The twelfth annual Aughentain estate ploughing match was held on Thursday last, the 28th ult., in a large field in the demesne of THOMAS R. BROWNE, Esq. Forty-three well-appointed ploughs appeared for competition in the field. The day proved remarkably fine, and each ploughman completed his task of one Irish rood within the limited time of five hours.
The judges, Messrs. JAMES SCOTT, Waringbank; THOMAS REID, Killyfaddy; PETER COWAN, Brookboro; made after great difficulty, the following awards:
1st prize: WILLIAM BARR, Prolisk
2nd prize: HENRY McGINN, Mollybeney
3rd prize: JAMES RAMSAY Donaghbuoyne
4th prize: THOMAS McDERMOTT, Shantona
5th prize: JAMES BLEAKLY, Prolisk
6th prize: JAMES TRIMBLE, Screeby
7th prize: JOHN BRYAN, Lungs
8th prize: THOMAS FOSTER, Murley
The judges and ploughmen were afterwards treated to a substantial luncheon. It is worthy of remark, that the first ploughing match held on this estate, twelve years ago, could only turn out nine ploughs, and some of them wooden. There are now seventy-six iron ploughs on the property. Which gratifying circumstances may be principally attributed to the introduction of ploughing matches.