Note: Original spellings have been maintained.
County of Tyrone,
Barrony of Dunganon
Parrish of Killaman
Kingdom of Ireland
By the Rev. George Cope
Rector of the Pish of Killaman and the Church Wardens of sd pish and others of undoubted credit and reputation
We do here certifie that the bearer hereof Edward Rice was born in this parrish of Killaman of very Honest and Creditable parents and hath lived in the sd pish Ever since until now in very good Credit and Reputation and hath behaved himself very civilly and Honnestly without any manner of scandal known to us. And now he intends God willing to Transpose himself to the Province of Pencelvenia or some other of his Majesties Colonies in America whence Providence shall direct him. And we know no Reason but He may be Received and Admitted into the Society and fellowship of any Good Christian people in any of his Majesties colonies where Providence shall Direct him to Settle. Attested this day by us 12th day of June 1736
Geo Cope Rector
William Hollon) Church Wardens
John Hayes)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Com Tyroness
By Whereas the Bearer hereof Edward Rice having occasion to transpo. himself into the Province of Pencelvenia or some other of his Majesties in America where Providence shall Direct and for his better safety desires this my pass These are therefore to Desire and Requireing all persons whome it may concern both Civill and Millatary to permit the sd Bearer to pass and Repass without any ….[?] Hinderance or Mollestation Either in Body or Goods he in the mean time behaving himself as becometh A Loyal Subject Given under my hand and seal at rear
This 12th day of June 1736