The chapel and graveyard are located within Envagh townland.
Headstone inscriptions transcribed.
Surname | Transcription |
Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy On the soul of John McCROSSAN died 12th January 1939 Also wife Catherine died 23rd October 1970 |
(Flat stone surrounded by railings) Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord James O'KANE of Omagh Died July 16th 1837 aged 73 years Jane O'KANE his wife Died 25th August 1852 aged 67 years William O'KANE his brother Died June 23rd 1827 aged 71 years John MAGUIRE his son-in-law Died September 3rd 1845 aged 42 years |
Sacred heart of Jesus have mercy On the soul of Alexander CARLIN who died 21st September 1922 aged 77 years And also his beloved wife Rose Ann who died 15th October 1924 aged 79 years And their son James who died 3rd December 1949 Also their daughter Rose Anna who died 10th April 1957 And Mary who died 25th December 1972 RIP |
In Loving Memory of Henry BREISLIN who died 27th March 1911 aged 91 years And also his beloved wife Catherine Who died 1st July 1912 aged 94 years Also their grandsons Charles died 24th August 1968 aged 86 years Michael died 15th November 1968 aged 74 years |
In Loving Memory of Henry DOHERTY who died 5th September 1897 aged 23 years Mary who died 5th November 1919 aged 43 years Their father Bernard Who died 31st October 1930 aged 84 years Also his wife Catherine Who died 21st June 1936 aged 93 years |
This stone was erected by James McENCHILL In memory of his mother Sissely HARVEY Alias McENCHILL Who departed this life November, the 12th 1817 aged 84 years (this stone beside previous one) In Memory of Owen McENCHILL Who departed this life 25th April 1867 aged 80 years |
(top) In Loving Memory of Brigid RUSSELL died 14th January 1992 aged 102 years (below) In Memory of Peter RUSSELL who died July 26th 1880 age 93 years Alice RUSSELL who died September 6th 1859 aged 65 years Peter RUSSELL who died February 5th 1901 aged 61 years Mary RUSSELL who died July 2nd 1924 aged 84 years RIP (left hand side of above) In memory of the Very Rev. James J. RUSSELL, V.F Who died April 14th 1893 aged 61 years Sr. Genevieve RUSSELL Who died September 27th 1899 aged 29 years James J. RUSSELL who died October 4th 1942 aged 75 years RIP (rhs of above) In Memory of John RUSSELL who died October 10th 1944 aged 68 years The Very Rev. Peter RUSSELL P.P.V.F St. Mary's, Halifax, Yorkshire Who died November 3rd 1945 aged 72 years Agnes RUSSELL died 10th August 1964 (small stone LHS of above) Alice RUSSELL September 6th 1859 (small stone RHS Peter RUSSELL July 26th 1880 |
Here lieth the body of Owen McGLINCHEY Who departed this life Dec the 11th 1817 aged 22 years |
Here lieth the body of Hanna DOWNEY Who departed this life Septr the 26th 1813 aged 5 years Also the body of Hugh DOWNEY Who departed this life March 30th 1815 aged 72 years |
In Loving Memory of John ALLEN Mullinatomagh, Omagh Died 15 Aug 1963 aged 67 years His wife Mary Died 24 Aug 1988 aged 83 years Also his parents Joseph and Ellen Rest in Peace Always remembered by Daughter Bernadette and son Hugh |