Established in 1708 the Registry of Deeds is a huge archive of Irish property history, holding 17,000 bound volumes of property documents and five million memorial records of property transactions.
These films will test your patience and determination!!
These films are photos of the many thousands of pages of the Registry. They are not indexed but contain valuable information
Go to
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Click on Search
Then in the dropdown list, click on Catalog
Choose Search by Titles
In the Titles field, enter “Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929”
Click on Search
Click on the entry “Transcripts of memorials of deeds, conveyances and wills, 1708-1929”
Give a little time to produce the whole page which is a very long list of films
Read the Notes section on this page – IMPORTANT!!
Next you have the choice of searching [listed as you scroll down the very long page]
Here you need to note the dates associated with each film if the date is important to your search
The Grantor [of the deed] Index – indexed by Surname; grouped by various dates
The Land Index [city location as mentioned in the Notes]
The Place Name Index [Townlands indexed by County]
The Land Index 1920-1929
Deeds – indexed by the Memorial Number which you obtain from searches in the above listed indices
I would highly recommend you follow the sequence I used to search for my ancestor James McKane [I found a James McKane but not MY James!!] to familiarize yourself with the procedure
Scroll down to the “Grantor Index M-Z 1786-1793” in the left column
Note the Film Number in the event you wish to return later
Clcik on the tiny Camera Icon in the right-most column
Here you may open any of the images by double-clicking directly on them
You can jump pages using the Image Number field in the upper left corner of the screen
I found a James McKane on page 12
Use the Image Number field to jump to page 12; double-click on it
Part way down the left page, you will find McKane, James
This means Vol 376, Page 360, Memorial Extract Number 251374
Now you need to go back to your Search Results listing with the long list of films; Scroll away down until you find - “Deeds, etc., v. 376-377 1785-1786” in the left column; then click on the tiny Camera Icon in right column to open the film images
These records are indexed by the Memorial Extract Number which in this case is 251374
Double-click on any random image; look for a Memorial Extract Number to see an indication of which way you need to go in the book. You can ‘jump’ image numbers by amending the Image number in the upper-left of the screen.
In this case, you will find the beginning of the Memorial in Image Number 190
Additional Notes:
Mc’s could be alpha or at the beginning of the M’s
Land Records are not necessarily alpha under letter of alphabet!!
Good Luck!!