Source: Smith, Sarah Jane née McCracken (Leavenworth, Kansas, USA). Result of searches [in the Registry of Deeds] against the lands of Farnaloy, Glenkeen, [Glendavagh], Bohard, and Derrykintone, situate respectively in the Counties of Armagh and Tyrone in Ireland, conducted by Mr. Mills of Dublin, solicitor, on behalf of Mrs Smith (1869).
Transcribed by Terence Andrew (Andy) Miller (1970–2011) of Columbus, Ohio, 2005.
Against the lands of Farnaloy, Glenkeen (also called Glendavagh), Bohard, and Derrykintone, situate respectively in the Counties of Armagh and Tyrone, in Ireland.
As to Farnaloy, situate in the Manor of Toaghy (west of Drumconwell), Barony of Armagh, and County of Armagh:
The first deed I find recorded is from Henry Richardson of Ballycleran, County Monaghan, to Sir Alexander Cavines Baronet and Robert Clements of the city of Dublin, Esquire. Whereby the former grants amongst others the lands of Farnaloy for the residue of the term for which same were held upon the several trusts in said deed mentioned. The foregoing deed is dated 5 June 1712.
In 1738 I find Trinity College, Dublin, granted a lease of Farnaloy to Edward Matthews for 21 years.
The first mention of the Marshall Family in connection with Farnaloy occurs in 1800 on the 13th of June, when Michael Marshall of Darnton in the County of Armagh, Farmer, granted a mortgage of the lands of Farnaloy to Bryan Hughes of Kilcreevy, in said County, farmer. This mortgage was subsequently paid off and the lands reconveyed.
On the 31st of January 1809, Henry Marshall of Derrycantone in the County of Tyrone sold to Richard Lynn, for £150, part of said lands of Farnaloy, to hold to said Lynn for the residue of the term of 20 years, granted by Dillon Pollard, Esq. to the said Henry Marshall and William English from the 1st May 1799.
On the 22nd January 1812, Joseph Marshall of Derrycantone granted to Richard Lynn his share of Farnaloy. In this deed it is stated that the Marshalls held from Dillon Pollard, who held from Trinity College. Pollard consents to a new Marshall lease, so often as the College may renew his.
On the 28th day of July 1855, Trinity College granted to Anne Lynne, the lands of Farnaloy, containing 2,730 acres 0 R, 29 P, at the yearly rent of £938.6.7. to hold to her forever. Mrs. Lynn appears to be the party now in possession.
As to Glenkeen otherwise called Glendavagh, situate in the Parish of Aghaloe and County of Tyrone.
In 1757, Henry Marshall of Mullaghmassagh, Parish of Aghaloe, County of Tyrone set to Hugh McNeely the farm of Glendavagh of 20 Irish acres with the proportion of bog for 20 years at £6 a year.
On 21st January 1767, John Marshall of Millaghmassagh aforesaid, granted to Archibald Hadden part of Glendavagh which said John Marshall held by a lease renewable forever from Henry Marshall, to hold subject to redemption on payment of £100.
On 22nd October 1783, Joseph Marshall of Mullaghmassagh devised to John Wilson part of Glendavagh for 31 years at £14 sterling.
On the 11th of December 1786, Henry Marshall of Glendavagh granted 15 acres 3 R 20 P, of Glendavagh to William Pringle of Caledon to hold to him forever for the sum of £150.
On the 7th February 1787, Henry Marshall of Glendavagh granted to Pringle a rent charge of £20 a year, charged on said land.
On 30th April 1787 Robert Cummin of Aghnacloy, County Tyrone granted to Robert Pettigrew of Crilly, in said County 15 acres 3 R. 20 P. of Glendavagh to hold for the lives for which the same were held, subject to £10 a year rent.
On the 16th October 1788, Henry Marshall of Glendavagh granted to Robert Pettigrew of Crilly 70 acres of Glendavagh to hold for the lives in the original lease thereof and all renewals subject to redemption on payment of £109.17.6.
On the 5th March 1789, Cummin again mortgages to Pettigrew for £185.7.10. 70 acres of Glendavagh.
On the 16th March 1790, Henry Marshall of Glendavagh and John Marshall, his eldest son and heir-at-law, grant a mortgage to Pettigrew for £69.3.6.
On the 11th September 1795, Joseph Marshall devised to Harrison Marshall the lands of Glenkeen, containing 61 acres, for 31 years, @ £91.10.0.
On 29th April 1800 John Pringle grants to Robert Pettigrew 32 acres 1 R. 7 P. of Glendavagh in consideration of £522.10.2, to hold for the lives in the original lease, subject to rent.
On the 21st August 1852, the incumbent estates commissioned sold to Mary Campbell, the estate of Joseph Marshall called Glenkeen, containing 467 acres. 3 R. 31 P. for the sum of £3,950. to hold to her forever and on the 19th of June 1856, the said commissioners granted to said Mary Campbell for the sum of £440, the hill, part of Glendavagh to hold forever. Mrs. Campbell appears to be the party now in possession.
As to Bohard, situate in the manor of Ballymagrane, Parish of Aghaloe, and County of Tyrone.
In October 1753, Henry Marshall of Glendavagh, County Tyrone, Gentleman, granted to Revrnd. Moses Campbell the 1/8th part of the townland of Bohard, containing 41 acres 1 R. 0 P. to hold for the lives named therein with Covenant for perpetual renewal.
In December 1865, Thomas Fortescue and William Jones Armstrong mortgaged said lands of Bohard along with 256 other denominations of land for £20,000. to Willoughby Newton and Henry Oulton in whom the said land appear to be now rested as mortgages.
As to Derrycantone I have not found any mention of Derrycantone as a separate townland. It appears to have been merely the name of the residence of members of the Marshall family and now forms part of Lord Caledon's Demense.
Upon the whole, I have been unable to find anything upon the Records of Deeds or Wills to justify the impression that any of the Marshall family or their descendants are now entitled to claim the ownership of any of the aforementioned lands.
As to money deposited in Banks or in the government funds, it very rarely occurs that it is not claimed by the parties entitled or their re£presentatives; but in the case of no apparent owners, after the lapse of a certain numbers of years and being duly advertised, funds thus circumstanced are applied for public purposes.
Dated 27th July 1868. _________ Mills,
Solicitor and attorney at Law
12 Upper Temple Street