Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Letter from Peggy Logan, Carrickmore, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland to her daughters, Margaret Mary and Francis, Philadelphia, USA - 1847

Transcribed & Compiled by Deborah Fox

POSTMARK:  Dungannon Oct  7 1847 Carrickmore

To Philadelphia , America for Miss Mary Lagan

Innisative, October 5th 1847

My dear children Margaret Mary and Francis,

In answer to your letter of the 28th, I have already received and believe me it gave me much pleasure to hear from you all that ye are in good health as this letter leaves me in at present….there with my family, in your letter.


I received your ticket to me for 2.0.0 to be drew by the Rev. McChristle out of Mr. Corscaddin’s office in Derry which money I have received according to your directions.


I return you all thanks for your kindness to me as your mother and in return may God of his infinite mercy reward you all as ye have minded me in my calamity and in a time so callow as the present has been.  I never will forget how you have assisted me, may you be rewarded in this life and doubly so in that which is to come, never did anything come in such good time as that which you sent to me.  I would like that you would send Francis to a trade whatever would be most advantageous to him for hard labor is quite a stranger to him.


Michael Lagan and family are well.  Your grandfather is in good health your Aunt Mary is well and wishes to be remembered to you all.  She says that if you send for Allice and send her passage she will let her go to you.  The children are just scrawling out of the pox now and I had enough to do.  And very bad they were for 10 weeks.  The very next letter you send me I hope it will be to take me out of bondage for in bondage I am that since you left me I will be able to take 3 of the children with me when I am going and I will leave the remainder for you.  What I depended to support my family during the year is fairly failed within the last month….is the potato crop…that we may bid dieu to the in …fear…very much Revd.  McChristle sends all his blessing and likewise hi is…how well you are doing…….Dr. Ruther ford…your letters he befriend …very much…Margaret…Lougheran is well and …how are you doing.  Pat Donnelly is well he is constabulary in Armaugh…are well…Frank…Allice and got no answer as yet.  Nancy Hughes…be convenient to you in your next letter all concerning her  Pat Donnnelly he did not write her home yet.  Ellen Hill and her two daughters are gone to America, you do not be uneasy who told you that you spoke of in your letter it was Patt Orr.  Betty McAnalla want to know her son and daughter…Thomas McGlone is with wife and family…


Charles O’Neill to his affectionate cousin Margaret Hughes as said. Charles did not get out to America to his wishes owing to the want of what would make him ready…He therefore returns the passage ticket in this letter to be given to the said Margaret Hughes, by you Margaret Lagan as he intends she will send for him again spring.


He could not go out times were so contrary and he is forever obliged to her for her kindness to him hoping that she will remember him again spring…his best respects he send her may be happy…Charles O’Neill

Remain your affectionate Mother

Peggy Logan

Would you please give his ticket to Margaret Hughes as soon as you receive this letter lest she loses her passage ticket.