December 12, 1849
SIR – As you have given publicity last week to a letter, written by *MAJOR HUMPHREYS, reflecting not a little on the Rev. M. CHAMBERS, might I ask a favour of you to give the same publicity to the following, in vindication of his conduct in the proceedings of the Leckpatrick Tenantry, and oblige yours,
Leckpatrick, 10th December 1849
SIR, - We the undersigned, having seen, in your paper of last week a letter by Major HUMPHREYS, containing a Declaration by each of the gentleman who signed a Requisition, calling a meeting of Lord ABERCORN’S Tenants, in this parish, to consider the propriety of petitioning his Lordship for an abatement of Rent, cannot allow that letter to go before the world without at the same time expressing, with all due respect to the Major, our most decided approbation of the conduct of the two Rev. Gentlemen, viz. Rev. M. CHAMBERS and Rev. B. McKENNA, and other Gentlemen who signed the requisition with them. All the Requisitionists deserve our very best thanks for the straight-forward course adopted by them in calling us together, but especially the two Rev. Gentlemen of the parish, for their able, independent and manly advocacy of our claims, these hard times, for a reduction of Rents.
*Major Humphreys was Agent to the Marquis of Abercorn and the hard times referred to were the effects of the Great Famine.