Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Patrick Street Graveyard, Strabane, Camus Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs

Surnames List
Compiled and Submitted by
Faye Logue, Mundingburra, Queensland, Australia

This file of Patrick Street Graveyard, Strabane, Camus Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs forms part of the vast archive of 4,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to CAMUS PARISH & COUNTY TYRONE on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Index to the Twenty-One Pages involved in the Patrick Street Graveyard: Headstone Inscriptions & Photographs



1. Main Page    
  8. Elliott – Evans 15. McBrearty – McFarland
2. Surname List 9. Ferguson – Fyffe 16. McGarrigle – McSwiggan
3. Adams – Auchinlec 10. Gallagher – Gwynne 17. Mearns – Murray
4. Baird – Burgoyne 11. Hall – Huston 18. Neilson – Porter
5. Campbell – Colhoun 12. Inch – Kyle 19. Ramsay – Stewart
6. Collins – Cuthbertson 13. Larmour – Lyon 20. Tait – Young
7. Daly – Dunlop 14. MacDonald – Maxwell 21. Unknown & Wills


Surnames List

Surname Surname Surname Surname
Adams Donnelly Joyce Moreton
Aikens Doran Kain Murphy
Alexander Dougan Kee Murray
Allen Dougherty Kelly Neilson
Anderson Duff Kerr Nelson
Arbuckle Dunbar King Noble
Armstrong Dunlop Knighton Noone
Ash Ector Knox Nugent
Auchinleck Ector Kyle Orr
Baird Elliott Lance Patterson
Ballantine Entrican Larmour Perry
Barclay Evans Leater Petters
Barnhill Ferguson Lendrum Pollock
Blair Flanagan Leney Porter
Borland Fleming Lepper Ramsay
Boyd Flood Leslie Read
Brocas Floory Lindop Rennie
Brogan Floyd Liston Riddell
Brooke Fulton Lowther Risk
Browne Fyffe Lyon Rogan
Buchanan Gallagher Macdonald Ross
Burgoyne Gallaher Macdougal Saunders
Campbell Gallaugher Magill Sayers
Carol Gaston Maguire Scott
Carroll Gibson Martin Scully
Carsan Gill Maxwell Shannon
Carson Gillespie McBrearty Shaw
Cassidy Gilmour McCarter Simms
Cathcart Gordon McClay Simpson
Caulfield Goudy McClean Sloan
Christy Graham McCleary Smith
Cleeve Gray McClelland Smyle
Coane Grieve McColgan Smyly
Cochran Griffith McCormack Smyth
Colhoun Grimani McCrea Snodgrass
Collins Gwynne McCreery Spence
Colquhoun Hair McDonnald Sproule
Conway Hall McDougal Stevenson
Cook Hamilton McElroy Stewart
Cooke Hannah McFarland Stubbs
Crabb Henderson McGarrigle Sweney
Craig Hewitt McGill Tait
Crawford Hogg McGrath Taylor
Crocket Holmes McGunehan Teate
Crombie Home McGurk Thompson
Crosbie Honeyford McHugh Thomson
Cunningham Hood McIntosh Toland
Cuthbertson Houston McKinley Trimble
Daly Howard McLaughlin Underwood
Deaf & Dumb Children Hughes McLeod Urquhart
Deane Hulot McNeelance Vance
Delap Humble McNeney Wade
Denny Humphreys McSwigan Walls
Devenny Hunter Mearns Ward
Dick Huston Mease Wark
Dickson Inch Miller Warnock
Dill Innes Minnis Watson
Dillon Irvine Mitchell Wilson
Dinnen Jackson Monaghan Young
Divin Jenkins Mongan  
Donnell Johnson Moody  
  Jones Moore  


L D Illegible Mary…. Samuel
C L A W J W Illegible J P
R G R W 1693 Illegible Illegible
A L Adam…EIL Illegible Illegible
T L Jane….. Sarah…..  
J N Illegible B C R C  
J W S Dora….. Peter D….S  
Transcript of Wills:
Joseph Arbuckle
William Boyd
Anthony Coane
Patience Coane
Francis A. Colhoun
Gabriel & Agnes Homes
Gabrial Holmes
Jane Denny
Mathew Mease
John Moody

Further Camus Parish & County Tyrone records can be viewed here:

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County Tyrone Records

Camus Parish Records, Co. Tyrone

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