During the last eight weeks the Committee of the Pomeroy Charitable Fund, have sold, at half price, an average of 10 cwt. of meal, weekly, to the poor of their district. For the same length of time, they have distributed, every alternate day, from a soup kitchen, erected under their auspices, 240 quarts of excellent soup, a halfpenny per quart, besides much that is given gratuitously. Their Treasurer thankfully acknowledges to have received the following sums, viz.; – From Mr. & Mrs. LOWRY, Pomeroy-house £50; the Misses LOWRY, No. 2, Hardwick-place, Dublin, £20; the Messrs. R. & J. LOWRY, do. £20; Major and the Misses GRAHAM, Dublin, £10; Rev. J. Lowry, Clogherny Glebe £5; Rev. THOMAS TWIGG, Thornhill Glebe, £2; Rev. Messrs. WADE, HUGHES, and McKENNY, £5; several farmers in the district, £16