Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia
This file of MARRIAGES RECORDED AT KILLYMAN PARISH CHURCH, COUNTIES TYRONE & ARMAGH forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIESTYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to KILLYMAN PARISH, COUNTY TYRONE on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Killyman Parish Church (St. Andrew’s Church of Ireland). Photo Wikipedia
Images of marriage certificates commencing 1845 may be downloaded at for no cost
Apr 17 1845
Thomas Edwards full age bachelor weaver Drummond. Father: William Edwards weaver
Margaret Dawson full age spinster Derrygally. Father: dead
Witnesses: James Dawson & William G. Richardson
Apr 18 1845
Joseph Rice full age bachelor weaver Cavin. Father: dead
Elizabeth Ferris full age spinster Keenaghan. Father: Moses Ferris wheelwright
Witnesses: Samuel Barret & William Hickie
Apr 23 1845
John Reed full age bachelor carpenter Drummuck. Father: Andrew Reed labourer
Jane McCardy full age spinster Lowertown. Father: dead
Witnesses: William Hickie & John Mills
May 1 1845
John Cumming full age bachelor farmer Mullanure. Father: dead
Ruth Watt full age spinster Derrycorry. Father: John Watt farmer
Witnesses: Samuel Humphries & Robert Wat
May 2 1845
John Rogers 20 years bachelor tailor Laghey. Father: Abraham Rogers tailor
Allice Hazleton 18 years spinster Culnagreen. Father: Edward Hazleton farmer
Witnesses: William Clark & Terence McShane
May 20 1845
Phelix Divlin full age bachelor labourer Laghey. Father: Phelix Divlin weaver
Catherine McConnell full age spinster Laghey. Father: William McConnell bleacher
Witnesses: William Clark & Samuel Courtnay
Jun 5 1845
Thomas Bowen full age bachelor farmer Tamlamore. Father: Thomas Bowen farmer
Elizabeth Erskin full age spinster Tamlamore. Father: not given
Witnesses: John Dawson & William Murray
Jul 10 1845
John Allen full age bachelor farmer Derryloughan, Parish of Kilmore. Father: Jacob Allen farmer
Mary Handcock full age spinster Derrygoharriff. Father: James Handcock farmer
Witnesses: Robert Castley & Thomas Cherry
Jul 10 1845
James Gilmer full age bachelor labourer Tamnamore. Father: dead
Mary McConnell full age spinster Culnamore. Father: William McConnell bleacher
Witnesses: Thomas Gates & James Gallagher
Aug 8 1845
William Martin 19 years bachelor papermaker Tartlaghan. Father: Christopher Martin papermaker
Sarah Hughes 20 years spinster Keenaghan. Father: John Hughes papermaker
Witnesses: Robert Patterson & John Patterson
Aug 22 1845
Archibald Milligan full age widower shoemaker Derrybuy. Father: dead
Jane Graham full age spinster Derrybuy. Father: dead
Witnesses: Richard Clements & Butter? Graham
Aug 22 1845
John Hamilton full age bachelor farmer Derryard. Father: Alexander Hamilton farmer
Elizabeth Blair full age spinster Drummard. Father: Francis Blair farmer
Witnesses: William Blevins & John Blair
Aug 26 1845
James Wilkinson full age bachelor labourer Derrygally. Father: James Wilkinson labourer
Eliza Creaton full age spinster Bovain. Father: Henry Creaton labourer
Witnesses: William Pierson & Thomas Gates
Sep 10 1845
John Fullerton full age bachelor labourer Bogbawn. Father: Robert Fullerton weaver
Elizabeth Renell 18 years spinster Myroe. Father: Thomas Renell weaver
Witnesses: James Hazleton & William Hickie
Sep 12 1845
Robert Speer full age bachelor servant Tamnamore. Father: George Speer farmer
Rachel Matchett full age spinster Tamnamore. Charles Matchett farmer
Witnesses: James Dunn & James Dunn
Sep 13 1845
William Cordner 30 years bachelor labourer Ballynakelly. Father: Thomas Cordner weaver
Suzanna McKay full age spinster Ballinakelly. Father: John McKay bleacher
Witnesses: John Cordner & James Dilworth
Oct 31 1845
Robert Kimlaghan full age bachelor farmer Livleglish, Loughgall. Father: dead
Margaret Trueman 18 years spinster Derrymain. Father: Thomas Trueman farmer
Witnesses: Francis Graham & Thomas Robinson
Nov 7 1845
Simon Fielding full age bachelor farmer Drumgore, Parish of Clonfeacle. Father: Thomas Fielding farmer
Sarah Anne Skelton full age spinster Cavin. Father: John Skelton farmer
Witnesses: James Kerr Skelton & John Skelton
Nov 27 1845
John Hazleton full age bachelor labourer Tamlaghmore. Father: George Hazleton farmer
Eleanor Barlow full age spinster Drumard. Father: William Barlow farmer
Witnesses: James Dunn & Enoch Bradley
Jan 2 1846
Richard Dawson full age bachelor farmer Bovain. Father: WilliamDawson farmer
Eliza Shillington full age spinster Lismulreavey, parish of Clonfeacle. Father: JamesShillington farmer
Witnesses: John Troughten & Joseph Webb
Jan 9 1846
William Fitzsimons full age bachelor farmer Eglish. Father: dead
Sarah Jane Skelton 17 years spinster Parish of Armagh. Father: Thomas Skelton farmer
Witnesses: James Kerr Skelton & William Hayes
Jan 9 1846
Richard Williamson full age bachelor weaver Ballynakelly. Father: JohnWilliamson farmer
Jane Richardson full age spinster Ballynakelly. Father: ThomasRichardson farmer
Witnesses: William Williamson & William Allen
Feb 4 1846
John McClean full age bachelor publican & farmer Corenny. Father: RogerMcClean farmer
Margaret Ruddy full age spinster Drumcrow. Father: not given
Witnesses: Daniel Fitzpatrick & Thomas Robinson
Feb 18 1846
James McIlroy full age bachelor baker & grocer Coalisland. Father: Alexander McIlroy farmer
Margaret Robinson full age spinster Derrymain. Father: John Robinson farmer & draper
Witnesses: William B. Newell? & John McDonald
Mar 15 1846
Thomas Burns 20 years bachelor farmer Ballinakelly. Father: WilliamBurns potter & farmer
Jane Kerr full age spinster Dree. Father: Benjamin Kerr draper
Witnesses: James Kerr & Thomas Cross
Mar 27 1846
Enoch Bradley full age bachelor farmer Drumart. Father: William Bradley farmer
Elizabeth Bowen full age spinster Tamnamore. Father: Thomas Bowen farmer
Witnesses: John Bowen & Dawson Hazleton
Apr 29 1846
Robert Blair full age bachelor weaver Drumkee. Father: not given & deceased
Anne Eliza Watters full age spinster Coash. Father: Alexander Watters weaver
Witnesses: James Richardson & William Hickie
Jun 11 1846
William Carr Boyd 26 years bachelor student Dungannon. Father: not given
Charlotte Mary Anne McEvoy 19 years spinster Tartlaghan. Father: Benjamin McEvoy surgeon
Witnesses: Benjamin McAvoy & William James Mines?
Sep 4 1846
James McLoughlin 35 years bachelor soldier Charlemont Fort. Father: James McLoughlin farmer (deceased)
Mary Anne Kelly 19 years spinster Tamnamore. Father: Matthew Kelly carpenter
Witnesses: Thomas Kelly & H. McLoughlin
Oct 16 1846
Andrew Wigton full age bachelor weaver Laghey. Father: Andrew Wigton taylor
Anne Jane Rogers full age spinster Laghey. Father: Abraham Rogers taylor
Witnesses: Joseph Wigton & William Hickey
Nov 13 1846
John Robinson full age bachelor farmer Dree. Father: John Robinson farmer
Anne Ennis full age spinster Drumenagh. Father: Robert Ennis farmer
Witnesses: James Kerr Skelton & John Skelton
Nov 22 1846
Robert Gillis 23 years bachelor weaver Parish of Tullyniskan. Father: Andrew Gillis weaver
Anne Williamson 20 years spinster Drumkee. Father: DavidWilliamson weaver
Witnesses: James Gillis & Joseph Williamson
Jan 6 1847
James McLoughlin 55 years bachelor weaver Drumenagh. Father: Charles McLoughlin weaver
Mary McCausland 42 years spinster Drumenagh. Father: Oliver McCausland farmer
Witnesses: William Hickie & John Mills
Jan 7 1847
George Hall full age bachelor farmer Parish of Clonfeacle. Father: Moses Hall farmer
Margaret Cherry full age spinster Derryhirk Townland. Father: Robert Cherry farmer
Witnesses: Thomas? Cherry & John Dobson?
Feb 5 1847
Thomas Cardwell 25 years bachelor farmer Corr. Father: William Cardwell farmer
Rachel Spiers full age spinster Corr. Father: Robert Spiers farmer
Witnesses: Edward Clements & George Dilworth
Feb 11 1847
Francis Hyde 30 years bachelor farmer Parish of Clonfeacle, Townland of Copney. Father: Francis Hyde farmer
Mary Jane Hayes 18 years spinster address not given. Father: Thomas Hayes farmer
Witnesses: Jeremiah Hall & George Gilpin
Mar 25 1847
James Blevins 20 years bachelor farmer Mullinakill. Father: David Blevins farmer
Anne Boyse 20 years spinster Derry…….? Father: William Boyse labourer
Witnesses: Joseph Boyse & Thomas Davison?
Mar 30 1847
James Blevins 21 years bachelor weaver Mullinakill. Father: William Blevins farmer
Mary Jane Wright? 21 years spinster Tamlaghtmore. Father: William Wright weaver
Witnesses: Robert …..? & William James Barlow
May 5 1847
Thomas Marshall 24 years bachelor labourer Moy. Father: John Marshall carpenter
Catherine Sandford 22 years spinster Cohanan. Father: William Sandford weaver
Witnesses: William Hickie & Alexander Sandford
May 10 1847
AbrahamDawson 40 years bachelor thatcher Moyroe. Father: David Dawson tailor
CharlesFrazer 28 years spinster Moyroe. Father William Frazer weaver
Witnesses: Willie Hickie & John Mills
Jun 2 1847
Robert Corrigan full age bachelor farmer Charlemont. Father: Robert Corrigan farmer
Eleanor Bewglass full age spinster Trew. Father: William Bewglass farmer
Witnesses: David Bewglass & John Clark
Jun 28 1847
Robert Fulton 58 years bachelor weaver Laghey. Father: William Fulton farmer
Mary Rice 53 years Laghey. Father: Edward Rice farmer
Witnesses: William …..? & George Fulton
Jul 28 1847
John Ker full age bachelor dealer Charlemont. Father: John Ker farmer
Anne Bewglas full age spinster Trew. Father: William Bewglas farmer
Witnesses: David Barry & Robert Bewglas
Aug 20 1847
James Sampson full age bachelor chandler Turleenan?, Moy. Father: William Sampson farmer
Mary Courtney full age spinster Tempenroe. Father: Anthony Courtney farmer
Witnesses: Anthony Courtney & John Dobson
Sep 6 1847
Henry Haddock full age widower farmer Lowertown. Father: Isiah Haddock farmer
Hanna Ramsay full age spinster servant Lowertown. Father: John Ramsay farmer
Witnesses: Alfred Hickie & Robert Henderson
Sep 29 1847
Edward Dawson 23 years bachelor farmer Bovan. Father: John Dawson farmer
Mary Lee 23 years spinster Bovan. Father: John Lee weaver
Witnesses: Alfred Hickie & John……?
Oct 22 1847
John Chapman 24 years bachelor farmer Lowertown. Father: John Chapman farmer
Susanna Cardwell 20 years spinster Derrybuoy Corr. Father: William Cardwell farmer
Witnesses: George Dilworth & George McDonnell?
Sep 2 1847
John Latimer 22 years bachelor blacksmith Tamlaghmore? Father: Samuel Latimer blacksmith
Mary Jane Murray full age spinster Tamlaghmore? Father: William Murray farmer
Witnesses: Francis Bradley? & Thomas Bowen
Dec 4 1847
James Blevins Full age bachelor farmer Tamlaghmore?. Father: David Blevins weaver
Eliza Millar full age widow Parish of Clonfeacle. Father: John Millar farmer
Witnesses: William…...? & William Mills
Dec 1 1847
Peter Dilworth 22 years bachelor farmer Ballinakilly .Father: John Dilworth farmer
Grace Richardson 20 years Tartlaghan. Father: William Richardson farmer
Witnesses: George Dilworth & John Collins?
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