Letter to James SPROUL from Elizy SMITH (nee LOVE)
19 Oct 1900
Dear Brother and sisters and friends. I once more take the oppertunity to rite you a few more linds to see that you all are is still alive yet i rote to you and hant got no answer yet i shant much news to rite me soe is all well at this time hoping the same of you all. I sent mine and Mr. Smith picture and hit come back thay went to strabam to the ded letter offest and back to saint Joseph. I dont no what to think the picture came back and the letter never well brother i reckond if you got my letter you heard about cousand Bill Love deth, crops is very good soe thaught in the spring we would not make any thing, it rain so much that it was late before we got planted. Well brother we have had a good meetting out her this summer we is going to try to git up a church closter to us it will be about 2 milds from us. thay is bbin a heep of sicness and deths --- out her but not clost to us. we have bin all well this summer think the lord for his goodness to us . Willis wife and family is well but she never made no crop this year i am afraead she will see a hard time another year. my baby come to see me las sunday, she is well and .... well
I have got twenty six grand children now mariar hav got another boy she is got six children two gierls and four boys i want you to rite and tell me if uncle Gellic is still alive i hant forgot him yet rite to me about sousand Elizy if she alive if she is tell her i think hard of her not riting to me. Dier Brother i would like to see you all and talk with you awhile but the disten is far away we cant see one andother . dier brother and sisters i want you te tell me in the next letter if you all is readdy to meet your god in peace when he call you home in heaven i no we nevr meet no more on this earht no more i feel like i am reddy to go any time the lord call me.
i want we all to be ready to meet in our happy home when we will live with god for evermore dier brother it is not woth while to rite any more . mr. smith jines with me in sendind our love to brother sisters and friends god bless you all dier brother i want you to rite as soon as you get this for i want to hear from you so bad. no more at present but remain your affecnated ---- brother and sister until deth and good by to all from Elizy Smith to James Sproul
I typed it out as spelled. All I have is actually a copy, the original is in possession of Ethel Mercks Scott a descendant 15 Oct 1997 and sent to me in her letter
Transcribed and submitted by ~ Ellen Allen - kenallen123(at)gmail(dot)com
NOTE by Ellen~
Elizy SMITH (Nee LOVE) was writing to James Sproul about how her former letter home to family had been returned to Strabam (Strabane) post office, then back to St. Joseph, Tennessee, so her home had to be connected to that area. It was written 19 Oct 1900. She was born 18 Sep 1834 and Died 27 Nov 1912 buried Loretto Cemetery, Lawrence, Tennessee.