Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Abercorn Estate - Tenants & Employees of the Baronscourt Estate, 


recorded in the 18th Century

Extracted from Ardstraw: Historical Survey of a Parish 1600-1900 – John H. Gebbie; Strule Press, Omagh; 1968
Transcribed, compiled and submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia

A selection of tenants and employees extracted from the Abercorn Papers (PRONI, Belfast) of the mid 18th century: named townlands are predominantly within the parish of Ardstraw, with references to Urney & Camus parishes.

ADAMS David   1748
ARTHUR (gardener) Baronscourt 1766
ATCHISON   Glenlush 1760
BARNEY Bridget Baronscourt 1751
BEATY William & James Achafad 1761
BEATY Nancy Baronscourt 1751
BEATY William (forester)   1754
BRADY Widow Drumlegagh 1764
BREDIN Widow Drumlegagh 1769
BROOMFIELD James Baronscourt 1746
BROWN William Largeymore 1767
BROWN William South Letterbrin 1736
CALDWELL James Drumclamph 1748
CALDWELL Joseph “Clergyman” Ballinalowe 1764
CALDWELL Robert & James Cavandaragh 1764
CALDWELL Thomas Cavandarah 1761
CALDWELL Thomas Largeymore 1761
COLGAN Grace Scarvahern 1760
COLHOUN William & Jack Crosh 1755
CORMICK (slater) Baronscourt 1754
CULBERTSON   Erginagh 1760
DICK James Bunderg 1769
DIVIN   Lisnatunny 1754
DONNELLY Art Largymore 1760
DOYLE William (gardener) Baronscourt 1744
DREWE John & David Baronscourt 1750
EDIE William Killydart 1744
EWING John Drumclamph 1740
FERGIE John Newtownstewart 1750
FOSTER George Baronscourt 1766
FYFFE William Derrygoon 1745
GILLISS Thomas Erginagh 1754
GLENN John Baronscourt 1766
GYLSES   Creevy 1761
HAGGERTY and sister Baronscourt 1764
HAGGERTY John Cavanalee 1754
HAMILTON Francis (agent to the Rector) Newtownstewart 1744
HAMILTON James Maghericriggan 1750
HAMILTON Jemmy & “fat Jack” Cloghogan 1757
HAMILTON Lieut. Termegan 1745
HAMILTON William Stoneyfalls 1749
HOGERTY Richard Bessie Bell 1760
HOOD Samuel & John Mournefirkeny 1768
HOOD   Lower Lisnatunny 1754
HOOD “turned innkeeper” Newtownstewart 1754
HOOD   Bunderg 1755
HUNTER John Roosky 1754
HUNTER John Clare 1748
JACK Robert Glenglush 1760
JORDAN John Baronscourt 1745
KANE John Envagh 1760
KELSO Hugh Liskey 1766
KELSO Robert (Malt Mill)   1766
KERR John Shannowny West 1766
KERR Patrick Magheracriggan Mill 1767
KERR Robert Cavandaragh 1750
KERR Thomas Achasessy 1747
KEYS Andrew, William & John   1766
KINKEAD Charles   1745
KINKEAD John & James Largymore 1766
LINN Moses Newtownstewart 1745
LOVE John Magheralough 1750
MACKEY Thomas Tullywhisker 1769
MATHEWS Charles Bunderg 1755
McCASKY James and William Creevy 1750
McBRYAN Charles Clunty 1766
McBRIAN Charles ( sheep dealer)   1752
McCASLAND Mrs. Largybeg 1760
McCAY Hugh Magheracriggan Hill 1760
McCLINTOCK Mr. Envagh 1764
McCONOMY plasterer Baronscourt 1755
McCORMACK William Envaugh 1754
McCRAKAN William Newtownstewart 1751
McCREA   Cavandaragh 1760
McCROSSAN Shaan Liskey 1754
McDONAGH   Baronscourt 1744
McFARLAND   Achasessy 1769
McGHEE George Lisky 1751
McGONIGLE Owen Fyfin 1769
McGORMAN William Baronscourt 1751 & 1760
McGUIRE Pat. Envagh 1764
McKELVEY   Crue Hill 1764
McLAUGHLIN Neal & John Ardstraw 1750
McNAMEE Ferrel Achafad 1761
McNAMEE Deniss Cavanalee 1754
McNAMEE Bryan   1740 &1752
MILLER James (a builder at Baronscourt)   1749
MONTGOMERY Constable   1744
O’CAHAN Ferdonagh Casty 1766
O’CAHAN Paul Baronscourt 1745
O’KANE Manus (woodsman)   1761
O’KANE Nich. Magheracriggan 1754
ORR Robert Baronscourt 1761
PARK John (oldest man on estate)   1755
PINKERTON James and John estate 1755/66
RAMSAY     1764
SCOTT Gerrard Bessie Bell 1760
SCOTT John Baronscourt 1750
SMITH John Baronscourt 1754
SMITH Robert Eden 1745
SMYLY Widow Drumlegagh 1769
STEELE Samuel Bessie Bell House 1753
STEWART Mr. Newtownstewart 1760
STINSON Charles (woodranger) and “Stinsons Town”   1739
TOMSON William Letterbrinn 1736
VAUGHAN John (seller of tobacco and snuff) Baronscourt 1766
WACHUB Widow Kinkitt 1766
WALKER John Douglas Mill 1765
WASON   Altaclady 1754
WAUCHUB   tannery, Kinkitt 1769
WHITEHOUSE John Baronscourt 1745
WHYTE Matt. Drumlegagh Mill 1765
WILSON Andrew Cavandaragh 1760
WILSON Thomas Drumclamph 1760