Ignatius McManus, otherwise Story, and Francis McBrien, were indicted, for that they on the 13th July, at Macken, in this county, did feloniously kill and murder one Robert Meally; they with others having given him certain mortal wounds with pikes, pitchforks, bayonets, bludgeons, and other weapons, on the head, chest, side, loins, and other parts of the body, of which wounds he instantly died.
[The trial is reported in great length (over a page); names of witnesses or those cross-examined are]:
Lord Enniskillen
George Thompson
Edward Scarlett
James Armstrong
Anne Irwin
John Robinson
Christopher Carson
James Keys (from Gortdonoghy)
Wm. Nixon
John Glass
John Neville (Surgeon)
John Quentin
John Price
Alley McNenis (lives in Ballymanone with one Henry McManus, near Drunnane)
James Morton (lives in Tullynumnon, about a mile and three quarters from Macken)
Mary McIlgun (lived at Drunnane bridge in July last, with Sergeant Armstrong of the police)
Robert Lunney
Patrick Doogan (lived in Rossawellan)
Michael McManus (no relation of Ignatius McManus)
James Foley (Schoolmaster at Macken)
Mathew McCue (lives in Macken, was at widow Kern’s house on the hill)
Francis McArien
Philip Flanagan
Mary O’Brien (daughter of the prisoner; her father was living in Macken only a short time; they all lived in Ballymanone, he was a native of that place)]
The Jury returned their verdict, acquitting Francis McBrien, and finding Ignatius McManus guilty of Murder
His Lordship then proceeded to pass on the unfortunate prisoner the awful sentence of the law, which was put in execution on Tuesday last:
Thomas, otherwise Francis Montgomery
Patrick Montgomery
Patrick McManus
were put on their trial for the murder of Edward Scarlett. In this case the greater part of the evidence produced on the former trial was repeated, with some additional both for the Crown and defence. The Judge then, in a discourse of half an hour’s length, in which he took a comprehensive view of the part the prisoners appeared to have taken in the affair, and the lamentable state to which society had been lately brought in this county, sentenced them to be hanged on Thursday last.
An order arrived from the Castle of Dublin on Thursday morning, by a King’s Messenger, addressed to the High Sheriff, respiting the execution of the three prisoners to further orders.