rev. GeorgeSmith, senior Curate of the Cathedral, to Charlotte Anne, only daughter of the Very Rev. T. B. Gough, Dean of Derry
Aug 26 1853
STEAD & MOONEY. On Thursday morning, the 23rd inst., in the Chapel of Ease, in this City, by the Rev. Mervyn Wilson, Mr. James Stead, Victoria Place, to Frances, second daughter of Mr. William Mooney, Orchard Street
Jul 5 1861
COLLINS & MCELHINNEY. June 27, in the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. Francis Smith, Mr. Isaac E. Collins, Enniskillen Railway, to Eliza, daughter of Mr. James McElhinney, Ballougry, Donegal
Jul 26 1861
DUDGEON & ROSE. July 19, in the Chapel of Ease, Derry, by the Rev. F. Smith, Mr. Samuel Dudgeon, to Grace, third daughter of Mr. John Rose, Belfast
Aug 9 1861
MCCAUSLAND & BOND. August 6, at the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. J.C. McCausland, assisted by the Rev. Charles Seymour and the Rev. W.H. Stack, Charles M. McCausland, Esq., Navan, to Rebekah, eldest daughter of the late Rev. William Bond, Rector of Balee, county Down
Sep 13 1861
DAVIS & NIXON. September 7, in the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. W.M. Beresford, M.A., Mr. Matthew Davis, Shankhill, late of Australia, to Ruth, youngest daughter of John Nixon, Esq., Drumanure, county Fermanagh
Oct 4 1861
LIPSETT & HAMILTON. On the 25th September, at the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. W. Craig, Caldwell H. Lipsett, Esq., of Dominica, to Emma, the daughter of the late John Hamilton, Esq., of Millview, county Donegal
Oct 4 1861
FAIRLY & MCCONNELL. September 19, at the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. W.M. Beresford, Mr. Robert Fairly, of this City, to Miss Elizabeth McConnell, second daughter of Mr. James McConnell, Ardmore, near Muff, county Donegal
Nov 15 1861
ROSBOROUGH & BABINGTON. November 14, in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. William Beresford, Andrew Rosborough, Esq., merchant, to Jane, fourth daughter of the late Marcus Hill Babington, Esq., of this City
Nov 29 1861
SCOTT & MCKEEGAN. November 22, in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. Francis Smyth, Mr. James Scott, to Miss Mary JaneMcKeegan, both of this City
Jan 3 1862
STAFFORD & MCKIM. December 26, in the Chapel of Ease, Derry, by the Rev. Francis Smith, Mr. William Stafford, to Kate, third daughter of Mr. John McKim, The Collon, both of this City
Jan 10 1862
ARMSTRONG & MCELWEE. January 8, in the Chapel of Ease, Derry, by the Rev. Francis Smith, Montgomery M. Armstrong, Esq.., Ulster Bank, Strabane, to Agnes, eldest daughter of Mr. William McElwee, of Clarendon Street, in this City
Jan 31 1862
MCELWEE & SHAW. January 24, in the Chapel of Ease, Derry, by the Rev. Francis Smith, Mr. William McElwee, builder, Clarendon Street, to Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Robert Shaw, builder, Spring Hill, county Tyrone
Feb 7 1862
GIVEN & WRIGHT. February 3, in the Chapel of Ease, by the Rev. Francis Smith, Mr. Robert Given, Rock, to Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. William Wright, carpenter
Feb 14 1862
SAWYERS & COWIE. On the 13th inst., in the Chapel of Ease, Mall Wall, Derry, by the Rev. William Craig, M.A., Incumbent of the Free Episcopal Church, Mr. William Porter Sawyers, to Sarah Clarissa, eldest daughter of JohnCowie, Esq., Provincial Bank, both of Londonderry
Mar 28 1862
WALKER & THOMPSON. March 24, in the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. William Beresford, Mr. James Walker, Londonderry, to Rebecca Mooney, daughter of the late Joseph Thompson Esq., Strabane
Apr 18 1862
BOE & LECKY. April 16, at the Chapel of Ease, Londonderry, by the Rev. William Beresford, Captain Gerard H. Boe, of barque Regina, to Catherine Jane, eldest daughter of Thomas Lecky, Esq., Deputy Governor of Londonderry Gaol
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