Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate: Tenant of the Lease: Lord Ross, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland 1703

458 acres, Co. Tyrone
PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Evelyn Cardwell - lynca55[at]
Formatted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim







Note: This is called a half Townland of Glanchan below mentioned. JOHN JOHNSON and JAMES MOORE are tenants and have each upon it a small farm house with barns, stables etc Note: there is on this farm a small young wood of oak and ash trees. It contains about 4 acres. It has till of late been preserved but there has been some waste committed not long ago. And before the late Lord Primate’s Death one CULLOGH O’NEILLE (who was formerly employed to look to that wood) I am Informed has been most guilty of it. I could not find him out but sent him a message which I believe may prevent his doing any further harm, supposing he was guilty. But the Informer seemed to speak it with some prejudice therefore query whether guilty or not. As much as in me lay I obliged all the tenants to take care of them and they promised so to do. This is coarse pasture land and lies on the side of a great mountain. But there are some parks enclosed which are now under corn. It is coarse arable and pasture land.


To this JOHN McCANNAGH is tenant and has a small farm house etc. It is such other land as that above being coarse arable and pasture land.


To this THOMAS PARKER and WILLAM JOHNSON are tenants. They have each a good stone farm house with barns, stables etc and have gardens which are set round with sally trees. Most of this is good arable and pasture land.

Argill als Ergill

To this GEORGE WILLIAMSON and ANDREW BOYD are tenants and have small tenements but they are very poor ones. The lower part of this farm is under corn and there are good meadows. The upper part is coarse grazing land with some small parks of corn on the hillside. It goes over the top of the mountain Argill and is bounded as below. Note: On this town land stands the walls of an old ruined Church called Argill: Keiroge which was formerly the Parish Church but it is now united to Ballinesaggart. MR ALEXANDER MOOTRE Minister.


JAMES CALLWELL and EDWARD JOHNSON are tenants and have each a small farm house with barns stables etc. It is just such other land as that next above. It goes over the top of the mountain and has meadows etc as above.

Coolonalle als Clononally

To this WILLIAM CALLWELL and JAMES CLONDENNEN are tenants and have each a small stone farm house with barns etc. The land is like to that above only that I think there is not all out so much meadow etc as above.

Glanhaw als Cullenhaw

This they call a half town land, the other half is Killegreen as above noted WILLIAM READ tenant, he has upon it a small farm house with barn, stable and cow house, a small garden and a small orchard in which are about 24 fruit trees all planted since the last wars. Near to his house is a small brook which comes from the mountains and near to and on the north side of his house is the young oak and ash wood before noted. And to him particularly I recommend the care of it. There is on this land a small fort with some bushes round it, and it is near to READ’S house. Most of this land is good arable and pasture. There are meadows belonging to it. It goes not to the mountain, and though one of the least town lands in the lease I think it is the best.


To this JOHN McCANNAGH is tenant. It is part of Cullenehaw and Killegreen.


Note These 6 Balleboes or townlands lie altogether are held from the lessee by one MR GURNAN who sets them again to these undertenants. And they contain together 458 acres IPM. profitable land and are bounded with the Parish of Ogher [Augher] south east and north east, Lady BERRESTFORD’S land north and LORD ROSS’S land of Inheritance west and north west. Note:-also by the Survey I find there is a lough upon the land which covers 16 acres which is called unprofitable but I did not see it. It must be over the mountain among the bogs whither to I could not go or I should have seen and noted it. Therefore query.



Killegreen {Kilgreen]

Errigal Keerogue

Garvaghe [Garvaghy]

Errigal Keerogue

Cadee [Keady]

Errigal Keerogue

Argill als Ergill. [Errigal]

Errigal Keerogue

Farrenemannagh [Fernamenagh]

Errigal Keerogue

Coolonalle als Clononally [Cleanally]

Errigal Keerogue

Glanhaw als Cullenhaw [Culnaha]

Errigal Keerogue


Errigal Keerogue




The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

Lord Ross 458 -

KillegreenNOTE This is called a half TownLand of Glanchan below Mentioned. John Johnson and James Moore are Tenants and have each upon it a small Farme House with Barnes Stables etc Note there is On this Farm a small Young Wood of Oake & Ash Trees It Contains about 4 Acres It has till of Late been preserv’d but there has been some weast Committed not Long agoe And before the Leat Lord Primats Death One Cullogh O’Neille (who was formerly Imploy’d to looke to that Wood) I am Informed has been most Guilty of it I could not finde him Out But sent him a Message which I believe may Prevent his doing any Further harm Supposing he was guilty But the Informer seem’d to speak it with Some Prejudice therefore Quer whither Guilty or Not As much as in me Lay I Obliged all the Tenants to take care of them And they Promis’d so to doe This is Corse Pasture Land and Lyes on the side of a great Mountain But there are Some Parkes Inclos’d which are Now under Corne It is corse Arrable & Pasture Land

Garvaghe To this John McCannagh is Tenant & has a small Farme House etc It is such other Land as that above being Corse Arrable & Pasture Land.

Cadee To this Thomas Parker & Willam Johnson are Tenants They have each a good Stone Farme House with Barnes Stables etc And have Gardens which are Sett Round with Sally Trees Most of this is good Arrable& Pasture Land

Argill als Ergill To this George Williamson & Andrew Boyd are Tenants and have small Tenements but they are very poore ones The Lower part of this farm is Under Corne & there are good Meadows the upper part is corse Grazing Land with some small parks of Corne on the Hillside It goes over the Top of The Mountain Argill & is bounded as below NOTE On this Towne Land stands the Walls of an Old Ruined Church called Argill Keiroge which was formerly the Parish Church but it is now United to Ballinesaggart Mr Alexander Mootre Minister

Farrenemannagh James Callwell & Edward Johnson are Tenants and have each a small Farm House with Barnes Stables etc It is Just such other Land as that next above It goes over the Topp of the Mountain & has Meadow ‘s etc ut supa

Coolonalle als Clononally To this William Callwell and James Clondennen are Tenants and have each a small Stone Farme House with Barnes etc The Land is like to that above only that I think there is not all out so much meadow etc ut supa

Glanhaw als Cullenhaw This they call a half Town Land the other half is Killegreen as above Noted

William Read Tenant he has upon it a small Farme House with Barne Stable & Cow House a small Garden and a small Orchard in which are about 24 Fruit Trees all Planted since the Last Warr’s Near to his House is a small Brook which comes from the Mountains and near to & on the North side of his House is the young Oake & Ash Wood wood before noted And to him particularly I recommend the care of it There is on this Land a small Fort with some Bushes round it And it is near to Read’s house Most of this Land is good Arrable & Pasture There are Meadow’s belonging to it It goes not to the Mountain And tho one of the least Town Lands in the Lease I think it is the best NOTE These 6 Balleboes or Town Lands Lye altogether are held from the Lessee by one Mr Gurnan who setts them again to these undertenants And they contain together 458 acres Irish Plantacon Measure Profitable Land & are bounded with the Parish of Ogher South East & North East Lady Berrestford’s Land North & Lord Ross’s Land of Inheritace West & North West NOTE alsoe by the Survey I find there is a Lough upon the Land which covers 16 Acres which is called Unprofitable But I did not see it. It must be over the Mountain among the Bogg’s whither to I could not goe or I shoo’d have seen & Noted it Therefor Quer

Rarogan To this John McCannagh is Tennt It is part of Cullenehaw & Killegreen