Chicago, Oct. 14, 1895
C.C. Lounsberry, Esq., Marshalltown, Iowa
Dear Sir: Yours of the 12th to hand and I am glad to answer your questions as far as I can. I was born in Ireland, Tyrone County, and worked on a farm near a little town called Cookstown, Ireland, was married there and came to Chicago direct in 1871. My wife’s maiden name was McKinney. Was married in Ireland, my father’s family and wife’s family being neighbors. We have only one child living, she is married to Mr. J.L. Campbell, secretary of the above company. I have three brothers living. One in Oregon, one in Chicago, and one still on the old homestead in Ireland. My father’s name was Arthur and he had two brothers. One of them was named George and I cannot remember much about him. The other’s name was Adam and he came to Philadelphia about 40 years ago, had a large family but have only seen two of them since I came here. My grandfather’s name was Arthur. He had a brother that came to the states a long time ago and left quite a legacy to the heirs. My father was born in 1796. My mother’s name was McKinney. My wife’s name and mother’s is the same name but no relation. My mother’s name was Eliza. She is dead 35 years—died at the age of 56. My father was 84 when he died. It is hard for me to tell the ages of great grandfather and grandfather. My age is 53. When I came to Chicago I started to work in a lumber yard and worked my way up through all the departments except bookkeeper, of the largest yard in Chicago—S.K. Martin Lumber Co. I was with this firm 19 years, was the manager for same nearly 15 years, was a partner and vice-president five years. We have been in business under this name 5 years. We sell over 35 millions per year and our business is still growing.
Now if there are any other questions about the family would be please to answer them. As far as I can remember this generation are all Presbyterians and was the same for four or five generations before this. There was also a family by the name of William Gourley and one by the name of Jno. Gourley that lived in Cookstown, Ireland but I have lost track of them.
Arthur Gourley
NOTE: Two nephews of Arthur Gourley, the writer of the above letter, named John and Thomas, reside in Waukegan, IL and are engaged in the lumber business.