Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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AII headstones and All slabs, wlth 3 exceptions, are read from the
east. Dimensions of monuments are in miIIimetres.
Flat fieldstone slabs without inscriptions are noted; they are
generally about 1500 long by 900 wide. Some are under the sod, some
have an edge showing, mostly on north or south.

      Sandstone headstone, lnclsed on east; good conditlon.
      Helght:  1400
      Width:     750
                              TO THE MEMORY OF
                                JANE KENNEDY
                                  OF TYBOE.
                         WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE
                               JUNE 13TH 1860.
                               AGED 61 YEARS.

     Flat whinstone, inclsed at west end, flaking and broken; poor condition.
     Width: 1000
                                JOHN KENNEDY
                              OF TYBOE      D        D
                         IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD
                         MAY   17TH 1827(?)       D   63