Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Bankruptcy - The Creditors of William D. Spence, Insolvent Debtor Confined in Lifford Gaol, Co. Donegal, Ireland 1816

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post, Tuesday, January 2, 1816
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


I Hereby give Notice, that my Petition hath been presented to, and my Schedule and Oath filed in his Majesty’s Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at Letterkenny, on the 14th day of December instant, in and for the county of Donegal, in Ireland, in order to my being discharged out of custody, and from the Demands of my Creditors, pursuant to an Act of Parliament made in the 53rd year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled, “An Act for the Relief of certain Debtors in Ireland;” and also of an Act of Parliament made in the 54th year of his present Majesty’s reign, entitled “An Act to amend an Act made in the last Sessions of Parliament for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland;” and take Notice, that the matter of my said Petition will be taken into consideration by the said Court of Quarter Sessions to be held at Lifford in and for said County, on the 11th day of January, 1816, or an Adjournment thereof. - Dated this 25th day of December, 1815.

WILLIAM D. SPENCE, Confined in the Gaol of Lifford, and County of Donegal

The following are the Creditors or ????? to his Creditors of the abovementioned William D. Spence:

Charles Holmes Scotland, in the County of Donegal
Andrew Hamilton Aughascriley [Aughascribey], county of Tyrone, both detaining Creditors of said Insolvent
Thomas Bann, alias Bond Rock, Upper Drumboe, county Donegal
John Craig Killygordon, same county
Nathaniel Rodgers Tirnisk [Tirinisk], same county
William McLaughlin Castlefin, in said county
Matthew Wauchob Castlefin, said county
Solomon Hart Polepatrick [Pollpatrick], and said county
Benjamin Holmes Monahoney [Meenahoney], and said county
James Virtue Nongsessagh [Long Sessiagh], and said county
Andrew Buchanan Powderly, and said county
Robert Sims Castlefin, and said county
Samuel Hart Magherishanvally, and said county
James Russel Belturbet, county of Cavan
Henry N. Elliott Strabane, county of Tyrone
Widow Blair Strabane, and said county
George McClenaghan Strabane, and said county
Richard O’Dougherty City of Londonderry
Thomas Hall City of Londonderry
Thomas Ramsey City of Londonderry
Letitia Peoples Letterkenny, county of Donegal
Patrick O’Neil and Co. City of Dublin
Assignee of John Noble Stranorlar, and county of Donegal
and all others, the Creditors of said Insolvent