WORDS GENEALOGISTS NEED TO KNOW ABSTRACT- A summary of the important parts or points of a document AHNETAFEL-pedigree a table of contants )(german word) CONSANGUINITY- State of being related by blood or descended from a common ancestor PROJENITOR- Ancestor in the direct line forefather INDENTURE- Agreement in writing between 2 or more parties wgich was then cut or torn on a jagged line, each party receiving one section that could be matched frequently used in a colony or where loans of money were made. CONSORT Spouse (husband or wife) REDEMPTIONER Person who sold his service for a period of 2 years to pay for his ship's passage EMIGRANT- one who leaves one place or country to settle in another IMMIGRANT- One who enters a new Country and settles there. RELICT- Widow or widower FREEMEN- In tax and other records, unmarried men of age 21 and older, free of family obligations, so taxed as a single man. 1752 A Date To Remember In the middle of the 18th Century 2 Changes were made to the English Calender. The 1st change - and the one most important to genealogists- moved the official state of the New Year from 25 March (Lady Day) to 1st January. This changed January, February & March from being the last 3 months of the old year to being the 1st 3 months of the New Year. The 2nd change - by losing 11 days in September, was from the Julian Calender to the Grwgoian. This brought England in line with the rest of Europe, where the Gregorian system had been in use since 1582. The correct procedure is to transcribe the dates in both Old Style & New 5Fee. O.S. should be written 5 Feb 1626/7 Genealogical EVIDENCE PRIMARY EVIDENCE This is evidence obtained from original records- documents of statements made close tot he time of occurance by a trustworthy witness. SECONDARY EVIDENCE This is evidence recorded much later than the event or by someone not present at the event. DIRECT EVIDENCE Anything that states certain facts with the specific purpose of proving those facts. INDIRECT EVIDENCE Only implies a fact. PERPONDERANCE of EVIDENCE This is established when there is no direct evidence of a fact but a number of primary sources of information make that conclusion more likely than any other. Acronyms & Initials For Genealogists admin. - administration; administrator Admon. - letters of administration Ag. Lab. - Agricultural Labourer (British censuses) AGLL- American Genealogical Lending Library A.K.A - also known as Al-Alien AOH- Ancient Order of Hibernians APG - Association of Professional Genealogists Beh.-beheaded Beq-bequest, bequeathed bio- biography BLW- Bounty Land Warrant BTY- By The Way Bap or Chr - baptised / christened C., Ca.-circa (about) CC - County Clerk; county court, county commissioner; company commander CCP - Court of Common Pleas Cem.-cemetery Cen.-census Cent.-century Comm. - commissioners CRA - Church Records Archives DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution D.B.- Deed Book D.C.E. .-Writ of diem clausit extremum (he has closed his last day) Dec'd, Decd.-deceased D.S.P - died without issue En - engineer Ens.-Ensign Exs. - executors Exuc. - executrix; a female executor FGS-Family Group Sheets FGS - Federation of Genealogical Societies F &AM-Free and Accepted Masons FHC - Family History Center FHL - Family History Library GEDCOM - GEnealogical Data COMmunication GOONS - Guild of One Name Studies Govt-Government HSA - Huguenot Society of America Ibid. - [Latin] ibidem; same (reference) IGS - Irish Genealogical Society IMHO - In My Humble Opinion ( electronic communication, in general) IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion ( electronic communication, in general IOF-Independant Order of Foresters IOOF- Order of Odd Fellows ISBN- Internationa Standard Book Number IGI- International Genealogical Index I.P.M..-Inquisition post mortem IRC- International Reply Coupon JP - Justice of the Peace Jr., jun. junior (younger of two) K. of C.-Knights of Columbus K.G.-Knight of the Garter K.of P- Knights of Pythias KT- Knights Templar LC - Library of Congress LDS- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Lieut. - lieutenant LMA - London Metropolitan Archives Matric-matriculated (entered and recorded at college or university) MI - Monumental Inscription (on tombstones) MS., MSS.-manuscript, manuscripts NA - Naturalized NARA - National Archives and Records Administration NEHGS - New England Historic Genealogical Society NGS - National Genealogical Society NIGR - National Institute of Genealogical Research NINA - No Irish need apply (Used in Newspaer ads.) nunc. -nuncupative (oral, as opposed to written) Obit. - obituary Ord. - ordained; ordinance; order; ordinary P.C.-Privy Council PLB - Poor Law Board Propr- proprietor (land owner) Rev. War - Revolutionary War SASE - Self addressed stamped envelope Sen.or Sr. - senior (elder of two) SKS - Some Kind Soul SoG - Society of Genealogists (London) Src. - source Suc. - succeeded (followed) Suo juris-in his (her) right Surg. - surgeon Surv. - survived TAG- The American Geneaologist Twp- township U.K. - United Kingdom UPS- United Parcel Service Ux.- uxor or uxoris, wife WASP- White Anglo Saxon Protestant COUNTRY ABBREVIATIONS AUS Australia AUT Austria BEL Belgium BRA Brazil BRB Barbados CAN Canada CHE Switzerland CHI Channel Islands COL Columbia CZE Czech Republic DEU Germany ENG England FRA France HUN Hungary IRL Ireland IOM Isle of Man ITA Italy LBN Lebanon LKA Sri Lanka LTU Lithunia LUX Luxemburg MEX Mexico MOZ Mozambique NLD Netherlands NZL New Zealand NOR Norway PER Peru POL Poland SCT Scotland SWE Sweden SVK Slovakia THA Thailand UKI United Kingdom UKR Ukraine USA United States WLS Wales ZAF South Africa ZMB Zambia CANADIAN PROVINCES ABBREVIATIONS AB Alberta BC British Columbia MB Manitoba NB New Brunswick NF Newfoundland NS Nova Scotia NT Northwest Territories ON Ontario PE Prince Edward Island QC Quebec SK Saskatchewan YT Yukon UNITED STATES ABBREVIATIONS AL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas CA California CZ Canal Zone CO Colorado CT Connecticut DE Delaware DC Dist of Columbia FL Florida GA Georgia GU Guam HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana IA Iowa KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana ME Maine MD Maryland MA Massachusetts MI Michigan MN Minnesota MS Mississippi MO Missouri MT Montana NE Nebraska NV Nevada NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NY New York NC North Carolina ND North Dakota OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania PR Puerto Rico RI Rhode Island SC South Carolina SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VT Vermont VA Virginia VI Virgin Islands WA Washington WV West Virginia WI Wisconsin WY Wyoming |