Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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St. John's Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland Tombstone Photos

June 2016
Submitted by Bridgid Wilson

Click Here for St. John's Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish Tombstone Transcriptions

Notes –

  • This is not a complete survey. St John’s Caledon is only partially groomed and much, in the older area, is very overrun with high grass and nettles so it was not possible to include those monuments in the outer, un-kept areas here. (Next time!) Also, some newer monuments are not included. I would generously estimate this is a 2/3 survey.
  • Please check photo for your own interpretation. Many are very hard to read and some of the transcripts are “best guess”.

  • We welcome input and shared information to improve the quality of this information.

Headstone Headstone
St. John's Church of Ireland, Caledon, Aghaloo Parish (sign)(cemetery view) McMaster family
Alexander, ??ughna - daug of Charles & Kate McMenemy family
Allen - Lizzie, Ellen, William McMullen, James
Allen - Tulnashane (2nd view) Mercer, Frances H. M.
Anderson, Eliza Jane (nee McGill) Mercer, Harold
Archer - Anna Jane (Sissie), Charles Edward, Mabel Annie Mercer - Henry, Anie, William Robert, Sarah, Charles Henry Walker
Auld - Andrew, James Mercer - John, Mary
Awls, Henry Mercer - James, Jane, Mary Ann, John
Blaney, Annie Mercer - Robert, Mary Ann, Robert Henry (Harry), Sarah
Blaney, M. A. J. Mercer, Robert
Blaney - William J., James, Martin A. J. Metcalfe - Arthur Wilson, Phoebe Evelyn
Bloomer, Ellen Murphy - Samuel, Sarah Jane, Joseph James, Elizabeth
Bloomer, Norah Kathleen Parke - Arthur, Annie Gertrude (nee Pringle), Alexander Pringle
Bloomer - Richard, Mary Jane, Thomas, Alice Richard William Parke - John Cecil, Maureen Elizabeth Hamilton (nee Dickson)
Bloomer, Robert (Bertie) Parke - William Arthur Malcolm, Margaret Watson
Boylan, Charles Patterson - John, Thomas William, James A., Charles, Ann Eliza (2nd view)
Brennan - Thomas Corcil, Catherine, Walter James, Louis, Beatrice, William Frederick, Veronica Frances (Vera) Potter - James, Matilda Jane, James, Sarah Jane
Brown, Lydia Prentice, Du Pre? (closeup)
Brown - William, Emily Mary (nee Wright) Pringle - George Alexander, Terence Alexander, Amy Josephine
Bruel, Matilda Pringle - George Morgan, Bertha Elizabeth (Bea)
Campbell - William, James, Mary Ann Pringle - Isabella, Mabel Alexandra
Campbell - William, Margaret Pringle - John & Family
Chapman - Isabella, Mary Elizabeth, William Orr, Sarah Pringle - John
Chapman, Matthew J. Pringle, .....ander
Clarke - Alexander, William, Ann, Catherine R., Elizabeth Jane, Stanley William Martha Pringle - Oliver, Elizabeth, Mary Elizabeth
Coe, James Pringle - Samuel, Alexander, William, Phebe, Anne, Margaret (2nd view)(3rd View)
Connor - Anne, Andrew Pringle - William, Rebecca Anne, William, Essy, Ellen
Core, John Quinn, Laurie K.
Corr, Robert John Stanley Robinson - Kathleen, William
Corry, unknown (2nd view) Rodgers - Ann Jane, John
Corry, Galbraith Roynton, Thomas William
Coulter - William, Ellen, William J., Mary Ellen, Thomas A., Letitia Scott - Margaret, Annie, John, Robert, Jane, Elizabeth
Cummins - Margaret Jane, James, Ann Jane Scott - Walter Hill, Annie, William, Mary, Brenda Marie
Dennison Family Scott, William John
Devin, Hugh Scott - William Robert, Mary Elizabeth (nee Ferguson)
Donnelly - Jane, Sarah, Leslie, Mary Ann, Eliza, William Simpson, Susan (closeup)
Duffy, John Sloane - Benjamin Marshall, Lavina
Ferguson - Joseph, Madge, Margaret Smith, Mary Ellen (nee Mercer)
Fleming - Hugh Cecil, Violet Amelia Spencer - Margaret, Henry Richard
Forde - Elizabeth, William Ernest, Robert (Bobbie) Strutt, A. E.
Gawley, Robert Strutt - Samuel, Margaret, Isabella, William, John
Hall, John Swan, William
Harding, Harriet Taylor, Emily (nee Bloomer)
Hetherington - Samuel, Jane Thompson - William, Margaret, Ellen, Lizzie, William James, Robert Andrew, Susan Isabel
Holland - Sara, Thomas, Thomas John, John James Unknown - John
Horner, Gisborne Unknown - (2nd unknown)(3rd unknown)
Horner - Marianne Diana, R. N., W. K. Walker - Thomas, Sarah, William James, Sarah Ellen
Houston, Samuel Ward, Bernard
Houston - Samuel, Annie, Samuel James, William Robert, Alan, John Watt - John, Bessie
Hughes, Owen Wilkin - John, Mary (nee Campbell)
Jackson - Robert, Letitia Williamson, Lisa
Johnston, John McWilliams, Annie, Charlotte Whitelock, Joseph
Jones, J. G. Wilken, James
Kelly, George Willson, James (Fanny Alice Isabella)(Fred, Alick)
Kennedy - Eliza Jane Wilson - Hugh, James
Magowan, ? Wilson Family
Marshall - Benjamin, Margaret, David Wilson - James, Margaret, John, Jane, Martha
McCleery - George, William, Joseph Wilson - James, Nancy, John, William James, William, Robert, Margaret, Margaret W.
McCoy - Henry A., Bessie M. Wilson - Robert, Martha Jane, John
McGill - Joseph, Thomas, Jane, William James Wright - Andrew, Sarah, Joseph (closeup)
McGronan, Pat'C Wright family
McGun, James Wright - James, Mary
McKenna, Arthur (2nd view) Wright - John, Catherine
McKenna or McKenny - Owen, Sarah Wright - Joshua, Lavinia
McKeown - John, Margaret, Andrew, Malcom, Francis Wright - Samuel, George Henry, Mary Elizabeth (nee Anderson)


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