Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh Assizes, Northern Ireland July 1823

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post, July 29, 1823
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



On Thursday last, the Hon. Justices Johnston and Vandeleur arrived here from Cavan. About four o’clock the former took his seat in the Crown Court. After the Commission was read the following Grand Jury was sworn:

General Archdall, M. P., Foreman

Juror Juror Juror
Lord Viscount Corry, M. P. George Lendrum, Esq. Sir Henry Brooke, Bart.
William Tennent, Esq. Sir John Caldwell, Bart. Andrew Nixon, Esq.
Gerard Irvine, Esq. John K. Dunbar, Esq. Edward Archdall, Esq.
Simon Armstrong, Esq. William Barton, Esq. Michael Jones, Esq.
William D’Arcy Irvine, Esq. Joseph Maguire, Esq. John Armstrong, Esq.
John Brien, Esq. Richard Dane, Esq. James A. Aughinleck, Esq.
Hamilton Irvine, Esq. Charles Archdall, Esq. John Tredennick, Esq.
Chas. Chr. Irvine, Esq.

There were but seven criminal cases for trial, and none of them of any public interest.

Philip McCawley, for stealing two pieces of woollen cloth out of the shop of Mr. Joseph Whitley, of Enniskillen - to be transported for seven years

Patrick McMenamen, otherwise McCaffry, for stealing a mare, the property of Andrew Crozier; and Edward Murray, for horse stealing also; both to remain in goal until further orders. - These two persons, agreeable to the last Act for the punishment of criminal offenders, were not sentenced to death, as would have been the case under the late law; but it is supposed they will be transported for life

John Donaldson, for stealing wool from the Rev. A. S. Clarke, to be imprisoned six months

Alice Fitzpatrick, for stealing cloths, discharged by proclamation, no prosecutors attending

Mary Maguire, for stealing potatoes, discharged in same manner

William Drum, for beating George Gaddis on the high road, and robbing him of 7s. 6d. - Acquitted