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Immigrants to New England from Ireland - Surnames E-K

Transcribed from the book, "Immigrants to New England from Ireland"
By Ethel Stanwood Bolton of Shirley, Massachusetts, 1931.
Transcribed by Kathryn

Originally published by The Essex Institute Salem Massachusetts, 1931.
*more notes on publishing.
Names of all who seem to have come from Ireland.
Please read the Preface as it explains the contents.

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Surnames E-K
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Eakins, John, Boston Mass; from Carolina, before 1722; int. m. Mary Bason July 16 1722. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Eals, John Portsmouth N.H.; from the Isle of Wight, before 1715; m. Sarah Hix, Jun, 1715 -N.E. Hist Gen Reg. Vol. 23

Edgell, Edgehill, William, of Boston and Westminster, Mass; cir 1720-5; m. Elizabeth, daughter of John and Sara Norman of Marblehead, Aug 2 1725; Children: William, John, Simon, Benjamin; lived in Marblehead, Woburn, Lexington. Heywood's Westminster Mass

Edsworth, Abigail, Boston Mass; from New York, before 1724; warned from Boston, April 27 1724; Boston RecCom Vol. 13

Edwards, John, Boston Mass; mariner, with Sanders, 1716; wished to settle and be a butcher; warned from Boston Oct 23 1716; a John Edwards m. Mary Needham June 7 1717; in Boston. -Boston Rec. Dom. Vol. 13

Elborton, Elbert, Portsmouth N.H.; from New York, b/4 1717; born in New York; m. Lydia Meder of "Oysteriver" Dec 22 1717. -N.E. Hist Gen Vol. 23

Elder, Robert, of Cape Elizabeth, Maine; from Ardmore, County Antrim, Ireland. -McLellan's Gorham p 481,

Elder, Samuel, of Gorman,Maine, from Ardmore, County Antrim, Ireland; m. ---Huston; Children: Margaret, William, Isaac, Elizabeth, Eunice, Samuel, Jane. -McLellan's Gorham, p 481.

Elding, Read, Boston , Mas,;' from Barbados, before1696; int. m. Hannah Pemberton Jan 1696. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Ellard, Mr Benjamin, Boston Mas; from Cork Ireland, with Capt. Benedict Arnold, Aug 16 1736; m. --; Children: James, John, Elizabeth; he also brought a maid servant with him. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Elton, John, Boston Mass and wife, now lodging at ---- Thorn's, With Captain Arnold, Oct 1716; warned out, Nov 26 1716. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Emerson, Thomas of Thomaston, Me; from Dublin, Ireland, before 1789; m. Lydia Morse; Child: John; d. in Ireland . -Eaton's Thomaston p 213.

Enstone, Edward, Boston Mass; b/4 1715; "set up and & kept a school for music and dancing without allowance and approbation of the Selectmen," fined 40/. -Court of Sessions of the Peace 1715-18

Epes, William, Esq.. of Salem Mass; from Chesterfield Virginia before 1750; m. Abigail, Pickman, April 5 1750; Children: Abigail, William, Judith, William Isham, Love Rowlins. -Salem Vital Rec. Vol. 1

Erickson, Ereck, Portsmouth N.H.; from Philadelphia, b/4 1721; b. in Philadelphia; m. Mary Lambeth, Dec 1721. -N.E. Hist Gen Vol. 24

Erskine, John. See John Marr.

Erven, Samuel, b/4 1771; m. Lydia Chever, int. Jan 1770 -Salem Vital Rec.

Erwin, George of Brimfield Mass, Called "George Arwin:; from Queenstown, Ireland, 1720, with the Shaws on ship "Elizabeth" to Boston; warned Nov 3 1791; Child: Jane, m. Seth Shaw. -Temple's Palmer pp 547

Evans, Edward of Chester and Salisbury N.H.,; from Sligo, Ireland , cir. 1760; teacher, "medium height, spare built, active and sprightly in his movements, possessing a Scotch Complexion, and was very good-looking:; m. Sarah Flagg, daughter of Ebenezer, 1769, d. July 29, 1831, aet 79; Children: Josiah, Richard, Mary, Lucretia, Nancy, Ebenezer, Sally, Betsy, Susan, Gardner, Edward, John; d. May 26 1818, aet 82. -Dearborn's Salisbury p 553

Evans, William of Boston Mass; from Antego, sick; warned out Nov 10 1724. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Ewell, Thomas 1735; m. Mary Bartlett 1735. -Newbury Vital Rec. End E's p 57

Fadden, James, Portsmouth N.H.;' from Coleraine, County Antrim, Ireland, before 1726; m. Hannah Sante, April 8 1726 -N.E. Hist Vol 24

Fagin, John Boston Mass before 1710; int. m. Elizabeth Porter, Nov 1 1710; Child: :William of John and Hannah 1712 -Boston Rec Vol 28

Faire, Martha of Boston Mass; from Ireland, before 1731 -Tyley Manuscript,Boston Athenaeum.

Farrand, Andrew, of Palmer, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1718; settled in Palmer about 1720; brother of Thomas Farrand, Jr. (?); m. 1 --; Child: john, k 1736 aet 16; m. 2 . Sarah --; ; Children: Mary, Jane, Barnard, Sarah, Margaret, Ann, William, Susannah, John; he and Robert Farrell built the grist mill. --Lincoln's Worcester p 49.

Farrand, Thomas, Jr. of Palmer, Mass; from Ireland; settled in Palmer 1720, at junction of Ware and Swift rivers; brother -in-law of Elisha Hall; m. Mary ---; Children: Mary, Jean, Thomas, Ruth, Elizabeth, Sarah, Andrews. -Temple's Palmer p 446

Farrell, John of Stillwater, Maine; from Ireland; kept a tavern; ;m. Catherine McNeil, daughter of Adam of Litchfield, Conn. 1772; no issue. Wyman's Charlestown, p 645

Farrin, Patrick, of Ipswich, Mass; from Ireland, before 1721; m. Joanna Tuttle of Boston, Feb 7 1721 in Boston, d. May 8 1733; Children : Edward, John, Edward, James, Richard, Richard, Richard. Wheeler's Brunswick give John, who was patently born in Ipswich, as from Dublin, Ireland, before 1755. He evidently went to Brunswick at that time and was called an Irishman. -Wheeler's Brunswick p 384

Farris, Adam, Boston, Mass; from Philadelphia April 18 1727; warned out July 11 (return); warned April 18 1727. _Suffolk Court Files 20510

Favour, Sarah, Boston Mass; with Captain Mould, Dec 1707; warned out. BostRec Com Vol II

Featherstone, George of Boston Mass; grocer: 1742: now living at the Green Canister and two blue Sugar Loaves,: Marlboro Street; m. Phebe Smith of Reading , Mass. Aug 7 1746. -Boston News Letter July 29 1742

Fellows, John Boston Mass b4 1711 m. Sarah Batt

Felsted, William, Boston Mass; iron monger from Jamaica, 1737; begged leave to open a shop; liberty granted him. -Boston Rec Comm

Felt, Mr. Hon of Portland , ME; from "Gentha in Orkney" ? ; d. March 23 1760; aet 23, grave-stone, East Cemetery Portland. Portland Price Current, July 7 1877.

Fenton, John, of Rutland, Wales, and Brimfield, Mass; from Ireland; m. in Ireland; Child: John, of Palmer. -Temple'sPalmer p 446

Fenton, William of Rutland Mass; from Ireland, before 1720; m. Anna --; Children: William, Samuel, Agnes; surveyor of highways 1722; the son Samuel left a will in which he mentions his father William, his wife Jennet Barr, daughter of Matthew Barr of New Braintree; his children, Joseph, Anne, John, Samuel, Matthew; he may have been born in Ireland; the will was probated Aug 7 1754. -Reed's Rutland, p 82

Ferguson, Henry, Boston Mass; in Boston before 1741; m. Jean Griffen, April 27, 174a. -Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Fergerson, James of Worcester, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland in 1718-Lincoln's Worcester, p 47

Ferguson, John of Pelham, N.H.; 1725; m. Ann Johnson Sept 23 1729 in Boston; Children: William, David, John; clothier. -100th Anniv.of Bedford, p 299

Ferguson, John of Peterborough, N.H.; from Ireland cir 1736' b. 1704; school-master; m. Sarah McDaniel in Lunenburg, Mass b 1740, d. 1791; Children: Mary, Henry, Sarah, Catrin, John, Esther; d. 1769 aged 65. -Smith's Peterborough, pt. 2

Fergerson, Roger, convict assigned to Apthrop and Hancock, July 18 1747 From William Cookson of Hull. -Suffolk Court Files.

Ferrell, or Farrel, Robert of Palmer Mass; from Ireland with Jno. McMaster, 1720; b. about 1687; m. Elizabeth ___, b. about 1694, d. June 15 1758, aet 64, "mother of 16 children"; Children: Robert, Isaac, Sarah, Josiah, Arad, Timothy, Jenny, Anna; d. Oct 22 1765 aet 78. -Temple's Palmer, p 458

Feust, Peter Boston Mass; from New York 1727; warned out May 24 1727; m. perhaps Susannah Gray April 23 1728. -Boston Rec Com. Vol 13 p 138

Feyler, Charles or Samuel of Waldoboro, Maine; Child: Charles. -Eaton's Warren, Maine

Field, Christopher, Boston, Mass; before 1714; int. m. Rebecca Maccarter Jan 20 1715. Boston Rec Com Vol 28 Fife, John of Pembroke N.H; from Ireland, before 1738; a John Fife m. Abigail Smith in Boston, Oct. 10, 1716, by the Rev. Mr. Benjamin Wadsworth "Presbyter." -Carter

Files, William, of Gorham Maine in 1728; M. Joanna (Gordon) Moore of Cape Cod, 1756;

Finch, Richard, of Peterborough, N.H.; soldier in 1775, and deserter; m. Hepzibeth Melendy, d. in Waltham, Mass, 1837 aet 83; Children: William, Fanny, Sarah, Harriet, Mary, -Smith's Peterborogh, N.H. P2 P83 Finch, Thomas, Boston Mass; from New York 1736; warned out Oct 5 176 BRC

Finlay, Joseph of Londonderry, N.H. from Ireland cir 1775; m. 1. Mrs. Jane Taylor; m. 2. Mrs. Elizabeth Logan; Children: Hugh, Samuel, Robert, Esther, Elizabeth. -Merrill's Ackworth, p 214.

Fisher, Caleb 1716; weaver. -Boston Rec Com

Fisher, Samuel, of Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland, in 1740; m. Sarah Taylor; Children: James, Samuel, Ebenezer, John and seven daughters who m. William Cunningham, David Ela, Matthew Archibald, Samuel Taylor, James Humphrey, --- Carson, David McQuestin; d. 1806, aged 86; Cochran's Antrim, p 491; Truro, Nova Scotia History, N.E. Hit Gen Vol 59

Fisher, Thomas, of Boston Mass; from Manchester; d. June 27 1805, aged 30. -Copps Hill Burying Ground.

Fitton, John of Providence, R.I.; from Waterford, Ireland, cir. 1750; b. 1731; d. 1810. -Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders, p 54

Fitzgerald, Rev. Edward, of Worcester, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1719. -Lincoln's Worcester, p 163 Fitzgerald, Edward, of Boscawen, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1734; an original settler of Boscawen; m. Mehitable Uran; Children: Jane, Mary, Sarah, James, Rebekah, Edward, Susanna, Dorcas, Rachel, John, Martha. -Coffin's Boscawen, p 527

Fitzgerald, Edward, of Newport, R. I.; from Tipperary, Ireland, cir 1775. -Murrah's Irish Rhode Islanders, o. 35

Fitzgerald, Elener, wife of Martin FitzGerald of Boston, Mass; from Kilkenny, Ireland; sister of James Hennesy; d. Feb 11, 1817 aet 25. -Copps Hill Burying Ground.

Fitzgerald, John, from Cork, Ireland, nailer; b. cir 1703; m. perhaps Martha Merrow March 23 1731; Martha, daughter of John and Martha Fitzgerald was b. in Boston Nov 16 1732; volunteer against the West Indies 1740. -Colonial Wars 1899, BRC

Fitzgerald, Jane, see Joseph Scott.

Fitzgerald, John, of Warren Maine; from Limerick, Ireland before 1775; m. Sophia Schenk; Children: Lucy, Sarah, William, John, Margaret, Mary, Andrew, George, Sophia, Theresa; d. 1838 aged 86 and a half. -Eaton's Warren p 394; new ed. p 541

Fitzgerald, Patrick, of York Maine; from Ireland, before 1738; m. ____, Child: David. -Moody's History of York pp 52

Fitzgerald, Thomas, Boston Mass; from Ireland before 1717; m. Elizabeth Boulderson, Oct 20 1723. Boston Rec. Comm. Vol 28

Fitzpatrick, Edward, Rutland, Mass; from Ireland before 1744; murdered Daniel Campbell, at Rutland, Dec 8 1744. -Rutland Inscriptions p 10 Flamont, see Fleming

Fleet, T. m. Elizabeth Goose, June 1715

Fleming, John of Boston Mass; 1764; d. in France

Fleming, Joseph of Palmer Mass; from the North of Ireland 1718; b. 1673; from Conn. 1721; grantee, 1733; Children: David, William, Jane, Hannah, Joseph; d. Oct 15 1757 aged 84. Temples Palmer pp. 128

Flemming, Alexander, of Boston Mass b/4 1754; a dyer in Marlborough Street; m. Margaret Tusker, Oct 2 1755. - Boston Gazette

Flett, John of Portland, Maine; killed 1760. -Smith's and Dean's Journal

Flin, John, from Ireland; laborer; b. cir 1710; volunteer against the West Indies 1740. -Colonial Wars 1899

Fling, William, Portsmouth, N.H.; from the Parish of Killrich, Waterford, Ireland, b/4 1737; m. Jean Cook from County Tipperary, in Portsmouth, Dec 18 1737. -N.E. Hist Gen Reg Vol 26

Flyn, Patrick, Boston Mass; in Boston b/4 1721; m. Prudence Ward, June 20 1721; Children: Mary, Martha, John, Nathan. -Boston Rec Com. Vol 28

Follett, Thomas, Portsmouth N.H.; from Jersey, before 1730; m. Susannah Fling, Oct 1 1730 . -N.E. Hist Gen Reg Vol 25

Fonaps, Charles, Boston, Mass; b/4 1716; int. m. Emme Marshall May 1716. -Bos Rec Com Vol 28

Foosheron, see Jeree

Forbes, Alexander, of Salem, Mass; from Lynn, b/4 1765; m. Mary Gautier, Jr.m int. Spt. 21 1765. -Salem Vital Rec Vol 3

Forbush, James, Worcester, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1718; Child: James; d. b/4 1762 (will). -Wall's Reminiscences of Worcester p 128

Forbush, Robert of Rutland, Mass; from Ireland in 1718 (?) Lieutenant; m. Mary Graham Oct. 31 1745, d. Jan 1776 aet 53; m. 2. Margaret Graham, widow, Dec 13 1781; Children: Jane, Mary, James, John, Katee, David (grad. at Dartmouth College); d. Feb 17 1799, abt. 85 yrs. -Lincoln's Worcester p 49

Forsaith, Matthew, of Chester N.H.; from Ireland, cir 1730; b. 1699; m. Ester Graham; Children: Matthew, Jonathan, David, Esther, Robert, Hannah, William, Josiah; d. 1791 circ 90 years. -Chase's Chester p 524

Foster, James, of Coventry, R.I.; from Dublin, Ireland, cir. 1775; b. cir 1734. -Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders, p 33

Foster, John, from Durham to Boston on the :Success," 1774 to settle; farmer aged 40. N.E. Hist Gen Soc Rec Vol 63

Foster, William, Boston, Mass; b/4 1714; int. m. Bathshaba Hart of Rhode Island, "now residing in Boston,": July 1715 (see Barsheba Hart). Bost Rec Com Vol 28

Fowler, John, Boston Mas b. 1713; int. m. Bathsheba Brikley April 1714. -Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Flower, John; convict assigned to Apthorp and Hancock, July 18 1747, from Wm. Cookson of Hull. -Suffolk Court File

Fraker, Thomas, of Boston Mass; b. cir 1720; m. 1. Jane Howard; 2. Sarah Cooper; 3. Susanna Tolman; Children: Jane, Thomas, Philip, Abigail, Hannah; d. about 1765. -Contributed by Miss Winifred L. Holman.

Friend, John Boston Mass; tailor, with his wife, with Captain Odell, Dec 31 1717; warned out Feb 4 1718; m. 2. Ann Wakefield, in Boston June 20 1725; Child: John. - Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Frink, Thomas, of Sudbury, Mass; from --- before 1699; m. Sarah --;Children: Sarah, Abigail, Peter, Thomas. - Reeds Rutland p 98

Frost, Robert, Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1730. -Documentary History of Maine p 24

Fryland, William of Boston Mass ; joyner from Ireland , cir 1730; "admitted as inhabitant, & Liberty to exercise calling: Sept 9 1730; m. int. Jane Little, June 10 1731; m. Jance Miller, Sept 26 1732. -Bos Rec Com Vol 13

Fullerton, Robert, Boston Mass; in Boston B/4 1745; m. Jean McClure, Jan 29 1745. -Bost Rec Com Vol 28

Fullerton, William of Boothbay, Me.; from County Tyrone, Ireland, 1728; b.about 1680; intended for Philadelphia, but put into the Kennebec at Arrowsic; went then to Pemaquid; m. Jennett Beath, sister of Walter Beath; Children: William, Margaret, and two sons in Philadelphia. -Green's Boothbay, p. 472

Fullerton, William of Boothbay Me.; from Ireland, 1728; b. 1705, son of William (above); Children: James, Elizabeth, Margery, John, Margaret, Jennett, Marian, Catherine, Mary, Ebenezer. -Greene's Boothbay pp 121

Fulton, Gowen, of Topsham, Maine; from Coleraine, Ireland, cir 1730, withwife and one child; m. Margaret Caswell; she b. in Glasgow, Scotland; d.1791 aet 96; Children: John, James, Robert. -Wheeler's Brunswick p 834

Fulton, John, of Topsham, Maine; from Ireland cir 1730; son of Gowen andMargaret Fulton q. v.; m. Hannah Maxwell of Scarboro. -Wheeler's Brunswick p834

Fumey, John, Newbury, Mass; From Ross, before 1726; merchant; m. Hannah Gibbons, of Marblehead, Aug 7 17929, in Newbury. -Newbury Vital Rec Vol 2

p 66 Galbraith, Matthew, from Ireland before 1740: husbandman; b. cir 1772; volunteer against the West Indies 1740. -Colonial Wars, 1890.

Gale, Edward, Portsmouth, N.Y.; from Waterford Ireland, before 1733; m. Mary Arrixson (Erickson?) Dec 9 1733. -N.E. Hist. Gen Reg Vol 25

Gallot, P. m. Priscilla Collar Jan 10 1734

Gamble, Archibald, of Warren, Me; from Ireland before 1740; son of Thomas and Margaret (Scott) Gamble; m. Isabella (Ashwell) Galloway; Children: Anne, Thomas, Mary, Robert, Margaret, Elizabeth; d. cir 1779. -Eaton's Warren pp 66.

Gamble, John of Boston Mass; "a servant man born in Ireland," "aged about twenty eight years, a smith by trade, and can work something at the carpenter trade; a Tall Fellow, of a stammering speech, inclining to theScotch language, straight Hair, of a yellowish colour.: -Boston News Letter Oct 14-21 1717

Gamble, William of Chester N.H.; from Londonderry, Ireland; m. the Widow Clark in Londonderry, N.H.; Children: Janet, Margaret; m. 2. Anne Start; Children: William, Archibald; d. 1785, aged 77. -Chases's Chester, p 530.

Gardener, Phillip, periwig maker, Boston, Mass; from New York, 1715; journey-man to Dr. Nazaro; warned out Nov 15 1715. Boston Rec. Com Vol 11

Gardner, Ebenezer of Machias, Maine; from Cumberland, before 1776; m. Damaris Merril 1776. 100th anniv of Machias p 162

Gardner, John, Portsmouth N. .H. from Gloucestershire, before 1715; m. Mary Bowen Nov 3 1715. N.E. Hist Gen Reg Vol 23

Garner, Robert of Boston Mass from Glasgow; wigmaker; admitted an inhabitant and liberty to open a shop &c. March 5 1729; m. Mary ---; Child: David. -Boston Rec. Com Vol 13 Garner, Philip, Boston Mass. before 1718; int. m. Hannah Ball Aug 2 1718 Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Gaston, John from Ireland; b. 1703; d. Voluntown, Conn. 1783. Matthew's American Armoury, p 187.

Gault, Samuel, of Chester, N.H. [Gott, Gaat, Galt]; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1721; m. Elsie Carlton, of Wales; Children: Patrick, Samuel, Andrew, Matthew, Jane; d. after Jan 29 1789. -Chases's Chester p 530

Gear, George of Boston, Mass' from Jersey before 1720; int. m. Mary Murriner, Oct 20 1720 -Boston Rec. Com Vol 28

Gibson, Samuel, of Hillsborough, N.H.; from Ireland before 1733; b. 1693 or 1694; m. An McAffee, in Boston 1733; Children: Elizabeth, Samuel; d. in Merrimack, 1779. -Cochran's Francestown. p 729

Gibson, Widow, Boston, Mass; arrived from Northern Ireland, 1718, in the ship "Friends' Goodwill,: Edward Goodin, master, with two children. -Court of Sessions of the Peace, Suffolk County.

Gier, Thomas, Boston Mass; from Ireland in ship "Elizabeth"; warned out Nov 3 1719. -Boston rec. Comm Vol 13

Gilbertson, George, Portsmouth, N.H.; from Colraine, Ireland, before 1733; m. Dorothy Hill, March 14 1734. -N.E. Hist Gen Reg

Gilchrist, Robert of Chester N.H.; from Ireland cir 17265; m. Agnes Kelso; Children: John, Alexander, William, Agnes, Elizabeth, Robert; d 1746 -Hadley's Goffstown, pp 167-8

Gilchrist, William, Andover and Lundenburg, Mass; from Ireland, cir 1725; brother of Robert Gilchrist (above) ; m. Elizabeth White, dau. of Patrick White, of Lunenburg, June 21 1743. -Lunenburg Records p. 250

Gilkey, James of Gorham, Me; from Ireland, cir 1748; m. Martha Morton, 1748; Children: Joseph, Rebecca, James; m. 2, Mrs. Margaret Watts; Children: Samuel, John, Isaac; d. 1790, aged more than 80 Years. -McLellan's Gorham. p513

Gillen, Richard, at Boston, Mass; a sailor from North Carolina, 1736, belonging to Capt. Philpot, "a poor stranger, hurt, supported by the Overseers of the Poor."- Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Gillespie, Andrew, of Boston, Mass; before 1759; tobacconist at the North End of Boston. -Boston Gazette, Sept 7 1789

Gillis, John, see Campbell, John Gillis

Gillyard, Peter, Portsmouth, N.H. ; Guernsey, Before 1733; m. Ann Roberts of Newcastle, Me., in Portsmouth, March 7 1733; -N.E. Hist. Gen. Reg. Vol. 25 190

Gilmer, James of Londonderry and Windham, N.H.' from Ireland before 1730, "Gent" -Documentary History of Maine. p. 24

Gilmore, Robert of Londonderry, N.H., from Coleraine, Ireland, cir 1718; m. Mary Ann Kennedy; Children: William, Robert, John, James; aged 80 at death. -Morrill's Ackworth, P 218

Gilpatrick, Thomas of Wells, Me; from Donaghedy, Barony of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, in 1720. -Bounne's Wells and Kennebunk p 313

Gimison, George, Boston Mass; m. Mary Vale, Oct 26 1718

Given, David, of Brunswick Maine; from Coleraine, Ireland cir 1719; with wife and three sons; Children: David, John, Robert, Martha, Jane and two other daughters. -Wheeler's Brunswick, p 835

Glasford, James of Worcester, Mass; from Ireland in 1718; m. Jennet ---; d 1757 [will] ;Children: James, John, Mary, Miriam, Annie, Paul; grandson, Nathaniel Carroll, of Miriam Clogstone. -Worcester Probate, A 23891

Glasford, James, Boston, Mass; in Boston Before 1727; m. Sarah Fling, May 25 1727. -Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Glasford, John, of Palmer, Mass; "had a house and lot on Ware riverin 1741" in 1749 to board the minister; Children: John, Paul; of Boston, 1726/7, when he bought 140 acres and house in Leicester, North part. -Temple's Palmer p 128

Glin, see also Glyn.

Glyn, George, Boston Mass; tailor from South Carolina, Feb 1719; warned out Feb 24 -Boston Rec Com

Glyn, ----;. of Boston Mass; Child: Martha [a Martha m. David McClure, June11 1730 Boston RC

Glyn, Anne, of Boston; spinster, from Dublin 1721, in the brigantine "Anne and Rebecca." Mass. Archives

Goodman, Thomas m. Elizabeth Jackson Jan 1714

Goodwin James; from Ireland, Aug 1717; with Captain Douglas in the ship "Globe"; a James Goodwin m. Elizabeth Childs, March 7 1719; warned out, 1717. Irish in Boston p 51

Goodwin, John, Boston Mass; m. 1. --; 2. Lydia Sprague; m. 3. Elizabeth Willard

Goodwin, William ; spectacle maker; admitted an inhabitant 1724; m. ? LoveThing, March 25 1725. -Boston Rec C. Vol 13

Goodwin William; Rumford Maine , alias William Redmond; from England or Ireland, deserter; m. Rachel Harper of Northampton, Mass; Children: Rebecca, William Colman, Rachel, Betsy, Polly, James, Nancy, John, Harris Redmond, Sally, David Abbott. -Lapham's Rumford, pp 334

Gordon, John of Shirley, Mass; from County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1749; son of Nathaniel Gordon, q.v.; b. 1729; m. Mary Campbell, of Townsend, Mass., Oct 28 1762; Children: Josieah, Elizabeth, James, Daniel; d. in Peterborough. -Chandler's Shirley, p 426

Gordon, John, of Antrim. N.H.; before 1770; m. Mary Boyece; m. 2. Esther Snow; Children: Daniel, Margaret, John, James, Alexander, Samuel, William, Hannah; removed to Canada. -Cochran's Antrim p 511

Gordon, Nathaniel of Shirley Mass; from County Tyrone, Ireland in 1749; b. 1708; m. Sarah Martin, in Ireland; d. 1781; Children: John, James, Samuel, Hannah, Elizabeth; d. in Peterborugh, 1789, aet 83. -Chandler's Shirley p 426

Gordon, Samuel, of Shirley, Mass; from Tyrone, Ireland in 1749; son of Nathaniel Gordon, q.v.; b. 1732; m. Eleanor Mitchel, daughter of Lawrence and Elizabeth Mitchel, of Shirley,; Children: Samuel, Sally, Elizabeth, Hannah, Nathaniel, Eleanor, Jane, Polly Nehemiah, John, Nancy; d. 2 1818, in Peterborough, N.H. -Smith's Peterborough pt 1

Gordon, William of Dunstable, Mass before 1755; m. Temperance ---; Smith's Peterborough pt 2

Gorss, John, before 1751; m. Sarah Cook 1751

Gorwood Charles, Portsmough N.H. before 1737; m. Anna Alcock Nove 29 1737. N.E. HIst Gen

Gould, Mrs. Mary, wife of George Gould of Boston Mass d. April 7 1817, aged 37. Copp's Hill Burying Ground Gower, Robert of Topsham, Me cir. 1766; m. 1. Margaret Alexander; Children: Edward, William; m. k. Mary Henry, 1770; Children: James, John, Samuel, George -Wheeler's Brunswick p 835.

Gragg, Samuel, - see Gregg. Graham, Duncan of Rutland, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1718; m. Katherine --, d. March 19 1781, aged 91 y. 9 mo. ; Children: Alexander, also perhaps William, John, Mary; d. at Rutland April 10 1768. -Lincoln's Worcester p 49

Graham, Francis, Boston Mass; from Ireland , with Captain Dennis Nov 1719, farmer; m. Mary Dickey Jan 20 1731 -Boston Record Com. Vol. 13 p. 64

Graham, Robert, of Chester, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1733; m. Janet Hume; Children: Robert, Agnes, Jean, Esther, Mary, Ann; d. 1748 aged 80. -Chase's Chester

Graham, William, of Chester, N.H.; from Ireland; m. Margaret Aiken; Children: John, James, David, Sarah, Jane, Margaret, Martha and two others (daughters); d. 1789 aged 73. -Chase's Chester p 535

Granger, Mr. Samuel, Boston, Mass; who came with Capt. Brunton, 1720; admitted inhabitant of Boston Jan. 25 1720; admitted "to keep School to teach writeing, Logick & Merchants Accots."; m. Susannah Peiret, March 20 1726. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Grant, Lt. James, of Salem Mass; 1762; int. m. Mary Hicks, Jan 2 1762; Children: Hannah, Joshua Hicks, James, Patty. -Salem Vital Rec. Vol. 1

Grater, Francis of Marblehead Mass; m. Jane Wilson Jan 24 1779; Children: James H., Charity Wilson, George Wilson, Jenny, Francis, Francis, George Wilson, Francis, Jane; d. 1845 -Secomb's Amherst p 606

Gray, Francis, of Boston, Mass; from Ireland, 1719; m. ----: Children: three; warned from Boston, 1719 -Cullen's Irish in Boston p 51.

Gray, George, Boston, Mass; from Jersey, b/4 1720; int. m. Mary Murriner Oct 20 1720. -Boston Rec. Com vol. 28

Gray, Hugh, Worcester, Mass; Ireland, 1718 -Wall's Reminiscences of Worcester p 128

Gray, John, Holden, Mass; from Ireland 1718; Children: John, Samuel, Matthew, Jonas, and probably Robert, Hugh, William and Mary. -Holden Vital Rec.

Gray, John, Worcester and Pelham, Mass; from Ireland, 1718; b. bir 1707; son of John Gray (above); m. Isabel --, d. 1799 aet 92; Children: Daniel, Isaac. John. Elizabeth and perhaps Ebenezer; d. 1782, aet 82. -Worcester Vital Records pp 115

Gray, Capt. John, of Beddeford, Me; before 1720 [son of Joseph]; , m. Elizabeth Tarbox, widow; Children: Elizabeth, Mary Alice; will 1752, mentions "annual income from England." -Saco Valley Families, p 699

Gray, John, Boston Mass; by way of St. Christophers, 1736; a sailor; fell from a yard arm, broke his breast bone and one of his legs; maintained at Province charge.-Boston Rec. Com V 13

P. 76 Gray, Matthew, Worcester Mass; from Ireland, before 1717; b. 1710, probably son of John; m. Margaret --; m. 2, Jean --, b. 1716, d. Dec 20 1764 set. 48; Children: Sarah, Jean, Elizabeth, Mary, Matthew, John, Moses, Aaron, Reuben, Esther, Isaac, Jacob, Robert, Joseph, Susanna, Jemima, Sarah, Sarah,; d. Feb 16 1783, aet 73. -Wall's Reminiscences pp 128

Gray Robert, of Hadwen Lane, Worcester Mass; from Ireland, 1718; probably son of John Gray; b. 1697; m. Sarah Wiley, who came in the same ship in 1718; Children: Molly, [wife of Andrew Boyd], Sarah [Gray], Moses Willey, Samuel, Experience [wife of Thomas Cowdin], Robert, Joseph, John, Thomas; d. January 16 1766 [will]. Lincoln's Worcester p 49

Gray, Robert of Biddeford, Me; from Ireland; abt. 1718, at Biddeford 1739. -Folsom's Biddeford

Gray, Samuel, of Worcester, Mass; from Ireland before 1728; m. Eleanor --; Children; Eleanor, Elizabeth, Samuel, patience. -Perry's Scotch-Irish p 14

Gray, Thomas, Scituate, Mass; from Ireland, before 1730; m. Sarah --; Children: George, Sarah, Elizabeth, William Mary. -N.E. Hist Gen Reg Vol. 58

Gray, William of Lincoln Street, Worcester and Pelham, Mass; from Aghadowey, Ireland, in 1718; [his sister Mary m. William Blair from Aghadowey, John and Robert Gray, in 1724, sureties]; Children: William, Hugh, Ann Eliot, Eliot m. Jean --, Ester, Johnathan, Lydia, Mary, Sarah. -Lincoln's Worcester p 49.

Gray, William, of Lynn Mass, b/4 1706; m. Hannah Scarlet, daughter of -- and Hannah (Paul) Scarlet, Nov 16 1706, buried Oct 28 1756; Children: Joseph, William, Jeremiah, Abraham, Hannah, Benjamin, Joseph; l. 1743, [will] Lynn Vit Rec. Vol. I

Grayner, see Gryner.

Greek, William Boston Mass.; from New York with wife & child, Aug 1710; in service at Annapolis Royal, dismissed; warned out Apr 2 1711. -Boston Rec Com p. 11

Green, John of Gorham, Maine; cir 1743; m. 1760 Elizabeth Sharp, of Biddeford; Children: Jonathan, Thomas, Josiah, Moses, Cary, Isaac; m. , Elizabeth Rand; Child: Hannah; d. 1809 -McLellan's Gorham p525

Green, William, of Thomaston, Me; before 1775; m. Barbara Deags; m. 2. Lucy Thomas; Children: a large family removed to New Brunswick. -Eaton's Thomaston p 244

Greenlaw, William of Warren, Me; 1753; m. Jane ----; Children: Ebenezer, Charles, Jonathan, Alexander, William; settled at Deer Isle, Me.; for of the children went to St. Andrews's N.B.; son William remained in Maine; removed to Boston and Deer Isle. -Eaton's Warren pp 85

p78 Gregg, David, of Windham N.H.; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1722; b. 1685, son of John; m. Mary Nevins or Evans; Children: William, John, Jane, Mary, Hannah, Thomas, David. -Parker's Londonderry p 275

Gregg, John, Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland before 1730; m. 1. Nancy --; Children: Hugh, James; m. 2. Agnes --; Children: John, William, Elizabeth, Joseph, Benjamin. -Documentary History of Maine pp 20

Gregg, Samuel, of Groton, Mass; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1712: son of John Gregg; name changed to Gragg; Child: Jacob. -Morrison's Windham p 544

Gregg, Thomas, Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1730. -Documentary History of Maine p 24

Gregg, William of Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1730; m. Jenat ---; Children: James, Jenat, and another daughter. -Documentary History of Maine p 24

Gregory, Patrick of Rutland, Mass; from Ireland; b. Ireland 1693; m. Hannah Sever, Nov 26 1724, in Boston; d. July 5 1756, aged 63. -Rutland Vital Rec. p 229

Grein, George, of Lancaster, Mass; from Ireland; b. Ireland cir. 1689; ran away from Lancaster; "hath an Irish Frize coat, Jacket and breeches, a par of gray yard stockings, not very long above the knees."

Grenlaw, see Greenlaw.

p 79 Greves, James, Boston Mass; a tobacconist, 1730; admitted an inhabitant, and liberty to keep a shop, Jan 1731. -Boston Record Com. V 13

Grove, William, Newbury, Mass; from Plymouth, before 1763 m/ Mercy Hunt Sept 4 1763. Newbury Vital Rec v. 2

Grover, James of Boston Mass before 1078; m. Susana Knot Dec 2 1708 -Boston Rec Com. V 28

Grow, Thomas of Andover, Mass; from Ireland, before 1712; m. Rebecca Holt; Children: Ruth, Hannah, James, Joseph, Thomas, and one other; illegit. son John, by Elizabeth Nichols, to be provided for by the town, when he was bapt. 1728; signed the petition to Shute. -Andover Vital Records p 185.

Guillow, Francis of Norton Mass; b/4 1756; M. Polly Derby, Feb 7 1784. Norton Vital Rec pp 67

Gyles, William of Portland, Me. from Ireland in 1718. -Smith's & Dean's Journal p 60 Hackney, Samuel, of Boston, Mass;"marriner who came from Barbadoes,: sickly, Oct 1719; warned out Nov 1719. -Boston Rec Com V 13

Haggard, John of Boston Mass; "from anopilus Royal,: 1726; warned out June 1726. Bost Rec. Com v 13

P.80 Haines, William Boston Mass b/4 1715; m./ Bethiah Peggee, Nov 1715; forbid by Capt. Benj. Cowell. -Boston Rec Com V 28

Hambleton, Patrick, of Hopkinton, Mass; from Ireland b/4 1728; m. Agnis Montgomery, July 9 1728; Children: Ephraim, Mary, Patrick. -Hopkinton Vit Rec pp 96

Hamilton, Thomas, of Worcester Mass; from Ireland; b/4 1733; perhaps son of James. Perry's Scotch-Irish p 14

Hamilton Hugh of Rutland & Hopkinton Mass, and Blandford, Conn; from Ireland about 1716 or 1718; inspectore of swine, Tutlnad, 1722. Reed's Rutland p 27

Hamilton, James of Worcester, Mass; from Ireland in 1718 (Miss Patten says 1716) ;m. 1, Margaret --; d. Feb 1761 aet 35; Children: Thomas, Michael, John, Frances; m. 2, Rebecca ---; brother of John Hamilton, and "cuzen" of Samuel Calhoun; d. before May 1735 in Pelham (will). -Lincoln's Worcester p 49

Hamilton, John; see Henderson, Hugh

Hamilton, John of Rutland Mass; from Londonderry, 1717; m. Eleanor --; afterwards m. John Savage at Rutland, Jan 15 1733; Children: John, Eleanor, Martha:, Mary:. -Vital Rec of Rutland p 148

Hamilton, John , Newbury, Mass; "a foreigner"; m. Mehitable Duty, of Byfield Rowley, Dec 25 1778 at Newbury. -Newbuy Vital Rec V2

Hamilton, Samuel, of Brookfield, Mass and Chesterfield, N.H; came from Ireland 1772 with linen goods; b. Ireland 1752; m. Molly Tyler May 9 1775, in Brookfield; d. Dec 16 1842 aet 90; Children: John, Hannah, Hance, Loammi, James, Samuel, Asa, Fanny, Amadella; d. Feb 12 1712 Brookfield Bit Rec 331

Hamitt, Thomas of Portsmouth b/4 1717; m. Elizabeth Denefored of Kittery, Me. Jan 1717 -N.E. Hist. GenReg 23

Hankleton , John, of Boston Mass., from South Carolina, Feb 1719, plater; warned out Feb 1719 -Boston Rec Com V 13

Handford Richard of Boston Mass, from South Carolina, Feb 1719, plater; warned out Feb 1719 -Boston Rec Com V 13

Hankin, Edward of Salem Mass before 1712; m, Hope Borden, daughter of Joseph Borden, merchant, deceased March 26 1712. -Salem Vit Rec V 3P.82

Hanley, Henry of Amherst N.H.; captured from Burgoyne's Army; m. Mrs. Elizabeth (Eaton) Goodman; d. 1819, aged cir. 90. -Secomb's Amherst p 611

Hannah, James, of Boston Mass; from Northern Ireland, 1718, in ship "Friends' Goodwill." -Court of Sessions of the Peace of Suffolk County

Hannah, John of Milton Mass; from Ireland in 1764; m. Elizabeth Gove; first chocolate maker in the United States. -Cullen's Irish n Boston p 187

Hare, William of Boston Mass; from Ireland with Captain Denis, Nov 1719; farmer. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Harkness, Adam of Smithfield, R.I.; from near Belfast Ireland; in Boston 1730; b 1710; m. Mary Gaskill, in Lunenburg Mass; Child: Nathan; d. Oct 25 1793, aet 83. -Bassett's Richmond N.H. p 402

Harkness, Thomas of Lunenberg Mass; from Ireland before 1733; m. Mary Mickleroy, in Boston Oct 30 1733; Children: Mary , Elizabeth, Jane, John, Robert and perhaps Adam, who does not appear on the records; d. b/4 April 1753. -Lunenburg Records, PP 225

Harkness, William of Pelham Mass; 1710 m/ Anne Gray July 28 1748; Children: John William, David, James Daniel, Jonathan, Nancy. -Parmenter's Pelham p420

Harper, James of Ellerton Conn.; from county Derry, Ireland Oct 1720; settled at Casco Bay; Indians forced him to leave and he came to Boston; Children: Joseph, Moses, John, and Perhaps William and James. -Stiles's Ancient Windsor v 2

Harper, John of Boston; cir 1712; int. m. Mary Millar, Nov 20 1712. -Boston Rec. Com. v28

Harrison, Anne of Boston Mass; from Northern Ireland 1718, in ship "Friends' Goodwill,: Edward Goodin, captain. -Court of Sessions of the Peace, Suffolk County.

Harrison, Mary of Boston window; in the "Johnson," galley, Nov 1709; warned out, Dec 1709. -Boston Rec. Comm V 11

Hart, Barshaba, of Boston; from Surinam in Ship "Neptune," 1716; m. William Foster July 18 1715 q.v. -Boston Rec. Com V29

Hartley, Jonathan to New England; 1699, in the "Virginia"; eighteen years old, with seven years to serve. -N.E. Hist Gen Reg.

Harvey, James, of Derry, N.H.; sailed from Port Rush, Ireland, to Boston arriving Oct 8 1727; m. ----; Children: Robert, Rachel, Thomas, Margaret, Grizel, Rose, Mary L., Elizabeth; d. May 4 17412 -Cogswell's Nottingham, N.H. p 212

Harvey, Rev. John, of Palmer, Mass; "a gentleman from Ireland', b. in the North of Ireland; "Grad. of the University', schoolmaster at Londonderry, N.H.; began to preach at Palmer (The Elbows), May 11 1731; convicted of drunkenness and accused of immorality; resigned about Nov 1 1747; Child: Dorothy; d. at Blandford, Mass. -Temple's Palmer. PP 85

Harwood, Phebe of Boston Mass; from Maryland; "last from Salem Ten Days" with four children; warned out Aug. 3 1725. -Boston Rec. Com v 13

Harwood Thomas of Portsmouth N.H; b/4 1735; m. Elizabeth Hull Apr 18 1735. -N.E. Hist Gen V 25

Hasard, William of Boston Mass; from Ireland, before 1720; int. m. Sarah Bridge, Jan 25 1721. -Boston Rec. Comm V 28

Hasty, Daniel of Scarborough Me; from Ireland before 1731; Children: Martha, William, Robert, Mary; d 1756. -Saco Valley Families p 725.

Hathorne, Mrs. Hamilton, of Boston, Mass; 1741; with Mr. Vicar will sell goods at Captain Tyng's warehouse, Milk St. -Boston News Letter, 3 Aug 1741.

Hawk, John B. of Warren, Me; cir. 1773;m. Sarah ___, of New Brunswick; Children: Martha, John, Sarah, Mary; d. 1824 in Warren. -Eaton's Warren p 397

Hawkins, Francis, of Boston Mass; from Munster, Ireland, June 1727; stole in Malden and Dorchester. -Court of Sessions of the peace of Suffolk County,1725-32 p. 87

Hawkins, Henry, of Boston Mass; before 1716; int. m. Mary Girton, June 16 1716. -Boston Rec. Com. Vol. 28

Hawkins, John of Boston Mass; from New York; warned out May 9 1727. -Boston Tec Com Vol. 13

Haynes, Mr. Peter of Boston, Mass; before 1727; dancing master, school on Hanover Street 1727; . -Boston News Letter Mar 18 1827

Hayton, Captain William of Portsmouth, N.H.; from "Sandwitch,?", before 1738;m. Mrs. Ann Harvey, Feb 15 1738. N.E. History Gen. Reg. p378

Hazley, Richard, Boston Mass; cir 1712; int. m. Tamozine Mills, Sep 15 1712. Boston Rec. Com vol. 28

Healy, William, Boston Mass; from Ireland, before 1718; int. . Sarah Clark, Jun 2 1718. -Boston Rec. Com V 28

Hedman, Joseph, of Boston Mass; from Ireland, before 1721; int. m. Sarah Miller, Jan 24 1721, forbid by her father; m. Mary Smith Nov 5 1728, in Newbury, Mass. (she was also from Ireland). -Newbury Vital Records Vol. II

Hedman, Philip, of Boston, Mass; in Boston before 1718; m. Elizabeth __; Children: Eliza, Benjamin. Boston Rec. Com Vol. 24

Helton, Ann. See John Lobden.

Hemphill, David of Newburyport Mass; from Ireland before 1769; yeoman. -Deed of Belfast Maine, 1769.

Hemphill, Nathaniel, of Windham, N.H. from County Antrim, Ireland, 1728; b. 1700; m. the Widow Isabella Robinson; Children: Jane, Robert, Isabella,Nathaniel; m. 2. Mrs. Mary Dunlap d. 17810. -Morrison's Windham p 575.

Henderson, Hugh, of R.I. (alias John Hamilton); from Ireland, in 1729; b.Armagh, Ireland, about 1710; executed Nov 24 1737.

Henderson, John, of Boston Mass; from Ireland 1719; m. ___; Children:five. -Cullen's Irish in Boston, p. 5

Henderson, John of Portsmouth, N.H.; from Colraine, Ireland, before 1721; M.Sarah Keel, Jan 1 1722 -N.E. Hist. Vol. 24

Hendery, Malkem of Rutland, Mass; from Ireland, Parish of Ardstraw, before 1720; he brought a letter from the Rev. Mr. Halyday there; m. Margaret McCarter, in Rutland, June, 1720; Child: Andrew;d. about 1730. -Reed's Rutland, pp 82

Hendley, Matthew, of ----;, R.I.; from Limerick Ireland, cir 1775. -Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders p 34

Henry, Hugh of Colraine, Mass; from Ireland ? before 1750; married and had five children; d. 1754. -McClellan's Colraine p 74

Henry, John, of Colraine Mass; from Ireland ? before 1750; brother of Hugh Henry, q.v.; m. Mary McCrellis from Ireland; m. 1.__ Foster, 2. ___ Workman, 3. John Henry, 4. Richard Ellis, d. May 11 1802, aet 96; Children: William , James, John, Andrew; d. cir 1750 -McClellan's Colraine p 74

Henry, Robert, of Boston Mass; from Ireland 1741; blacksmith. -Cullen's Irish in Boston p 32

Hewes, Robert, Boston, Mass; from Ireland, cir 1714; int. m. Sarah Dunnel, Sept 30 1714. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Hewey, Samuel, Portsmouth, N.H.; from Colraine, County Derry, Ireland, before 1718; m. Elizabeth Denett, widow, Dec 23 1718. -N.E. Hist Gen. Vol.23

Hickey, John of Boston Mass; from Dublin before 1759; linen printer and dyer; m. Elinor Mann, March 8 1759. -Boston Gazette, May 7 1759

Higgins, Alexander, of Newport R. I.; from Ireland, before 1724; Irish servant of Major Nathaniel Sheffield, aged 18 in 1724; run-away. -Boston News Letter Feb 27 1724.

Higgins, Fergus of Scarborough, Me; from Ireland; Child: Edmund; d. 1777. -Saco Valley Families, p 727

Higgins, Tully, of Berwick, Me; from Ireland. -Saco Valley Families, p 727

Hill, Thomas, of Boston , Mass; from Ireland, November 1719; int. m. Lydia Strong, July 4 1717. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Hilliar, Nicholas, of Boston Mass; before 1712; int. m. Mary Drumer, May 17 1712. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Hilton, Mathias, Portsmouth, N.H.; from Monkweymouth, County Durham, b/4 1738; m. Margaret King Aug 13 1738. -N.E. Hist. Gen. Vol. 26

Hinks, William of Boston Mass; from Northern Ireland 1718, in ship "FriendsGoodwill"; Edward Goodin, Captain. -Court of Sessions of Suffolk County

Hipsley, Peter, of Boston Mass; from Virginia, cir Oct 1703; warned out,1703. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 11

Hodges, Sabastian, of Boston Mass; with Captain Huntington, 1715; warned out May 3 1715. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 11

Hodgkins, John of Warren, Maine; 1753; removed to Boston. -Eaton's Warren p85

Hogan, Dennis of -----, R.I. from Limerick, Ireland before 1775; b. cir1751. -Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders, p 28

Hogg, George of Salem Mass; from Ireland, before 1732; dug a well for Judge Benjamin Lynde. -Benjamin Lynde's Journal p 33

Hogg, Robert of New Boston N.H.; from Ireland , cir 1754; b. 1732; son of James Hogg; m. Margaret Gregg, of Londonderry, N.H.; Children: Mary, Susan, James, Robert, Margaret, Samuel, Joseph, Thomas, John, Nancy; d 1795. -Cogwell's New Boston p 423

Hogg, Robert of Boothbay, Me; from G.B. in May 1764, with John Leishman, who was born in Falkirk, Scotland. -Green's Boothbay p 478

Holbrook, John Boston Mass; before 1710; int. m. Mary Gross, Sept 13 1710. Boston Rec. Com Vol. 28

Holden, William, from Dublin, Ireland, husbandman; b. cir. 1710; Volunteer against the West Indies, 1740. -Colonial Wars, 1899.

Holgrave, John, to New England; 699, in the "Virginia," Edmund Ball, Master; twenty-eight years old, with seven years to serve. -N.E. Hist. Gen. Vol. 64

Holland, Col. Stephen, of Londonderry, N.H. from Ireland , before 1775. -Parker's Londonderry p 107

Holmes, Abraham, of Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland in ship "Elizabeth", warned out Nov 3 1719; m. 1. -------; m. 2. Mary Morrison; Child: John; d.1753 aged 70. -Parker's Londonderry, p 277

Holmes, Rebecca of Boston Mass; from New York, 1723; warned out Feb 19 1723.Boston Rec. Com. Vol. 13

Holt, Simon of Boston Mass; from Philadelphia with his wife, 1710; gardner; warned out Jan 1710. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 11

Homes, Rev. William, of Chilmark, Mass; from Strabane, Ireland, 1715; b.1662; m. Katharine Craighead; Children: Robert, John, Margaret, Jane, Agnes, Elizabeth, Margery, Katherine, William, Hannah d. 1747. Rev. Wm. Homes' Diary

Hood, David, of Marblehead, Mass; from Ireland, before 1723; m. Elenor McFarland, also from Ireland, at Marblehead, Nov 27 1723; Children: Margaret, Breed (?). -Marblehead Vital Records, Vol. 1

Hooper James of Pelham Mass; before 1738; m. Easter 1747, d. 1811;Children: 2 sons and 2 daughters (Jennet ? Johnathan ? Nancy ?) recordtorn. -Parmenter's Pelham p 17

Hooper, Henry, 1716; Chirurgeon. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 29

Hooper, John of Portsmouth, N.H. from Apsum, before 1716; m. Mary Waldin Dec 13 1716. -N.E. Hist. Gen.. Vol. 23

Hopkins, ---, of ----, Me. (see William); m. Jenny Morison of Sheepscott, Mr. -Morrison's Windham. p 595

Hopkins, Edward of Portsmouth, N.H.; before 1720; m. Joanna Ball of Berwick, Me May 3 1720.- N.E. Hist. Gen. Vol. 24

Hopkins, James of Londonderry, N.H.; from Ireland 1720; m. Mary ---; Children: John, James, Robert. -Morrison's Windham p 595

Hopkins, John of Windham N.H.; from Ireland 1730; m. Elizabeth Dinsmoor; Children: James, Margaret, John, Robert, Nancy or Molly, Ruth; died after Feb 1779. -Morrison's Windham p 589

Hopkins, Robert of Windham N.H.; from Ireland, 1720; m. 1. Eleanor Wilson; m. 2. Martha ---; Children: Elizabeth, Sarah, James, Robert, Boyd, Elenor. -Morrison's Windham p 595

Hopkins, Solomon of Boston Mass; wife and one child from "Pencilvania," {note: Pencilvania ~yes, that's how it was in book} 1722; warned out May 26 1722. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 13

Hopkins, Thomas, of Portland,; from Axminster 1784

Hopkins, William, of Newcastle, Maine (see Hopkins, ---), from Ireland, before 1735; Children: Jenny, Patty, Solomon; d. in Canada, where he had been carried by the Indians. -Cushing's Ancient Sheepscot & Newcastle p 319

Horne, Robert of Marlborough and Framingham, Mass; before 1723; m. Elizabeth Maynard, daughter of Simon Maynard, Aug 7 1723; Child: Robert. Temple's Framingham PP 596

Horney, David, of Portsmouth, N.H.; from Gallway, Ireland, before 1720; m. Elizabeth Broughton, Nov 1720. -N.,E. Hist. Gen. Vol. 24

Houden, William of Petersborough, N.H.; cir 1775; m. Sarah Barnard of Lynn Mass and settled in Salem. -Smith's Peterborough part 2

Houston, Robert of Andover, Mass; from the North of Ireland, in the ship "Elizabeth,: at Boston 1719; warned out Nov 3 1719. -Boston Rec.Com Vol. 13

How, Richard of Boston Mass; from Ireland in 1716; glover. -Boston Rec. Com Vol. 29

Howard, James of Augusta, Me.; from Ireland, before 1736;b. 1702; m. 1. Mary---, d. 1778; Children: John, Samuel, Margaret, William; m. 2. Susanna (----) Cony, 1781, who m. 3d, William Brooks; Children: Isabella, James; d. May 14 1787. -North's Augusta p 882

Howard, Mary of Boston Mass; 1727; warned out April 15, 1727, warned out July 11, 1727. -Suffolk Court Files,

Howel, John of Boston Mass; before 1716; int. m. Eliza Player, March 19 1716; forbid by Stephen Perks. -Boston Rec. Com. Vol. 28

Hughes [alias Freeman], Henry, of East Haven, Conn. 1748; b. 1723; m. Lydia Tuttle, 1749; Child: Henry. Amer. Ances Vol. 3

Hughes, John of Windham, N.H.; from G.B., during the Revolution; m . Mehitable Buzwell, of Kingston, N.H.; Children: William, Elizabeth, Sarah, Anna, Polly , Barnet, John, Hannah, Mehitable, Margaret; d. 1819 aged75. -Morrison's Windham p 596

Hughes, William of Boston, Mass; runaway from Boston; "born in Ireland, about 28 years old, a brick layer, of short stature, brown complexion, his hair is blackish brown colour, with the ring finger on his left hand bent inwards." -Boston News Letter, Nov 25-Dec 2 1717 [advertisement].

Humphries, Edward of Scituate, Mass; from Ireland, before 1740; m. Anna Sandlin, int. Oct 3 1739; Children: Margaret, Edward, Richard, Mary, John. -Dean's Scituate p 290

Humphrey, Lawrence of Georgetown and Topsham, Me.; from "the Cove of Cork," Ireland, by way of the West Indies, cir 1780; b. 1757; m. Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of John Campbell, 1788; Children: Mary, Sally, Nancy, John Campbell, Daniel, Eliza, William, Margaret; d. 1835, in Topsham, Maine. -Wheeler's Brunswick PP 839

Fling, Fling, , William of Windham, N.H.; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1719; Child: William. -Morrison's Windham p 603

Hunt, Thomas, of Salem Mass; from Waterford, Ireland, before 1770; m. Susanna Jefferds [window], April 3 1770. -Salem Vital Rec. Vol. 3

Hunter, Daniel, of Boston, Mass.; with his wife, "Irish people from small point" [Small Point, Maine], warned out Apr. 26 1723. -Suffolk Court Files16816.

Fling, , George of New England; from Morn, near Newry in County Down, Ireland, in 1707. -Boston News Letter, June10 1717

Hunter, James, of Cornish, N.H.; before 1770; Children: James Sumner, Lucy, Hannah, and perhaps others. -Child's Cornish, Vol. II

Hunter, Jane, of Boston, Mass., spinster; from Dublin, 1721, in the brigantine "Anne and Rebecca"; m. Edward Dixson, Dec 18 1722. -Mass Archives, Vol. 105

Hurd, Nicholas to New England; from Pousonby, 1699, in the "Virginia"; nineteen years old, with seven years to serve. -N.E. Hist. Gen. Vol. 64

Hurst, John of Boston Mass; before 1720; int. m. Margaret Fling, Aug 261720. -Boston Rec. Com. Vol. 28

Hutchin, Zachary of Boston Mass; from New York by land, with his wife and two children, Oct. Nov. 1717; butcher; warned out, Dec 23 1717. Boston Rec.Com. Vol. 13

Huzzey, John, of ---, R.I.; from Armagh, Ireland, before 1777; b. cir.1727. -Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders p 34

Hyslop, William of Boston Mass; cir 1740; b. Humley Parish, East Lowden, cir. 1714; m. Mehitable Stoddard; Children: James, William, David, Elizabeth; pedlar; "In 1746 he lodged at the house of Mr. John Williams at the sign of the Three Sugar Loves, King Street; d. 1796. -Bolton's Brooklinep 28

Ingram, John, of Boston, Mass.; before 1752; mustard-maker, near Oliver's Dock, Boston. --Boston Gazette, Sept. 19 1752; Old-Time New England. Vol 18 p.39

Irish, James, of Falmouth, Maine; 1711; m. Elizabeth_______; Children: John, Miriam, Joseph, Elizabeth, Thomas, James, Thomas, William; d. in Gorham, Me, aged 53. -McLellan's Gorham, p 583

Jackson, Stephen, of Providence, R. I.; from Kilkenny, Ireland, cir 1; b. 1700.-Murray's Rhode Islanders, p 29

Jackson, Thomas; from Ireland, cordwainer; b. cir, 1716; volunteer against the West Indies, 1740. -Colonial Wars. p. 1899.

Jarvis, Freeman, Portsmouth, N.H.; before 1736; m. Mehitable Hatch of Charlestown, in Portsmouth, Dec 23 1736.-N.E. Hist. Gen Reg. Vol 26

, William of Warren Maine; from Ireland, cir 1735; b. 1689; m. Catherine Cunningham; Children: William, Patrick, Phebe, Fanny, Catherine, Anna, Joseph; d. Oct 29, 1770 aged81. -Eaton's Warren p. 401

Jameson, Hugh, of Dunbarton, N.H.; from the Isle of Man, or from Colraine, Ireland, on the sloop "Molly," cir. 1740: son of William Jameson of Belfast, Ireland; m. 1st, Chrystal or Christine Whitehead, of the Isle of Man, d. cir1788; m. 2d, Jane McHenry, widow of John Barr, of Londonderry, N.H.; Children: Jane, Elizabeth, Rosina, Esther, Martha, son, d.e.,son, d.e.,Molly, Alexander, Daniel, Hugh, Peggy, Sarah, Thomas; d. 1790. -American Ancestry, Vol 3 p.29; Hadley's Goffstown, pp 233-4.

Jewel, Philip of Portsmouth, N.H.; from " the Parish of Yanton in ye County of Biddeford," before 1739; m. Elizabeth Wilkinson, Nov 8 1739.-N.E. Hist.Gen Reg Vol 26

Jirauld, Reuben of Cornish N.H.; b. 1734; settled first at Plainfield, Conn; m. Joanna Spaulding b. 1733 d.1807 Children: Polly Martha, Hannah Sally. d. May 8 1800. -Childs' Cornish, Vol II p 231

Johnson, Abraham, of Cornis, Portsmouth and Greenland, N.H.; before 1760; m. Mercy Huggins, cir. 1760, b. 1739, d. 1815; Children: Sarah, Joshua, Hannah, John, Margaret, Rebecca, Elizabeth, Mercy, Mary, Abraham; d. Oct 24,1893. -Childs Cornish, Vol. II pp 231-2

Johnson, James, of Scarborough, Main, cir. 1732; Children: John, James. -McLellan's Gorham, p 593.

Johnson, John, of Boston Mass; 1737; gunsmith; granted liberty to follow his calling. -Boston Rec. Com, Vol 15

Johnson, Michael, of Londonderry, N.H., Haverhill, Mass., and Hampstead, N.H.; from Londonderry, Ireland, 1727 or 1728; m. Mary Hancock before 1728; Children: Miriam, John, Michael, Sarah, Charles, Robert. -Witcher's Haverhill, N.H. p 552

Johnston, Thomas, of Warren, Me; 1735; removed to Bristol, Me.; d. 1811.-Eaton's Warren, p.85

Johnston, Rev. William of Windham N.H.; from Mullow Male, County Tyrone, Ireland, before 1736; b. 1710; educated at Edinburgh University; m. Annie Cummings; Children: William, Anna, Nancy, Lois, Elizabeth, Witter, Hugh.; d. Florida, N.Y.,1782. -Morrison's Windham. P. 307; First Settlers in Northern Worcester. P. 50


Jameson, James; called on Rev. Wm. Homes at Chilmark, Nov. 3, 1717, with John McClellam.

Jameson, Thomas, of Dumbarton, N.H. from Belfast Ireland, cir. 1740; b. 1710 m. Margaret Dickey; Children: Mary, Alexander John, Margaret, Hugh, Tomas, and on other; [see his brother Hugh Jameson]. Cochrans's Antrim P.555

Jamieson, William, of Portand, Me; from Ireland in 1718. -Smith's and Dean's Journal, p. 60

Jeckyil, John, of Boston Mass; before 1733; the son of Thomas Jeckyll, D.D.; d. before January 4 1733 ("died last Friday") -Boston News Letter,Jan 4 1733

Jeffers, John; convict assigned to Apthorp and Hancock, July 18, 1747, from W. Cookson of Hull. -Suffolk Court Files.

Jenkins, Richard, Boston, Mass.; cir. 1713; int. m. Bethia Hughs, July 27 1713; bans forbidden by Nathaniel Dew. -Boston Rec. Com., Vol. 28

Jenness, Job, of Rye, N.H.; cir. 1750; Children: Samuel, Benjamin; drowned. -Carter's Pembroke Vol 2

Jepson William, of Wells, Me; from Magwater:, Ireland (Moy-water?). -Browne's Wells and Kennebunk, p. 313

Jones, Edward, of Boston Mass; cir 1713; int. m. Sarah Wayman, June 19 1714.-Boston Rec. Com., Vol 28

Jones, Eldridge of Boston, Mass; 1741; corkcutter. -Boston News Letter, May 28 1741.

Jones, John, of Boston, Mass, from Parish of St. Nicolas, in 1725; he brought a letter to the Parish in Boston, 1725, when he came to settle the estate of his brother, Captain Thomas Jones of Boston, captain of the "Blessing." Other heirs; brothers William and Richard, sisters Elizabeth, Cicile. -Suffolk Probate, Vol 24

Jones, John of Newbury, Mass; from Rochester, before 1744; m. Martha Mitchell, March 25, 1744 in Newbury. -Newbury Vial Records Vol 2

Jones, John to New England from Clanderry, 1699, in the "Virginia." Edmund Ball, Master; seventeen years old, with seven years to serve. -N.E. Hist. Gen Reg.,Vol 64

Jones, Margaret, to New England; from Ritchen, 1699, in the "Virginia, "Edmund Ball Master; thirty-two years old, with seven years to serve. N.E.Hist. Gen. Reg. Vol 64

Jones, Richard of Boston, Mass; bricklayer, from Bristol, April, 1717; warned out June 19.1717.-Boston Rec Com., Vol 13

Jones, Thomas, of Hanover, Mass; m. --- ---; Child: Noah.-Amer. Ances, Vol 3

Jones, William of Portsmouth, N.H.; before 1720;m. Anna Mason, of Nechowanuck, Sept 13 1720.-N.E. Hist. Gen. Reg.,Vol 24

Jorden, Patrick, of Boston; from Virginia, April 27, warned out July11(return), 1727; a hatter from Maryland; admitted a citizen, May 3, 1727, onL100 security. -Suffolk Court Files, 20,510

JuppNat, John of Shirley, Mass; a deserter from the British army; m. Mary Simonds, int. Nov 12, 1774, m. 2. han Smith; Child: Mary; Jupp d. Dec 17, 1780. -Bolton's Shirley Uplands and Intervales, p. 356

Kennedy, Hugh, Boston, Mass.; in Boston before 1720; m. Mary Wyer, Dec. 28,1720.-Boston Rec. Com., Vol 28

Kennedy, Hugh, Boston Mass.; in Boston before 1738 (see above); m. Susanna Pico, Nov. 2, 1738; Children: Hugh, Margaret, Elizabeth, Abigail.-Boston Rec. Com. Vol 28; Vol 24

Kennedy, John, Boston, Mass; in Boston before 1743; m. Joanna Daniels, Jan.12 1743; Child Mary.-Boston Rec. Com. Vol 28 Vol 24 Kennedy, Mathew, Boston Mass; in Boston Before 1747; m. Jane Vibert, May 21 1747; Child: Mary.-Boston Rec. Com. Vol 28 Vol 24

Kennedy, Samuel, of Sheepscott, Me.; from Ireland, cir. 1731; Children: Jane, James, William, Agnes, Sarah, Samuel, Robert.-Ancient Sheepscott and Newcastle, p 396.

Kennedy, William, Boston Mass; in Boston before 1750; m. Margaret Darymple, Nov 1 1700.-Boston Rec Com Vol 28

Kenniston, John, of Nottingham N.H.; 1746, after battle of Culloden Moor; m. ____ ____; Children: David, Joseph, Isaac, Joshua, Samuel, Thomas.-Greene's Boothbay. P 554.

Kenny, James, Portsmouth, N.H.; from Cadteen, County Tyrone, Ireland, before1726; m. Lydia Linsley, Nov. 17, 1726.-N.E. Hist. Gen. Reg. Vol 24

Kepple, James of Salem, Mass; from Roddingham, before 1771; m. Ruth Williams of Danvers, late of Lynn, int. Sept. 25, 1771.-Salem Vital Records Vol. B

Kerwin, Robert of Portsmouth, N.H. and Salem, Mass; from Newfoundland, before 1770; int. m. Mary Marrow, June 25 1770.-Salem Vital Records Vol 4

Kerkwood, William, of Boston, Mass; from Glasgow in Snow "Amity," in 1716with 13 men servants; a peddler.-Boston Rec. Com Vol 29

Kid, Matthew, of Londonderry, N.H.: from Ireland, before 1730.-Documentary History of Main, p. 24.

Kilborne, John, of Boston Mass; from Antigua, 1721; a question whether he was a passenger or a sailor.-Court of Sessions of the Peace of Suffolk County, 1715-18, V. 1

Kilgore, John of Kittery, Fryeburg, and Bethel, Me; before 1764; m. Elizabeth Brickett, of Berwick, Me; Children: Joseph, John, Benjamin, Samuel, Mary, Sally, Elizabeth, Mehitable, Alice.-Lapham's Bethel, p. 571

Killicutt, Thomas, of Dunstabe, N.H.; from Ireland, before 1744; m. Mary ___; Children: Submit, Reuben, Jonathan, Thomas, Charity, Othniel.-Bolton's Shirley Uplands and Intervales, p. 344.

Kilpatrick, Thomas of Wells, Maine: from Coleraine, Ireland, 1718-19: m. Margaret ___; Children: John, James, Joseph, William, Thomas, Christopher, Jeremiah, Isaac, Joshua, Mary, Sarah; d. 1762, aet 88.-Saco Valley Families, p 767.

Kincaid, John, Portsmouth, N.H.; from Waterford, Ireland, before 1718; m. Martha Churchill, Nov 13 1718.-N.E. Hist. Gen. Reg., Vol 23

Kincaid, John, Boothbay, Maine; came in May, 1764 with John Leishman, who was b. in Falkirk, Scotland.-Breene's Boothbay p. 478

King, James of Providence, R.I.; from Dublin, Ireland, cir 1775.-Murray's Irish Rhode Islanders, p 34.

Kinkead, Rev. John of Windham, N.H.; from Ireland, where he was born; perhaps related to Samuel Kinkead of Windham, N.H.-Morrison's Windham p 613

Knox, Adam, of Blandford, Mass; from the north of Ireland, before 1730; son of William Knox; m. 1. Eleanor ___, d. Dec 21 1760; Children: Oliver, Elizabeth, David; m. 2. Mollie Campbell; Children: Jane, Eleanor, Mary, William, John.-Knox Genealogy, Foote, pp 6,7

Knox, Adam, Boston, Mass; from Ulster, Ireland 1737; b. 1719; m. Martha King, in Boston, March 12 1740; Children: Thomas, Adam, Adam, Robert.-Boston Rec. Com., P 246

Knox, John of Blandford, Mass; from Ireland, before 1730; son of William Knox; b. cir 1720; m. Rachel Freeland, Sept. 28 1741; Children: William, Jane, John, Elizabeth, Rachel, Mary, Sarah, James, Hannah, Eleanor, Elijah; d. cir 1800, will. -Knox Genealogy, Foote, p.4

Knox, Timothy, of Lancaster, Mass., and Pembroke, N.H.; from Ireland, before1730; Children: John, William, Margaret, Timothy, David, Mary; d.1748.-Lancater Vital Records, pp. 57

Knox, William, of Hopkinton, Mass.; from the north of Ireland, before 1730;m. Elizabeth ___, alive 1774; Children: John, William, Adam, Griswold (a daughter), Agnes, Elizabeth; d. cir.1774 (will).-Knox Genealogy,Foote,pp 1-3

Knox, William, of Blandford, Mass; from Ireland, cir. 1730; son of William Knox; b. cir. 1721; m. Isabel Ferguson, Dec 21 1749, d. Aug 25 1808, aet 76;Children: William, Eleanore, Samuel, Elizabeth, John, Nathan, Mary, David, James, Eunice; d. March 9 1802.-Knox Genealogy, Foote, pp. 5,6.

Knox, William, of Boston, Mass; parents of General Henry Knox.-Eaton's Thomaston, p. 303

KNOX Robert, of Warren, Main; 1753; killed at Mill River by Indians.-Eaton's Warren, pp. 85.

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