Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Tyrone Assizes, Omagh, Co. Tyrone March 1832

Extracted from the Londonderry Sentinel March 17, 1832
Transcribed & Submitted by Len Swindley, Melbourne, Australia



At four o’clock Baron Pennefather entered the Crown Court. The following Grand Jury was impannelled:-

Lord Vincent Corry, Foreman

J. C. Moutray, Esq.

Samuel Vesey, Esq.

A. W. C. Hamilton, Esq.

W. S. Richardson, Esq.

Hon. A. G. Stewart

Samuel Galbraith

Sir J. M. Stronge, Bart.

James Crawford, Esq.

Sir R. A. Ferguson, Bart.

James Sinclair, Esq.

W. L. Conyngham, Esq.

Alexander McCausland, Esq.

Hugh Montgomery Esq.

Lieut. Col. J. McAlpin

William D’Arcy, Esq.

James Verner, Esq.

J. Y. Burgess, Esq.

Robert Evans, Esq.

R. W. Maxwell, Esq.

Henry L. Prentice, Esq.

Thomas R. Brown, Esq., High Sheriff

Daniel Wilson, Esq., Sub-Sheriff




Court opened at 10 o’ clock, when

Thomas Malaghan

was indicted for stealing a cow, on 30th July last. Guilty – to be transported for 14 years

William Arthur & Sarah Bryne

for stealing, for stealing two pigs, the property of John Cavanagh, of Dungannon, on 5th Jan. Arthur was found guilty, and sentenced to be transported for seven years

Robert Rainy

for stealing a banknote from George Robinson, at Moy, on 3 rd February last. – Guilty, to be transported for seven years

Ann Davison

for procuring two counterfeit shillings knowing them to be such, with intent to pass them. – Guilty, to be imprisoned two months

Edward Hamill

for a like offence. – Guilty, to be imprisoned for two months, and kept to hard labour

The Learned Baron here remarked that such misdemeanours should be tried before the Magistrates at Sessions; persons so accused were frequently imprisoned for a long time before they were brought to trial. It was not necessary that a person should attend from the Bank of Ireland, as was the custom, to prove that the coin was base – anyone could do so. It was quite different, however, when the parties were accused of passing such monies, then the offence was transportation

John Hughes

for robbing from the person of Thomas Gunn, in Fintona £8 in bank notes, and some silver. – Not guilty

Betty McNeese

for receiving a cloak and apron, the goods of Thomas Taggart, knowing them to be stolen. – Guilty – to be imprisoned twelve months

John Hagan

for having in his possession at Augher, on 12 of December last, two Bank of Ireland notes of the value of £1 each. It was clearly proved by two witnesses that the prisoner had tendered and passed the notes; that, however, being a capital offence, he was only indicted for having them in his possession, knowing them to be forged – Guilty. His Lordship remarked, in passing sentence, that had the prisoner had been indicted for uttering the notes, sentence of death would have been passed upon him; but as the bank had so leniently acted towards him , his duty was to pronounce sentence of transportation for fourteen years


Four persons for petty larceny were afterwards tried, and the court adjourned at half-past six



At ten o’clock the Court of opened with the trial of

John Johnston

for stealing a horse, at Mullaghmore – Not guilty

Dominick Freel

for breaking into the dwelling-house of Lawrence McCaughey, deceased, in May last, and stealing thereout various articles of wearing apparel, butter, meal &c. – Not guilty

William Gormley

for picking pockets – Not guilty

Sarah Caruthers

for stealing a trinket, and other articles, the property of Edward Caulfield, Esq. – On the second count, for having said articles in her possession. – Guilty on the latter, but recommended to mercy – to be imprisoned 12 months

John Dunbar

was capitally indicted for that he, with three others, did burglariously enter the house of Thomas Taggert, near Aughnacloy, on 28th November last, and rob it of money and other articles.

Thomas Taggert swore that the prisoner was one of the four who entered his house on the night of 28th November last; that he held a pistol to prosecutor’s breast, and threatened to blow out his brains if he did not immediately give up his money; to prevent them putting their threat into execution the wife gave the prisoner 1s. 5½d. which they both declared was all they had in the house. They remained in the house a considerable time; they packed up their apparel, table and bed-linen &c. and carried all away with them; prisoner struck witness with a sword, and also with a bludgeon, and had him on his knees preparing for death two or three times; they tied both witness and his wife before they left the house.

Nothing to effect his direct evidence was adduced on this witness’s cross-examination.

Sarah Taggert fully corroborated her husband’s testimony in every particular.

To prove an alibi a man called Donelly, and his wife and sister were adduced, but they varied much in almost every particular, on their cross examination.

The Jury in five minutes brought in a verdict of guilty – sentence of death recorded

William Sinclair & Benjamin Sinclair

for a conspiracy to destroy horses at Dungannon. Two horses were shot in the carts, by persons employed for the purpose – William to be imprisoned 2 years; Benjamin 18 months

Brice Galway

for buglariously entering the house of Pat. McGurk, at Killyman, on the night of 1st October last. – Not guilty

After several trivial cases, unworthy of occupying space with were decided, the Court adjourned.