Name | Details |
John Ternan | was indicted for stealing a sack from John Connolly. - Guilty. To be imprisoned six months and kept to hard labour |
Anne Dunleavy | indicted for stealing four check handkerchiefs from Michael Maguire, in the fair of Irvinstown, on 8th November. - Guilty. To be imprisoned six months and kept to hard labour |
John McGregor and Catherine McGregor, his wife |
were charged with stealing a pocket-book, containing £7 in bank notes, from Redmond McCosker, at Ballydoolagh, on the 24th January last The Judge directed the Jury to acquit Catherine McGregor, the wife, as the law presumes her to act always in subjection to her husband The Jury found John McGregor guilty. - To be transported for seven years. The convict’s wife burst into tears and exclaimed she would stick to him even in banishment |
James Ward, Anne Kelly, John Farrell, Philip Fitzsummons, and Anne Conner |
for picking the pocket of John McCourt of two bank notes, £1 each, at Roslea, on the 8th of March instant Guilty all but Anne Conner. Sentence - Seven years transportation |
William Scarlett | was tried for an unlawful assembly, and making a great affray on the night of the 25th July, 1824.- Acquitted |
Redmond Drum, Bernard McAlinnin, otherwise Leonard, Terence Drum, Eleanor Barton, Peter Maguire, Terence Maguire, Michael Leanard, and Patt Maguire |
were indicted for rescuing goods taken in execution by the Sub-Sheriff of Fermanagh, on the lands of Cromer, on the 19th of January last. The prisoners were also charged with a riot; and for assaulting John Rochfort Mayne, Esq. the Sub-Sheriff, and his bailiffs, John Donnelly, Washington Crawford, and James Donnelly Prisoners each sentenced to be imprisoned for one year, and then given security severally in £100 and two securities in £25 each, for their good behaviour for seven years |
Michael McCaffry and Owen McCaffry | were indicted for stealing timber from John Maguire. They were both found guilty. The sentence of the Court is, that the prisoners be transported for 7 years |
Ellen Brown | a servant of James Lacy, drum-major of the 62d Regiment, was convicted of having stolen several articles of wearing apparel, with which she absconded. The judge delivered an impressive lecture on the enormity of servants robbing their masters and mistresses, and sentenced the prisoner to 7 years transportation |
John Maguire |
was indicted for “that he on the 8th of December last, at Sheriff, did administer an unlawful oath to Dominick Noon, to the nature and purport following, viz: That he, the said Dominick Noon, would be true and faithful to the Roman Catholic religion, and would keep Protestants down as well as he could, and that he would discover any of the secrets, pass-words or signs belonging to Ribbonmen, without proving him to be a brother; that if he, the said Noon, were called ought to fight with a brother, he should not fight with or against him, unless he deserved it; and that if he should be called upon to assist a brother he should do it to the utmost of his power, and that he should not tell the oath aforesaid to any idiot, woman or Protestant kind.” Dominick Noon, examined by Mr. Johnston - Lived as a servant with Bernard Tracy - is a Roscommon man The prisoner was found guilty, and after a suitable lecture from the learned Baron, in which he remarked upon the danger of such associations in the country, sentenced the prisoner to transportation for seven years Fifteen in all were sentenced to transportation, two of whom, Michael and Owen McCaffry, had their sentence afterwards commuted for 6 months imprisonment and hard labour |