Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Enniskillen Assizes, Co. Fermanagh, March 1815

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post, March 28 1815
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


Saturday se’night, the Hon. Mr. Justice OSBORNE and the Hon. Baron McCLELLAND arrived in town from Cavan. The Commission of the Crown being opened shortly after, the following gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury: Lieut. Gen. ARCHDALL, Foreman


Gorges D’Arcy IRVINE, Esq.

Gerrard IRVINE, Esq.

William BARTON, Esq.

George NIXON, Esq.


J. RICHARDSON, Rusfad, Esq.

J. RICHARDSON, Summerhill, Esq.

George HASSARD, Esq.

Andrew NIXON, Esq.

Hamilton IRVINE, Esq.

Thomas STEWART, Esq.

Alexander CRAWFORD, Esq.

John BRIEN, Esq.


Jassan HASSARD, Esq.

Francis BROOKE, Esq.

George LENDRUM, Esq.

Christ. HUMPHRYS, Esq.

James KING, Esq.

Samuel GAMBLE, Esq.

John AITKEN Esq.

John DENHAM, Esq., Sheriff

The Court then proceeded to business on Revenue Causes, which occupied the whole evening, and nearly the entire of Monday. Thirty-seven persons were convicted for illicit distillation, and a great number of Still Fines were struck. Although the Calendar appeared heavy in comparison with that of former Assizes here, there were few trials of much interest or importance, and no capital conviction.

EDWARD RUTLEGE, for the murder of his nephew, JAMES RUTLEGE. Not being able to agree in the verdict, the Jury and the Prisoner on Wednesday morning accompanied the judge to the verge of the country, where the Jury was dissolved, and the prisoner remanded to gaol for a new trial next Assizes.

ROBERT MAVITY, PATT, McCAFFRY, DENIS McELGUM, and DENIS SHEERING, for the murder of DOROTHY WAUGH: - The prisoners were acquitted, but ordered to find security for their future good behaviour.

JOHN FINNEY, sen. and jun., for horse stealing; acquitted.

EDWARD SMYTH, for horse-stealing, was admitted to bail, the prosecutor not being able to attend.