This file of the INDEX TO GRIFFITHS VALUATION OF DRUMGLASS PARISH,DUNGANNON, COUNTY TYRONE forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to DRUMGLASS PARISH & DUNGANNON on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
Drumglass Parish, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland Townlands in Drumglass
For an explanation of and the background to c1860 Griffiths Valuation see
Surname Given Name Townland ACHESON David Drumcoo, T of Dungannon AGNEW Anne Jane Drumcoo, T of Dungannon AGNEW Barclay Killybrackey AGNEW Bernard Ross Beg AGNEW Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon AGNEW Thomas Gortmerron AGNEW Thomas Ross Beg AGNEW Thomas Tullyodonnell ALLEN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ALLEN William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ALLEN William Gortmerron ANDERSON Alex. Wm. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ANDERSON Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ANDERSON David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ANDERSON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ANDERSON William Drumcoo ANDERSON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ARCHER John Kingarve ARNOLD Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ARTHUR Hugh Derraghadoan ARTHUR Wilson Ross Beg ATWELL Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ATWELL William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BALLARD Rev. Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BARCLAY Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BARKER John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BARRETT Samuel Gortmerron BARTON William Drumcoo BARTON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BAYLE Bernard Gortmerron BEATTIE Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BEATTY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BEATTY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BEAVER Caroline Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BEGLEY John L: Derraghadoan BELL Mary Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BENSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BERNARD Walter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BEST George Creevagh Upper BEST William Lurgaboy BIGLEY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BIGLEY John Ross More BIRNEY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLACK Robert Drumcoo BLACK Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLACK Samuel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLAIN William Lisnaclin BLAIR Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLAIR William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLEEKS Margaret Derraghadoan BLOOMER Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BLOOMFIELD Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BOARDMAN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BOND Walter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BOOTH Archibald Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BRADLEY Charles Ross More BRADLEY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BRANAGAN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BRANIGAN Owen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BREE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BROOKE Basil G Drumcoo BROWN Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BROWN Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BROWN Robert Derraghadoan BROWNE James Drumcoo BROWNE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BRYARS James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BULLOCK William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURNS Dinah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURNS Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURNSIDE Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURROWES Robert Ross Beg BURROWS Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURROWS Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BURROWS Robert Ross More BURROWS Thomas Tullycullion BURROWS William Creevagh Upper BURTON Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon BUZZARD Robert Killyneill CADOO Alexander Drumcoo CADOO Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CALDWELL Terence Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAMPBELL Andrew Derraghadoan CAMPBELL Andrew Ross Beg CAMPBELL Edward Killybrackey CAMPBELL Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAMPBELL Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAMPBELL Margaret Derraghadoan CAMPBELL Margaret Ross Beg CAMPBELL Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAMPBELL Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAMPBELL Rose Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CANAVAN Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CARR Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CARR James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CARROLL Alice Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CARROLL William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CASEY Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CASEY Daniel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAVANAGH Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAVANAGH Christopher Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CAVANAGH John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CHAPMAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CHARLETON Robert Drumcoo CHARLETON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CHARLETON Thomas Drumcoo CHARLETON Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CLARKE James Killyneill CLARKE John Coolhill CLARKE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CLARKE Robert Killyneill CLARKE Sarah Ross More CLARKE Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CLERNAN Michael Derraghadoan COCHRANE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COFFEY Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COLE Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COLEMAN Isaac Tullygun COLTON Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COMPTON Robert Kingarve CONDY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONLAN Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONLAN Terence Killyneill CONNOR Arthur Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONNOR James Ross Beg CONNOR John Lurgaboy CONNOR Patrick Ross Beg CONROY Daniel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONROY Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONROY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONROY Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CONWAY Mary Ross More COOKE John Killylack Glebe COONAGH Edward Ross More COONAGH Philip Ross More COONEY Isabella Mullaghadun COOPER James Cornamucklagh COPPLETON Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COREY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CORN Thomas Congo CORR Henry Drumcoo CORR Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CORR James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CORR Terence Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CORRIGAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CORRIGAN Thos. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COTTER Bridget Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COURTNEY Abraham Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COURTNEY Margaret Tullycullion COURTNEY Samuel Kingarve COUSINS Thos. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon COYLE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CRANSTON Margaret Drumcoo CREAGH James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CULLEN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CULLEN Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CULLEN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CULLEN Maurice Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CULLEN Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CUNNINGHAM Bernard Ross More CUNNINGHAM Bernd Gortmerron CUNNINGHAM James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CUNNINGHAM Jane Drumcoo T: Dungannon CUNNINGHAM John Coolhill CUNNINGHAM John Drumcoo T: Dungannon CUNNINGHAM John Lisnaclin CUNNINGHAM Peter Gortmerron CUNNINGHAM Terence Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CUNNINGHAM William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CURRAN Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CURRY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon CUSH Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DALY Catherine Mullaghadun DALY Felix Mullaghadun DALY James Cornamucklagh DALY James Kingarve DALY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DALY William Ross Beg DANVER John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DARBY Mary Lurgaboy DARRAGH Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DARRAGH Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DAVIDSON Cornelius Drumcoo DAVIDSON Cornelius C. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DAVIS William Drumcoo DAVISON William Creevagh Upper DAWSON Eliza Ranaghan DAWSON Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DAWSON John Coolhill DENISON Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DEVLIN Hugh Ross More DEVLIN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DEVLIN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DEVLIN Mary Killybrackey DEVLIN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DEVLIN Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKEY Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKSON Benjamin Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKSON James Drumcoo DICKSON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DICKSON Sarah & son Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DILLART Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DIVENNY Anne Killyneill DIVENNY Thomas Killyneill DIXON Benjamin Drumcoo DIXON Thomas Cornamucklagh DOBBYN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOHERTY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY Elizabeth Coolhill DONAGHY Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY James Coolhill DONAGHY John Derraghadoan DONAGHY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY John Ross Beg DONAGHY Matthew Coolhill DONAGHY Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONAGHY Patrick Killybrackey DONAGHY William Congo DONAGHY William Killybrackey DONNELL Bernard Killybrackey DONNELLY Daniel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY Eleanor Ross More DONNELLY Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY Francis Killybrackey DONNELLY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY James Tullygun DONNELLY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY John Ross More DONNELLY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY Mary Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DONNELLY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOUGLAS Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOUGLAS William Drumcoo DOUGLAS William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOUGLAS William Gortmerron DOUGLAS William Killymeal DOUGLAS William Mullaghadun DOWNEY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOYLE Cornelius Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DOYLE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DUFF Francis Creevagh Upper DUNCAN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DUNLOP Alexander Drumcoo DUNLOP Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon DUNN George Ross More DUNN John Ranaghan DUNN Mary J. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EAGLESON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EARLY Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ECCLES Anne Creevagh Upper ECCLES John Drumcoo ECCLES John Killybrackey ECCLES John Ross Beg ECCLES Mary Killybrackey ECCLES Matthias Creevagh Upper ECCLES Thomas Creevagh Upper ECCLES Thomas Ross Beg ECCLES Thomas Tullycullion ECCLES William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EDMUNDSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EDMUNDSON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ELLIS John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ESPEY Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EVANS Robert Drumcoo EVANS Robert Kingarve EWING John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon EYRE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FARLEY William Congo FEE Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FEE Thomas Kingarve FERGUSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FINN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FINNEGAN Jas. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FINNEGAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FITZPATRICK Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FLANAGAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FLAVELLE William Cornamucklagh FLAVELLE William Lisnaclin FORBES Richard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOSTER Grace Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOULIS Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOX Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOX James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOX Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOX Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FOX Patrick Lurgaboy FOX Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FRAZER Alexander Coolhill FRIZELL George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FRIZELL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FRIZELL Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FRIZELL Rebecca Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FRIZELL Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FULLAM Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FULLAN Arthur Drumcoo FULLAN Arthur Drumcoo T: of Dungannon FULLAN Arthur Ranaghan FULLAN James Creevagh Upper FULLAN John Lurgaboy FULLAN Thomas Mullaghadun GAFFNEY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GALLAGHER Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GARR Adam Coolhill GASS Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GAVAN William Kingarve GEATTEN William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GEATTENS Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GEATTENS William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GERNON John Drumcoo GETTINGS Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GETTINGS William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GIBSON Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GILKISON Alexander Tullygun GILKISON Thomas Tullycullion GILL William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GILLESPIE Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GILLIAN Felix Derraghadoan GILLIAN Roger Drumcoo GIRVAN Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GIRVAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GIVEN David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GLASS John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GLASS Martha Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GORDON Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GORMAN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GORMAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GORMAN Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GRAHAM Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GRAHAM James Creevagh Upper GRAHAM John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GRAHAM Patrick Killybrackey GREENE George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GREENE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GREENE Richardson Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GREEVES Rachel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GUFFIN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GUINEY William Drumcoo GUINEY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon GUIRK Patrick Gortmerron GUNNE Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HADDEN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HADDOCK Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HADDOCK James Coolhill HAGAN David Tullygun HAGAN Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAGAN John Drumcoo HAGAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAGAN John Killylack Glebe HAGAN Maryanne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAMILTON David Drumcoo HAMILTON David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAMILTON James Drumcoo HAMILTON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAMILTON Robert Drumcoo HAMILTON Thomas Derraghadoan HANCOCK Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HANCOCK Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HARDY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HART Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HARTON John Drumcoo T: Dungannon HARVEY Hamilton Drumcoo HARVEY Hamilton Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HARVEY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAUGHEY Elizabeth Derraghadoan HAUGHEY Elizabeth Ross More HAUGHEY Joseph Derraghadoan HAUGHEY Joseph Ross More HAUGHEY Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAYDEN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HAYES Jonathan Coolhill HAYES Jonathan Gortmerron HAZELTON Edward Lurgaboy HAZELTON Edward Mullaghadun HAZELTON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HEANY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HEATH Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HENDERSON Andrew Drumcoo T: Dungannon HENRATTY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HENRY Hugh Drumcoo HENRY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HENRY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HENRY James Gortmerron HERON William Cornamucklagh HEWSTON William Derraghadoan HIGNEY Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HODGETT Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HOLLES George Gortmerron HOLLES John Drumcoo T: Dungannon HOLLIS George Coolhill HOLMES William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HOOD Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HOUSTON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGGINS Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Arthur Derraghadoan HUGHES Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Charles Killybrackey HUGHES Elizabeth Derraghadoan HUGHES Francis Derraghadoan HUGHES Gregory Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Johnston Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Macken Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Patrick Drumcoo HUGHES Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUGHES Rose Derraghadoan HUGHES Samuel Killybrackey HUGHES Samuel Ranaghan HUGHES William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HUNTER George Cornamucklagh HUNTER John Cornamucklagh HURSON Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon HURSON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRVINE William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRWIN Andrew Killybrackey IRWIN Andrew Ross More IRWIN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRWIN James Creevagh Upper IRWIN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRWIN James Tullycullion IRWIN Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRWIN Robert Drumcoo IRWIN Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon IRWIN Thomas Lisnaclin IRWIN Thomas S. Derraghadoan IRWIN Thomas S. Ross Beg IRWIN Thomas S. Tullycullion IRWIN Thomas S. Tullygun IRWIN Thomas S. Tullyodonnell IRWIN William Creevagh Upper IRWIN William Killybrackey IRWIN William Ross More JACKSON William Tullygun JAMISON George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon JENKINSON Alexander Killyneill JENKINSON James Killyneill JENKINSON William Killyneill JENNINGS John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon JOHNSTON Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon JOHNSTON John Tullycullion JOHNSTON Samuel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon JORDAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon JORDON Catherine Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KANE Denis Killybrackey KANE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KANE John Lurgaboy KANE Michael Killybrackey KANE Sarah Anne Killybrackey KANE Thomas Congo KANE Thomas Drumcoo KANE Thomas Killyneill KANE William Killybrackey KAVANAGH Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KEEFFE John Drumcoo KEENAN Catherine Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KEENAN Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KEENAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KEENAN Stephen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KEITH John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY Bernard Tullyodonnell KELLY Francis Drumcoo KELLY George Tullyodonnell KELLY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY James Tullyodonnell KELLY Jane Derraghadoan KELLY John Ross Beg KELLY John Tullyodonnell KELLY Judith Derraghadoan KELLY Michael Congo KELLY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY Patrick Tullyodonnell KELLY Rose Tullyodonnell KELLY Susan Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY Thomas Derraghadoan KELLY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KELLY Thomas Ross More KENNEDY John Killyneill KERR James Ross Beg KERR Toal Congo KIMMINS Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KINLEY Emily Drumcoo T: of Dungannon KINLEY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LALLY Hugh Ross Beg LAMB Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LARKIN Anne Drumcoo T: Dungannon LAVERTY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LECKY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LEE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LEE James Mullaghadun LEECH Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LENNAN Patrick Tullyodonnell LESLIE Dickson Drumcoo LESLIE Dickson Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LESLIE Elizabeth Drumcoo Town of Dungannon LESLIE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LILBURNE Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LINDSAY Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LIPSEY James Coolhill LITTLE Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LITTLE Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LITTLE Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOGAN James Killyneill LOUGHRAN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN Charles Creevagh Upper LOUGHRAN David Drumcoo LOUGHRAN David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN David Ranaghan LOUGHRAN Edward Killylack Glebe LOUGHRAN Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN John Drumcoo LOUGHRAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOUGHRAN Patrick Derraghadoan LOUGHRAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOWRY John Drumcoo LOWRY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LOWRY John Gortmerron LOWRY John Killymeal LYNCH William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon LYTLE Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACAHY Bernard Lurgaboy MACANALLY Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACANALLY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACANALLY Richard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACARTNEY Maryanne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACATEAR Andrew Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACDERMOTT Matthew Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACDONNELL James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACDONNELL Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACDONNELL Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACDONNELL William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACHUGH Luke Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKAY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKAY Wm. Ballynorthland Demesne MACKELVOGUE Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKEN Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKILKENNY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKLIN Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACKNIGHT Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACMAHON Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACMAHON Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACMULLAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACNALLY Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACNAVALL Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACOLLUM Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACQUADE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACRORY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACRORY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACRORY John Drumcoo MACRORY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACRORY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACSHANE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACSHANE Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACSLOY Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MACVEAGH Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MADDEN Edward Killybrackey MADDEN Jane Killybrackey MADDEN Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MADOLE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGEE Henry Killyneill MAGEE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGEE Richard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGEE Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGILL Jane Drumcoo MAGINN Catherine Mullaghadun MAGLONE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGUCKIAN Bernard Ranaghan MAGUCKIAN Hugh Gortmerron MAGUCKIAN Hugh Ranaghan MAGUCKIAN James Drumcoo MAGUFFIN Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGUIGGAN Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGUIRE Arthur Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAGUIRK Edward Ross More MAGURK Neal Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAHON Patrick Drumcoo MAHON Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAHON Patrick Gortmerron MALIA Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MALLEN John Ranaghan MALLIN Bernard Killybrackey MALLIN Denis Killybrackey MALLIN Ferdinand Ranaghan MALLIN John Congo MALLIN John Derraghadoan MALLIN Peter Derraghadoan MALLON Isabella Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MARRON William Drumcoo MARSHALL George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MARTIN Sarah Kingarve MARTIN William Gortmerron MASON Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAXWELL James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MAXWELL Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCALISTER Isaac Drumcoo MCALISTER Isaac Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCALLISTER Catherine Killybrackey MCALLISTER Isaac Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCANALLY Alice Drumcoo MCANALLY Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCANALLY John Ranaghan MCATAMNY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCATEER Charlotte Ranaghan MCATEER John Drumcoo MCATEER Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCATEER William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCBRIDE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCBRIDE Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAHELLY Benjamin Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAHEY Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAHEY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAHEY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAHY James Drumcoo MCCALL Bridget Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCALL Mary Killybrackey MCCAMLEY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCANN Bernard Ranaghan MCCANN Hugh Drumcoo MCCANN Jervis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCANN John Cornamucklagh MCCANN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCANN Neal Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCANN Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCANN Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCAUL James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCLEAN Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCLEAN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCLEAN Rep. John Kingarve MCCLEAN Robert Drumcoo MCCLEAN Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCLELLAND James Congo MCCLELLAND Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCLELLAND Ledford Creevagh Upper MCCLELLAND Thomas Drumcoo MCCLELLAND William Congo MCCLELLAND William Ross Beg MCCLERNAN Michael Ross Beg MCCLINTOCK John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCONNELL Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCONNELL William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCOSKER Jane Ross More MCCOURT Edward Ross More MCCRYSTAL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCRYSTAL Patrick Derraghadoan MCCRYSTAL Patrick Ross Beg MCCULLAGH Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCCULLAGH Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCDONALD Patrick Drumcoo MCDONNELL Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCDONNELL Joseph Killyneill MCEONNELL Joseph Ross More MCELHONE Felix Drumcoo MCELHONE Felix Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCELHONE Felix, Jr. Drumcoo MCELHONE Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCELHONE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCELHONE Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCELROY Robinson Drumcoo MCELROY Robinson Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCEVOY John M. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGARRY John Congo MCGARRY Owen Congo MCGARRY Peter Congo MCGEAGH Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGEAGH Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGEARY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGEARY Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGEE Thomas Ranaghan MCGEOGH Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGEOGH Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGERAGHTY Owen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGERR Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGILL Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGILLY Owen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGINLEY Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGIRR Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGIRR Edwd. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGLADDRIGAN Charles Ross Beg MCGLADDRIGAN Patrick Tullygun MCGLADDRIGAN Thomas Tullygun MCGLONE Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGLONE John Creevagh Upper MCGLONE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGRATH James Killybrackey MCGUCKIAN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGUCKIN Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGUFFIN John Drumcoo MCGUFFIN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGUFFIN Margaret Drumcoo MCGUIGGAN Michael Ross More MCGUIGGAN Peter Ross More MCGUINNESS Thomas Coolhill MCGUIRE Arthur Gortmerron MCGUIRE Francis Kingarve MCGUIRE Hugh Derraghadoan MCGUIRE John Cornamucklagh MCGUIRE Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGUIRK Daniel Derraghadoan MCGUIRK Hugh Ross More MCGUIRK John Killybrackey MCGUIRK Thomas Ross Beg MCGURK Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCGURKE Arthur Ross Beg MCGURKE Edward Derraghadoan MCGURKE Eleanor Ross Beg MCGURKE James Ross Beg MCGURKE Mary Ross Beg MCGURKE Owen Ross Beg MCHUGH Bridget Lisnaclin MCHUGH Charles Lisnaclin MCHUGH Charles Mullaghadun MCILROY Robinson Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKEARNEY Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKEE Anne Killybrackey MCKEE Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKEEVER Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKELLS Anne Jane Drumcoo T: Dungannon MCKELVY Daniel Drumcoo T: Dungannon MCKENNA Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKENNA James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKEOGH Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKERNAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCKIBBEN John Coolhill MCKINLEY James Mullaghadun MCKINLEY Patrick Mullaghadun MCLAREN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCLERNON Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCLOUGHLIN Isaac Cornamucklagh MCMAHON Alexander Cornamucklagh MCMAHON Alexander Lisnaclin MCMAHON Edward Ross More MCMAHON John Ross More MCMAHON Mary Killybrackey MCMAHON Sarah Ross Beg MCMANUS Catherine Drumcoo MCMANUS John Ross Beg MCMINN Robert Ross Beg MCMULLAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCMULLEN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCNEECE Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCNEECE William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCPARLAN Patrick Lurgaboy MCPARLAN Terence Killybrackey MCPEAKE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCQUADE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCQUADE Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCQUADE Terence Killybrackey MCREYNOLDS Hugh Ross Beg MCSHANE Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCSORLEY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCSTRAVOGUE Alex. Killyneill MCVEY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MCWILLIAM Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MEENAGH Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MELANIFY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MELLON Peter Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MELLON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MILLER Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MILLER Samuel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MILLER Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MILLS James Derraghadoan MITCHELL John Creevagh Upper MOAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOAN Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOLLOY Thomas Mullaghadun MONAGHAN Catherine Drumcoo T: Dungannon MONAGHAN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MONK Susan Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MONTAGUE Michael Drumcoo MONTAGUE Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MONTAGUE Michael Ranaghan MONTGOMERY Andrew Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOON Davis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOONE Anne Drumcoo MOONE Anne Jane Gortmerron MOONE George Drumcoo MOONE George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOONEY David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOORE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOORE Joseph Drumcoo MOORE Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MOORE Thomas Coolhill MORELL Rev. Chas. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRIS Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRIS William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRISON Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRISON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRISON Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORRISON Sarah Drumcoo T: Dungannon MORRON James Coolhill MORRON John Ranaghan MORROW Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORROW David Drumcoo MORROW David Drumcoo T: Dungannon MORROW David Gortmerron MORROW James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORROW Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORROW John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORROW Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORROW William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MORTON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MUCKLERAT Peter Killybrackey MULDOON Daniel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON Edward Killybrackey MULDOON Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON Rose Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULDOON William Lurgaboy MULGREW Arthur Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULGREW David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULGREW James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULHOLLAND Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLAN Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLAN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLAN Michael Drumcoo T: Dungannon MULLAN Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLAN Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLAN William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLEN Bernard Congo MULLEN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLIN Catherine Tullyodonnell MULLIN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MULLIN Robert Killylack Glebe MULLIN Robert Lurgaboy MURDOCK John Killymeal MURPHY Anna Drumharriff MURPHY Bridget Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURPHY Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURPHY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURPHY James Cornamucklagh MURPHY James Lisnaclin MURPHY Matilda Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURPHY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURRAY John Drumcoo MURRAY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURRAY Letitia Drumcoo MURRAY Letitia Drumcoo T: of Dungannon MURRAY Owen Killybrackey MURRAY Philip Killybrackey MURTAGH Terence Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEALIS Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEELIS James Killybrackey NELDON Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NELIS James Ross More NELIS Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NELSON Thomas Creevagh Upper NEVILLE George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEVILLE William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEVILLE William Mullaghadun NEWEL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEWELL Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEWTON Andrew Drumcoo NEWTON Andrew Drumcoo T: of Dungannon NEWTON Andrew Gortmerron NEWTON Courtney Drumcoo NEWTON Courtney Killymeal NOBLE Mark Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’BRIEN Daniel Drumcoo T: Dungannon O’DONNELL Bernard Derraghadoan O’DONNELL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’DONNELL John Ross More O’DONNELL Philip Ross Beg O’NEIL Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEIL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEIL Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Bernard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Charles Cornamucklagh O’NEILL Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Charles Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Charles Mullaghadun O’NEILL Con. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Ethalinda Coolhill O’NEILL Henry Coolhill O’NEILL Henry Creevagh Upper O’NEILL Hugh Cornamucklagh O’NEILL Hugh Creevagh Upper O’NEILL Hugh Ranaghan O’NEILL John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL John Drumharriff O’NEILL John Gortmerron O’NEILL Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon O’NEILL Robert Gortmerron PATTERSON Dickson Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PATTERSON Dixon Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PATTON David Mullaghadun PATTON George Lurgaboy PATTON James Lurgaboy PATTON Robert Lurgaboy PEARCE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PEEBLES Catherine Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PENTLAND George Cornamucklagh PHENIX Mary Derraghadoan PHENIX Samuel Derraghadoan POWER Rev. Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PRITCHARD Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon PURDY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUAIN Rev. William Killylack Glebe QUAIN Rev. William Lurgaboy QUIN Cornelius Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUIN Harry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUIN Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUIN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUIN Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUIN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUINN James Drumcoo QUINN James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUINN John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUINN Michael Kingarve QUINN Neal Kingarve QUINN Sarah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon QUINN Susan Ross Beg QUINN Terence Derraghadoan RAFFERTY Esther Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAFFERTY Hugh Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAFFERTY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAFFERTY John Mullaghadun RAFFERTY Mary Killylack Glebe RAFFERTY Michael Ross More RAFFERTY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAFFERTY Rose Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAFFERTY Rose Lurgaboy RAMSAY Alexander Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RAMSAY Ellen Cornamucklagh RANFURLY Earl of Ranfurly Ballynorthland Demesne RANFURLY Earl of Ranfurly Coolhill RANFURLY Earl of Ranfurly Drumcoo RANFURLY Earl of Ranfurly Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RANFURLY Earl of Ranfurly Gortmerron REA Samuel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon REANEY Anne Jane Ross Beg REANY Anne Jane Derraghadoan REILLY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon REYNOLDS David Drumcoo T: of Dungannon REYNOLDS William Killybrackey RICHARDSON Abigail Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RICHARDSON Alice Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RICHARDSON George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RICHARDSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RINGWOOD Rev. Fred H. Gortmerron RINGWOOD Rev. Fredk H. Drumcoo ROBERTS Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROBINSON Isaiah Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROBINSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROBINSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROBINSON William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROCK Edward Coolhill ROGERS Alice Drumcoo ROGERS Alice Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROGERS John Ranaghan ROGERS Owen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROGERS Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROGERS William Drumcoo ROGERS William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon ROGERS William Lisnaclin RORKE Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RUDDY George Mullaghadun RUDDY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RUDDY Susan Mullaghadun RUSH Denis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RUTHERFORD John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RYAN Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RYAN Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon RYNES Denis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SALLY Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SCARLETT George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SCULLY Thomas Drumcoo SCULLY Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SENIOR Isabella Congo SENIOR William Congo SHANE Peter M Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHARKEY Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHARKEY Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHARKEY William Ranaghan SHEIL William Ranaghan SHEILL William Drumcoo SHIEL Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHILLINGTON Henry Drumcoo SHILLINGTON Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHORT Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SIMMONS John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SIMONS Richard Coolhill SIMPSON Bridget Creevagh Upper SIMPSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SINTON Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SHIEL Elizabeth Ross More SLANE Rev. Felix Drumcoo SLANE Rev. Felix Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SLANE George Killybrackey SLANE William Ross More SLEAN Mary Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SLEVIN George Killylack Glebe SLEVIN George Ranaghan SLOAN Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMALL Susan Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMITH Alexander Coolhill SMITH Andrew Coolhill SMITH Elizabeth Coolhill SMITH Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMITH Frances Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMITH Frances Jane Killymeal SMITH Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMITH Robert Ranaghan SMYTH John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMYTH Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMYTH Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMYTH Thos. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMYTH William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SMYTHE Susanna Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SOMERVILLE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SPEAR Henry Drumcoo T: of Dungannon SPEER Henry Drumcoo SPENCE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STAFFORD Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STAFFORD John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEELE James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEENSON Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEPHENSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEVENSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEVENSON John Gortmerron STEVENSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEWART Jane Congo STEWART John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEWART Louisa J. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STEWART Priscilla Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STUART George Drumcoo STUART George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STUART George E. Killymeal STUART John Ranaghan STUART Louisa Gortmerron STUART Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STUDDART James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STUDDERT William Derraghadoan STURDY Oswald Drumcoo T: of Dungannon STURGEON Prudence Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TAGGART James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TANNY Joseph Ross More TAYLOR George Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TENER John K Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TENOR Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TESSY Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon THOMPSON Sarah Drumcoo THOMPSON Thomas H. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon THOMPSON Thomas J. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon THOMSON Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon THOMSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TIMPSON Edward Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TINNEY Joseph Coolhill TIPPING John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TONER Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TONER John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TONER John Killybrackey TONOR John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TOOLE John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TOWNSEND Richard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TRAYNOR Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon TURNER Jonathan Drumcoo VALLELY John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon VENABLES Elizabeth Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WALKER Eliza Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WALKER James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WALKER Thomas Tullygun WALLACE Thomas Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WALSH William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WALTERS Alan Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WARD Anne Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WARD Michael Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WARD Patrick Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WARD Patrick Tullygun WATSON John Tullycullion WATSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WHITE Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WIGGINS Edward Derraghadoan WIGGINS Edward Ross More WILLEY Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILLIAMSON Richard Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILLIAMSON Robert Coolhill WILLIAMSON Umphres Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILLIS Alexander Ranaghan WILSON Alexander Creevagh Upper WILSON Alexander K. Creevagh Upper WILSON Rev. Andrew Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON Ellen Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON Jane Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON John Coolhill WILSON John Drumcoo WILSON John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON Joseph Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON Margaret Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WILSON Robert Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WOODS Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WOODS Francis Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WRIGHT John Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WYLDE John J. Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WYLEY James Drumcoo T: of Dungannon WYLEY William Drumcoo T: of Dungannon YOUNG John Drumcoo YOUNG John Kingarve YOUNG Samuel Drumcoo T: of Dungannon
Further records for DRUMGLASS PARISH & DUNGANNON, COUNTY TYRONE can be found at:
Drumglass Parish Records, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland
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