This file of DONEGAL ASSIZES held at LIFFORD forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to DONEGAL ASSIZES on this website can be found at the foot of this file.
On Thursday, at ten o’clock, Mr. Baron McClelland proceeded to the Court-House, at Lifford, when the Commission having been read, the following Gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury.
FOREMAN: E. M. Connolly, Esq.
Juror Juror Juror James Stewart, Esq. Francis Mansfield, Esq. Thomas Brooke, Esq. A. Ferguson, Esq. Andrew Knox, Esq. R. W. Nesbitt, Esq. Sir James Galbraith, Bart. Daniel Chambers, Esq. R. Montgomery, Esq. John Chambers, Esq. John Hamilton, Esq. Sir J. J. Burgoyne, Knt. John Harvey, Esq. John Cochran, Esq. George Young, Esq. Robert Young, Esq. Wm. Stewart, Esq. W. Babington, Esq. Robert Bateson, Esq. James Johnston, Esq. H. Irvine, Esq. John Frederick, Esq.
The following prisoners were put upon their trial:
Surname Given Name Details McGinty Daniel Indicted under Lord Elenborough’s Act, for stabbing with intent to kill John Wilson of Raphoe. [Lengthy details of the trial are reported] The Jury brought in their verdict of Guilty - the warrant directs him to be executed on Friday, the 8th of April McDaid Collomb For cow-stealing - not guilty McCollumb C. For cow-stealing - not guilty McBride A. For horse-stealing - not guilty Haslett Archibald For cow-stealing - to be transported seven years Loughry J. For writing threatening letters - not guilty Shiels M. For horse-stealing - not guilty Warde O. For having forged notes in his possession - discharged, to appear at next assizes Coyle Catherine For breaking windows - to remain in custody Tobin William For shooting at ---------- Kelly, with intent to kill or maim him - to appear next assizes McCarron J. For horse stealing - not guilty Freel M. For cow stealing - to appear next assizes Porter
For taking forcible possession and a riot - to be imprisoned 9 months Denny
W. A.
for an assault and riot - not guilty Murphy William for an assault - not guilty
Ten persons, indicted for various offences, were discharged by proclamation
Seventy four persons were found guilty for offences connected with illicit distillation
March 28 1826The only trial which excited any interest, was that of John Burke, charged with having assisted in destroying a vessel by scuttling her, of which he was mate, and disposing of the Cargo, by which St. Patrick assurance office was defrauded of the amount insured - The vessel was named the “Dunmore”, Conoly master, bound from Sligo for Liverpool, and laden with oats and butter [A full and lengthy description of the case follows] The Jury brought in a verdict, acquitting him (there being no evidence of the vessel having been scuttled) of the capital charge; but finding him guilty of the minor offence, stealing the butter. Sentenced to fourteen years transportation
Surname Given Name Details Hanlon James For a Rape – discharged by proclamation Chately Andrew For a malicious burning – discharged by proclamation Hegarty William For an assault and robbery of arms – bail to appear at next assizes Cash Caroline For refusing to tell her name or residence – discharged McDaid Darby Cow stealing – bail to appear at Sessions James Samuel Embezzling bread – bail to appear at Sessions Doherty Catherine For concealing the birth of a child – discharged by proclamation Roper John Passing base coin – bail to appear next assizes McHugh Eleanor For taking forcible possession – bail to appear next Sessions Gorman
For an assault and robbery – discharged by proclamation
Further records for DONEGAL ASSIZES can be found at:
Co. Donegal Law & Order: Crime, Court Records, Police, Process Servers, Bankruptcies
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