Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Archbishopric of Armagh Estate:
Tenants of the Lease of Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Anglesey, County Tyrone, Northern Ireland for 21 Years from 1st November 1693

Extracts from an Account of the Lands of the Archbishop of Armagh for County Tyrone, By Thomas Ashe 1703
(Parishes of Donaghenry, Donaghmore & Pomeroy)

Extracted from the enormous Archbishopric of Armagh Estate, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Belfast
Ref PRONI Ref: T848/1
The Archbishop of Armagh owned large tracts of land in Counties Tyrone, Londonderry, Armagh, Monaghan and Louth. With the exception of place names and personal names, spelling in this document has been modernised and punctuation has been inserted where it has been judged useful and relevant. Acreages are in Irish Plantation Measure [IPM]. One Irish acre equals 1.62 statute acres.
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Evelyn Cardwell
Pre1800 records comprise leases, rentals and surveys and a large collection of maps. Some records are in a fragile state and may be referred to using photocopies of the originals. The call numbers are catalogued DIO/4 passim
Formatting & Additional Notes by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia




DOORA JOHN LACKY [LECKY?] and JOHN ARMSTRONG are tenants to this. Each of them has a farm house, cow house and stables etc.
TULLEFAGHAN alias TULLOFAGHNA Mr. ANDREW STRONG Minister of the Parish, tenant
GORTCLOGHAN JOHN BETTEE [BEATTY] and ANDREW ARMSTRONG are tenants. There are on this two small houses with barns, stables etc and with two small gardens and orchards fenced about with sallies and quicks
CAVAN WILLIAM BORR [BARR?], tenant There is a small farm house with stable etc as above.
SHANKILL JAMES ANDERSON and JOHN LEGAN [LOGAN?] are tenants and have houses as above
CLOGHFIN JAMES HENRY and JAMES CHAMBERS are tenants and have houses as above
ARDPATRICK JOHN ROBINSON and JOHN ARDBUSTNER, tenants and have houses as above
DONOGH HUGH ROBINSON, JOHN PIPER and JOHN CROSSE are tenants and have houses as above – NOTE: On this is a good old orchard and there has been formerly a Church but nothing remains save the foundation and old Churchyard whereon grow 5 or 6 large ash trees. NOTE: also there was formerly a good stone house. It was burnt in late Rebellion and is now but a thatched cabin but the tenant has drawn stone and timber and is preparing to rebuild it.


These eight Ballyboes or town lands together contains three hundred forty seven acres and thirty two perches Plantation measure and are under corn and stock and are pretty good land. They are all bounded with the Manor of Lyndsey north and west the Manor of Castlesteward north and east with the townlands of Killemurphy east, Ross Mr Stewards land south and Rouske west [347 acres and 32 perches]

In an attempt to identify the above townlands it has been necessary to refer to the Index to the Townlands and Towns, Parishes and Baronies of Ireland (1851)

Doora [Dooragh] Donaghenry
Tullyfaghan [Tullyfaughan] Donaghenry
Gortcloghan [Gortacloghan] Donaghenry
Cavan [location not identified] Donaghenry?
Shankill [Shankey?] Donaghenry
Cloghfin Donaghenry
Ardpatrick Donaghenry
Donogh Donaghenry


NOTE: – the tenants of Castlesteward have encroached upon the land of Doora and taken some land from it by making a dam or weir which serves the mill with water and overflows some acres of meadow when the waters are high. This at present is by the consent of the undertenant, but may hereafter (if care be not taken) be claimed as a right belonging to the Manor of Castlesteward. At present Lord Primate’s undertenant receives twenty shillings per annum as an acknowledgement.


LISSAGOWN ROBERT BELL is tenant. There is on it a small stone farm house with a stable, barn and a corn mill. This is good land and under corn. The water that serves the mill comes from Crevagh, Mr. STEWARD’S land and the tenants pay an acknowledgement. NOTE: – also there also a weir on this townland where the miller at some seasons takes considerable numbers of eels and other small fish and contains 66acres 3perches 8roods IPM
KILLEGAVNE and LISBOY WILLIAM O’LOGHRAN is tenant.It is good corn land. Some scrub and some good meadow. It has on it a farm house etc. and contains ninety four acres one rood and twenty four perches IPM
MULLIREDA alias MULLIRODDAN SAMUEL BELL is tenant and It has on it a small farm house with barn, stable etc. This good under corn and pasture, contains 160 acres 1 rood 24 perches
CREVE NATHANIEL BELL is tenant There is on it a good farm house, the land is now under corn and pasture. It is good land and contains one hundred and twenty two acres IPM
DRUMCONNER GEO. BELL is tenant. It contains 154 acres 3 roods 8 perches and on it was a small stone house, was ruined in the late Rebellion. This is good corn and pasture land and an orchard.
FARREE ROBT, SAMUEL, NATHANIEL and GEO. BELL tenants. Coarse grazing, farm, scrub and heath, contains 71 acres 2 roods 16 roods IPM
LISNAGLEAGH PHIL QUINN is tenant. It is corn and pasture land and contains 106 acres 1 rood 24 perches
AGHERAGHIN R., S., N. and G. BELL are tenants. Corn and pasture land and contains 69 acres 0 roods and 24 perches


These 8 balliboes last mentioned are bounded with Lord Primates land, all except that Manor Row and Capt. Manriod’s land bounds them on the north.


Lissagown [Lisnagowan] Donaghmore
Killegavne [Killygavanagh] Donaghmore
Lisboy Donaghmore
Mulliroddan [Mullaghroddan] Donaghmore
Creve [Creeve] Pomeroy
Drumconner [Drumconor] Pomeroy
Farree [Feroy] Donaghmore
Lisnagleagh [Lisnagleer] Pomeroy
Agharaghin [Agharan] Donaghmore





The Archbishop



A View or An Account taken

by Thomas Ashe Esq.

In Anno


The Following Pages Containe Only The Notes & Observations of the said Tho. Ashe Made & Taken For the help of his Memory) at the time of his View – To which he has Since Collected (Out of the Surveyor’s Office) and Added The Numbers of Acres contain’d in all the Town Lands belonging to The said ArchBishoprick – An Undertaking not (in the Memory of man) before Attempted by any of the Lord Primats Receivers. And begun & finished at the Charge & Expense of the said Tho. Ashe In Anno 1703

Tennts of Lease

Eliz Countess Dowr of Anglesey for 21 years from 1st November 1693

County of Tyrone

Doora John Lacky and John Armstrong are Tennts to this. Each of them has a Farm house cow house and Stables etc

Tullefaghan als Tullofaghna Mr Andrew Strong Minister of the parish Tennt

Gortcloghan John Bettee and Andrew Armstrong are Tennts . There are on this two small houses with Barnes Stables etc & with two small gardens & Orchards fenced about with Sallies and quicks

Cavan William Borr Tennt There is a small Farme House with Stable etc ut supra.

Shankill James Anderson and John Legan are Tennt and have houses ut supra

Cloghfin James Henry & James Chambers are Tennts and have houses ut supra

Ardpatrick John Robinson and John Ardbustner Tennts and have houses ut supra

Donogh Hugh Robinson, John Piper and John Crosse are Tennents and have houses ut supra - Note On this is a good old Orchard and there has bin formerly a Church but nothing remains save the foundacon and old Churchyd wheron grow 5 or 6 large Ash Trees – Note alsoe there was formerly a good Stone house: it was burnt in late Rebellion and is now but a Thatched Cabbin but the Tennt has drawn Stone & Timber and is prepareing to rebuild it.

These eight Ballyboes or Towne Lands together containes three hundred Forty seven acres and Thirty two perches Plantacon measure and are under Corn and Stock and are pretty good Land – They are all bounded with the Mannr of Lyndsey North and West the Mannr of Castlesteward North and East with the Towne Lands of Killemurphy East Ross Mr Stewards Land South & Rouske West

Note – the Tennts of Castlesteward have incroached upon the Land of Doora and taken Some Land from it by makeing a damm or Ware wch serves the Mill with Water and overflows Some acres of meadow when the waters are high. This att present is by the consent of the undertennent , but may hereafter (if care be not taken) be claymed as a right belonging to the Mannr of Castlesteward.. att present Ld primates Undertenant receives twenty shillings per annum as an acknowledgement.

66-3038 Lissagown. Robert Bell is tenn’t. There is on it a Small Stone Farm house with a Stable, Barne and a Corn Mill. This is good Land and under Corn. The Water that serves the Mill comes from Crevagh, Mr Steward’s Land and the Tennents pay an acknowledgement. Note –also there also a Ware on this Towne Land where the Miller at Some seasons takes considerable numbers of Eales and other Small Fish and Contains 61ac 3p 8r Irish Plantacon.

99-1-24 Killegavne and Lisboy. William oLoghran is Tennt It is good Corn Land. Some Schrubb and Some good meadow. It has on it a Farme house etc and Contains Ninety four acres one rood and twenty four perches Irish Plantacon

160-1-24 Mullireda als Mulliroddan Samuel Bell is Tennt and It has on it a small Farm house with Barne, Stable etc. This good Under Corn & pasture. Contains 160a 1r 24

122- - - Creve Nathaniel Bell is Tennt There is on it a good Farme house the Land is now under Corne and pasture. It is good Land and Containes one hundred & twenty two acres Irish Plantacon.

154-3-8 Drumconner. Geo. Bell is Tennt It containes 154a 3r 8p & on it was a Small Stone house, was ruined in the late Rebellion. This is good Corn & pasture Land & an Orchard.

071-2-16 Farree. Rbt, Samuel, Nathaniel and Geo. Bell Tennts – Course grazeing, Farme, Schrubb and Heath Contaynes 71a 2r 16r Irish Plantacon

106-1-24 Lisnagleagh. Phil Quinn is Tennent. It is Corn and pasture Land and Contains 106ac 1r 24 p

069 - - 24 Agheraghin. RSN &G Bell are Tennts. Corn and pasture Land & cont. 69 acres 0 roods and 24 perches

These 8 balliboes last menconed are bounded with Lord Primates Land, all except that Mannor Row and Capt Manriod’s Land bounds them on the North.