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Donegal Assizes, Lifford, County Donegal, Ireland August 1827

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


This file of DONEGAL ASSIZES held at LIFFORD forms part of the vast archive of 3,000+ pages of genealogical records relating to COUNTIES TYRONE, DONEGAL, LONDONDERRY & FERMANAGH provided without charge or subscription by CoTyroneIreland Welcome to the Premier Website & Research Tool for Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Genealogy ( A complete list of records pertaining to DONEGAL ASSIZES on this website can be found at the foot of this file.

Old Courthouse, Lifford, Co. Donegal. Photo thanks to Monreagh Heritage Centre


August 14 1827

On Saturday last, Mr. Justice Moore opened the Commission in the Crown Court at Lifford. The following Gentlemen were sworn on the Grand Jury: -

Gen. G.V. Hart, M.P. Foreman

Jurist Jurist Jurist
Earl Mountcharles, M.P. J. Sinclair, Esq. E. Connolly, Esq.
A. Ferguson, Esq. Sir J. Stewart, Bart. D. Todd, Esq.
J. Hamilton, Esq. J. Johnston, Esq. Sir T. C. Style, Bart.
H. Babington, Esq. Sir R. Ferguson, Bart. D. Chambers, Esq.
T. Brooke, Esq. R. McClintock, Esq. J. Harvey, Esq.
T. J. Atkinson, Esq. J. Pratt, Esq. Sir J. J. Burgoyne
R. W. Nesbitt, Esq. J. Tredennick, Esq. W. Stewart, Esq.
J. Boyd, Sen., Esq.  


The following prisoners were put upon their trial:

Surname Given Name Details
McNaught William For stealing yarn - Not Guilty
O’Donnell John Stealing potatoes - Not Guilty
Divine Joseph For picking pockets - Not Guilty
Doherty Patrick For burglary - Guilty
Doherty Thomas For robbery - Guilty
Brown Margaret For exposing an infant child - Not Guilty
Gallagher Owen For horse stealing - Not Guilty
Kelly Patrick For same - Not Guilty
Mullin Susan For larceny - Guilty
Campbell (alias McNight) John For horse stealing - Not Guilty


Tuesday, August 21, 1827

Continued from our last issue

Surname Given Name Details
McNaught William Stealing 12 Spangles of Linen Yarn - Not Guilty
McMullion Alice Vagrant - Not guilty
O’Donnell John Stealing Potatoes - Not Guilty
Divine Joseph Picking the pocket of Archibald Roulston - No Bill
Sweeney John Cow Stealing - No Bill
Kain Anne Stealing wearing Apparel - No Bill
Doherty Patrick Burglary and Robbery - Sentence of death recorded
Griffith Anne Robbery - Guilty - to be imprisoned one month
Griffith Eleanor Robbery, Not Guilty
McCunningham Michael Burning a Mill - To give security for his appearance at next Assizes
McIlwain (otherwise Crossan) Rose Burning a house - No Bill
Doherty Thomas Robbery - to be transported 7 years
Doherty Michael For Same - to be imprisoned 3 months
McGinley James Assault on Police, and carrying away a carabine - to be imprisoned 6 Months at hard labour, and give security for his good behaviour for seven years
Brown Margaret Exposing her infant Child - not guilty
Dooey (otherwise Duffy) John Purloining and embezzling a letter containing money - Not guilty
Gallaugher Owen Horse Stealing - Not guilty
Ward John Robbery - Not guilty
Kelly Patrick Horse stealing - Not guilty
Barron Patrick Stealing Harness - No Bill
Harley John Sheep stealing - to be imprisoned 3 Months
Harley Dennis Sheep stealing - to be transported for seven years
Harley Unity Sheep stealing - Not guilty
Brennan Patrick Attempted Rape - No Bill
Ewing Thomas Forgery - to be imprisoned 3 Months at hard labour
Mullan Susan Larceny - to be imprisoned 4 Months
Campbell (otherwise McNight) John Horse stealing - No Bill
Shields (otherwise Agnew) John Horse stealing - Sentence of death recorded



Joseph Dixon Thornley was indicted, for having defrauded the King of certain Sums of money, by an overcharge of postage, when Pro-collector of the Customs at Ballyshannon [There follows a lengthy report of the trial, concluding with:] His Lordship proceeded to address the Jury, at some length, who, to the satisfaction of a crowded court, acquitted the traverser, without leaving the box. Thus ended a prosecution which has cost the country about one thousand pounds.

Further records for DONEGAL ASSIZES can be found at:

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