Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Inch Parish, Co. Donegal, Ireland Marriage Announcements 1833-99

Extracted from personal notices inserted in the Londonderry Sentinel, Londonderry Standard & Derry Journal
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Date Marriage
September 21 1833 DOUGHERTY – RAMSAY. On the 10th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Armour, of Inch, Mr James Dougherty, to Miss Martha Ramsay, both of the same Place (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 19 1834 ARMOUR – BROOK. On the 17th inst., by the Rev. D. Hamilton, of Fahan, the Rev. Samuel Armour, of Inch, to Rebecca, daughter of the Rev. H. Brooke, Burt (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 5 1836 CRESWELL – WHITE. October 27, by the Rev. James McConaghy, of St. Johnstone, Mr Thomas Creswell, of Inch, to Catherine, second daughter of Mr David White, Classeygowan (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 30 1837 ARMOUR – SMALL. On the 20th inst., by the Rev. George Bellis, the Rev. Samuel Armour, Presbyterian Minister, of Inch, county Donegal, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr William Small, merchant, of Belfast (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 10 1838 CRESWELL – ANDERSON. On Thursday, 1st inst., by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr John Creswell, of this City, merchant, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas Anderson, of Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 9 1839 MORRIN – CRESWELL. On Thursday 31st ult., by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr Andrew Morrin, Tullydish, near Buncrana, to Rebecca Jane, youngest daughter of the late Joseph Creswell, of Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 1 1844 ANDERSON – CRAIG. At Bohullin, Inch, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Presbyterian Minister, Mr John Anderson, second son of Mr Nathaniel Anderson, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr John Craig, of the same Place (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 14 1844 WILSON – ANDERSON. On Tuesday last, at the house of the bride's father, by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr Robert Wilson, eldest son of Mr Thomas Wilson, Portlough, Newtowncunningham, to Hannah, second daughter of Mr Samuel Anderson, Bowarren, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 26 1845 PORTER – PORTER. At Inch Presbyterian Meeting House, on Thursday, the 24th inst., by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Sergeant James Porter, H. M's 31st Regiment, lately returned from India and Afghanistan, to Miss Eliza Porter, third daughter of Widow Porter, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 2 1845 LOGAN – MCDOWELL. On the 24th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Inch, by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr Samuel Logan, Buncrana, to Jane, only daughter of the late Mr John McDowell, of Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 24 1846 ANDERSON – LOCKHART. On the 8th inst., in Ramelton Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Reid, Mr George Anderson, Inch, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Andrew Lockhart, Aughnish, Ramelton (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 4 1846 ANDERSON – CRAIG. On the 12th ult., in the Presbyterian Church, Island of Inch, by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr William Anderson, of Castlequarter, to Mary, third daughter of Mr John Craig, Bohullen (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 27 1847 ANDERSON –FLEMING. On the 4th inst., in the Presbyterian Church of the Island of Inch, by the Rev. S. Armour, Mr Joseph Anderson, to Miss Fleming, only daughter of Mr George Fleming, both of said Place (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 22 1850 FLEMING-MCCLELLAND. On the 14th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, on the Island of Inch, by the Rev. Samuel Armour, Mr John Fleming, of Strahack, to Miss McClelland, daughter of the late Mr George McClelland, of Glack (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 14 1851 PORTER – FLEMING. On the 6th inst., in the Presbyterian Church of the Island of Inch, by the Rev. S. Armour, Mr Robert Porter, of the Ballyboes, to Jane, only daughter of Mr William Fleming, of Baylet (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 12 1858 FLEMING – MCDOWELL. On the 4th inst., in the Presbyterian Church, Inch, by the Rev. James Anderson, Mr John Fleming, Bowarren, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr William McDowell, Baylet (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 12 1858 JACKSON – COLQUHOUN. On the 10th inst., at Inch Church, Island of Inch, county Donegal, by the Rev. W. H. Slack, Rector of Balteagh, John Grant Jackson, Esq., of Dublin, to Jane, second daughter of Isaac Colquhoun, Esq., Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 3 1858 ANDERSON – MCELHINNEY. On the 25th ult., in the Second Presbyterian Church [Londonderry], by the Rev. Matthew Wilson, the Rev James Anderson, Presbyterian Minister of Inch, to Mary Ann, only daughter of Mr Samuel McElhinney, Farmhill House, Ballymagroarty (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 15 1859 MCDOWELL-FLEMING. April 5, at Island of Inch Church, by the Rev. Henry Scott, Mr John McDowell, Baylett, to Mary, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Fleming, Drum, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 6 1860 PORTER – ANDERSON. March 29, in the Presbyterian Church, Inch, by the Rev. James Anderson, brother to the bride, Mr Joseph Porter, to Miss Mary Anderson, both of Londonderry (Londonderry Sentinel)
September 7 1860 CRAIG – FLEMING. September 6, at Inch Church, by the Rev. H. Scott, Foyle Hill, Mr Alexander Craig, Bohillion, to Catherine, fourth daughter of Mr William Fleming, Castletown, both of Inch Island (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 11 1861 GREER – FLEMING. On the 3rd January, at Inch Church, county Donegal, by the Rev. H. Scott, Foyle Hill, Mr Robert Greer, of Greer's Glen, Ramelton, to Elizabeth, the second daughter of the late Mr John Fleming, Drum, Inch Island (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 25 1862 SCOTT – CRESWELL. April 17, in Burt Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. H. P. Charleton, Thomas, second son of James Scott, Esq., Bridgetown, Burt, to Jane Anderson, eldest daughter of Henry Creswell, Esq., Baylet, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 10 1863 FLEMING – FLEMING. On the 9th July, in Derry Cathedral, by the Rev. Richard Smyth, Mr Samuel Fleming, merchant, Strand, Londonderry, to Sarah, the fifth daughter of William Fleming, Esq., of Castletown, Island of Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
January 1 1864 FLEMING – DUNN. December 24, in Glendermott Church, by the Rev. David Babington, Mr William Fleming, Drum, Inch, county Donegal, to Margaret Jane Hindman, eldest daughter of James Dunn, Esq., Crievedonald, county Derry (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 19 1864 BRYCE – WYLIE. August 16, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. Robert McCreary, Mr James Bryce, of Inch, to Mary, second daughter of Mr John Wylie, Sappagh (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 17 1868 FLEMING – CRAIG. March 12, in the Third Presbyterian Church, Londonderry, by the Rev. James Anderson, Mr William Fleming, Grange, to Annie, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Craig, Bohillian, both of Inch Island (Londonderry Sentinel)
February 6 1869 GREER & MCMENAMIN. January 31, at Inch Roman Catholic Chapel, by the Rev. J. O’Hagan, C. C., Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. William Greer, Inch, to Hugh McMenamin, Galdonagh, Raphoe (Londonderry Standard)
March 19 1869 FLEMING – BRYCE. March 18, at Inch Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Anderson, Mr Thomas Fleming, Baylet, to Miss Elizabeth Bryce, of Karnahan (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 1 1869 QUIGLEY – SWEENEY. May 25, at the Roman Catholic Church, Burt, by the Rev. J. O'Hagan, C.C., Mr James Quigley, Fahan, to Miss Jane Sweeney, Millbay, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 26 1869 WOODS – CRESWELL. Oct. 21, in the Presbyterian Church, Burt, by the Rev. H. P. Charlton, assisted by the Rev. J. Anderson, and the Rev. J. Keating, David Woods, Esq., Glentimon [Urney parish, Co Tyrone], to Margaret, daughter of Henry Creswell, Esq., Baylett, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
December 31 1869 BOAK – CRESWELL. Dec. 30, at the Second Presbyterian Church, Derry, by the Rev. H. P. Charlton, Mr Aaron Boak, Bohillion, Burt, to Rachel, youngest daughter of Henry Creswell, Esq., Baylett, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
April 22 1871 YOUNG – FLEMING. April 20, in Inch Church, by the Rev. Charles Crookshanks, John Young, Londonderry, to Lizzie Marshall, daughter of the late William Fleming, Esq., Cloughglass, Inch (Londonderry Standard)
July 12 1871 SWAN – ANDERSON. July 11, at Ballyarnett Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Anderson, Inch, assisted by the Rev. R. McCreery, Samuel Swan, of Londonderry to Jane, eldest daughter of William Anderson of Castlequarter, Inch, County Donegal (Londonderry Standard)
March 26 1875 RAMSAY – CLYDE. March 23, in the Fourth Presbyterian Church, Derry, by the Rev. J. A. Rentoul, L. L. D., Mr. Moses S. Ramsay, Carrickanee, Inch, to Miss Sarah Clyde, Mountclink, Manorcunningham (Londonderry Journal)
March 10 1877 MCCLINTOCK – FLEMING. March 8, at Burt Church, by the Rev. Charles Crookshank, Andrew McClintock, merchant, Strand-road, Londonderry, to Louisa Matilda, youngest daughter of the late William Fleming, Castlequarter, Inch (Londonderry Journal)
January 16 1879 SCRIMGEOUR – PORTER. January 13, at Inch Episcopal Church, by the Rev. Charles Crookshank, James Scrimgeour, eldest son of the late James Scrimgeour, shipbuilder, Newburgh, Fifeshire, Scotland, to Martha, eldest daughter of Robert Porter, Ballyboe, Inch, county Donegal (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 5 1881 CRESWELL – COLHOUN. June 30, at San Francisco, by the Rev. Robert McKenzie, A. Leslie Creswell, formerly of Baylet, Inch, to Lizzie I Colhoun, of Three Trees, county Donegal (Derry Journal)
August 22 1881 MILLAR – ANDERSON. August 18, at the Presbyterian Church, Island of Inch, by the Rev. James Anderson, Matthew Millar, Tully, Eglinton, to Sarah, daughter of John Anderson, Carnaghan, Inch Island (Derry Journal)
September 28 1885 ROULSTON – MCDOWELL. September 24, at Inch Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Anderson, Robert Roulston, Castle Gate Buildings, Londonderry, to Maggie, second daughter of John McDowell, Baylett, Inch, county Donegal (Derry Journal)
December 7 1885 DOHERTY – PEOPLES. December 3, at Inch Church, by the Rector, the Rev. Charles Crookshank, M. A., Robert Doherty, son of the late James Doherty, of Grange, Inch, to Eliza, daughter of George Peoples, Moras, Inch (Derry Journal)
July 31 1886 GIBSON – GIBSON. July 29, in the Episcopal Church, Inch, by the Rev. C. Crookshank, Charles Gibson, Derry, to Ellen Ramage, third daughter of William Gibson, Bonemaine (Londonderry Sentinel)
March 2 1889 CRAIG – GREEN. February 28, at Inch Roman Catholic Church, by the Rev. M. Sheerin, C. C., Mr. Charles Craig, Carnaghan, to Miss Mary Green, youngest daughter of the late Mr. William Green, Benault, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
November 28 1889 MOORE – CRAIG. November 26, at Inch Church, by the Rev. Chas. Crookshank, M. A., rector of the parish, James Moore, to Mary Jane Craig (Londonderry Sentinel)
August 2 1890 HAMILTON – ANDERSON. July 31, in the Presbyterian Church, Inch, by the Rev. James Anderson, father of the bride, assisted by the Rev. John Waddell, Belfast, Dr. Hamilton, Gort House, Fahan, to Miss Lizzie Anderson, Beech Park, Burt (Londonderry Sentinel)
June 26 1893 CRESWELL – ANDERSON. June 22, at Inch Presbyterian Church, by the Rev. James Anderson, assisted by the Rev. James A. W. Mulligan, Thomas Creswell, of Morass, to Emma, youngest daughter of the late William Anderson, of Castlequarter (Londonderry Sentinel)
October 25 1895 CRAIG – HANNIGAN. October 24, at Fahan Catholic Church, by the Rev. Michael Sheerin, P. P., assisted by the Rev. Father Gill, Burt, Alexander Craig, Inch, to Sarah Anne, eldest daughter of James Hannigan, Grange, Inch, county Donegal (Derry Journal)
March 24 1896 MARSHALL – MCMICHAEL. March 19, at Burt Church, by the Rev. Chas. Crookshank, James Marshall, eldest son of William Marshall, Fairview, Inch, to Susy Augusta McMichael, eldest daughter of William McMichael, Glack, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)
July 18 1899 GLENN – MCDOWELL. At Inch Presbyterian Church by the Rev. R. Lynn, assisted by the Rev. R. W. Ross, Burt, John Glenn, Carnamaddy, Burt, to Charlotte Gilmour, youngest daughter of the late John McDowell, Baylett, Inch (Londonderry Sentinel)


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