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Derry Assizes, Co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland April 1831

Extracted from the Strabane Morning Post, Tuesday, April 12, 1831
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia


The following persons were tried:

Name Details
Wm. Loague for stealing a cow’s hide, the property of Mr McCarter, Tanner, Waterside – Guilty, to be transported seven years
Susan Coulter for stealing a piece of Woollen Cloth in December last, the property of Mrs. William James Young, and John Hamilton, Coleraine – Guilty, Twelve months imprisonment
John McGee for stealing two sheep, the property of William Gallaugher, Derry. - Not Guilty
Laurence Keilt & Peter Connelly for stealing on the 21st December last, a bullock, the property of John Loughlin, of Magherafelt. - Guilty
Mary Mulherrin for stealing two hens, the property of ----------- Mercer, of Newtownlimavady. - Not Guilty
Thomas Williams for stealing, on the 27th December last, at Ballymena, two silver spoons, the property of Martha Downing. – Guilty - Two years imprisonment, and hard labour
Elinor Doherty for stealing a pound note from Hugh Hegarty, in Derry, on 3d January last. Not Guilty
Owen Kane for engaging in a riot, and assaulting William Macky, a police constable, while in the discharge of his duty, at Dungiven, on 24th November, 1829. Not Guilty
Francis McCloskey for an assault on James Mullin, on the 9th August last. – Guilty. Two months imprisonment and hard labour
Dominick McCoy, alias Boyle for stealing, in August last, a gun, the property of William Robinson. – Guilty. To be transported for seven years
John Crilly for an assault on Margaret Dempsy, with intent to ravish, at Downhill, on the 13th January last. – Guilty. Two years solitary confinement
Anne Gibben & Catherine Gibben for stealing stuff from the shop of Mrs. A. Lindsay and George Little, on the 9th March last - Not Guilty
William McClernon, Neal Diamond, & Patrick Gallagher for cutting two fir trees, at Moyagy, in September last, the property of Langford Heyland, Esq. - Not Guilty


APRIL 5. The Court commenced business at nine o’clock, when Thomas Orr, of the Royal Sappers and Miners, was arraigned for the murder of Philip McLaughlin, a constable of this city, on the night of the 25th August last. [Full details of the trial follow in the newspaper] Orr’s Counsel then urged that it would only be wasting the time of the Court to proceed further ; no criminating evidence having been adduced. This Sergeant Goold admitted, and the Jury returned a verdict of ~~ Not Guilty. Orr bowed respectfully to the court and retired.

RESURRECTIONISTS. Robert Morris, for exhuming and carrying away the body of Mary Thompson, out of the Meeting-house yard, near Kilrea, on 29th December last. A second count charged prisoner with stealing the linen, &c. which covered the body. The act was fully proved by William Maberly. Prisoner was one of three, (the others were not yet taken;) on the body being raised he took the cap off the head of the corpse, and put it in his pocket, saying “Old Moll Thompson, you will now have a passage to Scotland;” they put the body in a sack, and carried it away. Guilty, to be transported for seven years.

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