For an explanation of and background to Griffiths Valuation see
Further reading: Arboe Tithe Applotment Book (1827)
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Aghacolumb | Annaghmore | Anneeterbeg | Anneetermore |
Ardean | Ballymaguire | Ballymurphy | Ballynafeagh |
Ballynargan | Brookend | Carnan | Cluntoe Quin |
Cluntoe Richardson | Dromore | Drumard | Drumenny Conyngham |
Drumenny Stewart | Drumhubbert | Eary Lower | Elagh |
Farsnagh | Feagh | Gortigal | Gortnagwyg |
Killycanavan Lower | Killycanavan Upper | Killycolpy | Killygonlan |
Killymenagh | Killywoolaghan | Kilmascally | Kinrush |
Kinturk | Lurgyroe | Mullaghglass | Mullaghwotragh |
Mullanahoe | Sessia (2 Townlands) | Stuarthall | Tamlaghtmore |
Tamnavalley | Trickvallen |
Townland | Townland | Townland | Townland |
Annahavil | Ballygonny More | Drummullan | Moneyhaw |
ALEXANDER | Robert J. | Farsnagh |
ALEXANDER | Robert J. | Kilmascally |
ALEXANDER | Robert J. | Kinrush |
ALEXANDER | Robert J. | Sessia |
ALLEN | Thomas | Tamlaghtmore |
ANDERSON | Charles | Carnan |
ANDERSON | Charles | Feagh |
ANDERSON | James | Drummullan |
ANDERSON | Joseph | Ballymaguire |
ARBERNETHY | James | Drumard |
ARMSTRONG | Oliver | Drummullan |
ASTON | William | Ballygonny More |
BALLANTINE | William | Ballymaguire |
BANAGAN | Francis | Ballymurphy |
BANAGAN | Francis | Mullanahoe |
BANAGAN | Hugh | Drumenny Conyngham |
BANAGAN | James | Drumenny Conyngham |
BANAGAN | John | Mullanahoe |
BANAGAN | Mary Anne | Killygonlan |
BANAGAN | Patrick | Drumenny Conyngham |
BARFOOT | Benjamin | Annahavil |
BARFOOT | Benjamin | Moneyhaw |
BARFOOT | John | Ballygonny Beg |
BARFOOT | William | Annahavil |
BARTLEY | James | Ballygonny More |
BAXTER | William | Ballymaguire |
BEATY | Thomas | Drummullan |
BELL | James | Ballymaguire |
BELL | James | Ballynafeagh |
BELL | James | Tamnavally |
BELL | John | Gortnagwyg |
BELL | Robert | Drumard |
BELL | Ross | Gortigal |
BELL | Samuel | Dromore |
BELL | Sarah | Dromore |
BELL | Thomas | Gortigal |
BELL | William | Dromore |
BELL | William | Eary Lower |
BELL | William | Elagh |
BELL | William | Mullaghwotragh |
BEST | David | Mullaghglass |
BIGGAR | Anne | Kilmascally |
BIGGAR | Thomas | Kilmascally |
BIGGAR | William | Killywoolaghan |
BIGGAR | William | Tamnavally |
BLEEKS | Jervis | Gortigal |
BLEEKS | John | Elagh |
BLEEKS | Margaret | Killycolpy |
BLEEKS | William | Killycolpy |
BODEN | John | Killycolpy |
BOOTH | Benjamin | Ballymaguire |
BOOTH | George | Elagh |
BOOTH | George | Killymenagh |
BOOTH | James | Elagh |
BOOTH | James | Killygonlan |
BOOTH | John | Killymenagh |
BOOTH | Margaret | Elagh |
BOWLES | William | Moneyhaw |
BOYD | Jane | Ballynafeagh |
BOYLAN | Michael | Drumenny Stewart |
BRADLEY | Hugh | Annaghmore |
BRADLEY | Jno. | Anneeter Beg |
BRADLEY | John | Annaghmore |
BRADLEY | John | Anneeter Beg |
BRADLEY | John | Killywoolaghan |
BRADLEY | John | Tamlaghtmore |
BRADLEY | Patrick | Tamnavally |
BRADLY | Sarah | Trickvallen |
BRADY | Anthony | Killywoolaghan |
BRADY | Edw. | Killywoolaghan |
BRADY | James | Killycolpy |
BRADY | James | Killywoolaghan |
BRADY | John | Killywoolaghan |
BRADY | Mark | Killywoolaghan |
BRADY | Thomas | Killywoolaghan |
BREEN | Michael | Ballymurphy |
BRENNAN | John | Annaghmore |
BRENNAN | Margaret | Kinrush |
BRENNAN | Mark | Annaghmore |
BRENNAN | Patrick | Annaghmore |
BRENNAN | Teague | Annaghmore |
BRENNAN | Teague | Anneeter Beg |
BROWN | Andrew | Aghacolumb |
BROWN | John | Tamlaghtmore |
BROWN | William | Tamlaghtmore |
BROWNE | James | Drummullan |
BROWNE | John | Drummullan |
BROWNE | Neilson | Killycolpy |
BROWNE | Robert | Annahavil |
BROWNE | Robert | Moneyhaw |
BROWNE | Wm. | Drummullan |
BRYSON | Robert | Sessia |
BURNS | James | Killywoolaghan |
CAMPBELL | Anne | Killygonlan |
CAMPBELL | Charles | Cluntoe Quin |
CAMPBELL | Charles | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Daniel | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Francis | Ballymurphy |
CAMPBELL | Francis | Farsnagh |
CAMPBELL | Henry | Farsnagh |
CAMPBELL | Henry | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Hugh | Killywoolaghan |
CAMPBELL | James | Anneeter More |
CAMPBELL | Jane | Killygonlan |
CAMPBELL | John | Gortnagwyg |
CAMPBELL | Joseph | Farsnagh |
CAMPBELL | Joseph | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Mary | Elagh |
CAMPBELL | Michael | Kinturk |
CAMPBELL | Michl. | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Michl., Jun. | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Michl., Sen. | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | Patrick | Anneeter More |
CAMPBELL | Patrick | Killygonlan |
CAMPBELL | Sarah | Sessia |
CAMPBELL | William | Sessia |
CANAVAN | Charles | Drumenny Conyngham |
CANAVAN | Charles | Killycolpy |
CANAVAN | Francis | Killycolpy |
CANAVAN | Francis | Killywoolaghan |
CANAVAN | Hugh | Carnan |
CANAVAN | James | Carnan |
CANAVAN | James | Killycolpy |
CANAVAN | John | Killycolpy |
CANAVAN | John | Killywoolaghan |
CANAVAN | Joseph | Carnan |
CANAVAN | Margaret | Killycolpy |
CANAVAN | Michael | Drumenny Conyngham |
CARBERRY | Thomas | Killywoolaghan |
CARDLE | John | Ballygonny More |
CARLETON | Robert | Drummullan |
CARN | Susan | Tamnavally |
CARR | John | Brookend |
CARR | Philip | Feagh |
CARR | William | Killygonlan |
CARRIGAN | Edward | Ballygonny More |
CARRON | Peter | Trickvallen |
CASSIDY | Bernard | Cluntoe |
CASSIDY | Felix | Cluntoe |
CASSIDY | Felix | Killymenagh |
CASSIDY | Francis | Cluntoe |
CASSIDY | Isabella | Annaghmore |
CASSIDY | James | Cluntoe |
CASSIDY | James | Drumenny Stewart |
CASSIDY | John | Cluntoe |
CASSIDY | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
CASSIDY | John | Kinrush |
CASSIDY | John | Kinturk |
CAULFIELD | James A. | Killycolpy |
CAVANAGH | James | Killycolpy |
CHAMBERS | John | Ballymaguire |
CHEEVERS | John | Tamlaghtmore |
CHICHESTER O’NEILL | Rev. W. | Mullanahoe |
CHRISTIE | John | Gortnagwyg |
CLARKE | Catherine | Lurgyroe |
CLARKE | Joseph | Mullanahoe |
CLARKE | Robert | Elagh |
CLENDENNING | James | Annahavil |
CLENDENNING | William | Annahavil |
COLEMAN | Stewart | Lurgyroe |
COLLINS | Anne | Drumenny Stewart |
COLLINS | Thomas | Ballynargan |
CONEY | Andrew | Killycanavan Upper |
CONEY | Margaret | Ballymurphy |
CONEY | Neal | Killycanavan Upper |
CONLAN | Elizabeth | Farsnagh |
CONLAN | Hugh | Anneeter More |
CONLAN | Hugh | Kinrush |
CONLAN | John | Kinrush |
CONLAN | John | Mullanahoe |
CONLAN | Thomas | Anneeter More |
CONNELLY | Thomas | Killycolpy |
CONNOLLY | Felix | Cluntoe |
CONNOLLY | Francis | Cluntoe |
CONNOLLY | John | Cluntoe |
CONNOLLY | John | Kinrush |
CONVILLE | Hugh | Drummullan |
CONVILLE | John | Drummullan |
CONWAY | Michael | Elagh |
CORR | Anne | Drummullan |
CORR | Bernard | Anneeter Beg |
CORR | Bernard | Farsnagh |
CORR | Bernard | Kilmascally |
CORR | Charles | Drumenny Conyngham |
CORR | Denis | Drumhubbert |
CORR | Francis | Annaghmore |
CORR | Francis | Sessia |
CORR | Hugh | Kilmascally |
CORR | James | Brookend |
CORR | James | Kilmascally |
CORR | John | Anneeter Beg |
CORR | Joseph | Drumenny Conyngham |
CORR | Joseph | Drumhubbert |
CORR | Joseph | Sessia |
CORR | Martha | Drummullan |
CORR | Patrick | Dromore |
CORR | Patrick | Drumhubbert |
CORR | Patrick | Kinturk |
CORR | Thomas | Kilmascally |
CORRIE | John | Ballygonny More |
COSCORAN | Bernard | Aghacolumb |
COSCORAN | Patrick | Aghacolumb |
COSCORAN | Peter | Aghacolumb |
COSGROVE | Luke | Mullaghglass |
COSGROVE | Mary | Annaghmore |
COSTELLO | Catherine | Drumenny Conyngham |
COWAN | John | Ballynargan |
COWAN | Robert | Sessia |
COYLE | Daniel | Farsnagh |
COYLE | James | Farsnagh |
COYLE | John | Farsnagh |
COYLE | Martha | Farsnagh |
CREEHAN | Sarah | Farsnagh |
CREIGHTON | James | Mullaghglass |
CREIGHTON | Samuel | Elagh |
CREIGHTON | Samuel | Mullaghglass |
CROOKES | Robert | Annahavil |
CROZIER | George | Cluntoe |
CROZIER | James | Cluntoe |
CURRY | Henry | Carnan |
DALY | Bernard | Kinrush |
DALY | John | Mullaghwotragh |
DAVIDSON | George | Moneyhaw |
DAVIDSON | James | Drummullan |
DAVIDSON | James | Moneyhaw |
DEEHAN | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Alexander | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Anne | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Anne. S. | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Anthony | Anneeter More |
DEVLIN | Archibald | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Archibald | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Archibald | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Arthur | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Bernard | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Bernard | Killycanavan Upper |
DEVLIN | Bernard | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Bridget | Cluntoe Quin |
DEVLIN | Catherine | Killycanavan Lower |
DEVLIN | Charles | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Cornelius | Elagh |
DEVLIN | Daniel | Cluntoe Quin |
DEVLIN | Daniel | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | Dudley | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Edward | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | Edward | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Edwd | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Francis | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Francis | Ardean |
DEVLIN | Francis | Farsnagh |
DEVLIN | Francis | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Henry | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Henry | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Henry | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | Henry | Drumhubbert |
DEVLIN | Henry | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | Henry | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Ardean |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Drumard |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Sessia |
DEVLIN | Hugh | Trickvallen |
DEVLIN | James | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | James | Ardean |
DEVLIN | James | Cluntoe Quin |
DEVLIN | James | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | James | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | James | Drumhubbert |
DEVLIN | James | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | James | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | James | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | James | Trickvallen |
DEVLIN | Jas | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | John | Anneeter Beg |
DEVLIN | John | Anneeter More |
DEVLIN | John | Ardean |
DEVLIN | John | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | John | Elagh |
DEVLIN | John | Gortnagwyg |
DEVLIN | John | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | John | Killymenagh |
DEVLIN | John | Kilmascally |
DEVLIN | John | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | John | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | John | Sessia |
DEVLIN | John | Tamlaghtmore |
DEVLIN | John | Tamnavally |
DEVLIN | John | Trickvallen |
DEVLIN | John, Jun. | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | John, Sen. | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | John, Sen. | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Joseph | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Joseph | Anneeter More |
DEVLIN | Joseph | Cluntoe |
DEVLIN | Laurence | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Margaret | Dromore |
DEVLIN | Margaret | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Mark | Trickvallen |
DEVLIN | Mary | Dromore |
DEVLIN | Mary | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Mary | Killymenagh |
DEVLIN | Mary | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Matthew | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Michael | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Michael | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Michl. | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Neal | Drumard |
DEVLIN | Neal | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Neal | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Owen | Aghacolumb |
DEVLIN | Owen | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Patk. | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Aghacolumb |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Ardean |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Cluntoe Quin |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Drumenny Conyngham |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Sessia |
DEVLIN | Patrick | Tamnavally |
DEVLIN | Paul | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Peter | Drumenny Stewart |
DEVLIN | Philip | Annaghmore |
DEVLIN | Philip | Ardean |
DEVLIN | Philip | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Reps. John | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Robert | Killygonlan |
DEVLIN | Roger | Lurgyroe |
DEVLIN | Sarah | Kinrush |
DEVLIN | Susan | Ardean |
DEVLIN | Susan | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Terence | Trickvallen |
DEVLIN | Thomas | Drumhubbert |
DEVLIN | Thomas | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | Thos | Mullanahoe |
DEVLIN | William | Sessia |
DEVLIN | Winifred | Killygonlan |
DILLON | John | Farsnagh |
DILLON | Mary | Farsnagh |
DONAGHY | Arthur | Annaghmore |
DONAGHY | Bernard | Ballymurphy |
DONAGHY | Bernard | Kilmascally |
DONAGHY | Bridget | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | Bridget | Killycanavan Lower |
DONAGHY | Charles | Killygonlan |
DONAGHY | Elizabeth | Kinrush |
DONAGHY | Henry | Lurgyroe |
DONAGHY | Hugh | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | James | Ardean |
DONAGHY | James | Dromore |
DONAGHY | John | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | John | Sessia |
DONAGHY | John, Jun. | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | Laurence | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | Michael | Ardean |
DONAGHY | Sarah | Lurgyroe |
DONAGHY | Susan | Drummullan |
DONAGHY | William | Ballymurphy |
DONNELL | Michael | Farsnagh |
DONNELLY | Charles | Carnan |
DONNELLY | Charles | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Brookend |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Killycanavan Upper |
DONNELLY | Daniel | Mullanahoe |
DONNELLY | Felix | Ballymurphy |
DONNELLY | James | Elagh |
DONNELLY | James, Jun. | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | James, Sen. | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | John | Ballymurphy |
DONNELLY | John | Carnan |
DONNELLY | John | Killygonlan |
DONNELLY | John | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | John, Sen. | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | Laurence | Killymenagh |
DONNELLY | Margaret | Dromore Arboe |
DONNELLY | Mary Anne | Carnan |
DONNELLY | Michael | Farsnagh |
DOOLIN | Jas. | Drumenny Conyngham |
DOOLIN | Neal | Drumenny Stewart |
DOORISH | Charles | Killycanavan Lower |
DOORISH | Daniel | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | Hugh | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | James | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | Jane | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | John | Kinrush |
DOORISH | Martha | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | Mary | Kinrush |
DOORISH | Owen | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | Patrick | Farsnagh |
DOORISH | Patrick | Kilmascally |
DOORISH | Thomas | Sessia |
DORIAN | Bridget | Aghacolumb |
DORIAN | Daniel | Aghacolumb |
DORIAN | Hugh | Aghacolumb |
DORMON | William | Carnan |
DORRIS | Patrick | Drummullan |
DOYLE | Pk. | Drumenny Stewart |
DRENNAN | David | Ballygonny Beg |
DRENNAN | Joseph | Ballygonny Beg |
DRENNAN | Martha | Ballygonny More |
DRENNAN | Samuel | Ballygonny Beg |
DRENNAN | Samuel | Ballygonny More |
DRUM | Bernard | Drumenny Stewart |
DRUM | Terence | Drumenny Stewart |
DUFF | James | Ballygonny Beg |
DUFF | James | Ballygonny More |
DUFF | William | Drumenny Conyngham |
DUFF | William | Drumenny Stewart |
DUFFIN | Bernard | Drumenny Conyngham |
DUFFIN | Hugh | Trickvallen |
DUFFIN | James | Trickvallen |
DUFFIN | John | Elagh |
DUFFIN | Mary | Elagh |
DUFFIN | Mary | Killymenagh |
DUFFIN | Patrick | Trickvallen |
DUFFIN | Terence | Trickvallen |
DUFFY | James, Jun. | Carnan |
DUFFY | James, Jun. | Stuart Hall |
DUFFY | James, Sen. | Carnan |
DUNBAR | John | Drummullan |
DUNNE | Sarah | Ballymaguire |
EDMUND | Samuel | Killywoolaghan |
ELDER | John | Dromore |
ELDER | John | Elagh |
ELLIOTT | John | Mullaghwotragh |
ESPY | Rachel | Mullaghglass |
EVANS | John | Brookend |
FARR | Ezekiel | Killycolpy |
FARRELL | Elizabeth | Brookend |
FARRELL | Francis | Kilmascally |
FARRELL | Matthew | Brookend |
FARRELL | Robert | Tamnavally |
FARRELL | Thomas | Brookend |
FERGUSON | John | Mullaghglass |
FERGUSON | Margaret | Killymenagh |
FERGUSON | Mary Anne | Aghacolumb |
FORBES | Robert | Drumenny Conyngham |
FORBES | William | Cluntoe Quin |
FORBES | William | Drumenny Conyngham |
FRENCH | Aaron | Farsnagh |
FRY | Isaac | Tamlaghtmore |
FRY | Samuel | Tamlaghtmore |
FULLAN | Jane | Kinrush |
FULLAN | Jane | Sessia |
GASS | Sarah | Dromore |
GERAHTY | Rev. James | Tamnavally |
GIBSON | Judith | Moneyhaw |
GIBSON | Thomas | Carnan |
GILLESPIE | Isabella | Trickvallen |
GILLIS | James | Dromore |
GILLIS | John | Dromore |
GILLIS | Mary | Dromore |
GILMORE | Daniel | Kinrush |
GILMORE | Jane | Drumenny Stewart |
GLACKEN | Francis | Drumard |
GLACKEN | Hugh | Drumard |
GLACKEN | John | Drumard |
GLASGOW | John | Ballynargan |
GOURLEY | James | Killycolpy |
GRAHAM | Constantine | Killymenagh |
GRAHAM | James | Killycolpy |
GRAHAM | John | Ballynafeagh |
GRAHAM | John | Elagh |
GRAHAM | Matthew | Elagh |
GRAHAM | Michael | Cluntoe Quin |
GRAY | Eliza | Ballynargan |
GRIMES | Jane | Annaghmore |
GRIMES | Thomas | Annahavil |
GUINNESS | Samuel | Killywoolaghan |
GUNNING | James | Killycolpy |
HAGAN | Arthur | Carnan |
HAGAN | Arthur | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Charles | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Daniel | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Daniel | Killycanavan Upper |
HAGAN | Edward | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Francis | Anneeter More |
HAGAN | Henry | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Henry | Sessia |
HAGAN | Henry, Sen. | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | James | Anneeter Beg |
HAGAN | James | Killywoolaghan |
HAGAN | James | Lurgyroe |
HAGAN | John | Anneeter Beg |
HAGAN | John | Drummullan |
HAGAN | John | Killycanavan Lower |
HAGAN | John | Killycanavan Upper |
HAGAN | John | Kilmascally |
HAGAN | John | Lurgyroe |
HAGAN | John, Sen. | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Michael | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Michael | Trickvallen |
HAGAN | Patrick | Drumenny Conyngham |
HAGAN | Patrick | Drumenny Stewart |
HAGAN | Patrick | Killycanavan Upper |
HAMILL | Joseph | Carnan |
HAMILL | Margaret | Carnan |
HAMILTON | Alexander | Stuart Hall |
HAMILTON | Henry | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Henry, Sen. | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Hugh | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Isabella | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | James | Dromore |
HAMILTON | James | Killymenagh |
HAMILTON | Jane | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | John | Ballymaguire |
HAMILTON | John | Brookend |
HAMILTON | John | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Robert | Dromore |
HAMILTON | Robert | Elagh |
HAMILTON | Robert | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Thomas | Gortigal |
HAMILTON | William, Sen. | Tamlaghtmore |
HAMILTON | Wm., Jun. | Tamlaghtmore |
HANNON | James | Cluntoe Quin |
HANNON | James | Kinrush |
HANNON | John | Kinrush |
HANNON | Michael | Kinrush |
HANNON | Owen | Kinrush |
HANNON | Susan | Kinrush |
HARBISON | Adam | Dromore |
HARKNESS | Andrew, Jun. | Mullaghwotragh |
HARKNESS | John | Drumenny Stewart |
HARKNESS | John, Sen. | Mullaghwotragh |
HENDERSON | Ellen | Carnan |
HENDERSON | Thomas | Killymenagh |
HENRY | Benjamin | Lurgyroe |
HENRY | Hugh | Trickvallen |
HENRY | James | Killycolpy |
HENRY | James | Killywoolaghan |
HENRY | James | Lurgyroe |
HENRY | James | Trickvallen |
HENRY | John | Anneeter Beg |
HENRY | John | Dromore |
HENRY | John | Killywoolaghan |
HENRY | John | Kinrush |
HENRY | John | Lurgyroe |
HENRY | John | Mullanahoe |
HENRY | Thomas | Drumenny Conyngham |
HENRY | Thomas | Lurgyroe |
HENRY | William | Kinrush |
HIGGINS | Patrick | Brookend |
HODGE | Mary | Anneeter Beg |
HOGG | Courtney | Tamlaghtmore |
HOGG | James | Annahavil |
HOGG | Rachel | Tamlaghtmore |
HOGG | Robert | Ballygonny More |
HOLLAND | Charles | Mullanahoe |
HOLMES | Rev. Robert | Ballynargan |
HUBERSTONE | Michael | Drummullan |
HUGHES | Elizabeth | Moneyhaw |
HUNTER | James | Carnan |
HUNTER | John | Annahavil |
HUNTER | Letitia | Kinrush |
HUNTER | Thomas | Killymenagh |
HUTTON | Richard | Tamlaghtmore |
IRWIN | Thomas | Killymenagh |
JOHNSTON | George | Elagh |
JOHNSTON | Margaret | Drummullan |
JOHNSTON | Robert | Drummullan |
JOHNSTON | William | Drummullan |
JORDAN | Robert | Ballygonny More |
JUDGE | Hugh | Carnan |
JUDGE | James | Carnan |
JUDGE | John | Carnan |
JUDGE | John, Jun. | Carnan |
JUNK | Robert | Ballynafeagh |
JUNK | Robert | Feagh |
JUNK | Robert | Gortigal |
JUNK | Robert | Mullaghglass |
JUNK | Thomas | Gortigal |
JUNKIN | Oliver | Ballygonny More |
KANE | Henry | Drummullan |
KEELAN | William | Killycolpy |
KEENAN | John | Elagh |
KEIGHTLEY | Stewart | Mullanahoe |
KELLY | Alexander | Dromore |
KELLY | Arthur | Dromore |
KELLY | Catherine | Killycolpy |
KELLY | Daniel | Dromore |
KELLY | Felix | Dromore |
KELLY | Francis | Sessia |
KELLY | James | Carnan |
KELLY | John | Cluntoe |
KELLY | John | Eary Lower |
KELLY | Michael | Carnan |
KELLY | Patrick | Ardean |
KELLY | Patrick | Killymenagh |
KELLY | Thomas | Drummullan |
KELLY | Thomas | Eary Lower |
KENNEDY | Daniel | Dromore |
KENNEDY | Robert | Carnan |
KIDD | Robert | Drummullan |
KIEVNAHAN | Patrick | Dromore |
KIMMONS | Catherine | Carnan |
KITLY | Margaret | Anneeter Beg |
KNIGHTLEY | Stuart | Killycanavan Upper |
LAMMON | John | Elagh |
LAPSLEY | Mary Anne, Jun. | Brookend |
LAPSLEY | Maryanne | Brookend |
LAPSLEY | William | Aghacolumb |
LAPSLEY | William | Killywoolaghan |
LAPSLEY | William | Tamnavally |
LAVERTY | Bernard, Jun. | Elagh |
LAVERTY | Bernard, Sen. | Elagh |
LAVERTY | Charles | Killymenagh |
LAVERTY | John | Elagh |
LAVERTY | John | Trickvallen |
LAVERTY | Neal | Elagh |
LAVERTY | Thomas | Elagh |
LAVERTY | Thomas | Trickvallen |
LAVERY | Bernard | Drumenny Conyngham |
LAVERY | William John | Drumenny Conyngham |
LAWRENCE | John | Brookend |
LEDLEY | George | Mullaghwotragh |
LEONARD | Samuel | Gortnagwyg |
LINNY | Bernard | Killycolpy |
LINNY | Hugh | Carnan |
LITTLE | John | Drumard |
LITTLE | John | Drumhubbert |
LITTLE | Thomas | Killycolpy |
LOUGHERAN | John | Drummullan |
LYND | John | Sessia |
LYND | Patrick | Sessia |
LYNN | John | Kinturk |
LYNN | William | Annaghmore |
MACKEY | John | Brookend |
MACKEY | John | Elagh |
MACKEY | John | Killymenagh |
MACKEY | John | Killywoolaghan |
MACKEY | Rev. David | Killycolpy |
MADDEN | Michael | Ballymurphy |
MAGEE | Catherine | Kinrush |
MAGEE | Henry | Trickvallen |
MAGUIRE | Thomas | Carnan |
MALLAGHAN | Francis | Cluntoe Quin |
MALLOW | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
MANEELY | Hugh | Ballymaguire |
MANEELY | James | Dromore |
MANEELY | James | Tamlaghtmore |
MANEELY | Joseph | Tamlaghtmore |
MANEELY | Robert | Dromore |
MAQUADE | John | Aghacolumb |
MARCH | Isaiah | Killywoolaghan |
MARCH | Uriah | Aghacolumb |
MARKS | Charlotte | Kinturk |
MARKS | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
MARKS | John | Mullaghglass |
MARSHALL | Anne | Drumard |
MARSHALL | James | Ballymaguire |
MARSHALL | Robert | Ballymaguire |
MARSHALL | William | Tamlaghtmore |
MARTIN | George | Carnan |
MARTIN | Gilbert | Carnan |
MARTIN | James | Mullaghglass |
MARTIN | Jeremiah | Brookend |
MARTIN | John | Brookend |
MARTIN | Patrick | Kinrush |
MATTHEWS | John | Killycolpy |
MAURICE | Owen | Killygonlan |
MAXWELL | Anne | Aghacolumb |
MAXWELL | Robert W. | Killygonlan |
MCALDERRY | Bernard | Annahavil |
MCALDERRY | Cornelius | Annahavil |
MCALDERRY | Felix | Annahavil |
MCALDERRY | Felix | Moneyhaw |
MCALEECE | John | Drummullan |
MCALEECE | John | Moneyhaw |
MCALEER | Matthew | Killycolpy |
MCALEER | Robert | Carnan |
MCALLISTER | Charles | Aghacolumb |
MCALLISTER | Isabella | Killywoolaghan |
MCALLISTER | John | Aghacolumb |
MCALLISTER | Luke | Tamnavally |
MCANALLY | Terence | Drummullan |
MCANULTY | John | Killycolpy |
MCARTNEY | Andrew | Mullaghwotragh |
MCARTNEY | William | Mullaghwotragh |
MCATAGGART | Hugh | Killywoolaghan |
MCATAGGART | Margaret | Anneeter More |
MCBRIDE | Andrew | Dromore |
MCBRIDE | Andrew | Tamlaghtmore |
MCBRIDE | Bernard | Mullaghglass |
MCBRIDE | Bernard | Tamlaghtmore |
MCCAMLY | Sarah | Mullaghwotragh |
MCCAN | Arthur | Cluntoe Quin |
MCCAN | Joseph | Annaghmore |
MCCANN | Andrew | Carnan |
MCCANN | George | Carnan |
MCCANN | George | Killycolpy |
MCCANN | James | Carnan |
MCCANN | Jane | Kinrush |
MCCANN | John | Drummullan |
MCCANN | John | Killycolpy |
MCCANN | Letitia | Dromore |
MCCANN | Margaret | Aghacolumb |
MCCANN | Mary | Kinrush |
MCCANN | Sarah | Cluntoe |
MCCANN | Thomas | Carnan |
MCCARTNEY | Andrew | Drumenny Stewart |
MCCARTNEY | William | Drumenny Stewart |
MCCLAY | James | Drumenny Stewart |
MCCONNELL | William | Tamlaghtmore |
MCCONVILLE | Andrew | Ballygonny More |
MCCONVILLE | Anthony | Moneyhaw |
MCCONVILLE | James | Drummullan |
MCCORD | James | Dromore |
MCCORD | James | Gortnagwyg |
MCCORD | John | Dromore |
MCCORD | Samuel | Ballynargan |
MCCORD | Thomas | Ballymaguire |
MCCORDE | Eliza | Drummullan |
MCCORDE | James | Ballygonny Beg |
MCCORDE | John | Drummullan |
MCCORDE | Robert | Drummullan |
MCCRAWFORD | Robert | Ballymaguire |
MCCREADY | H. | Drummullan |
MCCREADY | Robert | Drummullan |
MCCREIGHT | Reps. Daniel | Drumard |
MCCULLAGH | Benjamin | Ballymaguire |
MCCULLAGH | Charles | Killycolpy |
MCCULLAGH | Geo. | Dromore |
MCCULLAGH | George | Dromore |
MCCULLAGH | John | Annaghmore |
MCCULLAGH | John | Annaghmore |
MCCULLAGH | John | Sessia |
MCCULLAGH | Mary | Killycolpy |
MCCULLAGH | Patrick | Annaghmore |
MCCULLAGH | Patrick | Annaghmore |
MCCULLAGH | Roger | Drummullan |
MCDAID | Anne | Drummullan |
MCDONNELL | Alexander | Killycolpy |
MCDONNELL | Archibald | Carnan |
MCDONNELL | James | Carnan |
MCDONNELL | John | Carnan |
MCDONNELL | William | Carnan |
MCELDOON | John | Anneeter Beg |
MCERLANE | Hugh | Killygonlan |
MCERLANE | James | Kilmascally |
MCERLANE | James | Kinrush |
MCERLANE | Mary | Tamnavally |
MCERLANE | Matthew | Mullanahoe |
MCGAW | William | Drumard |
MCGEARY | Ellen | Kinrush |
MCGEARY | William | Kinrush |
MCGRATH | Daniel | Drumenny Stewart |
MCGUCKIAN | Thomas | Farsnagh |
MCGUCKIN | Anthony | Kinturk |
MCGUCKIN | George | Kilmascally |
MCGUCKIN | James | Killycanavan Lower |
MCGUCKIN | James | Kinrush |
MCGUCKIN | Paul | Kinturk |
MCGUCKIN | Sarah | Killycanavan Lower |
MCGUCKIN | Thomas | Killycanavan Lower |
MCGUCKIN | Thomas | Lurgyroe |
MCGUCKIN | William | Annaghmore |
MCGUIGGAN | Charles | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | Francis | Killycanavan Upper |
MCGUIGGAN | Francis | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | Francis | Mullaghglass |
MCGUIGGAN | Henry | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | Henry | Mullaghglass |
MCGUIGGAN | Isaac | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | James | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | John | Dromore |
MCGUIGGAN | John | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | John | Kilmascally |
MCGUIGGAN | John | Lurgyroe |
MCGUIGGAN | John | Mullaghglass |
MCGUIGGAN | Mary | Dromore |
MCGUIGGAN | Sarah | Killywoolaghan |
MCGUIGGAN | Thomas | Lurgyroe |
MCGURK | Francis | Annaghmore |
MCGURK | John | Ballygonny More |
MCILDERRY | Charles | Farsnagh |
MCILDOON | Bernard | Elagh |
MCILHONE | Henry | Trickvallen |
MCILREE | Andrew | Dromore |
MCILROY | Edward | Lurgyroe |
MCILROY | Mary | Drummullan |
MCILROY | Terence | Killymenagh |
MCILROY | William | Killycanavan Lower |
MCILVANNA | Felix | Killywoolaghan |
MCILVANNA | John | Kinrush |
MCILVANNA | Patrick | Ballymurphy |
MCINTIRE | Samuel | Sessia |
MCINTYRE | Anne | Eary Lower |
MCINTYRE | Archibald | Killymenagh |
MCKEE | Henry | Moneyhaw |
MCKEE | Hugh | Drumenny Stewart |
MCKEE | John | Anneeter Beg |
MCKEE | John | Anneeter Beg |
MCKEE | John | Kinturk |
MCKEE | Matthew | Drummullan |
MCKEE | Michael | Annaghmore |
MCKEE | Michael | Annaghmore |
MCKEE | Patrick | Kinturk |
MCKEE | Robert | Moneyhaw |
MCKEE | Terence | Kinturk |
MCKEEVER | Catherine | Ballymurphy |
MCKEEVER | Hugh | Mullaghwotragh |
MCKEEVER | John | Killygonlan |
MCKEEVER | Michael | Anneeter Beg |
MCKEEVER | Michael | Drummullan |
MCKEEVER | Patrick | Mullaghwotragh |
MCKEEVER | Patrick | Mullanahoe |
MCKENNA | Robert | Kinrush |
MCKEON | Alexander | Carnan |
MCKEON | Anne | Trickvallen |
MCKEON | Arthur | Tamnavally |
MCKEON | Charles | Cluntoe Quin |
MCKEON | Daniel | Kinrush |
MCKEON | George | Kinrush |
MCKEON | Henry | Ballymurphy |
MCKEON | Hugh | Killywoolaghan |
MCKEON | Hugh | Mullaghglass |
MCKEON | Isabella | Trickvallen |
MCKEON | John | Ballymurphy |
MCKEON | John | Killygonlan |
MCKEON | John | Kinrush |
MCKEON | Mary | Ballymurphy |
MCKEON | Owen | Moneyhaw |
MCKEON | Patrick | Tamnavally |
MCKEON | William | Kinturk |
MCKEOWN | Joseph | Aghacolumb |
MCKEOWN | Robert | Tamlaghtmore |
MCKIBBEN | James | Gortigal |
MCKIBBEN | William | Gortigal |
MCKIERNAN | David | Drummullan |
MCLARNON | Patrick | Kinturk |
MCLERNEN | James | Killymenagh |
MCLERNON | Joseph | Anneeter More |
MCLERNON | Sarah | Anneeter More |
MCMANUS | Andrew | Carnan |
MCMANUS | Hugh | Killycolpy |
MCMANUS | John | Gortnagwyg |
MCMILLEN | Daniel | Lurgyroe |
MCMULLAN | Mary | Mullaghwotragh |
MCMULLEN | William | Moneyhaw |
MCMURDY | Thomas | Carnan |
MCNALLY | Arthur | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | Bernard | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | James | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | James | Killycanavan Lower |
MCNALLY | James | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | James | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | John | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | John | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | Joseph | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | Joseph | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | Patrick | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | Patrick | Killywoolaghan |
MCNALLY | Peter | Annaghmore |
MCNALLY | Peter | Annaghmore |
MCNAMEE | Michael | Moneyhaw |
MCNEECE | Rev. James | Trickvallen |
MCNEECE | Rev. Thos | Aghacolumb |
MCPHERSON | Archibald | Carnan |
MCQUADE | Margaret | Aghacolumb |
MCQUILLAN | Catherine | Kinrush |
MCREYNOLDS | Anthony | Ballynargan |
MCREYNOLDS | Martha | Dromore |
MCREYNOLDS | Samuel | Carnan |
MCREYNOLDS | Samuel | Dromore |
MCREYNOLDS | Samuel | Feagh |
MCREYNOLDS | Thomas | Ballymaguire |
MCREYNOLDS | Thomas | Mullaghglass |
MCSHANE | Anne | Carnan |
MCSHANE | Anne | Killycolpy |
MCSHANE | Bridget | Killycolpy |
MCSHANE | James | Killycolpy |
MCSHANE | John | Mullanahoe |
MCSLOY | Bernard | Cluntoe Quin |
MCSLOY | Hugh | Drumenny |
MCSLOY | Hugh | Drumenny Conyngham |
MCSLOY | James | Drumenny Conyngham |
MCSLOY | James | Drumenny Stewart |
MCSLOY | James | Trickvallen |
MCSLOY | Letitia | Trickvallen |
MCSLOY | Mary | Drumenny Conyngham |
MCSLOY | Patrick | Annaghmore |
MCSLOY | Patrick | Anneeter More |
MCSTRAVIG | Isabella | Sessia |
MCSTRAVIG | Isabella | Sessia |
MCSTRAVIG | Mary | Sessia |
MCTAGGART | John | Dromore |
MCTAGGART | Patrick | Dromore |
MCTAGGART | Patrick | Killycolpy |
MCTAGGART | Sarah | Drumard |
MCTEAGUE | Charles | Killycolpy |
MCVEAGH | Francis | Kinturk |
MCVEAGH | George | Mullaghglass |
MCVEAGH | James | Mullaghglass |
MCVEAGH | John | Ballymaguire |
MCVEAGH | John | Kilmascally |
MCVEAGH | John | Mullaghglass |
MCVEAGH | Robert | Mullaghglass |
MCVEAGH | Thomas | Elagh |
MCVEY | William | Killygonlan |
MEANS | Charles | Killycanavan Upper |
MEANS | Charles | Lurgyroe |
MEANS | Daniel | Lurgyroe |
MEANS | Edward | Killycanavan Upper |
MEANS | Isaac | Ballynafeagh |
MEANS | Isaac | Gortigal |
MEANS | James | Lurgyroe |
MEANS | John | Killycanavan Upper |
MEANS | John | Lurgyroe |
MEENAGH | Henry | Killycolpy |
MEENAGH | John | Killycolpy |
MEHAFFY | John | Gortigal |
MEHAFFY | Sarah | Gortigal |
MELLON | Henry | Tamnavally |
MELLON | Hugh | Kilmascally |
MELLON | James | Carnan |
MELLON | James | Drumenny Conyngham |
MELLON | John | Carnan |
MELLON | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
MELLON | John | Mullaghwotragh |
MELLON | John | Mullanahoe |
MELLON | John | Trickvallen |
MELLON | Joseph | Tamnavally |
MELLON | Patrick | Aghacolumb |
MELLON | Patrick | Killywoolaghan |
MELLON | Thomas | Carnan |
MILLAR | Rowley | Drummullan |
MILLER | James | Moneyhaw |
MILLER | John | Ballygonny More |
MILLER | John | Ballynargan |
MILLER | John | Brookend |
MILLER | Thomas | Killywoolaghan |
MILLIGAN | Ellen | Drummullan |
MITCHELL | Mary | Ballymurphy |
MITCHELL | Robert | Feagh |
MOLLOY | John | Carnan |
MONTAGUE | Rev. Chas. | Brookend |
MONTAGUE | Sarah | Kinrush |
MOONEY | Ellen | Drumenny Conyngham |
MOONEY | James | Drumenny Conyngham |
MOONEY | John | Drumenny Conyngham |
MOONEY | John | Drumenny Stewart |
MOONEY | Patrick | Drumenny Conyngham |
MOONEY | Ptk. | Anneeter Beg |
MORAN | Philip | Moneyhaw |
MORRIS | John | Dromore |
MORRIS | Terence | Drummullan |
MORRIS | Thomas | Drummullan |
MULDOON | James | Anneeter Beg |
MULDOON | John | Anneeter Beg |
MULDOON | John | Drummullan |
MULDOON | Sarah | Ballymurphy |
MULHOLLAND | Bridget | Mullaghglass |
MULHOLLAND | Catherine | Carnan |
MULHOLLAND | Catherine | Mullaghglass |
MULHOLLAND | Hugh | Drummullan |
MULHOLLAND | John | Aghacolumb |
MULHOLLAND | John | Killywoolaghan |
MULHOLLAND | Margaret | Mullaghglass |
MULLAN | Catherine | Mullaghglass |
MULLAN | Charles | Cluntoe |
MULLAN | Charles | Drumenny Stewart |
MULLAN | Charles | Mullaghwotragh |
MULLAN | James | Kinrush |
MULLAN | Michael | Kinrush |
MULLEN | Hugh | Brookend |
MULLEN | John | Drummullan |
MULLEN | William | Killycanavan Lower |
MURPHY | Robert | Carnan |
MURPHY | Robert | Feagh |
MURRAY | Hugh | Annaghmore |
MURRAY | Hugh | Drumenny Conyngham |
NEARY | James | Drummullan |
NEARY | Robert | Drummullan |
NEILL | George | Mullaghwotragh |
NEILL | William | Drumenny Conyngham |
NELSON | John | Ballygonny More |
NESBITT | Hugh | Ballygonny Beg |
NESBITT | William | Ballygonny Beg |
NEWTON | Robert | Sessia |
NORRIS | George | Aghacolumb |
NORRIS | James | Tamlaghtmore |
NORRIS | John | Tamlaghtmore |
NORRIS | Robert | Mullaghglass |
O’HARA | Bernard | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | Daniel | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | Henry | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | Honor | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | John | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | Mary | Aghacolumb |
O’HARA | Michael | Aghacolumb |
O'DONNELL | John | Killycolpy |
O'NEILL | Alexander | Drumenny Conyngham |
O'NEILL | Bernard | Dromore |
O'NEILL | Bernard | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Bernard | Killymenagh |
O'NEILL | Bernard | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | Charles | Killycolpy |
O'NEILL | Charles | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Charles | Trickvallen |
O'NEILL | Edward | Mullanahoe |
O'NEILL | Francis | Annaghmore |
O'NEILL | Francis | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | Henry | Annaghmore |
O'NEILL | Henry | Cluntoe |
O'NEILL | Henry | Killycolpy |
O'NEILL | Henry | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Henry | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | Hugh | Ardean |
O'NEILL | Hugh | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | Isabella | Mullanahoe |
O'NEILL | James | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | James | Kilmascally |
O'NEILL | Jane | Brookend |
O'NEILL | John | Aghacolumb |
O'NEILL | John | Annaghmore |
O'NEILL | John | Ballymurphy |
O'NEILL | John | Cluntoe |
O'NEILL | John | Killycolpy |
O'NEILL | John | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | John | Killywoolaghan |
O'NEILL | John | Kinrush |
O'NEILL | John | Lurgyroe |
O'NEILL | John | Trickvallen |
O'NEILL | Lewis | Kilmascally |
O'NEILL | Luke | Killycolpy |
O'NEILL | Michael | Mullanahoe |
O'NEILL | Neal | Aghacolumb |
O'NEILL | Neal | Brookend |
O'NEILL | Patrick | Drumard |
O'NEILL | Patrick | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Patrick | Mullanahoe |
O'NEILL | Peter | Mullanahoe |
O'NEILL | Sarah | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Susan | Killygonlan |
O'NEILL | Toal | Killywoolaghan |
ORR | John | Brookend |
ORR | William | Brookend |
ORR | William | Killywoolaghan |
PATTERSON | Reps. George | Mullaghwotragh |
PATTERSON | Thomas | Mullaghwotragh |
PURVIS | Ambrose | Mullanahoe |
PURVIS | James | Brookend |
PURVIS | James | Killycanavan Upper |
PURVIS | James | Mullanahoe |
PURVIS | Richard | Brookend |
PURVIS | Richard | Killycanavan Upper |
PURVIS | Richard | Mullanahoe |
PURVIS | Sarah | Brookend |
PURVIS | Sarah | Killycanavan Upper |
PURVIS | Silas | Mullanahoe |
PURVIS | William | Kinrush |
QUIN | Andrew | Carnan |
QUIN | Andrew | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Bernard | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Bridget | Killygonlan |
QUIN | Catherine | Mullanahoe |
QUIN | Charles | Carnan |
QUIN | Charles | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Charles | Killygonlan |
QUIN | Daniel | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Daniel | Sessia |
QUIN | Denis | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Denis | Kinrush |
QUIN | Elizabeth | Anneeter More |
QUIN | Felix | Anneeter More |
QUIN | Francis | Ardean |
QUIN | Francis | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Francis | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Francis | Kinrush |
QUIN | George | Killygonlan |
QUIN | Hugh | Anneeter Beg |
QUIN | James | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | James | Mullanahoe |
QUIN | Jno. | Anneeter More |
QUIN | John | Ardean |
QUIN | John | Dromore |
QUIN | John | Killycolpy |
QUIN | John | Killygonlan |
QUIN | John | Killywoolaghan |
QUIN | John | Kinrush |
QUIN | John | Kinturk |
QUIN | Lewis | Ardean |
QUIN | Margaret | Kinrush |
QUIN | Mary | Ardean |
QUIN | Mary | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Matthew | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Michael | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Michael | Killycolpy |
QUIN | Michael | Mullanahoe |
QUIN | Michael | Sessia |
QUIN | Olivia | Anneeter Beg |
QUIN | Patk. | Ardean |
QUIN | Patrick | Cluntoe Quin |
QUIN | Patrick | Drumenny Stewart |
QUIN | Patrick | Kilmascally |
QUIN | Peter | Kinturk |
QUIN | St. John | Ballymurphy |
QUIN | St. John | Trickvallen |
QUIN | Terence | Lurgyroe |
QUINN | Anne | Killymenagh |
QUINN | Arthur | Killycanavan Upper |
QUINN | Arthur | Killygonlan |
QUINN | Bernard | Killymenagh |
QUINN | Charles | Aghacolumb |
QUINN | Charles | Killymenagh |
QUINN | Daniel | Killycanavan Upper |
QUINN | Daniel | Mullaghglass |
QUINN | Edward | Cluntoe |
QUINN | Francis | Killycanavan Upper |
QUINN | Hannah | Ballymurphy |
QUINN | Hugh | Drumard |
QUINN | Hugh | Drumhubbert |
QUINN | James | Cluntoe |
QUINN | James | Drumard |
QUINN | James | Killycolpy |
QUINN | Jas. | Cluntoe |
QUINN | John | Cluntoe |
QUINN | John | Killymenagh |
QUINN | John | Mullaghglass |
QUINN | John | Tamlaghtmore |
QUINN | Mark | Cluntoe |
QUINN | Matthew | Cluntoe |
QUINN | Matthew | Drummullan |
QUINN | Neal | Cluntoe |
QUINN | Patrick | Killycolpy |
QUINN | Patrick | Killymenagh |
QUINN | Reps. John | Ballymurphy |
QUINN | Reps. Mark | Annaghmore |
QUINN | Rose | Killymenagh |
QUINN | Terence | Annaghmore |
QUINN | Thomas | Annaghmore |
RANEY | Robert | Eary Lower |
RANEY | Samuel | Gortigal |
RANEY | William | Gortigal |
RANKIN | William | Moneyhaw |
REED | David | Gortnagwyg |
REID | James | Drumard |
REILLY | Samuel | Carnan |
RICE | Edward | Ballymurphy |
RICHARDSON | Benjamin | Killygonlan |
RICHARDSON | Elizabeth | Gortnagwyg |
RICHARDSON | John | Gortnagwyg |
RICHARDSON | Robert | Drumard |
RICHARDSON | William | Killygonlan |
ROBINSON | Hugh | Eary Lower |
ROBSON | Hugh | Ballynafeagh |
ROBSON | Hugh | Feagh |
ROCK | Bernard | Drumenny Conyngham |
ROCK | Bernard | Killygonlan |
ROCK | Charles | Drumenny Conyngham |
ROCK | Charles | Kinturk |
ROCK | Edward | Kinrush |
ROCK | Neal | Cluntoe Quin |
ROLANDS | Abigail | Gortnagwyg |
ROLLINS | John | Brookend |
ROLLINS | Leonard | Brookend |
RONEY | Bernard | Trickvallen |
RORKE | John | Mullaghglass |
ROURKE | John | Ballymaguire |
ROURKE | John | Elagh |
ROURKE | Patrick | Elagh |
RYAN | Patrick | Annaghmore |
RYAN | Patrick | Anneeter Beg |
RYAN | William | Kinturk |
SANDS | Sarah | Ballymaguire |
SANDS | William | Killycolpy |
SANNA | Hugh | Dromore |
SANNA | John | Killycolpy |
SANNA | Robert | Drumhubbert |
SCOTT | John | Drummullan |
SCULLION | John | Drummullan |
SCULLION | Mary | Drumenny Stewart |
SCULLION | Murty | Drumenny Stewart |
SCULLION | William | Drumenny Stewart |
SEATON | Alexander | Drummullan |
SEATON | James | Ballygonny More |
SEATON | John | Carnan |
SHARPE | Thomas | Kilmascally |
SHARPE | Thomas | Lurgyroe |
SHAW | William | Killygonlan |
SHEALS | Hugh | Kilmascally |
SHEALS | Maria | Kilmascally |
SHEEKY | James | Drumenny Conyngham |
SHEEKY | Thomas | Kinrush |
SHORT | Felix | Killygonlan |
SHORT | Francis | Kinrush |
SLOANE | Thomas | Moneyhaw |
SMALL | Francis | Tamnavally |
SMALL | Hugh | Cluntoe |
SMALL | Mary | Cluntoe |
SMALL | Patrick | Cluntoe |
SMART | Patrick | Brookend |
SMITH | James | Moneyhaw |
SMITH | John | Ballymaguire |
SMITH | Thomas | Aghacolumb |
STENSON | John | Drumard |
STEWART | Hugh | Mullaghwotragh |
STEWART | Margaret | Killycolpy |
STEWART | William | Gortigal |
STEWART | William | Mullaghglass |
STORY | Duncan | Sessia |
STUART | Ven. Archdeacon | Annaghmore |
STUART | Ven. Archdeacon | Anneeter Beg |
STUART | Ven. Archdeacon | Kinturk |
TAGGART | Arthur | Killygonlan |
TAGGART | John | Carnan |
TAGGART | Peter | Killygonlan |
TASSY | Henry | Cluntoe |
TASSY | Sarah | Kinrush |
TAYLOR | John | Killywoolaghan |
TENNISON | James | Killygonlan |
THOMPSON | Hugh | Moneyhaw |
THOMPSON | Joseph | Drummullan |
THOMPSON | Levingston | Ballymurphy |
THOMPSON | Levingston | Trickvallen |
THOMSON | Wm. Geo. | Mullaghwotragh |
TOLAND | Daniel | Killycanavan Lower |
TOLAND | William | Killycanavan Lower |
TOLAND | William | Sessia |
TRAYNOR | Christopher | Ardean |
TRAYNOR | James | Eary Lower |
TREANOR | Christopher | Farsnagh |
TREANOR | Christopher | Sessia |
TRENCH | Mary E. S. | Drumenny Conyngham |
TRENCH | Mary. E. S. | Mullaghwotragh |
TUMMELL | Anne | Drummullan |
WALKER | John | Ballymaguire |
WALKER | Joseph | Tamlaghtmore |
WALKER | William | Ballymaguire |
WALKER | William | Mullaghglass |
WALL | Henry | Mullaghglass |
WALL | John | Mullaghglass |
WANN | Isabella | Killywoolaghan |
WANN | Samuel | Killywoolaghan |
WARD | Adam | Drummullan |
WARD | Henry | Drummullan |
WARD | John | Drummullan |
WARD | Sarah | Drummullan |
WARNOCK | Sarah | Brookend |
WATERS | Eliza | Ballymaguire |
WATERS | James | Tamnavally |
WATERS | John | Tamnavally |
WATERS | Robert | Tamnavally |
WATERS | Thomas | Killycolpy |
WATERS | William | Killycolpy |
WATERS | William | Killywoolaghan |
WATSON | Sarah | Moneyhaw |
WEIR | Jane | Ballygonny More |
WHAN | Henry | Killywoolaghan |
WHARL | Margaret | Drumenny Conyngham |
WHITE | George | Brookend |
WHITE | Hugh | Brookend |
WHITE | Hugh | Killygonlan |
WHITE | Thomas | Brookend |
WHITESIDE | John, M. D. | Killycolpy |
WHITESIDE | Thomas | Killycolpy |
WILCOCKS | St. George L. | Brookend |
WILKINSON | James | Dromore |
WILSON | Robert | Ballynargan |
WILSON | William, Jun. | Ballynargan |
WILSON | William, Sen. | Ballynargan |
WOODS | John | Moneyhaw |
WOOLAGHAN | Samuel | Killywoolaghan |
WRAY | Samuel | Tamlaghtmore |
WRIGHT | Adam | Kilmascally |
WRIGHT | James | Dromore |
WRIGHT | Martha | Ballynafeagh |
WRIGHT | Rachel | Carnan |
WRIGHT | Richard | Kilmascally |
WRIGHT | Robert | Carnan |
WRIGHT | Robert | Dromore |
WRIGHT | Samuel | Drummullan |
WYLEY | Robert | Ballynargan |
YOUNG | Walter | Sessia |