His marriage and children.___Specimens of leases---His purchases of land---Case and opinions of Mr. Anthony Malone and Mr.. Gratten--Election memoranda, & c.___His WILL.
GALBRAITH LOWRY was the third, but second surviving son of Mr. Robert LOWRY senior. He was born on the 11th July 1706, and consequently at the time of his father's death must have been under age. He graduated B.A Trinity College, vern: 1728. By his WILL as before mentioned, his father bequeathed to him a considerable estate in Tyrone, including Aghenis and (probably), the townland of Drummin in Co. Armagh. He was also in remainder to the manor of Finagh which he inherited in 1764, on his brother Robert's death without issue. In 1733 he married Miss Sarah CORRY, the second daughter of Colonel John CORRY of Castlecoole, and sister of Leslie CORRY the then owner of that property. He exercised the power reserved to him under his father's will, by setting, or agreeing to settle upon his wife f200 a year ( which appears to have been a common jointure at that time for a country gentleman's wife,) and f2,000 upon daughters or younger sons.
By Sarah CORRY he had seven children, viz.(1. Robert who was born the 19th Aug. 1734, died in Dublin,and was buried at St. Mary's; (2.) John born 13th Sept., 1735, died at Castlecoole 1752, and was buried at Derryvullen;(3.) Sarah born 17th May 1738, died young; (4.) Armar born 7th April, 1740 and was created a peer as Baron Belmore in 1781. From this son are descended, besides myself, two other peers, viz. The Earl of Sandwich and Lord Rowton. (5.) Anna, born 24th June 1742 and married 3 Nov. 1763 to the Hon. William Willoughby COLE, afterwards second Lord Mount Florence and First Earl of Enniskillen. From her are descended besides the Earl of Enniskillen, Earl Cowper,k.G., the present Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Earl de Grey the heir apparent to the Marquisate of Rippon, and the eldest son of Viscount Crichton, heir to the Earldom of Erne.(6.) Sarah CORRY born October 1745 died 1746. (7.) Mary born 2 July 1748 and died 1774.
"In 1747-8 Mr. LOWRY took his seat as Member of Parliament for Tyrone, and continued to serve in the two following Parliaments until shortly before his death, when he was succeeded by his son Armar. There is a picture of him at Castlecoole in a snuff coloured coat and a wig. he appears to have been a precise man of business.
I have a old rent book, or rather collection of scraps of paper stitched up with roll of parchment. The rents had been collected by his father, who apparently followed the not very safe practice of taking money from tenants on account. Galbraith LOWRY has endorsed the roll as worthy of his son's attention, as showing what the lands fetched in his father's time. There is also a somewhat similar roll of his own: only Beagh Letfern and Legacorry however, (with the head-rent of Moylagh), appear in it of lands which still belong to me; my estate consisting mainly of the Manor of Finagh.(Vide App. P)
It may be interesting to show the nature of the leases granted on these estates at this period. I have the counterpart of one dated 3rd December 1740, by Robert LOWRY( the elder brother), of Lower Laragh, part of a townland on his Fynagh estate, to the Rev. Joseph HEMPHILL, for three lives, viz,--the leasee, his wife, and his eldest son, or the longest liver of them. The rent was f10 8 8. Royalties were reserved; corn was to be ground in the manor mill. The tenant was not to alienate without the consent in writing of the landlord. If he did so without consent his rent would be increased by f7 a year; but he might underlet to cottiers weavers or day labourers without such consent.
It has now quite disappeared. I have also the counterpart of a lease purporting to be granted on the Legacorry portion of the estate, on the 10th January 1767, by Galbraith and Armor LOWRY-CORRY, (but only signed by the former), to David REED, Robert CLERK ,James REED, and Samuel DUNLOP, for two lives, viz.-- James REED the lessee, and John BARR aged 28. The rent was f22 10s., and six days' duty work, nine pecks of shillen or thirteen Shillings, twelve hens or six shillings, twenty perches of ditching or f1, to plant sixty trees or pay f1, to ditch the farm into four five or six-acre parks to plant an oak ash, English Elm or a Sycamore tree on the ditches, one at every twelve feet apart; to grind at Beagh mill; not to alienate except to wife orchid; and to attend the courts-leet and courts-baron of the Manor Tuckett.
The tenants agreed each to hold what they formerly held, and never to claim survivorship. On a separate paper Mr. LOWRY CORRYmade a memorandum that he had on the 21st February 1767, set Teague, O'DONELLY, and Hugh MAGERRY, from the 25th March last, one-fourth of Legacorry for thirteen years at f7 10s. a year. Teague O'DONELLY held one-third and Hugh MAGERRY two-thirds, of the above. This memorandum is in his son Armar Lowry Corry's handwriting."
As will be seen from the second part of this work, Mr. Galbraith LOWRY in 1741, inherited under Leslie CORRY's Will his lands in the County of Monaghan, and in or about 1764 his wife, on the death of her brother-in-law Mr. Edmond Leslie CORRY, inherited under her father's Will her elder sister's estate in the Counties of Longford and Fermanagh.
"Note: Mr. HEMPHILL was the Presbyterian Minster of the district.
Mr. LOWRY was elected M.P. for Tyrone in the winter of 1747-8, succeeding Henry MERVYN, Esq. He represented the county for about twenty years. His first colleague was William Stewart, Esq.
Mr. Galbraith LOWRY made considerable purchases of land during his tenancy of the estates; but in the absence of a good list of deeds for the Tyrone estate; it cannot now be ascertained with precision what amount he invested in this way. These lands have since been sold, and although I have a considerable number of deeds relating to them, I cannot obtain from them anything but a fragmentary information. On the 7th November 1735, he appears to have bought from Messrs SREWART and M'CLINTOCK for f 604 148 7d.,the townlands of Campsey, Crevenagh and Galbally; also five shillings a year out of Tattykeel. On October 5th 1736, he bought certain lands in the Parish of Dromore, at I know not what price, from Mr. MERVYN; and on the 30th September 1741, Driminey and other lands from Mr. MERVYN and others, for which he paid in all of 899.
The following case and opinion of the Prime Sergeant Mr. Anthony MALONE* throws some light on the matter of Mr. LOWRY's acquisitions.
1675, August 3., Sir Andly MERVYN being seized of the Manors of Tonchet, Stoy, and Arlestown, also of several other lands in the County of Tyrone, executes a settlement of this date whereby he limits the aforesaid Manors to Henry, his eldest son, and the heirs male of his body, with several remainders over, and also by the same settlement limits several lands to Hugh and George, his two youngest sons, and the heirs male of their respective bodys, with several remainders over, and soon after died."
1684, December 18. Henry being seized of the aforesaid Manors on the marriage of Audly, his eldest son, with Olivia COOTE, executes a settlement of this date whereby he limits the said Manor's to the said Audly for life, remainder to his first and every other son in tail with remainders over. Audly named as a party, but did not execute this settlement. Henry died in 1699, but no recovery was suffered to barr the remainders in the settlement of 1675.
*Afterwards the Right Hon. Anthony MALONE. He was M.P. for Westmeath County
1711. December 6. Audly had issue by Olivia several sons and daughters, and on the marriage of Henry, his eldest son, with Mary TICHORNE, executes a settlement of all the aforesaid Mannors and limits them to Hanry, his son, for life, remainder to the first and every other son of Henry by the aforesaid Mary in tail,remainder to his the said Audly's own right heirs forever. There is a covenant in this deed that Audly and Henry should levy a fine and suffer a recovery, which was accordingly done.
Hugh MERVYN, the second son of Sir Audly, sold a great part of the lands limited to him by the settlement of 1675 to the aforesaid Audly, his nephew.
1717, June 15. Audly being seized in fee of the lands so purchased by him from Hugh, made his Will, and thereby devised the said lands so by him purchased, and all other lands, tenements, and hereditaments where of he was seized in fee-simple to his wife Olivia in trust for payement of his debts, and as to such part as should remain unsold, to the use of his second son Audly for life, remainder to his first and every other son in tail, remainder to James, his third son, for life, remainder to his first and every other son in tail, remainder to Theophilus, his fourth son, and his sons in tail, remainder to Henry, his eldest son, and his sons in tail,remainder to his four daughters in tail, as tenants in common,remainder to his nephews, Mervyn ARCHDALL and Henry CARY in fee.
Audly died soon afterwards, and Olivia became possessed of the lands devised.
Olivia died in 1720 without selling. On her death, Audly the second son, became possessed of the lands devised by his father, and in order to pay his father's debts, in 1727 and 1729 sold part of those lands to Robert and Galbraith LOWRY. On this sale Mr. LOWRY desired to have several deeds relating to the title delivered up to him, and amongst the rest of the settlement of 1675, Mr. MERVYN objected to this, as he had a considerable Estate under the same title, which remained unsold. But it was then agreed that the settlement should remain in the hands of Alexander M'CLINTOCK, who was then agent, and common friend to both parties. Henry MERVYN, after the death of his father and mother, having no issue, and being advised that the reversion in fee, which was in the father by settlement in 1711 descended to him, sold several parts of the Estate comprised in that settlement. The aforesaid Robert LOWRY, Galbraith LOWRY, Alexander M’CLINTOCK, and several other persons became purchasers of part of the lands from Henry, from 1724 to 1735.
All the sons of Audly the elder died without issue before the year 1748. Then the daughters became possessed of those lands which remained unsold, and were devised and limited to them by their father's Will. The daughters, after the death of their brothers, se up a title to the whole Estate settled on Henry by the deed of 1711, and pretended that the reversion in fee being in their father by that settlement was devised and limited over to them by the Will in 1717.
IN order to try their title, they brought as ejectment for part of the lands, to which Dr. HUDSON, a purchaser under Henry, took defence, and the cause came on to be tried at Bar in the Common Pleas, in Michaelmas Term, 1750. At that time M'CLINTOCK had in his hands both the settlement of 1675 and 1684, and produced the later for the defendant, by which it appeared that Audly, the testor, was only tenant for life. The plaintiff, knowing that he (M'CLINTOCK) had also the settlement of 1675 in his hands, called upon him to be examined, and upon his saying that that settlement was left in his hands in trust for Mr. LOWRY, council in behalf of Mr. LOWRY objected against his being any farther examined touching that deed, or be obliged to produce it, which objection was allowed by the Court, and thereupon the plaintiffs suffered themselves to be non-suited.
The use the plaintiffs intended to make of that settlement, was to show that Henry was only tenant in tail at the time of the settlement in 1684, and as no recovery was suffered by him, the whole Estate on suffering the recovery in 1711 vested in Audly.
In order to get these settlements out of M'CLINTOCK 's hands a bill is filed, in which the daughters, and also Arthur MERVYN, son and heir of Hugh, are plaintiffs against M'CLINTOCK, LOWRY and several of the purchasers under Henry. By this bill the plaintiffs offer to confirm the purchases made by Gilbraith LOWRY and his father from Audly and Hugh Estate. The bill charges that M'CLINTOCK, at the time the settlement was left in his hands, was trustee for Audly the vendor, and his family, as well as for Mr. LOWRY. and it is interrogated whether he doth not consider himself as such. There is no answer as yet put in by the defendants to this bill, but defendant M'CLINTOCK must admit that he, at the time the settlement of 1675 was left with him, did consider himself as trustee for both parties, for at several times afterwards he permitted Audly to have the use of the settlement, and gave coppys of it to him or his order.
As this settlement may be of use to LOWRY and M'CLINTOCK in defending their tittle to the lands purchased from Henry, the question is, whether M'CLINTOCK hath a right to retain it in his hands, not only to serve himself, but also to serve M. LOWRY, and if he has such right, whether he may not retain it for the use of other purchasers under Henry.
It is said that the daughters will confirm M'CLINTOCK 's title to the lands purchased by him from Henry, but if this should be the case, and that the plaintiffs offered it by their bill, may he not still insist on retaining it for Mr. LOWRYand the other purchasers?
What power has G. LOWRY over the deed of 1675, which , by Mr. M'CLINTOCK 's answer, was lodged in trust with him for Audly MERVYN as well as for R. LOWRY? Can the said G. LOWRY retain it in Mr. M'CLINTOCK 's hands until his purchase under Henry as well as that under Audly is secured? Or can he make any use of said deed to serve the purchasers under said Henry MERVYN? Will the Court allow the defendants the use or benefit of said deed" Mr. LOWRY knows nothing of the lodging of said deed but as related by Mr. M'CLINTOCK
"I have considered this case, and am of opinion, as Mr. M'CLINTOCK now declares and must confess in his answer, that the settlement of 1675 was lodged in his hands as well in trust for Mr. MERVYN, the vendor, as for Mr LOWRY., the purchaser, and as the co-heirs by their bills offer to confirm the purchases then made, in consequence of which the said deed was so lodge the said settlement in Court, or to produce it for the benefit of the representatives of Mr. MERVYN, the aforesaid vendor, and that it will not be in the power of Mr. LOWRY by any act of his to prevent it, or to oblige Mr. M'CLINTOCK to detain it for the purpose of defending or establishing the subsequent purchases made from Henry MERVYN.
The 10th of June , 1755
Ant. Malone"
I have also in my possession a case, with an autograph opinion of Mr. GRATTAN's dated 14th June, 1763.It is endorsed. "A case. R. KANE. To Mr. Recorder. Fee two gs. to be given in Court nest Friday."
"The case asks whether Archdeacon Storey is compellable to, or can safely pay off a sum of f1,8000, charged on certain lands which he bought in 1754 from Mr. Humphery GALBRAITH, during that Gentlemen's lifetime and the minority of some of his younger children who had an interest therein under the marriage settlement of the said Humphrey and Catherine GALBRAITH. The opinion is in the negative. As the lands are not specified, I can only conclude that it relates to some lands subsequently purchased by Mr. LOWRY.
Mr. LOWRY was also interested jointly with Thomas GLEDSTANES ESQ., in an Estate in Donahadee and Monterloney of which a survey exists made by a Mr. STAREL in 1750. This appears to have been what would be called a Mountain Estate, with some better land intermixed. It consisted of the lands of Attichicane, Belox Tyrhell, Benbury Tyrhell,Clogin Tyrhell, Carichagean, Myndamph, Legelogtin, Aughboy, Woaghterdourish, M'Noorane, Glenga, Bradhiel, Bacheden, Eden, and Leahtenadoochussy; and contained in all 10,997A. 1R. 8P., Irish Plantation measure.
But few incidents of Mr. LOWRY's life are on record. I have a curious old pocket book of his, containing an almanac for 1764, with a high-tide table of Irish, British, and some European ports, a regal table, and a table of post towns in Ireland. To the majority of these the post was twice a week, to others three times a week. Single letters from certain marked towns were 2d. from other towns 4d. There is also a table of carriage rates in and around Dublin for set downs at various places.
It concludes as follows:
The rate of said chaises by the day to be 3s. 3d. And by the hour 8d. for the first hour, and 4d. every hour after. For more than seven miles to be hired by agreement. All persons having complaints against the owners of drivers of carriages, should in fourteen days after any offence committed, have the party summoned by the Register at his office in the Workhouse.
Amongst the explanatory notes is the folowing:--
"Days on which the Act against profane cursing and swearing may be read in Churches and Chapels. A child, for swearing, to be whipt by the constable, or by the parent in the constable's presence."
The days so marked are:--
6th Sunday after Epiph, 12 February.
2nd Sunday after Easter, 6th May
8th Sunday after Trinity, 12th August
21stSunday after Trinity, 11th November
In this book are some entries about, and a receipt for "wheels", which seem to show that Mr. LOWRY was a mmber of the Linen Board. " No Man is to get any before Paddy ORR."
An entry as follows:--
"Captn. COLE for hearse f 5 13s 9d.
This perhapes realates to his brother Robert LOWRY funeral."
There are also some entries relating to election matters:--
Yt. I had treated old Mr. Mountray ill, and promised him never to joyn STEWART.
George BAXTER, Hugh MITCHELL, men yt. may be trusted for Mr. STRONGE.
Moses PATTERSON of Cappy in ye town of Carnony, was registered but died about 11 years ago, his son who is of ye same name intends to vote on his father's registry.
JamesDUDGEON, Wm. Do. John HARDY.
I have also a letter, which though not formally addressed to Mr. Lowry Corry, bears a pencil memorandum in his writing. It is as follows:--
"Sir,-- At your request I have sent you a list of the Freeholders that vote for Mr. KNOX, there is ninety-five in this Estate, and out of that there is nineteen that has promised him. I have given Mr. Davd RICHARDSON a List of the Freeholders names and the towns that they live in, that is on this Estate. I should be glad to know if this Letter gows seafe to your hand. I remain, Sir, your obliged
friend and very Humble servant,
Delany Kingston
Fintona, March 12th 1768.
"Sam Crawford Will: Flemming.
Olifer Crawford Carmichael
John Crawford John Cocks
Sam Crawford,sen. Joseph Wray
Alex. Cragimiles Jo: Orr
William Armstrong and father John Little
John Eweance James Hamilton
Alex. M'Kenny John Hamilton
Will: Wilson John M'Feeters"
From the date, this letter was probably written when Mr. G. Lowry Corry was about to retire from the representation of the county in his son's favour. In fact the last session in which he sat in the House of Commons had ended the preccedong month."
In 1764 he succeeded under the settlement of 1724, his elder brother Robert in the Fynagh Estate.
In or about 1765, and therefore soon after his wife had succeeded to the Longford Estate by Edmond Leslie Corry's death in 1764, Mr. and Mrs. Lowry, with their son Armar, and unmarried daughter Mary, assumed the name CORRY in addition to that of LOWRY, and quartered the arms. His elder daughter Anna, or as she was always called Anne, had previously married in 1763 the Hon. W. Cole. For a time they resided in her uncle Robert's house, at Melbury, for which Lord Cork granted a thirty-one years' lease, which I gave some time ago to Lord Enniskillen.
Mr. G.L. CORRY died on the 28th December 1769. He is buried in Caledon Churchyard in a vault, ( not as he directed in his Will in the church) but in the Churchyard. Over it, his widow erected a puramicical monument built apparently by a country mason, and for which I have an account. The cost for the mason work was if I remember rightly, about f100. On it is an inscription, that is erected in" Memory of Galbraith Lowry Corry, Esq., who left this world for a better, December 28th 1769, by Sarah Lowry Corry. The following is an abstract of Gilbraith Lowry's Will, taken from a stamped copy. It was probably made for Mr. COLE, as I only obtained possession of it from Lord Enniskillen about the time that I gave him the lease of Melbury. The Will dated May 5th 1758,
Mr. LOWRY bequeaths his soul to God, and gives directions for a private funeral in the Church at Calledon. He recites that by the Will of his father he had power to change lands thereby devised, with f 2000 for daughters or younger sons, that by the settlement on his marriage with his wife dated 16th July 1733, he had agreed to execute the power given him by his father; in confirmation thereof he charges the lands so devised to him, with the sum of f 2000 to use of his daughters Anne and Mary, to be paid them with interest, viz., f 1,000 to his daughter Anne on her coming of age or day of marriage, with interest in the meantime at the rate of 5 per cent. The remaining f 1,000 he gives Mary under like conditions, and if either should die before they are entitled to receive these sums, the survivor is to have the share of her so dying. He devises to his wife, in addition to her jointure (f 200 a year) an Annuity of f 300 payable out of the lands of Campson, upper and lower Crevenagh, Galbally, Tatekeel, Bryn, Tattecor, Minegar Glengeen, Rahavny-Foster, Drumhirk, Maltenatuinog, Corrylarky, Lisduff and Rahavny Martin, in the County Tyrone.
In order to make a further provision for his daughter Anne, he gives her an annuity of f150 until her marriage or death, which shall first happen payable out of Drumarett East and West, Corlaghdergen, Cavanamore, Rossrey, Fartaghmore, Corbally, alias Corwelly, Cornalea, Knocknahorn, Oghill, Minisrighan, Aghadarra, Gortnagullin, Aghy, Grenan, Corroghamulkin, and Dressoge, in the same county. And if his wife Sarah should die before his daughter Anne is married, he leaves Anne a further Annuity of F100 until her marriage, charged on the same lands as her mother's annuity. He leaves a like annuity of f150 to Mary till marriage, charged on Drumshell, Drumlish, Legfreshy, Derrynasere, Drumsera, Downares, Callow, and Driminey.
He devises to James MOUTRAY Esq. of Favor Royal , and Thomas GLEDSTANES of Hardriss, and to the survivor of them, all the aforesaid townlands (subject to the several annuities for a term of 900 years). and subject to such term and annuities he devises the said lands to John MOUTRAY and Alexander M’CLINTOCK, of Drumcor County Louth, to hold them forever in trust to the use of his son Armar Lowry Corry and his assigns for life, without impeachment of waste, (and to preserve contingent remainders), with remainder to Armar's first and other sons, and their heirs male according to seniority, and in default of such issue to the use of Armar's daughters, as 'tenants in common' and not as 'joint tenants'; failing such to the use of Anne Lowry for life with like remainders. Failing such issue, to Mary Lowry for life, with like remainders. Failing such issue, to the use of his wife Sarah for life, with remainder to John Moutray and Alex. Mc'CLINTOCK to preserve contingencies. After the death of his wife, he devises the remainder to his brother Robert and his heirs male for life; failing such to his brother James LOWRY clerk, for life with a like remainder; failing all these, to his own right heirs.
As to the term of 999 years to James MOUTRAY and Thomas GLEDSTANES, he leaves it in trust, that if his daughter Anne shall after his decease marry, with the consent of his wife----Margetson ARMAR------and James LOWRY--- or any two of them. the trustees shall raise the sum ( by sale or mortgage, &c.) of f7,000 and pay her the same within twenty-one days after she shall marry. And in case his daughter Mary shall marry with like consent, the trustees are to raise f 3,000 for her, and pay her with in twenty-one days after her marriage. He directs that if his daughter Anne shall marry without such consent, or if his son Armar shall die &c.,before the f 7,000 shall be payable to Anne, in that case f 2,000, part of the f7,000 shall be raised and paid to Mary at the time the f 3,000 is payable; and that f 1,000 more, part of the f 7,000, shall be raised and paid to his brother James LOWRY if alive, or if dead to his executors and administrators, for the use of his (James's) younger children;and that the remaining f 4,000, part of the f 7,000 shall merge in the inheritance.
If his daughter Mary marries without consent or dies unmarried then f 2000, part of the f 300 provided for her, shall be raised and paid to his daughter Anne at the time shall be entitled to the f 7,000; and remaining f 1,000 to his brother James if alive, or to his executors or administrators if dead, for the use of his younger children. if his son Armar shall die before attaining the age of twenty-one, so that the Estate settled by his father;s Will shall vest and devolve on his brother James or any of his children, then the said charges of f 2.000 to his brother and his children shall cease. if his daughters or either one of them, shall after his death marry without consent, they or either of them that do so, shall not take any Estate in the lands limited to them, but the purposes for which the term of 900 years are answered, the same shall vest in the inheritance.
A power is given to Armar &c. to make leases for a period not exceeding twenty-one years or three lives in possession and not in reversion. The reserved rent to be payable half-yearly, at the best rent that may be had from a solvent tenant without fine, and leases to be dispunishable of waste.
He bequeaths to his wife Sarah, and her heirs and assigns for ever, the lands of Laragh and Cornecarrow with the mill thereon,Aghnaseragh, the house and garden in the town of Monaghan, Kilnacloy, and all his Real Estate in the County of Monaghan which were bequeathed to him by her brother Leslie Corry. He bequeaths f 100 to be paid to her immediately after his death, and all his coaches, chariots, chaises, with all his coach horses, coach mares, and dairy cows, and the use of all his plate, linen , and household furniture for her life; and he leases the said plate and furniture to his son Armar after her death if living; but if he dies and leaves issue male, then to his eldest son. He leaves his wife all her jewels rings watch and the ornaments of her body, and declares the said legacies and jointure settled on her at her marriage to be in full of all jointure dower or thirds. He leaves the daughters of his sister Isabella CRAWFORD f 500, to be distributed among them, as his said sister should by writing appoint, and his said sister is to receive the interest of the f 500 at 5 per cent,* without her husband intermeddling. He leaves Margetson ARMAR, the husband of Mrs. LORRY's sister Mary, as a token of his love and affection for him, f 50."
* during her life
To John MOUTRAY one of his saddle horses which he shall choose. To his brother James two of his saddle horse or mares which he shall choose. To Alexander M'CLINTOCH f 50. To his friend Thomas GLEDSTANES f 100. To his overseer John MAGEE, f 50. over and above what he should owe him at his death. He release and forgives his labourers and tenants at Aghenis and Ballyboy whom he shall have employed at the time of his death, such money or rent as they may then owe him. And to the intent that all his just debts legacies and funeral expenses be justly and honestly paid, he devises to his wife---Margetson Armar-- and James LOWRYhis full and undivided moiety of the lands and tenements which he purchased in partnership with Thomas GLEDSTANES and all other lands whereof he is seized in fee, except the lands before mentioned and settled and all his lease interests for lives or years, and all other his personnel estate not specially devised, in trust that they or the survivors of them their heirs, &c. do thereby and there out pay all his just debts legacies and funeral expenses and after that the same shall be paid, that the residue shall be appropriated towards the exoneration of the Estate hereby settled on his son Armar, from the several charges with which he has encumbered them for his daughters and his brothers James and for that purpose he empowers the trustees, &c., to sell and dispose of all the said lands, and to lay out the money arising out of such sale, or out of the produce of his personal Estate at interest, without risk to themselves, and to apply such interest in exoneration of said settled Estate, and the overplus if any to be to the use of his son Armar his heirs,&c., or in case of his death to the use of his daughter Anne her executors, &c., In case his trustees do not choose to sell his leasehold interest, he empowers them to renew, and pay the fines out of the issue and protits. He constitutes and appoints his wife Sarah, Margetson ARMAR, and James LOWRY executors of his Will, and guardians of the persons and fortunes of his son and daughters, and empowers them to allow his children respectively, such sums for their maintenance and education as they or any of them may become entitled to during their minorities.
In the presence of :
Richard DAWSON,
Br, NOBLE, Junior"
'A codicil dated 31st March 1766, recites that by his Will he had devised to his daughter Anne now the wife of the Hon. William COLE, two several sums of f 1,000 and f 7,000, with several annuities for her support until her marriage, or her being entitled to receive the same, now so happy as to have seen her married with his consent, and has given her a portion of f 10,000, which he declares to be in full of the said several sums so devised to her, and of all such as she should be entitled to on her sister's death as specified in his Will, or under the Will of his father Robert LOWRY deceased, as one of his younger children or otherwise; and instead of the sums of f 1,000 and f 7,000 he gives her as a small token of his affection for her, the sum of f100, to her husband f50, and to their eldest daughter Sarah Elizabeth COLE f 100. He revokes and annuls the several legacies of f 1,00 and f 1,00 bequeathed to his brother James by his Will, and all other legacies which he or his children might claim under the said Will, and in lieu thereof leaves him his best saddle horse or mare, as wishes him well. And he revokes his devise in fee to his wife, of his County Monaghan Estate, and in lieu thereof devises and bequeaths her his house in Sackville-Street,Dublin, which he purchased from Major WHITELOCKE, and all the furniture which shall be therein at the time of his death. He releases her from the payment of any interest during her life on the sum of f 2,00, a charge on her Estate in the County of Longford. he recites that by virtue of two deeds between him and his son, he was entitled to the reversion in fee expectant upon the death of his son without issue, of the several Estates of which he was then seized and possessed by virtue of the Will of his father, or by Settlement on the marriage of his elder brother Robert upon such contingency he devises the same and all the Estate he should in that case be instilled to, his daughter Anne her heirs &c. for ever. for her sole use notwithstanding her coverture,without being liable to the control of her husband, and empowers her to dispose of it by deed or Will to one or more of her children. He recommends her to leave it to a younger son, and make him take the surname of LOWRY. He bequeaths to John MAGEE his overseer, a further sum of f50 in full of all his or his mother's demands against him and forgives him of all he owed him or received of his cash when he was in England. He gives to each of his servants, who shall actually be in his service at the time of his death, a year's wages above what he shall owe them. He bequeaths to Catherine LOW alias Land f 10, to James M'MULLEN and Patrick MURPHY f 10 each and to Thomas LEVISTON f 8. He revokes the legacy to the labourers at Aghenis and Ballyboy (as it might not be equal, in regard some of them might not be in his debt), and instead thereof bequeaths to each of them one year's rent or wages. He leaves f 10 to the poor of each of the five Parishes of Dromore, Fentona, Clogheruy, Termon, and Aghaloo. He nominates and appoints his son Armar Lowry Corry his residuary legatee, and he revokes and annuls the appointment of his wife, Margetson ARMAR and James LOWRY, of being executors of his Will; having since he made the said Will had experience of the ability and integrity of his said son; and he appoints him his sole executor. He orders him to pay yearly to his sister Mary f 200 more than is in the Will during her life, but not to commence until after his wife's death, as Mary will have enough till then, and as Armar can then spare it. He confirms his Will in every respect not hereby revoked, and
signs it. Galbraith Lowry Corry,
in the presence of
Richard DAWSON
This Will was proved in the Court of prerogative, 28th June 1770, by Armar Lowry Corry
Mr. Lowry's sister, Isabella CRAWFORD, was his youngest sister. I have a small oil painting at Castlecoole on copper of a lady with a high nose like his, with dark hair and eyes, which I think may be intended for her.
Anne, Lady Enniskillen did I believe bequeath her reversion as her father appointed, to her second son Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole. This Reversion has of course how been destroyed by the operation of disentitling deeds.