Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Born Co. Tyrone; Married USA

Page Created by James A. McKane
Spouse Born Co. Tyrone Other Spouse Date Submitted By
Crawford, Elizabeth Pollock, James 1911 Mike Kelly
Crawford, Jane Kelly, James 1918 Mike Kelly

Philadelphia Inquirer – Friday, 26 May 1911 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED
James Pollock. 773 Palace Street, and Elizabeth Crawford. 4210 Ogden Street
Elizabeth is daughter of John and Isabella Crawford nee McKay of Lislea, Clogher Parish, Co. Tyrone Northern Ireland
James is the son of James and Esther Pollock nee Pollock of Meenavoy, Stranorlar Parish, Co. Donegal Ireland

Jane Crawford was born 16 Aug 1892 in Lislea, Clogher Parish, Tyrone. She is the daughter of John Crawford and Isabella McKay.
Her paternal grandparents were James Crawford and I presume Jane Ramsay of Tatnadaveny, Clogher Parish, Tyrone.
Her maternal grandparents were William McKay or McCoy son Andrew (Beragh, Clogher Parish) and Catherine McBeigh or McBay daughter of Matthew and Martha McLane (Cappagh Parish)

Jane Crawford and James Kelly marriage application and marriage certificate transcription:

Common Wealth of Pennsylvania County of Philadelphia} ss.

We, the undersigned, in accordance with the statements hereinafter contained, the facts set forth wherein we and
each of us do solemnly swear are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief, do hereby make application
to the Clerk of the Orphans' Court of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, for a license to marry.

James Kelly
Miss Jeannie Crawford


Full name and surname: James Kelly
Color: White
Relationship of parties making this application, if any: None
Occupation: Driver
Birthplace: Bristol PA
Residence: Croydon PA
Date of Birth: 19 Oct 1896
That he has (Hand written) "Never" been married before, and marriage was dissolved by...
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease: No
Name and Surname of Father: Michael
of Mother: Mary
Maiden Name of Mother: Howe
Residence of Father: Dead
of Mother: Home
Color of Father: White
of Mother: White
Occupation of Father: Dead
of Mother: Home
Birthplace of Father: Pennsylvania
of Mother: Ireland
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind, or under guardianship as a person of unsound mind, or under the
influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug: No
Has applicant within five years been an inmate of any county asylum or home for indigent persons: No
Is applicant physically able to support a family: Yes
Signature of Applicant: James Kelly


Full name and surname: Jennie Crawford
Color: White
Occupation: Domestic
Birthplace: Ireland
Residence: 5039 Ogden St. W. Pa
Date of Birth: 16 Aug 1892
That she has (Hand written) "Never" been married before, and marriage was dissolved by...
Is applicant afflicted with any transmissible disease: No
Name and Surname of Father: John
of Mother: Isabella
Maiden Name of Mother: McKay
Residence of Father: Dead
of Mother: Ireland
Color of Father: White
of Mother: White
Occupation of Father: Dead
of Mother: Home
Birthplace of Father: Ireland
of Mother: Same
Is applicant an imbecile, epileptic, of unsound mind, or under guardianship as a person of unsound mind, or under the
influence of any intoxicating liquor or narcotic drug: No
Signature of Applicant: Miss Jeannie Crawford

Sworn and subscribed to before me this 20 day of Feb A.D. 1918
(illegible signature) Assistant Clerk of Orphans' Court.

FILED FEB 20 1918 No. 379938
James Kelly
Jeannie Crawford
AFFIDAVIT of Application for Marriage License
License 100
Consent of Parent or Guardian Not recorded
Affidavit of Guardian Not recorded

No. 379938
I, Samuel W. Purvis hereby certify on the 20th day of February one thousand nine hundred and 18,
at Philadelphia, James Kelly and Jennie Crawford were by me united in marriage, in
accordance with License issued by the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania,
numbered 379938
Samuel W. Purvis
Minister of the Gospel, Justice of the Peace, or Magistrate

This Duplicate to be returned to the Clerk of Orphans' Court, Room No. 417 City Hall, within thirty days
after the solemnizing of said marriage, under a penalty of Fifty Dollars.