Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease: Tristram Beresford, Esq., 1703
Parishes of Ballinderry, Tamlaght & Ardtrea, Cos. Tyrone & Londonderry

PRONI Ref: T848/1
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Formatted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast

The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.

Pre-1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim




Derrychrin This is near Ballenderry in the County of Londonderry. MR NICHOLAS SHARPE of Ballenderry, SAM TAYLER, JAMES WHITE and JOHN CUNNINGHAM are tenants. It is all profitable land, there is some corn and some meadow upon it and contains about 180 acres. It is but a coarse farm but some good corn upon it. There are 4 small farm houses with barns, stables etc.
Mullan CAPT ART O’HAGAN and MR JOHN HUDSON are tenants. This is a flip of land which contains 96 acres 3 roods and 8 perches IPM. and comes from Lough Neagh down to BallenDerry Water, part of it good land which is arable and on which is good corn, a great deal of good meadow and the rest coarse pasture with bog. Two small farm houses with barns etc on it and some cabins.
Ballynderry alias Linneelogs MR JOHN HUDSON and MR HUGH RAINE are tenants. This contains 156 acres IPM. profitable land and 26 acres unprofitable IPM. This is good corn and pasture land and on it stands the parish Church, MR JOHN FORBES Rector or Vicar.
Balleruske now called Rouske This lies also near Ballynderry. It is a good corn and pasture farm and contains about 280 acres. There are on it some scrub or underwood, some number of dead pearns or decayed timber but no timber with bark on. There have been great quantities of timber cut down and carried off this farm heretofore and little remains now of value except the decayed timber which is only fit for firing or coal. WILLIAM WATTS and GEORGE WALKER are tenants and have each of them on the land a good stone farm house together with stables barns etc. The greatest part of this farm lies by the side of Ballinderry River towards Lough Neagh and on it is a great quantity of good meadow. It is bounded with Tamlatt south, Balledully west, Ballenoy north and Ballemoile east.
Tamlaght now called Tamlatt This lies also near Ballinderry and contains 150 acres or thereabouts. It is good corn land and on it is a great deal of good meadow and very good pasture land. PATRICK, JOHN and JAMES BRISON and DAVID THOMPSON are tenants. They have each of them a farm house with barns stables and other conveniences and with an old decayed orchard. This is prime good land, a great deal of good meadow and the rest good corn and pasture ground well enclosed part with quicks and the rest with dry ditch and hedge and is bounded with Ruske north east, Balledaly north west, Ballequinne south west, Ballinderry or Cogh Water east. On this are the ruined walls of the parish Church, MR FORBES Rector.
Drummullen This contains 160 acres or thereabouts. One half or moiety thereof is coarse pasture land, the rest is good corn land, pasture land and meadow. ANDREW FERGUSON, JAMES SMITH, JAMES JOHNSON, HUGH MANAWARD and ADAM BURKHEAD are tenants. Each of them have a small farm house with barns stable etc. This town land is bounded with Ballylighan west, Annahavell north, Ballydally east, Ballygonne east and south east and Ballynahone south.
Turgarb alias Garvaghe

A hill or rather rising ground and as I was informed is part of the last mentioned town land called Drumullen. It contains 80 acres of land or thereabouts, pasture land with some meadow and arable land. The Cisson Water runs through the land and by the houses which are built on the premises. There is a wooden bridge handsomely built over the said river. The houses are very pretty farm houses and are near Artra.

20 acres Plantation to be added which has been concealed as also a Plantation tenement.

Ballimoughee MR REYNEY and under him MR WM. WATT tenant. On it is a good farm house. It joins to Rouske and is such like land and contains 140 acres or thereabouts. MR FORBES Minister of Ballinderry gave me this account, I enquiring of him after it I was not shewed this in my view……After I came home Forbes told me as above.


Derrychrin Ballinderry
Mullan Ballinderry
Ballynderry alias Linneelogs [Ballinderry] Ballinderry
Balleruske now called Rouske [Rusky] Tamlaght
Tamlaght now called Tamlatt Tamlaght
Drummullen [Drummullan] Ardtrea
Turgarb alias Garvaghe [part of Drumullan] Ardtrea
Ballimoughee [Ballymoyle] Tamlaght




The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703.

Tristram Beresford Esq

Derrychrin This is near Ballenderry in the County of Londonderry – Mr Nicholas Sharpe of Ballenderry, Sam Tayler, James White and John Cunningham are Tennts It is all profitable Land, there is Some Corne and Some meadow upon it and contains about 180 acres. It is but a course Farme but Some good Corne upon it. There are 4 small Farm houses with Barnes, Stables etc.

Mullan Capt Art O’Hagan and Mr John Hudson are Tennts. This is a flip of Land which Contains 96 acres 3 roods & 8 perches Irish Plant and comes from Logh neagh down to BallenDerry Water, part of it good Land wch is arrable and on wch is good corn, a great deal of good meadow and the rest course pasture wth Bogg. Two small Farm houses with Barnes etc on it and Some Cabbins.

Ballynderry als Linneelogs Mr John Hudson and Mr Hugh Raine are Tennts. This Contains 156 acres plantacion profitable Land and 26 acres unprofitable Irish Plantacion. This is good Corn and pasture Land and on it Stands the parish Church, Mr John Forbes Rector or vicar.

Balleruske now called Rouske. This lyes also near Ballynderry. It is a good Corne and pasture Farme and Contains about 280 acres. There are on it Some Schrubb or Underwood, Some number of dead Pearns or decayed Timber but noe Timber with Bark on. There have been great quantities of Timber cutt downe and carried off this farm heretofore & little remains now of value except the decayed Timber wch is only fit for fireing or coal. William Watts and George Walker are Tennts and have each of them on the Land a good Stone Farm house together with Stables Barnes etc. The greatest part of this farm lyes by the side of Ballinderry River towards Lough neagh and on it is a great quantity of good meadow. It is bounded with Tamlatt South, Balledully West, Ballenoy North and Ballemoile East.

150 - - Tamlaght now called Tamlatt. This lyes also near Ballinderry and Contains 150 acres or thereabouts. It is good Corne Land and on it is a great deal of good meadow and very good pasture Land. Patrick, John and James Brison and David Thompson are Tennents. They have each of them a Farme house with Barnes, Stables and other conveniences and with an old decayed Orchard. This is prime good Land a great deal of good meadow and the rest good corne and pasture ground well inclosed part with Quicks & the rest with Dry ditch and hedge and is bounded with Ruske North East, Balledaly North West, Ballequinne South West Ballinderry or Cogh Water East. On this are the ruin’d Walls of the parish Church, Mr Forbes Rector.

Drummullen. This Contains 160 acres or thereabouts. One half or moiety thereof is course pasture Land, the rest is good Corne Land, pasture Land & Meadow. Andrew Ferguson, James Smith, James Johnson, Hugh Manaward and Adam Burkhead are Tennents. Each of them have a Small Farm house with Barnes Stable etc This Towne Land is bounded with Ballylighan West Annahavell North, Ballydally East Ballygonne East and South East and Ballynahone South.

Turgarb als Garvaghe. A hill or rather riseing ground and as I was informed is part of the last mencioned Towne Land called Drumullen. It Contains 80 acres of Land or thereabouts pasture Land with Some meadow and arrable Land. The Cisson Water runs through the Land and by the houses which are built on the P’misses. There is a Wooden bridge handSomely built over the said River. The houses are very pretty Farme Houses and are near Artra.

20 acres Plantacion To be added wch has been concealed as also a Plantacion tenemt.

Ballimoughee. Mr Reyney & under him Mr Wm Watt Tennt on it is a good Farme House It joyns to Rouske & is such like Land & is such like Land and contains 140 acres or thereabouts. Mr Forbes Minister of Ballinderry gave me this Acct I Enquiring of him after it I was not shew’d this in my view ……….. After I came home Forbes told me as above.