Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Assizes March 1837

Extracted from the Enniskillen Chronicle and Lough Erne Packet March 23 1837
Transcribed, Compiled and Submitted by
Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



Name Details
Catharine Magurran larceny, an old offender, to be transported for seven years
Elizabeth Lytle larceny, imprisoned for six months
Jane Hassard larceny, imprisoned three months
John McLoghlen perjury, having submitted, three months imprisonment and fined 6d.
George Rosberry larceny, twelve months hard labour
Alexander Ross and others illegal procession, to be imprisoned one month and give security to keep the peace, themselves in £50 and two sureties £10 each
Alexander Brians assault, two years imprisonment and hard labour, and to give bail to keep the peace himself in £50 and two sureties £5 each
John Sheerin, Terence Dolan and John McSherry riot and assault, to be imprisoned one month, pay a fine to the crown of 10s. each and give security to keep the peace for seven years
Michael Maguire riot and assault, to be imprisoned one month, to pay a fine of 10s. and give bail to keep the peace to keep the peace for seven years
Catharine Maguire and Hannah Neal riot and assault, one week’s imprisonment
Michael McMulkin and John McDonagh riot and assault, six months hard labour and to give bail to keep the peace for seven years
James McGrory riot and assault, twelve months hard labour and to give bail to keep the peace for seven years
Thomas Deery and Luke Magorran riot, and three months hard labour and to give bail to keep the peace for seven years
Mary Creighton larceny, transported for seven years
James Boyle cowstealing, sentence recorded of transportation for life, to be recommended for commutation to twelve months hard labour
John Farrell cowstealing, same rule as last
Morgan McCaffry and Patt Maguire waylaying, transported for seven years
Simon Cross manslaughter, twelve months hard labour
James Gilleese throwing vitriol on the person, sentence of death recorded, but to be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant for commutation for twelve months imprisonment, the first 6 months to hard labour and the second six in solitary confinement


Sentences of transportation were served in the Australian colonies.