Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Address to Sir James Galbraith, Bart., Urney Park, Strabane, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland July 1826

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post August 8 1826
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


SIR JAMES GALBRAITH, BART. We have been favoured with a copy of the following Letter to Sir James Galbraith, Bart. from his Urney Tenants; also with Sir James’ answer thereto. They came to hand too late for our last publication; but in justice to Sir James’ urbanity, and the sentiments contained in both letters, we now give them publicity.

Sir - We, the undersigned, tenants on your Urney Estate, who had the honour of dining at your table on Wednesday last, beg to return you our unfeigned thanks for the high honour you have conferred on us; and we request that you will present to Lady Galbraith, Miss Galbraith, and Miss Isabella Galbraith, our sincere and humble thanks, for their condescension in honouring us with their company at dinner. Permit us, Sir, to assure you, that we feel our hearts overflowing with gratitude; we rejoice in your recovery from your severe indisposition, and joyfully hail your returning health

When the report of your being dangerously ill reached our ears, it kindled a flame of affection in our hearts, which we fondly hope nothing but death can extinguish. You have long since possessed our admiration and esteem, and you have always been acknowledged by your honest and respectable tenants, to be the most indulgent and best of landlords. Calumniators and liars, through jealousy and envy, may propagate malicious falsehoods; but you shall live in the hearts of your honest and respectable tenants, and they will teach their children to respect your memory.

May you live long our landlord and our pride, and may an increase of your dignities and honours, crush to atoms your jealous secret enemies.

We are Sir, your obedient humble servants,

Name Name
A. SPROUL, sen., Tullymoan John BAIRD
William INCH Thomas BAIRD
A. SPROUL, Broomfield Michael MCGIRR


24th July 1826

To which Sir James was pleased to return the following answer:

Dear Sir – I thank you and the tenants very much for their letter; and you may assure them, that their company gave to myself and to my family great pleasure; and I believe I may fairly add, that few landlords could bring more respectable tenants to their table; and I know no greater cause for pride, than to live in the affections of such tenants. My conduct to my tenants has ever been dictated by the most sincere desire to promote their good, and give them every indulgence to enable them to bring their commodities to the most favourable market, and in no instance in my life have I ever sought popularity. No one knows better how to value the esteem and respect of sensible men; but I have ever thought popularity a shadow so fleeting, that let who may obtain, few can keep it.

Thank you all for the wishes for my health. You may see how I have amended every day since I came among you.

Sincerely yours,


Urney Park, July 26, 1826.

To Mr. A. L. McDowell, Claudy