Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease of William, Lord Viscount Charlemont (William Caulfeild)

Extracts from an Account of the Lands of the Archbishop of Armagh for County Tyrone, By Thomas Ashe 1703
Parishes of Donaghmore & Killeshil

Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast
Ref PRONI Ref: T848/1
The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Pre-1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim
Formatting and additional notes by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


****** An Ebook, The Ash Manuscripts written 1735 by Lieut. Col. Thomas Ash, is also available here ******






To this Francis and John Latimer, Jon McNeese and John Browne are tenants. This is a good corn and pasture land and has good meadow belonging to it. The tenants each have a small house and it contains 74 acres IPM


To this Mr. Thomas Corr is tenant. There is on it a small lough called by the name of the land and in that lough is a small island. There are good pike in it. There is good corn and pasture land well enclosed and contains 135 acres 2 roods 18 perches IPM.

Ralowagh als Rathlogh als Ralnogh

To this John Davidson is tenant. This contains 93 acres 32 perches and is good land as above, IPM

Garvagh als Carvagh

To this Edmund and Turlough O’Logheran are tenants. It contains 98 acres and is good land as above IPM

Munnacrenaght als Mullaghnicrinaght

This contains 74 acres 3 roods 8 perches IPM. There is some scrub or underwood on this hillside. The rest is good corn and pasture land with some meadow. John Bettie and John Davison are tenants.


To this Bryan O’Mulgrew and Cormuck Tully are tenants. There is some scrub or underwood on this farm. The rest is good pasture and corn land and some meadow. It contains 114 acres, 3 roods and 8 perches IPM.

Ballybrea or Ballycrea

This contains 112 acres IPM. Good corn and pasture land and there is a lough on the same which covers about 4 acres more of land. Some part of this is covered with scrub wood and fern and to this Neale and William O’Loghran are tenants.


Mr. Tholan and under him Art O’Hugh and Bryan McCowna are tenants. This contains about 66 acres IPM. This is not so good land as that above. It is a dry red land, produces but indifferent corn, some part of it covered with fern and scrub but is all profitable.

Annaghbegg als Eannagh

Robert Walker and under him Hugh Stewart and Thomas Bunting are tenants. This contains 62 acres IPM, it is good arable and pasture land and belonging to it good meadows.


To this Patrick Moore who has an orchard, Hugh O’Hagan, Tirlogh McCawl and Phelim Dorragh are tenants. There are two farm houses with barns etc. This contains 80 acres 3 roods 1 perch IPM. It is good corn and pasture land. There is good meadow belonging to it and there is some of the land covered with scrub on the west side of the hill. Some few ash trees.


This contains 86-3-1 IPM. This is good corn and pasture land. The tenants are Patrick Moore - - - as above. There is good meadow belonging to this land.


To this Robert Rea, David and Andrew McDowell are tenants. On this a small fort on which grow some thorn bushes. There is some good meadow, a great deal of it. The rest is corn and pasture land and contains 104-1-24 IPM.


To this the Widow Johnson, John Dunbar and Sam: Latimer are tenants and on it is a small lough which joins to Drumbarne on the other side. It is good arable and pasture land and on it is some good meadow and contains 71 acres 2 roods-16 perches IPM.


Mr. Robert Walker and under him Mr. Thomas Carr are tenants. This is very good land well enclosed with quicksetts. Note: – in Survey this is called Cleggan and in the country called Donoghmore - Here it was that the famous Dr. Walker dwelt, I say famous because of his great services at Derry in the last Rebellion. The rebels burnt his house here and his son Mr. John Walker is now rebuilding of it. And the present Lord Primate for his Encouragement gave him what timber he desired for that use. This contains 116 acres 1 rood 24 perches IPM. There is a great deal of good meadow belonging to this and on this farm is a very good corn-mill built with lime and stone.


This was concealed from and said to be the same with Munnacrenaght. I find it otherwise for by the Survey they are two different denominations and this contains 115 acres 2 roods 16 perches profitable land IPM. There is a Lough in the same, contains 8-2-16 unprofitable.

(Enjoyed by Mr Arwalker as rector of Donaghmore, it being his glebe).


The several denominations on the before going pages mentioned to be held by the Lord Charlemont from his Grace the Lord Primate are bounded by Mullanagore, Capt. Thomas Morris his land north, Mr Knox, his land east, Ld Charlemont, east, west and south, Mr Steward’s land north west and all are near Dungannon about four or five miles from it.


This is two town lands. They lie on the road from Dungannon to Clogher, not far from Charlemont and contains 195 acres 32 perches IPM. Loghlin Donnelly who has a good farm house and Patrick Donnelly who lives not on it are tenants and under them are Owen Phelim and Thomas O’Kelly. They have each of them a small farm house besides there are some cottiers upon the land. The Church of Killissel stood formerly on this town land of which nothing now remains but the foundation. That parish as informed is now united to Carranteele and Aghaloe. It is likewise about six miles from Dungannon and is arable and pasture land. There are good mosses or turf bog belonging to it.





Drumbarne [Drumbearn]


Tullelege [Tullyleek]


Ralowagh als Rathlogh als Ralnogh [Reloagh]


Garvagh als Carvagh [Garvagh]


Munnacrenaght als Mullaghnicrinaght [Mullycrunnett]


Tullenegall [Tulnagall]


Ballybrea or Ballycrea [Ballybray]


Tullydra [Tullydraw]


Annaghbegg als Eannagh [Annaghbeg]


Agherenne Aghareany]


Leardon [no longer in use]


Mullaghreve [Mullaghcreevy]


Tullenure [Tullynure]


Mullagrewan [Mullygruen]


Mullaghmore [Mullaghmore Glebe]


Killissell [Killeeshil]





The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703.

Wm Ld Viscount Charlemont.


074 - - Drumbarne To this Francis and John Latimer, Jon McNeese and John Browne are Tennts. This is a good Corne and pasture Land and has good meadow belonging to it. The Tennts each have a small house and it contains 74 acres plantacon measure.

135 -2 -18 Tullelege To this Mr Thomas Corr is Tennt There is on it a Small Lough called by the name of the Land and in that Lough is a Small Island. There are good Pike in it. There is good Corne and pasture Land well inclosed and contains 135 ac 2 Roods 18 perches, Irish plantacon measure.

093- - 32 Ralowagh als Rathlogh als Ralnogh To this John Davidson is Tennt.This contains 93 acr 32 perches and is good Land ut supra. This is Irish plant.

098- - Garvagh als Carvagh To this Edmund and Turlough O’Logheran are Tennts It Contains 98 acres Irish plantacion measure and is good Land ut supra.

074-3-8 Munnacrenaght als Mullaghnicrinaght This contains 74ac 3r 8p Irish plantacon measure . There is Some Schrubb or Underwood on the hillside The rest is good corn and pasture Land with Some meadow. John Bettie and John Davison are Tennts.

114-3-8 Tullenegall To this Bryan O’Mulgrew and Cormuck Tully are Tennts There is Some Schrubb or Underwood on this Farme. The rest is good pasture and Corn Land and Some meadow. It Contains 114 acres, 3 roods and 8 perches Irish plantacon Measure.

Prof 112- - unprof 4- - Ballybrea or Ballyecrea This Contains 112 acres Irish plantacon measure, Good Corn and pasture Land and there is a Lough on the same which covers about 4 acres more of Land. Some part of this is covered with Schrubb Wood and Ferne and to this Neale and William O’Loghran are Tennts.

066- - Tullyedra Mr Tholan and under him are Art o’Hugh and Bryan McCowna Tennts This Contains 66 acres Irish plantacon measure. This is not soe good Land as that above. It is a dry red Land, produces but indifferent Corn, Some part of it cover’d with Fern and Schrubb but is all profitable.

062- - Annaghbegg als Eannagh Robert Walker and under him Hugh Stewart and Thomas Bunting are Tennts This Contains 62 acres Irish Plantacon measure, it is good arrable and pasture Land and belonging to it good Meadows

0-80- - Agherenne To this Patrick Moore who has an Orchard, Hugh O’Hagan, Tirlogh McCawl and Phelim Dorragh are Tennts. There are Two Farme houses with Barns etc. This Contains 80 ac 3 r 1 perch Irish plantacon measure It is good Corn and pasture Land. There is good Meadow belonging to it and there is Some of the Land covered with Schrubb on the West Side of the hill. Some few ash trees.

86-3-18 Leardon This Contains 86-3-1 Irish plantacon measure This is good Corn and pasture Land. The Tennts are Patrick Moore - - - ut supra. There is good meadow belonging to this Land.

104-1-24 Mullaghreve To this Robert Rea, David and Andrew McDowell are Tennts On this a small Fort on wch grow Some Thorn Bushes. There is some good Meadow, a great deal of it. The rest is Corn and pasture Land and contains 104-1-24 Irish plantacon measure.

071-2-16 Tullenure To this The Widdow Johnson, John Dunbar and Sam: Lattimer are tennents and on it is a small Lough which Joines to Drumbarne on the other side. It is good arrable and pasture Land and on it is Some good Meadow and contains 71a 2r-16p Irish plantacon measure.

115-2-16 Mullagrewan. Mr Robert Walker and under him Mr Thomas Carr are Tennts. This is very good Land well Inclosed with Quicksetts. Note – in Survey this is called Cleggan and in the countrey called Donoghmore see 9. - Here it was that the famous Dr. Walker dwelt, I say famous because of his great services att Derry in the last Rebellion. The Rebells burnt his house here and his son Mr. John Walker is now rebuilding of it And the present Lord Primate for his Encouragement gave him what Timber hee desired for that use. This Contains 116a 1r 24p Irish Plantacon Measure. There is a great deal of good meadow belonging to this and on this farm is a very good Corn-mill built with lyme & stone.

115-2-16 Mullaghmore This was concealed from and said to be the same with Munnacrenaght. I find it otherwise for by the Survey they are two different denominations and this Contains 115ac 2r 16p profittable Land Irish plantacon measure. There is a Lough in ye same contains 8-2-16 unprof

(Enjoyed by Mr Arwalker as rector of Donaghmore, it being his glebe)

See more of this lease on page 9

The several Denominations on the before goeing pages menconed to be held by the Lord Charlemont from his grace the Lord Primate are bounded by Mullanagore, Capt Thomas Morris his Land North. Mr Knox, his Land East, Lord Charlemont, East West and South, Mr Steward’s Land North West and all are near Dungannon about four or five miles from it.

Killissell This is two Towne Lands. They lye on the Road from Dungannon to Clogher, not farr from Charlemont and contains 195a -32p Irish plantacion measure. Loghlin Donnelly who has a good Farme house and Patrick Donnelly who lives not on it are Tennts and under them are Owen Phelim and Thomas O’Kelly. They have each of them a small Farme house besides there are Some Cottiers upon the Land. The Church of Killissel stood formerly on this Towne Land of which nothing now remains but the Foundation. That parish as informed is now united to Carranteele and Aghaloe. It is likewise about Six mile from Dungannon and is arrable and pasture Land. There are good Mosses or Turffe Bogg belonging to it.

Note: there is a dispute between Mr Stewart’s Tennts to Aghakinduffe about Mears and Bounds – Lord Primates Under Tennts have in possession as I am informed (time out of mind) of the acres in question. The dispute is about a FarrenSaggart or a small parcel of Land which from the ditch of the said Farrensaggare (wch is LeyLand and inclosed) runns up the hill NorthWards by a Small Ridge which seems to have been a Fence or Inclosure & then turns Eastward. These two Towne Lands are bounded with Ld Charlemonts Land North West and South Mr White and Mr Stewarts Land South and East.