Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

Official Website of the Mailing List


Index to Raphoe Diocese, Church of Ireland, County Donegal, Ireland Marriage Licence Bonds 1710-1755 & 1817-1830

FHL Film 873655
Transcribed, Formatted and Submitted by
Jim McKane, Ontario, Canada
Edited by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
Early Christian Stone, Glencolumcille, Diocese of Raphoe, Co. Donegal
Original Photo Courtesy of Bord Failte


The Index to Raphoe Marriage Licence Bonds is here printed by kind permission of Miss Margaret Griffith, Deputy Keeper of the Public Records of Ireland, to whom our grateful thanks are extended.

The Diocese of Raphoe, in the Ecclesiastical Province of Armagh, covers almost the whole of Co. Donegal, and consisted of thirty four parishes. This Index—which only covers forty five years of the 18th century and thirteen years of the 19th century is the list of marriage licence bonds from this Diocese which were held at the Public Record Office before 1922. The original bonds were destroyed in the fire of that year and all that now survives is the Index. The Index gives the name of the intended bride and bridegroom, and the year of the bond. Up to 1754 the year began on 25th March, and thus entries which give a date such as 1731-2 indicate that the bond was dated between lst January and 24th March: of what we would now call 1732 but which was then called 1731.

The bonds refer to marriages to be celebrated in the Established Church (which by law performed “mixed” marriages after 1746) but do not cover either Catholic or Presbyterian weddings unless these were, for sone reason, performed in the Anglican Church, Prior to about 1870 it was customary for all persons of moderate substance and upwards to be married by licence, and banns were used only by those of very slender means. Civil registration of non-Catholic marriages began in 1845, and previous to this before the Bishop would issue a licence he required the bridegroom and another surety (usually a representative of the bride) to enter into a bond in a specified sum, varying according to the Bishop‘s assessment of the risks involved. The bond was for the purpose of indemnifying the Bishop, should any legal or canonical impediment to the proposed union later appear and he be sued for wrongful issue of a licence. ln a case where the parties came from two different Dioceses, the bond was taken out in the bride's Diocese as the licence was directed to a specific parish where the marriage was to be performed, usually the parish where the bride resided.

Lastly it should be stressed that this Index is not a complete list of marriages by licence in the Diocese for the two periods covered: it is merely the list of the bonds received by the Public Record Office from that Diocese.

The Index to Raphoe Wills to 1858 was published by Phillimore and Co. of London some fifty years ago.


Index to Raphoe Diocese, Church of Ireland Marriage Licence Bonds 1710-1755 & 1817-1830, County Donegal, Ireland

Note: This list is alpha by Surname of both the bride and groom; therefore, each marriage will appear twice in the list.

Adams Adam & Mary Algoe 1822
Adams Henry & Isabella Dunleavy 1828
Adams James & Margaret Wilson 1822
Adams Rebecca & James McCallion 1827
Aiken Catherine & James Buchanan 1728
Aikin Anne & James King 1827
Alcorn John & Fanny Hay 1829
Alcorn Mary & Alexander McCawley 1827
Alcorn Richard & Catherine Dudgeon 1826
Alcorn Thomas & Rebecca Algoe 1828
Alexander otherwise Moffitt Jane & David Stevenson 1830
Alexander John & Janet Steel 1734
Algoe Catherine & Andrew Grier 1828
Algoe Jane & John Wier 1823
Algoe Martha & William McBay 1828
Algoe Mary & Alexander Davis 1817
Algoe Mary & Adam Adams 1822
Algoe Rebecca & Thomas Alcorn 1828
Algoe Thomas & Anne Stewart 1822
Allan Andrew & Hannah Dudgeon 1734
Allen Frances & Henry Hazlett 1820
Alleson [Allison] Anne & George Patton 1828
Anderson Charles & Margaret McNaught 1822
Anderson John & Margaret Elliott 1823
Anderson John & Mary Mitchell 1828
Anderson John & Maury Weir 1734
Anderson John & Sarah Wilkin 1823
Anderson Margaret & William James 1825
Anderson Margaret & Thomas Lane blank
Anderson Martha & Nathaniel McFeeters 1828
Anderson Robert & Rebecca Calhoun 1822
Anderson William & Catherine Reed 1753
Andrews Tristram & Mary Strong 1735
Armstrong James & Susan McGhee 1736
Armstrong Jane & William Henderson 1749
Armstrong Mary & Charles Sproule 1829
Armstrong Thomas & Sarah Henderson 1731
Armstrong William & Elizabeth Thompson 1824
Arnold George & Sarah Pane 1822
Arrell Elizabeth & William Inch 1828
Ash William & Phoebe Hay 1822
Atcheson Margaret & John Gallagher 1819
Avent (?) James & Catherine Mahon 1825
Babington Mary A. & James Cochran 1822
Bacon Margaret & Robert McCain 1733
Bail [Bayle] Mathew & Martha Porter 1829
Baile Mary & James Fletcher 1823
Baily William & Agnus Boyd 1736
Baird Elizabeth & Robert McFarland 1829
Baird Jane & Richard Elliott 1819
Baird John & Mary A. Kilpatrick 1824
Baird John & Margaret Laird 1822
Baird Martha & Humphry Elliott 1828
Ballantine John & Margaret Davis 1753
Barclay John & Margaret Kirpatrick [Kirkpatrick] 1733
Barclay John & Elizabeth Patton 1827
Barclay Maria & Robert McKinley 1825
Barnett William & Eleanor Kilpatrick 1818
Barr Abraham & Easter Martin 1735
Barr William & Rebecca Roulston 1748
Barrett John & Frances Porter 1817
Barron Hugh & Catherine Kelly 1817
Baskin William & Margaret Carson 1830
Bates Robert & Anne Kirk 1749
Baxter Jane & James Stewart 1829
Baxter Luke & Jane Teat [Tate/ Tait] 1827
Bayle Daniel & Anne Johnston 1828
Beal [Bayle?] Dorothy & William Midcaff [Metcalfe] 1738
Beats [Bates] David & Alison Nimmo 1734-5
Beatty Mariah & Robert Dunleavy 1829
Beatty Richard & lsabella Russell 1829
Belford Tristram & (blank) 1734-5
Belfour [Balfour] Jane & William Marshal 1747
Bell Anne & William S. Toop 1830
Bell Elizabeth & Henry Magee 1825
Bell John & Catherine Chambers 1825
Berkly [Barclay] Joseph & Margaret Pitcairn 1736
Bernard Abraham & Jane Buchanan 1819
Black Alexander & Elizabeth McElhinny 1824
Black James & Mary Taylor 1753
Black John & Margaret Hays 1823
Black Mary & Hugh Dean 1734
Black Mary & James McMonagle 1734
Blackbourne Anne & Kearns Patterson 1749
Blackburn James & Mary Chambers 1819
Blackburn Mary & David Laird 1734
Blair Alexander & Agnes Lowry 1733
Boggs Mary & Thomas Hunter 1733
Bogle Daniel & Anne McGarvey 1826
Bogle Margaret & David Richardson 1827
Bolton John & Eleanor Dogherty 1822
Bolton Robert & Mary A. Crawford 1820
Bonar George & Anne Lowry 1823
Boner Christopher & Mary Rutherford 1825
Boner James & Nancy Gallagher 1830
Bonner John & Unity McLaughIin 1826
Bonner William & Catherine Patterson 1828
Boreland Ann & Adam Dunlap 1736
Bovaird Mary & James Peoples 1829
Boyd Agnus & William Baily 1736
Boyd Anne & Marcus A. Waters 1826
Boyd James & Dorothea Kyll [Kyle] 1733
Boyd John & Bridget McGheehan 1823
Boyle Helen & Henry Cunningham 1737
Boyle James & Mary Brown 1739-40
Boyle Thomas & Jane McClea 1826
Bradley Maria & James Rankin 1826
Brandon James & Frances Crawford 1729
Brandon William & Jane Lecky 1818
Brannon Thomas & Jane M. Eakins 1829
Bredin David & Mary Bredin 1710
Bredin Mary & David Bredin 1710
Bride John & Eleanor White 1826
Brislan Una & Knocker O. Breesland [Brislan] 1736
Brook Elizabeth & Francis Knox 1733-4
Brouster Maria & John Gordon 1822
Brouster Thomas & Elizabeth Knox 1817
Brown Agnes & Thomas Ralston 1753
Brown Catherine & Arthur Clarke 1825
Brown Elizabeth & Robert Magee 1825
Brown James & Martha Porter 1749
Brown Jane & James Lipsett 1827
Brown Jane & John Williams 1823
Brown John & Maria Davis 1828
Brown John & Elizabeth Hanlan 1828
Brown Joseph & Sarah Nesbit 1734
Brown Katherine & Walter Stewart 1735
Brown Laurence & Mary Patterson 1828
Brown Mary & James Boyle 1739-40
Brown Robert & Marjory McConell 1732
Brown William & Mary Keatly 1825
Brown William & Giles Maginnis 1825
Brown William & Rebeccha Patterson 1733
Browne Maria & Richard Gordon 1822
Browne Robert & Elizabeth Campbell 1822
Buchanan Ann & John Gamble 1818
Buchanan Dougal & Margaret Farquhar 1733
Buchanan James & Catherine Aiken 1728
Buchanan Jane & Abraham Bernard 1819
Buchanan William & Mary Wark 1822
Buchannan Dougall & Margaret Farquhar 1733
Buchannon [Buchanan] Eccles & Mary Pitkern [Pitcairn] 1734
Buchannon [Buchanan] Jane M & John Johnston 1735
Buchannon [Buchanan] Margaret & Thomas Finny (Finniry?) 1710
Burks John & Margaret Deyermand 1818
Burns Hugh & Margaret Dunlevy 1827
Burns alias Finley Katherine & Henry Graham 1730
Burns Margaret & Hugh Coyle 1827
Bustard Isabell & Anderson Hamilton 1729
Callen Edward & Ann Neely 1741
Cammack [Camac] William & Margaret Coyle 1818
Campbell Amelia & Robert Cox 1822
Campbell Elizabeth & Robert Browne 1822
Campbell Fanny & Joshua Moffitt 1830
Campbell Hannah & Samuel Donaldson 1826
Campbell John & Lilly Thompson 1819
Campbell Mary & Lewis Perkins 1824
Campbell Samuel & Elizabeth Kitchin 1828
Campbell William & Frances Gregg 1817
Campble [Campbell] Catherine & James Williams 1732
Campble [Campbell] Margaret & Robert Teas 1734
Cannon Bryan & Unah McCaffry 1734
Cannon Charles & Catherine McGinley 1829
Cannon Margaret & James Clarke 1825
Carland George & Elizabeth Wasson 1829
Carny James & Mary Spence 1736
Carolan Anthony & Mary McGahan 1735
Carr Mary & Bryan Kennedy 1732
Carr Robert & Sarah Patterson 1742
Carroll Edward & Margaret Nicholl 1822
Carsall (?) Rebaccha & John Davis 1735
Carson Margaret & William Baskin 1830
Casscadin [Corscadden] Margaret & Alexander How 1734
Cassidy Neehel & Eppy Watson 1820
Caterson Michael & Jean Mitchell 1733
Chambers Alexander & Jane Irwin 1819
Chambers Brooks & Mary Rannely (?) 1732
Chambers Catherine & John Bell 1825
Chambers John & Jean McKiver 1734
Chambers Joseph & Sarah Sproul 1827
Chambers Margaret & Robert Pitts 1733
Chambers Mary & James Blackburn 1819
Charleton George W. A. & Anne Patterson 1819
Chatly [Cheatley] William & Olivia Patterson 1825
Cheatly Mary & Robert Ellison [Allison] 1828
Chittick Harriett & William Squire 1830
Chittick James & Anne Squire 1826
Clarke Arthur & Catherine Brown 1825
Clarke Eleanor & Thomas McClea 1826
Clarke James & Margaret Cannon 1825
Clendining Jane & William Smith 1829
Clerk [Clarke] Mary & Charles Rambsy [Ramsay] 1733
Cochran James & Mary A. Babington 1822
Cochran James & Margaret Crawford 1829
Colhoun Eleanor & William Crawford 1827
Colhoun EIizabeth & John Roulston 1826
Colhoun Jane & Charles Taylor 1822
Colhoun John & Isabella Rankin 1822
Colhoun Rebecca & Robert Anderson 1822
Coll Margaret & Patrick Corran 1822
Collhoun Henry & Catrine Granger 1743
Colvin Thomas & Christina Morrison 1820
Conyngham Ann & Andrew Patton 1818
Coper [Cooper?] Alexander & Margaret Hagan 1826
Corekan (?) Ann & Edward Moor 1733
Corran Patrick & Margaret Coll 1822
Corscadden Robert & Jane Temple 1825
Corscaddin Anne & Thomas Jacob 1828
Corwell (?) John & Margaret Kilpatriek [Kilpatrick] 1823
Coulden (?) Elizabeth & James Walker 1734
Coulter James & Rebecca Ramsey 1734
Coulter Richard & Mary Gregory 1734
Coulton Jane & Richard Nicolson 1741-2
Cowan Jane & Robert Gaey [Gay?] 1747
Cowan Joseph & Ann Rankin 1734
Cox Robert & Amelia Campbell 1822
Coyle Hugh & Margaret Burns 1827
Coyle James & Ann Miller 1736
Coyle Jane & John Johnston 1819
Coyle John & Sarah Rodgers 1828
Coyle Margaret & William Cammack [Camac] 1818
Craford [Crawford] Robert & Agnes Tate 1738
Craig Euphin & William McCrossen 1731-2
Craig Jane & Samuel Mahon 1823
Cramehey (?) Elener & Robert Kirkpatrick 1731-2
Crauford [Crawford] Jane & Mathew Delap 1732
Crawford Anne & Roger McFadian [McFadden] 1825
Crawford Frances & James Brandon 1729
Crawford James & Elizabeth Nesbit 1735-6
Crawford John & Helen Ferrel [Farrell] 1735
Crawford John & Martha Rowlands 1733
Crawford Margaret & James Cochran 1829
Crawford Margaret & Robert Howitt 1729
Crawford Mary A. & Robert Bolton 1820
Crawford Mary & Robert Warren 1824
Crawford Patrick & Agnes Jackson 1733
Crawford William & Eleanor Colhoun 1827
Croe [Crowe?] Rebeceah & Archibald Frame 1733
Cuene (?) Edward & Margaret Diver 1734
Cumming Andrew & Sarah Wardlaw 1823
Cumming James & Anne Gray 1733
Cumming Mary & John Thompson 1733
Cummins Rebecea & Robert Smith 1822
Cuningham Anne & Abraham Nickolson 1712
Cunningham George & Kathrine Greenlaw 1733
Cunningham Henry & Helen Boyle 1737
Cunningham Margaret & John Givin 1827
Cunningham William & Anne Patton 1828
Curran William & Elizabeth Durwood 1829
Cuscaden [Corscadden] Frances & George McLaughlin 1820
Dain [Dean?] Elizabeth & Patrick Given 1820
Davis Alexander & Mary Algeo 1817
Davis Alice & William Kee 1828
Davis Elizabeth & Gustavus Henry 1736
Davis George & Margaret Hastings 1736
Davis George & Letitia Johnston 1825
Davis Isabella & William Nickleson 1823
Davis John & Rebaccha Carsall (?) 1735
Davis John & Catherine Robertson 1822
Davis Margaret & John Ballintine 1753
Davis Maria & John Brown 1828
Dean Hugh & Mary Black 1734
Dean John & Sarah Hamiltone 1733
Deasy Eleanor & George McHugh 1823
Delap Elizabeth & George M. McGusty (?) 1826
Delap Margaret & Mathew Wilkin 1828
Delap Mathew & Jane Crauford [Crawford] 1732
Denny William & Mary McDevitt 1819
Deveney Samuel & Rebecca Lowry 1826
Devenny Catherine & James McKain 1829
Devenny James & Jane Deveny 1827
Devenny Jane & Joseph Steen 1824
Deveny Jane & James Devenny 1827
Deyermand Margaret & John Burks 1818
Dinsman William & Margaret Irwin 1828
Dinsmore Mary E. & George E. Spencer 1828
Diver Elizabeth & William Diver 1829
Diver John & Eleanor Millikin 1830
Diver Margaret & Edward Cuene (?) 1734
Diver Margaret & Nathan Scott 1826
Diver Mary & Gilbert Watson 1830
Diver Nancy & William McElivee [McElwee?] 1829
Diver Susannah & William McCallen 1819
Diver William & Elizabeth Diver 1829
Dogherty Ann & John Gallagher 1736
Dogherty Eleanor & John Bolton 1822
Dogherty James & Rebecca Glasco 1741
Dogherty Susan & James Hale 1822
Doherty Alice & Samuel Lee 1827
Doherty Charles & Mary McCormick 1823
Donaldson Samuel & Hanah Campbell 1826
Donaldson Sarah & John Johnston 1826
Donnell Hannah & William Wilson 1828
Donnell Hugh & Elizabeth Read 1823
Dougherty Hugh & Katherine Mulcherran 1734
Dougherty James & Margaret Dougherty 1733
Dougherty John & Elizabeth Dunckan 1735
Dougherty Margaret & James Dougherty 1733
Dougherty Rose & John Moor 1735-6
Dowds Eleanor & James Dowds 1817
Dowds James & Eleanor Dowds 1817
Dowgan [Dugan?] James & Honor O’Haghey 1737
Dowgry(?) Joan & James Toner 1734
Dowling Luke & Susanna Pearson 1830
Dudgeon Catherine & Richard Alcorn 1826
Dudgeon Grant & Anne Finlay 1829
Dudgeon Hannah & Andrew Allan 1734
Duffy Margaret & James A. Thompson 1828
Duffy Patrick & Catherine Gallagher 1828
Duncan James & Elizabeth Tunney 1825
Dunckan Elizabeth & John Dougherty 1735
Dunkan James & Jane Keaton 1731
Dunlap Adam & Ann Boreland 1736
Dunleavy Isabella &. Henry Adams 1828
Dunleavy Robert & Matiah Beatty 1829
Dunlevy Margaret & Hugh Burns 1827
Dunn Mary & Carey Higinbotam [Higginbotham] 1742
Durmon (?) Anne & John Johnston 1829
Durwood (?) Elizabeth & William Curran 1829
Eakin Margaret & Mathew Still [Steel]1822
Eakins Jane M. & Thomas Brannon 1829
Eaton Ezekiel & Elizabeth Quigly 1734
Edger Robert & Mary Jenkins 1735
Edger William & Mary Hamilton 1741
Ellet [Elliott] William & Mary McCay 1734
Elliott Charles & Mary A. Kee 1825
Elliott Esther & Charles Humes 1828
Elliott Humphry & Martha Baird 1828
Elliott Margaret & John Anderson 1823
Elliott Margaret & Nathaniel Rankin 1744
Elliott Richard & Jane Baird 1819
Elliott Thomas & Elizabeth Waters 1826
Ellis Dorothea & William Raynolds [Reynolds] 1732-3
Ellis Dorothea & William Reynolds 1732-3
Ellis Thomas & Margaret Montgomery 1729
Ellison Robert & Mary Cheatly 1828
Elvin Moses & Mary Holliday 1823
Ethard Janet & Joseph Railston [Roulston] 1733
Evans Mary & Dunkan Hanagan 1734
Ewing Elizabeth & Mark McGinnis 1828
Ewing Esther & Christopher Hegarty 1822
Ewing James & Margaret Keys 1818
Ewing James & Susan McClean 1827
Ewing James Katherine Walker 1734
Ewing Martha & William Hayes 1828
Ewing Samuel & Elizabeth Rutherford 1823
Farquhar Margaret & Dougal Buchanan 1733
Farquhar iMargaret & Dougall Buchannan 1733
Farrell Abigail & William Teas 1823
Farrell Isabell & Alexander Oliver 1736
Farrell William & Florinda Walker 1732
Fasset [Fausset] Jane & Andrew McIlwaine 1733
Fausett Robert e& Mary Rambsey [Ramsay] 1733
Fausset Isabella & George Kinkead 1734
Fearman Elenor & Alexander Hood 1735
Ferguson Joseph & Jane Martin 1828
Ferguson Martha & Richard Howard 1733
Ferguson Mary & Richard Witter 1828
Ferrel [Farrell] Helen & John Crawford 1735
Ferrel [Farrell] William & Florinda Walker 1732
Ferrell [Farrell] Andrew & Ann McIlwain 1733
Ferry Anne & William Pickett 1823
Finlay Anne & Grant Dudgeon 1829
Finlay Elizabeth & Robert Moffitt 1828
Finlay John & Catherine Johnston 1825
Finlay John & Elizabeth Lyons 1820
Finlay Joseph & Esther Mahon 1823
Finley alias Burns Katherine & Henry Graham 1730
Finley Katherine & James Petterson [Patterson] 1710
Finny (or Finniry) Thomas & Margaret Buchannon [Buchanan] 1710
FitzGerald Isaac & Margaret Meass [Mease] 1733
Flack Janet & Adam Steell 1734
Flemming Andrew & Elizabeth Smith 1828
Flemming James & Eleanor Hanna 1822
Fletcher James & Mary Baile [Bailey?] 1823
Forrest John & Ann Williams 1818
Forster Elizabeth & Robert Spence 1735
Forster Margaret & Thomas Lipset 1730
Forsyth George & Margaret Rogers 1734
Fosset [Fausset] Mary & John McCullagh 1734
Frame Archibald & Rebeccah Croe [Crowe] 1733
Friel Bridget & Robert Thompson 1828
Friel Michael & Catherine Hanigan 1826
Fullerton Anne & James McCobb 1829
Funston Margaret & James Nicol 1826 
Gaey [Gay] Robert & Jane Cowan 1747
Galbraith Mary & Robert Gregg 1735-6
Galbraith William & Martha Stewart 1737
Gallagher Anne & John Gallagher 1828
Gallagher Anthony & Margaret McDowell 1732
Gallagher Catherine & Patrick Duffy 1828
Gallagher James & Geebs O’Callon 1733
Gallagher John & Margaret Atcheson 1819
Gallagher John & Ann Dogherty 1736
Gallagher John & Anne Gallagher 1828
Gallagher John & Jane Kennedy 1829
Gallagher John & Unity O’Boyle 1737
Gallagher Mark & Bridget Kerr 1827
Gallagher Nancy & James Boner 1830
Gallagher Robert & Mary McLaughlin 1824
Gallagher Thomas & Mary Scott 1827
Gamble John & Ann Buchanan 1818
Gillespie James & Margaret Offey 1732
Gillespie Mary & Doltagh O’Finny 1733
Given Patrick & Elizabeth Dain [Dean?] 1820
Givin George & Mary McGowan 1823
Givin Isabella & John Kain 1826
Givin John & Margaret Cunningham 1827
Givin William & Jane McNight 1826
Glaseo [Glasco] Rebecca & James Dogherty 1741
Glass James & Alicia Patterson 1822
Glasse John & Rebecca McElhinny 1823
Glen Daniel & Mary McCreery 1734
Gordon David & Margaret Thompson 1823
Gordon Elizabeth & Robert McDermott 1830
Gordon John & Maria Brouster 1822
Gordon Margaret & Francis McGarrigle 1817
Gordon Richard & Maria Browne 1822
Graham Arthur & Mary Witter 1827
Graham Henry & Katharine Finley alias Burns 1730
Graham Joseph & Isabella Hammond 1828
Graham Mark & Sarah O‘Hara 1733
Graham Mary & James McClur [McClure] 1736
Granger Catrine & Henry Collhoun 1743
Gray Ann & James Cumming 1733
Gray Sarah & Stewart Moneypenny 1825
Greenlaw Kathrine & George Cunningham 1733
Greer Catherine & William Moore 1829
Greer Charles & Anne O’Donnell 1829
Greer Mary & Henry Moffitt 1823
Gregg Frances & William Campbell 1817
Gregg James & Martha McElhinny 1826
Gregg Robert & Mary Galbraith 1735-6
Gregory George & Margaret McGhee 1826
Gregory Hannah & Thomas McConnell 1829
Gregory Mable & Patrick Gregory 1733
Gregory Margaret & Patrick McCleay 1734
Gregory Margaret & James Ramsay 1732
Gregory Mary & Richard Coulter 1734
Gregory Patrick & Mable Gregory 1733
Grier Andrew & Catherine Algeo 1828
Grier David & Esther Stewart 1823
Grier James & Emily McCrea 1823
Grier James & Elizabeth McIntire 1822
Grier John & Elizabeth James 1819
Griffeth [Griffith] John & Marian Martin 1735-6
Griffith Ann & Charles McKee 1818
Griffith Elias & Margaret Lowry 1733-4
Griffith Isabella & John Griffith 1822
Griffith John & Isabella Griffith 1822
Griffith John & Susan Kee 1822
Griffith Robert & Elizabeth Steward 1822
Griffitt [Griffith] Jane & John Morrow 1828
Hagan Margaret & Alexander Coper 1826
Haggerty Catherine & James McFall 1731
Hale James & Susan Dogherty 1822
Hamand [Hammond] William & Hanna Wray 1736
Hamilton Agnes & William Moor 1753
Hamilton Anderson & Isabelle Bustard 1729
Hamilton Andrew & lsabell Parker 1732
Hamilton Catherine & William Thompson 1830
Hamilton Isabell & John Walker 1733
Hamilton Janet & John McCullogh 1820
Hamilton Jane & William Smith 1827
Hamilton Mary & William Edger 1741
Hamilton Mary A. & William Thompson 1820
Hamilton William & Elenor Lemmon 1826
Hamiltone Sarah & John Dean 1733
Hammond Isabella & Joseph Graham 1828
Hammond Jane & Hugh Harran 1820
Hamond Alexander & Elizabeth Hamond 1734
Hamond Elizabeth & Alexander Hamond 1734
Hamond Margaret & Andrew Wray 1736
Hanagan Dunkan & Mary Evans 1734
Hanigan Catherine & Michael Friel 1826
Hanlan Elizabeth & John Brown 1828
Hanna Eleanor James Flemming 1822
Hanna Mary & Samuel Stewart 1822
Harkin Bridget & George Magee 1830
Haron Mary & George Strong 1820
Harper Jane & Alexander McCullouh [McCullough] 1741
Harper Joseph & Martha Harris 1822
Harran Hugh & Jane Hammond 1820
Harris Martha & Joseph Harper 1822
Hartfield Jane & William McCouch 1819
Haslett Anne & Isaac Speer 1825
Haslett Robert & Janet Smith 1732
Hasting Margaret & George Davis 1736
Hastings Elizabeth & John Little 1824
Hastings otherwise Little Elizabeth & Robert Lowrey 1830
Hastings John & Elizabeth King 1826
Haughey James & Grace Herron 1826
Haughey William & Nancy McCallion 1830
Hay Eliza & Richard Irwin 1828
Hay Fanny & John Alcorn 1829
Hay Phoebe & William Ash 1822
Hayes Elizabeth & James Montgomery 1824
Hayes James & Isabella Thompson 1828
Hayes James & Mary Wilson 1819
Hays William & Martha Ewing 1828
Hays Margaret & John Black 1823
Hazelet Henry & Frances Allen 1820
Hegarty Christopher & Esther Ewing 1822
Henderson Francis & Mary Pitcairn 1826
Henderson Margaret & William Stewart 1736
Henderson Sarah & Thomas Armstrong 1731
Henderson Sarah & Edward Nixon 1830
Henderson William & Jane Armstrong 1749
Henderson William & Margaret McLaughlin 1823
Henry Gustavus & Elizabeth Davis 1736
Henry Hannah & Charles McCluire [McClure] 1732-3
Herne Isabell & James McCley [McClea] 1734
Herron Grace & James Haughey 1826
Heuy [Huey/ Hughey] George & Katherine Thompson 1735
Hewetson Barry D. & Hannah Patterson 1818
Higinbotam [Higginbotham] Carey & Mary Dunn 1742
Hill Elizabeth & John Hill 1734
Hill John & Elizabeth Hill 1734
Hill Robert & Martha Rule 1822
Hogseed [Hogshead] James & Jannet Marshall 1741
Holliday Mary & Moses Elvin 1823
Holmes James & Fanny Magee 1828
Holmes Mary & Robert Todd 1732
Holton William & Angel Irwin 1819
Hood Alexander & Elenor Fearman 1735
Houstoun Mary & John Scott 1733
How Alexander & Margaret Casscadin [Corscadden] 1734
Howard Richard & Martha Ferguson 1733
Howitt Robert & Margaret Crawford 1729
Hughes Jane & George Robinson 1828
Hughes Mary & Alexander Snotgrass [Snodgrass] 1731
Hughes Mary & William Steel 1736
Hume Jane & John Wray 1828
Humes Charles & Esther Elliott 1828
Humphreys Sally & William Logue 1829
Hunter John & Janet Moorhead 1734
Hunter Judith & Samuel Hunter 1741
Hunter Mary & Walter Huston 1735
Hunter Samuel & Judith Hunter 1741
Hunter Thomas & Mary Boggs 1733
Huston Walter & Mary Hunter 1735
Hutchinson alias Walker Mary & Robert Kinkead 1738
Inch William & Elizabeth Arrell 1828
Ingram Alexander & Elizabeth Magee 1830
Ingram Arthur & Mary Knox 1734
Irvin Eliza & Robert Laffan 1817
Irwin Angel & William Holton 1819
Irwin Catherine & David Irwin 1828
Irwin David & Catherine Irwin 1828
Irwin Elizabeth & William Weir 1828
Irwin Jane & Alexander Chambers 1819
Irwin John & Martha Kirkpatrick 1734
Irwin Margaret & William Dinsman [Dinsmore?] 1828
Irwin Margery & James Smullen 1818
Irwin Mary & Andrew McBride 1827
Irwin Rebecca & John Miller 1817
Irwin Richard & Eliza Hay 1828
Jackson Agnes & Patrick Crawford 1733
Jackson David & Martha McGarvey 1824
Jackson William & Letitia Mathews 1820
Jacob Thomas & Anne Corscaddin 1828
James Elizabeth & John Grier 1819
James Henry & Jane McElhiney 1825
James Henry & Susanna Ramsay 1825
James Jane & Alexander McCoach 1827
James William & Margaret Anderson 1825
Jenkins Mary & Roger Edger [Edgar] 1735
Johnston Anne & Daniel Bayle 1828
Johnston Catherine & John Finlay 1825
Johnston Elizabeth & Daniel Tyrrell 1822
Johnston Francis & Mary Johnston 1822
Johnston Gerrard & Jane Nichol 1828
Johnston James & Margaret White 1736
Johnston John & Jane M. Buchannon [Buchanan] 1735
Johnston John & Jane Coyle 1819
Johnston John & Sarah Donaldson 1826
Johnston John & Anne Durmon 1829
Johnston Letitia & George Davis 1825
Johnston Letitia & George Percy 1819
Johnston Mary & Francis Johnston 1822
Kain John & Isabella Givin 1826
Kearney Catherine & William Smith 1826
Keatly Mary & William Brown 1825
Keaton Jane & James Dunkan 1731
Keaton Jane & Edward McMenenie [McMenamie] 1733
Kee Elizabeth & George Kee 1819
Kee Eliza & John Patten 1827
Kee George & Elizabeth Kee 1819
Kee Mary A. & Charles Elliott 1825
Kee Susan & John Griffith 1822
Kee Thomas & Jane McCreery otherwise Morrison 1826
Kee William & Alice Davis 1823
Keightley Samuel & Jane Laird 1823
Kelly Catherine & Hugh Barron 1817
Kelly Daniel & Eleanor Kelly 1818
Kelly Eleanor & Daniel Kelly 1818
Kelly otherwise Pinkerton Nancy & John Wray 1826
Kelly Sarah & James King 1734
Kendy Joseph & Elizabeth McElhinny 1820
Kennedy Bryan & Mary Carr 1732
Kennedy Elizabeth & William Leard [Laird] 1734
Kennedy Jane & John Gallagher 1829
Kerr Bridget & Mark Gallagher 1827
Kerr Samuel & Elizabeth Stewart 1823
Keys John C. & Martha Rogers 1825
Keys Margaret & James Ewing 1818
Kilpatrick Anne & Thomas Raulston [Roulston] 1828
Kilpatrick Eleanor & William Barnett 1818
Kilpatrick James & Jane Moore 1824
Kilpatrick Margaret & John Corwell 1823
Kilpatrick Mary A. & John Baird 1824
Kilpatrick William & Janet Smullan 1736
King Elizabeth & John Hastings 1826
King James & Anne Aikin 1827
King James & Sarah Kelly 1734
Kinkead George & Isabella Fausset 1734
Kinkead John & Elizabeth Mc1lwaine 1734
Kinkead Robert & Mary Hutchinson alias Walker 1738
Kirk Anne & Robert Bates 1749
Kirk Daniel & Margaret Scott 1820
Kirk William &. Anne Morrow 1822
Kirkpatrick Martha & John Irwin 1734
Kirkpatrick Robert & Elener Cramehey 1732-3
Kirkwood Agnes & John McClea 1738
Kirkwood Martha & William Richie 1734
Kirpatrick [Kirkpatrick] Margaret & John Barclay 1733
Kitchin Elizabeth & Samuel Campbell 1828
Knox Catherine & William Williams 1826
Knox Elizabeth & Thomas Brouster 1817
Knox Francis &s Elizabeth Brook 1733-4
Knox James & Isabell McVay 1733
Knox Mary & Arthur Ingram 1734
Knox Peter & Jane Thompson 1825
Kyll [Kyle] Dorothea & James Boyd 1733
Laffan Robert & Eliza Irvin 1817
Laird David & Mary Blackburn 1734
Laird Elizabeth & Isaac Pitcairn 1827
Laird James & Sarah Martin 1826
Laird Jane & Samuel Keightley 1823
Laird John & Ellen Tobin 1822
Laird Margaret & John Baird 1822
Lane Thomas & Margaret Anderson (date blank)
Langan Jane & Thomas McNeely 1820
Larky Jane & Thomas Logan 1755
Lata [Latta] Esther & James Leeper 1822
Latta William & Katherine Sproule 1734-5
Lawrey John & Janet Murgan [Morgan?] 1734
Leard [Laird] William & Elizabeth Kennedy 1734
Lecky Jane & William Brandon 1818
Lee Samuel & Alice Doherty 1827
Leeper James & Esther [Latta] 1822
Leeper Rebecca & Richard Witter 1827
Leeper Robert & Jane Raulands [Rowlands?] 1827
Leeper Thomas & Rebecca McCreery 1735
Lemmon Elenor & William Hamilton 1826
Levans Margery & Richard Lindsay 1826
Levans Thomas & Jane McLaughlin 1826
Lindsay Richard & Margery Levans 1826
Lindsey Samuel & Margaret Smily 1734
Lipset Thomas & Margaret Forster 1730
Lipsett James & Jane Brown 1827
Little [Little] otherwise Hastings Elizabeth & Robert Lowrey 1830
Little John &e Elizabeth Hastings 1824
Livingstone Robert & Elizabeth Watt 1735
Lockart Mary A. & William Porter 1826
Lockart Oliver & Susanna McGarvey 1824
Locker [Locket/ Lockhart?] Mary & William Long 1820
Lockhart Hannah & John Smith 1829
Lodge Mary & Thomas W. Olphert 1822
Logan Thomas & Jane Larky 1755
Logue William & Sally Humphreys 1829
Long James & Elizabeth Russell 1737
Long Jane & Charles Means 1742
Long Janet & John McMorris 1736
Long John & Catherine Patton 1826
Long William & Mary Locker [Locket/ Lockart?] 1820
Love Samuel & Jane Nixon 1817
Lowrey Robert & Elizabeth Littel [Little] otherwise Hastings 1830
Lowry Agnes & Alexander Blair 1733
Lowry Anne & George Bonar 1823
Lowry [Margaret] & Elias Griffith 1733-4
Lowry Rebecca & Samuel Deveney 1826
Lowry Robert & Mary Thompson 1820
Lynch John & Anne Thompson 1828
Lyons Elizabeth & John Finlay 1820
Lyons John & Mary McConnell 1826
McAdoo Helen & John Marshall 1735
Macane [McCain] Jane & James Tinny 1741-2
McAtyre [McIntyre?] William & Ann McCatyre [McIntyre?] alias Pain [Paine/ Payne] 1732-3
McBath [McBeth] Adam & Mary Richardson 1818
McBay Isabella & John Russell 1822
McBay William & Martha Algeo 1828
McBride Andrew & Mary Irwin 1827
McBride Elizabeth & Thomas Wilson 1722
McBride William & Mary M. Roden 1753
McCadden John & Mary Stewart 1827
McCafferty Mary & Thomas Wilkin 1826
McCaffry Unah & Bryan Cannon 1734
McCain Robert & Margaret Bacon 1733
McCallen William & Susannah Diver 1819
McCallion James & Rebecca Adams 1827
McCatyre [McIntyre?] alias Pain [Paine/ Payne] Ann & William McAtyre [McIntyre?] 1732-3
McCatyre [McIntyre?] Ann & William McCatyre [McIntyre?] 1732
McCatyre [McIntyre?] William & Ann McCatyre [McIntyre?] 1732
McCauley Isabella & William Pearson 1825
McCauly Mary A. & Alexander McGarvey 1827
McCausland Barbara & William Wilson 1734
McCawley Alexander & Mary Alcorn 1827
McCawley Anne & John McKinley 1823
McCay Mary & William Ellet [Elliott] 1734
McClay Archibald & Fanny Stewart 1827
McClea Jane & Thomas Boyle 1826
McClea John & Agnes Kirkwood 1738
McClea Thomas s& Eleanor Clarke 1826
McClean Susan & James Ewing 1827
McCleay Patrick & Margaret Gregory 1734
McClelland John & Bridget Ward 1825
McClenaghan Mary & William Wallace 1735
McCley James & lsabell Herne 1734
McClintock Alexander & Margery Murray 1828
McClintock N. & William Mahaffy 1818
McCluire [McClure] Charles & Hannah Henry 1732-3
McClur [McClure] James & Mary Graham 1736
McClury [McCleery?] James & Eleanor Rash [Rush?] 1826
McCoach Alexander & Jane James 1827
McCobb James & Anne Fullerton 1829
McConell Marjory & Robert Brown 1732
McConnell Francis & Agnus Stevenson 1825
McConnell Mary & John Lyons 1826
McConnell Robert & Elizabeth Scott 1829
McConnell Thomas & Hanah Gregory 1829
McCorkell Joseph & [Letitia] Noble 1819
McCormick Mary & Charles Doherty 1823
McCormick Sophia &. Bryan Slevin 1829
McCormick Thomas & Ann Orr (date blank)
McCouch [McCoach?] William & Jane Hartfield 1819
McCrab Agnes & William Rush 1834
McCrea Emily & James Grier 1823
McCreedy Catherine & Henry Rochford 1829
McCreedy Charles & Harriet Paine 1830
McCreery Andrew & Jane McMullan 1735
McCreery otherwise Morrison Jane & Thomas Kee 1826
McCreery John & Jane Stewart 1823
McCreery Mary & Daniel Glen 1734
McCreery Rebecca & Thomas Leeper 1735
McCrossen William & Euphin Craig 173l-2
McCullagh William & Bridget McDevitt 1829
McCullogh John & Mary Fosset [Fausset] 1734
McCullogh John & Jane Hamilton 1820
McCullouh [McCullough] Alexander & Jane Harper 1741
McDade James & Elizabeth Thompson l822
McDermott Robert & Elizabeth Gordon 1830
McDevitt Bridget & William McCullagh 1829
McDevitt James & Margaret Porter 1822
McDevitt Mary & William Denny 1819
McDevitt Susanna & James McLaughlin 1827
McDougal Catherine & James Sinnott 1830
McDowell Margaret & Anthony Gallagher 1732
McElhiney Jane & Henry James 1825
McElhinney Anne & Andrew Speer 1829
McElhinny Catherine & John McElreth 1819
McElhinny Elizabeth & Alexander Black 1824
McElhinny Elizabeth & Joseph Kendy 1820
McElhinny Martha & James Gregg 1826
McElhinny Mary & James Witter 1824
McElhinny Rebecca & John Glasse 1823
McElhinny William & Eliza Wilkinson 1822
McElreth John & Catherine McElhinny 1819
McElwain David & Mary Malseed 1830
McElwan [McElwain] Martha & John Pinkerton 1733
McElwee William & Nancy Diver 1829
McFadden John & Elizabeth Martin 1829
McFadian [McFadden] Rodger & Anne Crawford 1825
McFarland Robert & Elizabeth Baird 1829
McFeeters Frances & John Rankin 1822
McFeeters Mary & George Russel 1818
McFeeters Nathaniel & Martha Anderson 1828
McFeeters William & Catherine Russell 1829
Mcffall [McFall] James & Catherine Haggerty 1731
McGahan Margaret & Anthony Carolon 1735
McGarrigle Francis & Margaret Gordon 1817
McGarvey Alexander & Mary A. McCauly 1827
McGarvey Anne & Daniel Bogle 1826
McGarvey Martha & David Jackson 1824
McGarvey Robert & Margaret Moore 1828
McGarvey Susanna & Oliver Lockart 1824
McGee Ann & Francis Maghee 1735
McGhee Elizabeth & John O'Donnell 1733
MacGhee John & Jessy Mackinlay 1819
McGhee Margaret & George Gregory 1826
McGhee Susan & James Armstrong 1736
McGheehan Bridget & John Boyd 1823
McGinley Catherine & Charles Cannon 1829
McGinley David & Ann McKim 1828
McGinnis Mark & Elizabeth Ewing 1828
McGowan Jane & James McLaughlin 1826
McGowan Mary & George Givin 1823
McGraa [McGraw?] Martha & Daniel Rouly [Rowley?] 1818
McGraw Hugh & Eliza Mansfield 1827
McGuire Rose & Edmond Offreel 1733
McGusty George M. & Elizabeth Delap 1826
McHugh George & Eleanor Deasy 1823
McIlehenny Andrew & Mary Murray 1737
McIlwain Ann & Andrew Ferrell 1733
McIlwaine Andrew & Jane Fasset [Fausett] 1733
McIlwaine Elizabeth & John Kinkead 1734
McIlwee Patrick & Ann Orr 1734-5
McIllwrath Elizabeth & John Smollom [Smullen?] 173_
McIntire Elizabeth & James Grier 1822
McIntyre William & Rebecca Vanchol 1731
McKain James & Catherine Devenny l829
McKee Charles & Ann Griffith 1818
McKerran Neil & Margaret O’Kelly 1735
Mackey Robert & Martha Mahaffy 1829
McKim Ann & David McGinley 1828
McKim Mary & John Shease 1827
Mackinlay Jessy & John MacGhee 1819
McKinley Jane & Joseph Moore 1829
McKinley John & Anne McCawley 1823
McKinley Robert & Maria Barclay 1825
McKinly Jasper & Janet Young 1737
McKinly Thomas & Ann McNutt 1818
McKiver [McKeever] Jean & John Chambers 1734
McLaughlin Elizabeth & Alexander Starrat 1824
McLaughlin George & Frances Cuscaden [Corscadden] 1820
McLaughlin Hugh & Elizabeth Martin 1737
McLaughlin James & Susanna McDevitt 1827
McLaughlin James & Jane McGowan 1826
McLaughlin Jane & Thomas Levans 1826
McLaughlin Margaret & William Henderson 1823
McLaughlin Mary & Robert Gallagher 1824
McLaughlin Unity & John Bonner 1826
McLewee [McElwee] Mary & Thomas O’Quigly 1737
McManamon Mary & James Scanlon 1733
McMenenie [McMenemy] Edward & Jane Keaton 1733
McMonagle James & Mary Black 1734
McMorris John & Janet Long 1736
McMullan Jane & Andrew McCreery 1735
McNaught Margaret & Charles Anderson 1822
McNeely Thomas & Jane Langan 1820
McNeily William & Elenor Traverse 1735
McNight Jane & William Givin 1826
McNutt Ann & Thomas McKinly 1818
Macoach [McCoach] William & Martha Mahon 1822
McQue [McCue/ McHugh] Sarah & William Moor 1734-5
McShane Mary & Robert Morrow 1826
McVay [McVeigh] Isabel & James Knox 1733
Magee Anne & James Stewart 1822
Magee Elizabeth & Alexander Ingram1830
Magee Elizabeth & Robert Magee 1828
Magee Fanny & James Holmes 1828
Magee George & Bridget Harkin 1830
Magee George & Prudence Newsam [Newsome] 1828
Magee Henry & Elizabeth Bell 1825
Magee Isabella & Victor Wardlaw 1828
Magee James & Mary Rowes 1828
Magee Robert & Elizabeth Brown 1825
Magee Robert & Elizabeth Magee 1828
Maghee Francis & Ann McGee 1735
Maghee Rebeccah & William Maxwell 1731-2
Maginnis Giles & William Brown 1825
Mahaffy Martha & Robert Mackey 1829
Mahaffy William & N. McClintock 1818
Mahon Catherine & James Avent 1825
Mahon Esther & Joseph Finlay 1823
Mahon Martha & William Macoach [McCoach] 1822
Mahon Samuel & Jane Craig 1823
Mahon Samuel & Mary A. Simms 1822
Malseed Mary & David McElwain 1830
Mansfield Eliza & Hugh McGraw 1827
Marchil [Marshall] Jannet & James Hogseed [Hogshead] 1741
Marshal William & Jane Belfour 1747
Marshall Ann & James Marshall 1728
Marshall George & Isabella Patterson 1828
Marshall James & Ann Marshall 172-8
Marshall John & Helen McAdoo 1735
Martin Andrew & Martha Porter 1734
Martin Easter & Abraham Barr 1735
Martin Elizabeth & John McFadden 1828
Martin Elizabeth & Hugh McLaughlin 1737
Martin Jane & Joseph Ferguson 1828
Martin Marian & John Griffeth 1735-6
Martin Sarah & James Laird 1826
Martin Sarah & James Orr 1823
Martin Stephen & Catherine Sayers 1826
Mathews Letitia & William Jackson 1820
Maxwell William & Rebeccah Maghee 1731-2
Means Charles & Jane Long 1742
Meass Margaret & Isaac FitzGera1d 1733
Midcaff [Metcalfe] William & Dorothy Beal 1738
Miller Ann & James Coyle 1736
Miller John & Rebecca Irwin 1817
Mills Jane & Samuel Rawson 1828
Millikin Eleanor & John Diver 1830
Mitchell Jean & Michael Caterson 1733
Mitchell Mary & John Anderson 1828
Mitchell Mary A. & George Wilson 1825
Moffit otherwise Alexander Jane & David Stevenson 1830
Moffitt Eliza & William Montgomery 1828
Moffitt Henry & Mary Greer 1823
Moffitt Jane & Joseph Richardson 1827
Moffitt Joshua & Fanny Campbell 1830
Moffitt Joshua & Margaret Stewart 1822
Moffitt Robert & Elizabeth Finlay 1828
Moneypenny Stewart & Sarah Gray 1825
Mongomery Allice & Archibald Smiley 1737
Monteeth Frances & John Sim 1733
Montgomery Anne & John Sayers 1823
Montgomery James & Elizabeth Hayes 1824
Montgomery Knox & Mary Montgomery 1820
Montgomery Margaret & Thomas Ellis 1729
Montgomery Mary & Knox Montgomery 1820
Montgomery William & Eliza Moffitt 1828
Moor Edward & Ann Corckan [Corcoran] 1733
Moor John & Rose Dougherty 1735-6
Moor William & Agnes Hamilton 1753
Moor William & Sarah McQue [McCue/ McHugh] 1734-5
Moore Charles & Susanna Scott 1825
Moore Elizabeth & William Stewart 1828
Moore Gustavus & Jane Moore 1828
Moore Jane & James Kilpatrick 1824
Moore Jane & Gustavus Moore 1828
Moore Jane & George Mortimer 1829
Moore John & Rebecca Simms 1825
Moore John & Jane Tully 1820
Moore Joseph & Jane McKinley 1829
Moore Margaret & Robert McGarvey 1828
Moore Mary & John Speer 1825
Moore Patrick & Margaret Weir 1827
Moore Susan & Henry Williams 1828
Moore William & Catherine Greer 1829
Moorhead Janet & John Hunter 1734
Morris Elizabeth & William Parker 1829
Morrison Christina & Thomas Colvin 1820
Morrison otherwise McCreery Jane & Thomas Kee 1826
Morrow Anne & William Kirk 1822
Morrow Catherine & William Scott 1827
Morrow John & Jane Griffitt [Griffith] 1828
Morrow Robert & Mary McShane 1826
Mortimer George & Jane Moore 1829
Moubray Sarah & John Stevenson 1820
Muckelmun [McElmun] Elizabeth & Thomas Williams 1733
Mulcherran [Mulherron] Katherine & Hugh Dougherty 1734
Mulkerron [Mulherron] Eleanor & Robert Teat 1830
Mullan James & Katherine Ross 1734-5
Murgan Janet & John Lawrey 1734
Murray Hugh & Isabell Norris 1734
Murray Margery & Alexander McClintock 1828
Murray Mary & Andrew McIlehinny 1737
Neely Ann & Edward Callen 1741
Nesbit Sarah & Joseph Brown 1734
Nesbitt Elizabeth & James Crawford 1735-6
Nesbitt Shusann & Henry Wood 1734 
Newsam [Newsome] Prudence & George Magee 1828
Nichol Jane & Gerrard Johnston 1828
Nichol Margaret & Edward Carroll 1822
Nickleson [Nicholson] William & Isabella Davis 1823
Nickolson [Nicholson] Abraham & Anne Cuningham 1712
Nicol James & Margaret Funston 1826
Nicolson Richard & Jane Coulton 1741-2
Nimmo Alison & David Beats [Bates] 1734-5
Nixon Edward & Sarah Henderson 1830
Nixon Jane & Samuel Love 1817
Noble James & Sarah Starrett 1822
Noble Letitia & Joseph McCorkell 1819
Norris Isabell & Hugh Murray 1734
O’Boyle Unity & John Gallagher 1737
O’Breesland Knocker & Una Brislan 1736
O'Callon Geebs & James Gallagher 1733
O’Carolan Daniel & Shusann O’Carolan 1738
O’Donnell Anne & Charles Greer 1829
O’Donnell John & Elizabeth McGhee 1733
Offey Margaret & James Gillespie 1732
Offreel [O’Friel?] Edmond & Rose McGuire 1733
O‘Finny Doltagh & Mary Gillespie 1733
O’Haghey Honor & James Dowgan [Dugan?] 1737
O'Hara Sarah & Mark Graham 1733
O'Hara Sarah & David Templeton 1738
O’Kelly Margaret & Neil McKerran 1735
Oliver Alexander & Isabell Farrell 1736
Oliver Mary & Patrick Ward 1731
Olphert Thomas W. & Mary Lodge 1822
O’Quigly Thomas & Mary McLewee [McElwee] 1737
O‘Rogan Bryan & Mary Scott 1734
Orr Ann & Thomas McCormick (date blank)
Orr Ann & Patrick McIlwee 1734-5
Orr James & Sarah Martin 1823
Pain alias McCatyre [McIntyre?] Ann & William McAtyre [McIntyre?] 1732-3
Paine Harriet & Charles McCreedy 1830
Pall Elizabeth & John Willington 1734
Pane [Paine] Sarah & George Arnold 1822
Parker Isabell & Andrew Hamilton 1732
Parker William & Elizabeth Morris 1829
Paterson Anne & George W. A. Charleton 1819
Paterson Marjory & Thomas Paterson 1733
Paterson Thomas & Marjory Paterson 1733
Patten John & Eliza Kee 1827
Patterson Alicia & James Glass 1822
Patterson Catherine & William Bonner 1828
Patterson Charlotte & James Simms 1822
Patterson Frances & George Wynter 1824
Patterson Hannah & Barry D. Hewetson 1818
Patterson Isabell & William Patterson 1736
Patterson Isabella & George Marshall 1828
Patterson Kearns & Anne Blackborne 1749
Patterson Mary & Laurence Brown 1828
Patterson Olivia & William Chatly [Cheatley] 1829
Patterson Rebeccha & William Brown 1733
Patterson Sarah & Robert Carr 1742
Patterson William & Isabell Patterson 1736
Patton Andrew & Ann Conyngham 1818
Patton Ann & William Cunningham 1828
Patton Catherine & John Long 1826
Patton Elizabeth & John Barclay 1827
Patton Elizabeth & John Patton 1826
Patton George & Anne Alleson [Allison] 1828
Patton George & Margaret Patton 1824
Patton Isabella & Thomas Williams 1750
Patton John & Elizabeth Patton 1826
Patton Margaret & George Patton 1824
Pearson Susanna & Luke Dowling 1830
Pearson William & Isabella McCauley 1825
Peoples Charles & Margaret Stewart 1826
Peoples James & Mary Bovaird 1829
Percy George & Letitia Johnston 1819
Perkins Lewis & Mary Campbell 1824
Petterson [Patterson] James & Katherine Finley 1710
Pickett William & Anne Ferry 1823
Pinkerton John & Martha McElwan [McElwaine] 1733
Pinkerton otherwise Kelly Nancy & John Wray 1826
Pitcairn Isaac & Elizabeth Laird 1827
Pitcairn Margaret & Joseph Berkly [Barclay] 1736
Pitcairn Mary & Francis Henderson 1826
Pitkern [Pitcairn] Mary & Eccles Buchannon 1734
Pitts Robert & Margaret Chambers 1733
Poage [Poak/ Pollock?] Samuel & Margaret Shanklin 1749
Poer Eleanor & Anthony Wilkison 1818
Porter Eliza & John Tees 1828
Porter Frances & John Barrett 1817
Porter Frances & John Rogers 1731
Porter Margaret & James McDevitt 1822
Porter Martha & Mathew Bail 1829
Porter Martha & James Brown 1749
Porter Martha & Andrew Martin 1734
Porter Mary & William Taylor 1826
Porter William & Mary A. Lockart 1826
Quigly Elizabeth & Ezekiel Eaton 1734
Rabb [Robb] James & Mary Russell 1822
Rahough ? Patrick & Elinor Right [Wright] 1732
Ralston Jane & Patrick Reagh 1738
Ralston Joseph & Janet Ethard 1733
Ralston Thomas & Agnes Brown 1753
Rambsey [Ramsay] Mary & Robert Fausett 1733
Rambsy [Ramsay] Charles & Mary Clerk 1733
Ramsay James & Margaret Gregory 1732
Ramsay Susanna & Henry James 1825
Ramsey Rebecca & James Coulter 1734
Rankin Ann & Joseph Cowan 1734
Rankin Isabella & John Colhoun 1822
Rankin James & Maria Bradley 1826
Rankin John & Frances McFeeters 1822
Rankin Nathaniel & Margaret Elliott 1744
Rannely Mary & Brooks Chambers 1732
Rash Eleanor & James McClury [McCleery?] 1826
Raulands [Rowlands] Jane & Robert Leeper 1827
Raulston [Roulston] Thomas & Anne Kilpatrick 1828
Rawlins Charles & Mary Stewart 1827
Rawson Samuel & Jane Mills 1828
Raynolds [Reynolds] William & Dorothea Ellis 1732-3
Read Elizabeth & Hugh Donnell 1823
Reagh [Wray?] Patrick & Jane Ralston 1738
Reed Catherine & William Anderson 1753
Reed Catherine & John Waddel 1817
Reynolds William & Dorothea Ellis 1732-3
Richardson David & Margaret Bogle 1827
Richardson Joseph & Jane Moffitt 1827
Richardson Mary & Adam McBath [McBeth] 1818
Richie William & Martha Kirkwood 1734
Richmont [Richmond] William & Margaret Weaid [Wade?] 1737
Riddles Susan & John Williams 1827
Right [Wright] Elinor & Patrick Rahough? 1732
Robb Martha & John Wilson 1822
Robertson Catherine & John Davis 1822
Robinson George & Jane Hughes 1828
Robinson George & Elizabeth Williams 1737
Rochford Henry & Catherine McCreedy 1829
Roden Mary M. & William McBride 1753
Rodgers Isabell & James Stevenson 1732
Rodgers Sarah & John Coyle 1828
Rogers John & Frances Porter 1831
Rogers Margaret & George Forsyth 1734
Rogers Martha & John C. Keys 1825
Ross Katherine & James Mullan 1734-5
Roulston John & Elizabeth Colhoun 1826
Roulston Rebbecca & William Barr 1748
Rouly [Rowley?] Daniel & Martha McGraa [McGraw?] 1818
Rowes Mary & James Magee 1828
Rowlands Martha & John Crawford 1733
Rueit [Rowett?] Jane & William Wilkin 1746
Rule Martha & Robert Hill 1822
Rush William & Agnes McCrab 1734
Russel George & Mary McFeeters 1818
Russell Catherine & William McFeeters 1829
Russell Elizabeth & James Long 1737
Russell Elizabeth & John White 1826
Russell Isabella & Richard Beatty 1829
Russell Jane & William Smith 1731-2
Russell John & Isabella McBay 1822
Russell Mary & James Rabb 1822
Rutherford Elizabeth & Samuel Ewing 1823
Rutherford John & Euphimy Welsh 1823
Rutherford Mary & Christopher Boner 1 825 1825
Sayers Catherine & Stephen Martin 1826
Sayers John & Anne Montgomery 1823
Sayers William & Anne Spratts 1825
Scanlon James & Mary McManamon 1733
Scott Elizabeth & Robert McConnell 1829
Scott John & Mary Houstoun 1733
Scott Margaret & Daniel Kirk 1820
Scott Mary & Thomas Gallagher 1827
Scott Mary & Bryan O’Rogan 1734
Scott Nathan & Margaret Diver 1826
Scott Susanna & Charles Moore 1825
Scott William & Catherine Morrow 1827
Semple Ezibel & James Walker 1734
Shanklin Margaret & Samuel Poage [Poak/ Pollock?] 1749
Shease John & Mary McKim 1827
Sheerin Catherine & John Sheerin 1823
Sheerin John & Catherine Sheerin 1823
Sim John & Frances Monteeth 1733
Simms James & Charlotte Patterson 1822
Simms Mary A. & Samuel Mahon 1822
Simms Rebecca & John Moore 1825
Sinnott James & Catherine McDougal 1830
Slevin Bryan & Sophia McCormick 1829
Smiley Archibald & Allice Mongomery [Montgomery] 1737
Smily Margaret & Samuel Lindsey 1734
Smith Elizabeth & Andrew Flemming 1828
Smith Janet & Robert Haslett 1732
Smith John & Hannah Lockhart 1829
Smith Robert & Rebecca Cummins 1822
Smith Samuel & Sarah Thompson 1822
Smith William & Jane Clendining 1829
Smith William & Jane Hamilton 1827
Smith William & Catherine Kearney 1826
Smith William & Jane Russell 1731-2
Smollom [Smullen] John & Elizabeth McIllwrath [McIlwraith] 1734
Smullan Janet & William Kilpatrick 1736
Smullen James & Margery Irwin 1818
Smyth Margaret & Charles Strain 1826
Snotgrass [Snodgrass] Alexander & Mary Hughes 1731
Speer Andrew & Anne McElhinney 1829
Speer Andrew & Elizabeth Wilson 1825
Speer Isaac & Anne Haslett 1825
Speer Janet & James Sprott 1733
Speer John & Mary Moore 1825
Spence Mary & James Carny 1736
Spence Robert & Elizabeth Forster 1735
Spencer George E. & Mary E. Dinsmore 1828
Spratts Anne & William Sayers 1828
Sprott James & Janet Speer 1733
Sproul Sarah & Joseph Chambers 1827
Sproule Charles & Mary Armstrong 1829
Sproule Katherine & William Lattta 1734-5
Squire Anne & James Chittick 1826
Squire William & Harriett Chittick 1830
Starrat Alexander & Elizabeth McLaughlin 1824
Starrett Sarah & James Noble 1822
Steel Janet & John Alexander 1734
Steel William & Mary Hughes 1736
Steell Adam & Janet Flack 1734
Steen Joseph & Jane Devenny 1824
Stevenson Agnus & Francis McConnelI 1825
Stevenson David & Jane Mofiit otherwise Alexander 1830
Stevenson James & lsabell Rodgers 1732
Stevenson John & Sarah Moubray 1820
Steward Elizabeth & Robert Griffith 1822
Stewart Anne & Thomas Algoe 1822
Stewart Charles & Kiziah Sweeny 1829
Stewart Elizabeth & Samuel Kerr 1823
Stewart Esther & David Grier 1823
Stewart Fanny & Archibald McClay 1827
Stewart Jane & John McCreery 1823
Stewart James & Jane Baxter 1829
Stewart James & Anne Magee 1822
Stewart Margaret & Joshua Mofitt [Moffitt] 1822
Stewart Margaret & Charles Peoples 1826
Stewart Margaret & John Wason 1829
Stewart Martha & William Galbraith 1737
Stewart Mary & John McCadden 1827
Stewart Mary & Charles Rawlins 1827
Stewart Samuel & Mary Hanna 1822
Stewart Walter & Katherine Brown 1735
Stewart William & Margaret Henderson 1736
Stewart William & Elizabeth Moore 1828
Still [Steel?] Mathew & Margaretta Eakin 1822
Strain Charles & Margaret Smyth 1826
Strong George & Mary Haron 1820
Strong Mary & Tristram Andrews 1735
Sweeny Kiziah & Charles Stewart 1829
Tate Agnes & Robert Craford [Crawford] 1738
Taylor Charles & Jane Colhoun 1822
Taylor Charles & Martha Taylor 1819
Taylor Elizabeth & John Townsend 1817
Taylor Martha & Charles Taylor 1819
Taylor Mary & James Black 1753
Taylor Robert & Katherine Watt 1733
Taylor William & Mary Porter 1826
Teas Robert & Margaret Campble [Campbell] 1734
Teas William & Abigail Farrell 1823
Teat [Tate/ Tait] Jane & Luke Baxter 1827
Teat [Tate/ Tait] Robert & Eleanor Mulherron 1830
Tees John & Eliza Porter 1828
Temple Jane & Robert Corscadden 1825
Templeton David & Sarah O‘Hara 1738
Thompson Anne & John Lynch 1828
Thompson Elizabeth & William Armstrong 1824
Thompson Elizabeth & James McDade 1822
Thompson Isabella & James Hayes 1828
Thompson James A. & Margaret Duffy 1828
Thompson Jane & Peter Knox 1825
Thompson John & Mary Cumming 1733
Thompson John & Margaret Woods 1818
Thompson Katherine & George Huey/ Hughey1735
Thompson Lilly & John Campbell 1819
Thompson Margaret & David Gordon 1823
Thompson Mary & Robert Lowry 1820
Thompson Robert & Bridget Friel 1828
Thompson Sarah & Samuel Smith 1822
Thompson William & Catherine Hamilton 1830
Thompson William & Mary A. Hamilton 1820
Tinny James & Jane Macane [McKane] 1741-2
Tobin Ellen & John Laird 1822
Todd Robert & Mary Holmes 1732
Tollan [Toland] Margaret & Ralph Williamson 1735
Tompson John & Mary Willson 1733
Toner James & Joan Dowgry (?)1734
Toop William S. & Anne Bell 1830
Townsend John & Elizabeth Taylor 1817
Traverse Elenor & William McNeily 1735
Tully Jane & John Moore 1820
Tunney Elizabeth & James Duncan 1825
Tyrrell Daniel & Elizabeth Johnston 1822
Vanchol (?) Rebecca & William McIntyre 1731
Waddel John & Catherine Reed 1817
Walker Florinda & William Farrell 1732
Walker James & Elizabeth Goulden 1734
Walker James & Ezibel Semple 1734
Walker John & Isabella Hamilton 1733
Walker Katherine & James Ewing 1734
Walker alias Hutchinson Mary & Robert Kinkead 1738
Wallace Michael & Margaret Wilson 1731
Wallace William & Mary McClenaghan 1735
Ward Bridget & John McClelland 1825
Ward Patrick & Mary Oliver 1731
Wardlaw Sarah & Andrew Cumming 1823
Wardlaw Victor & Isabella Magee 1828
Wark Mary & William Buchanan 1822
Warren Robert & Mary Crawford 1824
Wason John & Margaret Stewart 1822
Waters Elizabeth & Thomas Elliott 1826
Waters Marcus A. & Anne Boyd 1826
Watson Eppy & Nechel Cassidy 1820
Watson George & Christian Woods 1731
Watson Gilbert & Mary Diver 1830
Watt Catherine & Robert Taylor 1733
Watt Elizabeth & Robert Livingstone 1735
Watt Kathrine & Robert Taylor 1733
Weaid [Wade?] Margaret & William Richmont [Richmond] 1737
Weir Margaret & Patrick Moore 1827
Weir Mary & John Anderson 1734
Weir William & Elizabeth Irwin 1828
Welsh Euphimy & John Rutherford 1823
White Eleanor & John Bride 1826
White John & Elizabeth Russell 1826
White Margaret & James Johnston 1736
Wier John & Jane Algeo 1823
Wilkin Mathew & Margaret Delap 1828
Wilkin Sarah & John Anderson 1823
Wilkin Thomas & Mary McCafferty 1826
Wilkin William & Jane Rueit [Rowett] 1746
Wilkinson Charles & Naomi Wilkinson 1829
Wilkinson Eliza & William McElhinny 1822
Wilkinson Naomi & Charles Wilkinson 1829
Wilkison [Wilkinson] Anthony & Eleanor Poer 1818
Williams Ann & John Forrest 1818
Williams Elizabeth & George Robinson 1737
Williams Henry & Susan Moore 1828
Williams James & Catherine Campble [Campbell] 1732
Williams John & Jane Brown 1823
Williams John & Susan Riddles 1827
Williams Thomas & Elizabeth Muckelmun [McElmun] 1733
Williams Thomas & Isabella Patton 1750
Williams William & Catherine Knox 1826
Williamson Ralph & Margaret Tollan [Toland] 1735
Willington John & Elizabeth Pall [Paul] 1734
Willson Margaret & James Adams 1822
Willson Mary & John Tompson [Thompson] 1733
Wilson Elizabeth & Andrew Speer 1825
Wilson George & Mary A. Mitchell 1825
Wilson John & Martha Robb 1822
Wilson Margaret & Michael Wallace 1731
Wilson Mary & James Hayes 1819
Wilson Thomas & Elizabeth McBride 1722
Wilson William & Barbara McCausland 1734-5
Wilson William & Hannah Donnell 1828
Witter James & Mary McElhinny 1824
Witter Mary & Arthur Graham 1827
Witter Richard & Mary Ferguson 1828
Witter Richard & Rebecca Leeper 1827
Wood Henry & Shusann Nesbitt 1734
Woods Christian & George Watson 1731
Woods Margaret & John Thompson 1818
Wray Andrew & Margaret Hamond 1736
Wray Hanna & William Hamand [Hammond] 1736
Wray John & Jane Hume 1828
Wray John & Nancy Kelly otherwise Pinkerton 1826
Wynter George & Frances Patterson 1824
Young Janet & Jasper McKinly 1737

Further Raphoe Parish records can be viewed here:

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