Original letter may be seen here.Gortanigan, NewtownStewart
Co. Tyrone, Ireland,
29 January, 1872
Dear Brother
In replay to your letter dated 25 ultimo (December 1872), which I received this two weeks, I have to inform you that it found us in the enjoyment of good health, Thank God for his kind mercies. We are very glad to hear that you and family and all our friends as far as you are acquainted are still alive and well. On the day after I received your letter I went to visit with Sisters Jane and Olivia the day after I received you letter and stopped two days, I left your letter and address with them and told them they might write to you, so I do not know whether they may or not.
Sister June is well an(d) is living in the house with her son in law her sons James and Hugh are dead. John is in Montreal (Lower Canada) Hamilton is in Scotland and her daughters are all Married. Matilda’s Husband is the name of Woods. Olivias husband is Edward Noble. Mary Jane’s husband is the name of Irvine. Sister Olivia and husband are well are living in the house with her son, Charles and daughter in law. Her sons Thomas and Robert are living convenient to them. I think it very strange that there is not account from William and James. I feel very uneasy concerning them. It is rather disheartening not to be getting letters from them occasionally. I have still the intention of going out to that country next May, And I hope we shall live to meet there. Times are very good in this country at present for the farming class, land produce brings in a very good return. Cattle of all description are selling pretty high. Hourakes (sp?) flax rates from L2 per cut to L4
Oats 11 pence per stone; butter ½ per lab; beef 8 pence per lb; eggs 9 ½ per dozen (sic); potatoes from 4 pence -6 pence per stone; oatmeal 1/9 per stone; flour 2/6 per stone; India Meal ½ per stone and other markets and commodities in proportion; pork rates from 1/10 to L2 orper (sp?) cut. I made inquery (sic) concerning your age, and William Harper that lived in the Island told me more than sister could. He says your age is 63 now at Candlemas (next month) Write immediately on receipt of this. I remain your ever loving brother till death: Edward Harper.