The Hearth Money Roll 1665
The Hearth of Chimney Tax was imposed by Charles II in 1662, when it produced about £200,000 a year. The following is a complete list of the inhabitants of Raphoe Parish in 1665, having one or more hearths in their houses, as recorded on the Hearth Money Roll, Co. Donegal, 1665, Names of Persons in the Parish of Raphoe who paid the hearth Tax in County Donegal, 1665.
Convoy parish was formed out of Raphoe parish in 1773
ADAM | Matthew | Raphoe | 1 |
ALEXANDER | John | Maghrisollus | 1 |
ALEXANDER | William | Lismontigly | 1 |
ALLASON | Andrew | Tullidonell | 1 |
ALLEN | John | Kiltoell | 1 |
ARKLESS | John, elder | Cloghroy | 1 |
ARKLESS | John, younger | Cloghroy | 1 |
BELL | Pattrick | Rusky | 1 |
BLAINE | Pattrick | Aghenkurragh | 1 |
BLAIRE | John | Maghrisollus | 1 |
BREADY | James | Raphoe | 1 |
BROWNE | Robert | Ardechilly | 1 |
BUCHANAN | George | Cullaghy | 1 |
BURNESYDE [BURNSIDE] | Robert | Castletorris | 1 |
CALDWELL | James | Lismontigly | 1 |
CALDWELL | Robert | Killinour | 1 |
CALDWELL | William | Tullidonell | 1 |
CAMPBLE [CAMPBELL] | John | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
CARPENTER | Thomas | Raphoe | 1 |
CARSON | John | Beltany | 1 |
CARSON | Richard | Cullaghdery | 1 |
CARUTH | John | Hubistown | 1 |
COCKEN | Matthew | Raphoe | 1 |
COGHRAN [COCHRAN] | Robert | Carrickbrack | 1 |
COGHRAN [COCHRAN] | Robert | Carrickbrack | 1 |
COGHRAN [COCHRAN] | Robert | Lismontigly | 1 |
COLEMAN | Marmaduke | Raphoe | 1 |
CONINGHAME [CUNNINGHAM] | Walter | Aghenkurragh | 1 |
CONNIGHAME [CUNNINGHAM] | Alex. | Raphoe | 1 |
DAVISON | John | Ardechilly | 1 |
DEASLY [DAISLEY] | Wm. | Gobnascale | 1 |
DICK | Hugh | Maghricoren | 1 |
DICK | James | Maghricoren | 1 |
DREDDAN | David | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
DRYELAND | Hugh | Beltany | 1 |
DUNCKAN | John | Raphoe | 1 |
DUNCKAN | John, senior | Raphoe | 1 |
EWING | Wm. | Maghrihee | 1 |
FERGUSON | Andrew | Figert | 1 |
FINLAY | James | Ardechilly | 1 |
FLEMING | George | Cornigillagh | 1 |
FLOOD | David | Killinour | 1 |
FORRSET [FAUSSET] | Mecum | Gortness | 1 |
FORSYTH | Robert | Findurk | 1 |
FRAM [FRAME] | Thomas | Drumgumerlan | 1 |
FRAMM [FRAME] | Archibald | Castletorris | 1 |
GALBRAITH | Thomas | Lisnowall | 1 |
GEMBLE [GAMBLE] | Robert | Rusky | 1 |
GORDON | Andrew | Raphoe | 1 |
GRAY | George | Ardechilly | 1 |
GRAY | John | Castletorris | 1 |
GRAY | Robert | Castletorris | 1 |
GRAY | Widow | Cloghcor | 1 |
GREER | Gilbert | Raphoe | 1 |
HALL | James | Carrickbrack | 1 |
HAMILTON | Francis | Killinour | 1 |
HARRIS | John | Lismontigly | 1 |
HARVY | Edward | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
HENDERSON | Daniel | Rusky | 1 |
HENDERSON | Hugh | Lismontigly | 1 |
HENDERSON | James | Rusky | 1 |
HENDERSON | John | Rusky | 1 |
HENDERSON | Michaell | Carrickbrack | 1 |
HENDERSON | Robert | Maghrihee | 1 |
HENDERSON | Thomas | Rusky | 1 |
HENDERSON | William | Lismontigly | 1 |
HOLMES | John | Assmoyne | 1 |
HOMES [HOLMES] | Gabriel | Arvernock | 1 |
HOMES [HOLMES] | James | Assmoyne | 1 |
HOMES [HOLMES] | John | Tulliveny | 1 |
HOWE | Robert | Raphoe | 1 |
HUGH [HUGHES?] | William | Assmoyne | 1 |
HUGHES | David | Raphoe | 1 |
HUNTER | John | Beltany | 1 |
HYNEMAN | John | Beltany | 1 |
JOHN | Leetch | Hubistown | 1 |
JOHNSON | John | Raphoe | 1 |
JOHNSTON | James | Lismontigly | 1 |
KERR | Daniel | Daveclogh | 1 |
KERR | James | Raphoe | 1 |
KIRKEWOOD | James | Raphoe | 1 |
KNOX | Thomas | Raphoe | 1 |
KYLE | Archibald | Raphoe | 1 |
LAIRD | Alex. | Assmoyne | 1 |
LAIRD | Alex. | Kiltoell | 1 |
LAIRD | James | Assmoyne | 1 |
LAIRD | Robert | Assmoyne | 1 |
LAIRD | Robert | Tulliveny | 1 |
LAUGHLAN | Lobert [Robert?] | Maghrisollus | 1 |
LAWRY [LOWRY] | Pattrick | Assmoyne | 1 |
LEARD | John | Tulliveny | 1 |
LESLY | James | Raphoe | 2 |
LINDSEY | David | Maghryghan | 1 |
LINDSEY | John | Maghryghan | 1 |
LONGE | Finlay | Cullaghdery | 1 |
LORD BISHOP [OF RAPHOE] | Robert | Raphoe | 10 |
LOWRY | Andrew | Cullaghy | 1 |
MACHAN | John | Ardechilly | 1 |
MAIZE | James | Convoy | 1 |
MAIZE | John | Convoy | 1 |
MATHY [MATHER?] | Robert | Maghrihee | 1 |
MCCASKER | Alex. | Hubistown | 1 |
MCCLERY | James | Agagalty | 1 |
MCCLINTOCK | James | Maghrihee | 1 |
MCCLINTOCK | John | Maghrihee | 1 |
MCCLINTOCK | Robert | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
MCCLUER [MCCLURE] | Robert | Findrum | 1 |
MCCLUIR [MCCLURE] | John | Agagalty | 1 |
MCCLUIR [MCCLURE] | John, jun. | Agagalty | 1 |
MCCONNAGHY | Donnell | Knockegerran | 1 |
MCCONNELL | Edmund | Drumkeen | 1 |
MCCONNELL | Neale | Drumkeen | 1 |
MCCORMICK | John | Raphoe | 1 |
MCGUIRE | Dunckan | Drumgumerlan | 1 |
MCILFAILL | Owen | Ardechilly | 1 |
MCILROY | Donnell | Cloghroy | 1 |
MCILTYRE | John | Raphoe | 1 |
MCKELVY | Neall | Lettermore | 1 |
MCKELVY | Owen | Lettermore | 1 |
MCKERRAN | Bryan | Drumkeen | 1 |
MCKERRAN | Neale | Drumkeen | 1 |
MCKERRAN | Pat. | Lettermore | 1 |
MCKERRAN | Shan | Drumkeen | 1 |
MCLTURNOR | Patrick | Tullidonell | 1 |
MCLTURNOR | Robert | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
MCMENEMY | Phelomy | Castletorris | 1 |
MCMONGELL [MCMONIGLE] | Donell | Beltany | 1 |
MCNEEVIN | James | Cullaghy | 1 |
MCNEEVIN | Wm. | Cullaghy | 1 |
MITCHALL | Robert | Findrum | 1 |
MITCHELL | Andrew | Tullidonell | 1 |
MITCHELL | Robert | Ardechilly | 1 |
MITCHELL | William | Ardechilly | 1 |
MONTGOMERY | Hugh | Raphoe | 1 |
MOODY | John | Raphoe | 1 |
MOORE | James | Maghricoren | 1 |
MORISON | Robert | Belleheley | 1 |
MURRAY | Alex. | Carrickbrack | 1 |
MURRAY | Thomas | Rusky | 1 |
NISBIT | Alex. | Cornigillagh | 1 |
NISBIT | George | Figert | 1 |
NISBIT | Hugh | Tullidonell | 1 |
NISBIT | John, Esq. | Tullidonell | 3 |
NISBIT | Robert | Cessnecully | 1 |
O’AILFAILE | Donnell | Drumgumerlan | 1 |
O’BARRAN | Torlagh | Callen | 1 |
O’BRILLAGHAN | James | Drumkeen | 1 |
O’CASSEDY | Turlagh | Lettermore | 1 |
O’COLLOUN | Donnell | Callen | 1 |
O’COLLUNE | Owen | Killinour | 1 |
O’CRENAN | Torlogh | Trinterboy | 1 |
O’DIVER | Cormick | Drumkeen | 1 |
O’DIVER | Shan | Lettermore | 1 |
O’DONNELL | Neale | Trinterboy | 1 |
O’DOUGERY | Wm. | Killinour | 1 |
O’DOWARD | Gilbreed | Drumkeen | 1 |
O’GALLAGHER | Hugh | Lettermore | 1 |
O’GALLAGHER | Torlagh | Cornigillagh | 1 |
O’GALLOGHER | Phelemy | Trinteboy | 1 |
O’KERIGAN | Rorry | Agagalty | 1 |
O’LONGAN | Owen ballagh | Agagalty | 1 |
O’LUNGAN | Torlagh | Agagalty | 1 |
O’LUNSHAGHAN [O’LYNCHAGHAN] | Roory | Drumkeen | 1 |
O’MUGHAN | Owen | Callen | 1 |
O’MULLOUG | Edmund | Lettermore | 1 |
O’MULLOUGHERY | Hugh | Killinour | 1 |
O’PATTEN | Bryan | Drumgumerlan | 1 |
O’PATTEN | Cashell | Trinterboy | 1 |
O’PETTAN | Bryan | Cloghroy | 1 |
O’PETTAN | Bryan | Cloughroy | 1 |
O’QUIGLEY | Art | Cloghroy | 1 |
O’ROERTY | Hugh | Callen | 1 |
O’ROGAN | Connor | Killinour | 1 |
O’SCANLAN | Rorry | Callen | 1 |
O’TINNY | Feale | Drumkeen | 1 |
O’TWOLAN | Shan | Killinour | 1 |
ORR | Alex. | Beltany | 1 |
PATON | James | Maghricoren | 1 |
PATON | John | Maghricoren | 1 |
PATTERSON | John | Gortequigley | 1 |
PERRY | Alex/ Alen | Beltany | 1 |
PERRY | Widow | Beltany | 1 |
POAK [POLLOCK] | John | Raphoe | 1 |
POAK [POLLOCK] | Robert | Raphoe | 1 |
QUANTEIN | Robert | Raphoe | 1 |
RAMSAY | Thomas | Findrum | 1 |
RANKEIN [RANKIN] | George | Raphoe | 1 |
RANKEIN [RANKIN] | John | Raphoe | 1 |
RICHMOND | Andrew | Killinour | 1 |
ROBINSON | Archibald | Daveclogh | 1 |
ROBINSON | Hugh | Agagalty | 1 |
RODGER | Andrew | Lismontigly | 1 |
RODGER | George | Cullaghy | 1 |
RODGER | John | Cullaghy | 1 |
RODGER | Thomas | Ardechilly | 1 |
ROLISON | Robert | Convoy | 1 |
SHEILDS | James | Figert | 1 |
SMITH | John | Knockegerran | 1 |
SMITH | Robert | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
SMITH | Robert | Gortequigly | 1 |
SNODGRASS | Robert | Beltany | 1 |
SPROULE | Archibald | Lismontigly | 1 |
SPROULL | John | Stranorlughan | 1 |
STEVENSON | Thomas | Culladery | 1 |
STEVINSON | Robert | Beltany | 1 |
STEWART | John | Raphoe | 1 |
THOMPSON | Thomas | Raphoe | 1 |
TWYFORD | John | Raphoe | 1 |
WALKER | Alex. | Raphoe | 1 |
WALKER | John | Daveclogh | 1 |
WALKER | John | Findurk | 1 |
WALKER | William | Gortequigley | 1 |
WALLACE | Michael | Rusky | 1 |
WALWOOD | Doctor John, Dean of Raphoe | Raphoe | 4 |
WIGTON | Andrew | Raphoe | 1 |
WIGTON | John | Raphoe | 1 |
WILSON | Alex. | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
WILSON | Humphrey | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
WILSON | Richard | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
WRIGHT | Wm. | Glen M’Quein | 1 |
WYLLY [WILEY] | Thomas | Cessnecully | 1 |
Further Raphoe Parish records can be viewed here:
Raphoe Parish Records, Co. Donegal
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