Cos. Tyrone, Donegal, Londonderry & Fermanagh Ireland Genealogy Research

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Irish Chancery & Common Law Reports, County Tyrone


note from submitter- brief extracts only
page 230


H. T 1821

[Hilary Term 2 G. 4, 1821.] (Common Pleas).
THE facts of this case, as they appear on the record of the judiciary were these:—
The declaration, which was in libel, contained counts; and the first count stated that Lowther Brien, the defendant "Did wickedly and maliciously make and exhibit and publicly cause to be made, exhibited and published, to the High Court Chancery, a certain false, scandalous, malicious and defamamation libel, contained in a certain affidavit in writing, of and (?) him the said John Gildea," according to the following tenor is to say, that the said John Gildea (meaning the plaintiff, a person of notorious and infamous character, and not deserving credit on his (meaning the plaintiff's) oath in a Court of justice, this deponent (meaning the defendant) is convinced and believes; and deponent (meaning the defendant) saith that this deponent's (meaning the said Lowther Brien's) own knowledge, and in this defendant's (meaning this said Lowther Brien presence, the said John Gildea (meaning the plaintiff) was - " disbelieved, on his most positive swearing before a Judge and jury.
-an Assizes in the county of Tyrone ; and this deponent meaning the said Lowther Brien) saith that the said John Gildea (meaning the said plaintiff) hath no fixed place of residence, but is a common vagrant, and, for the most part, keeps himself (meaning the plaintiff) secreted and concealed in distant and remote parts of the counties of Tyrone, Donegal and Fermanagh, and seldom if all appears in public, except when armed with offensive weapons.
The other counts of the declaration merely varied the statement in the first.
Pleas. —First; not guilty.
Second. —To the second, sixth and tenth counts, and to part of the first, fifth and ninth, justification, by alleging truth of half of imputed libel.
Third. —To the third, seventh and eleventh counts, and to part of the first, fifth and ninth, like plea.
Fourth. —To the fourth, eighth and twelfth counts, and part of first, fifth and ninth, like plea. Fifth, as to all the counts.—
That the several supposed affidavits, writings in the several counts mentioned are one and the same afffadavit and writing. That before the exhibiting, making or publishiing of said affidavit, to wit, on the 20th of September 1819, a certain cause or suit was, and still is, depending on the Court of Chancery in which one John Brien was plaintiff and the said, Lowther Brien was defendant. That the said John Gildea made an affidavit in that cause, which was filed; that such affidavit of John Giildea was sworn and filed for the purpose of grounding a motion for an attachment against the said Lowther Brien, intended to be made by the said John Brien, the plaintiff in the Chancery cause; of which motion, grounded, among other things, on said affidavit' John Gildea, the said John Brien, on the 13th of October 1819, used a notice to be served on the said Lowther, according to the practice of the Court of Chancery. That the said affidavit of the said John Gildea, among other things, contains the words following:— '.

"And this deponent further saith that he did, on a former occasion, give testimony in a cause or proceeding, in which the said defendantand did take, as the deponent believes, a very great interest, and in which he was also a party; and saith that in such case the 'deponent was further examined, very near two years ago, as a ' witness', and did prove, as this deponent believes, and now best recollects certain facts and matters which were in opposition to the case, that the said Lowther Brien was desirous should be established, as this deponent verily believes; and saith such testimony "of this deponent has never been impeached or impugned, as " the deponent believes; and the deponent positively saith that he " was perfectly uninterested in the matters in issue in said Court, " and deposed to nothing therein, or any other occasion, in which " this deponent was examined as a witness, that was not, to the best " of this deponent's judgment and belief, most accurately and conscientiously true; and he the deponent saith that the imputation "thrown out by the said Lowther Brien against this depondant aforesaid is totally false and without the slightest ......

To read the rest of the above Common Court of Chancery- see,M1


The case was tried before C.J. (Chief Justice) Monahan, at the Summer Assizes of 1860, for the county of Tyrone. At the trial it appeared that the plaintiff held certain lands in the county of Tyrone, called the lands of Roughan or Roan, under a lease, dated the 21st of April 1843, from Robert Lord Castlestuart, for two lives or thirty- one years. The plaintiff was also the owner and occupier of a mill on the demised premises, which was supplied with water by a stream from Roughan lake. The defendant was the lessee of lands adjoining, between the mill and the lake, under an indenture, dated the 21st of July 1841, made by the Hon. Charles Andrew Knox Stuart and Charlotte Stuart, his wife, to James King, for a term of twenty-one years, provided the lessors should so long live. The defendants lands were described as " the mansion house and demesne lands of Roughan.

The premises comprised in both those leases had been formerly held under one lease, by a person named Thomas Twigg. Twigg's lease was dated the 19th of September 1775, and was made by the first Lord Castlestuart, to Graves Chamney, under whom Twigg derived, for the life of Lord Ranfurly. This lease did not expire until the 26th of April 1840, when Lord Ranfurly died. Subsequently to the year 1775, a mill was built upon the premises, and evidence was given of an enjoyment of the right of water, by a person named Alexander Stuart, a tenant of the mill under Twigg, more than forty years before the bringing of the present action, and from thenceforward by succeeding tenants. By indenture, dated the 30th of April 1836, Robert Earl of Castlestuart, in pursuance of a power of revocation and new appointment, contained in his marriage settlement, appointed to his second son, the Hon. Charles Andrew Knox Stuart, for his life, Exchequer. the mansion-house and demesne of Roan. This deed recited that the mansion-house and demesne of Roan (part of the lands comprised in the settlement) were then, with other lands, held from Robert Earl of Castlestuart by the Rev. Thomas Twigg, under a lease for the life of Thomas Earl of Ranfurly, and that Lord Castlestuart was minded to appoint same " as now in the occupation of the said Thomas Twigg." And by this deed Lord Castlestuart then revoked the uses of the marriage settlement, so far as related to the mansion-house and demesne lands of Roan, and directed that the trustees of the settlement should hold the mansion-house and demesne lands of Roan, after the expiration of the lease under which the said premises, with others, were held, to the use of Charles Andrew Knox Stuart, for life.

Twigg's lease having expired by the death of Lord Ranfurly, on the 26th of April 1840, the Hon. Charles Andrew Knox Stuart and Charlotte Stuart, his wife, by a deed of the 21st of July 1841, demised the dwelling-house, offices and demesne lands of Roughan to James King, for the term of thirty-one years, provided the lessor should so long live. This term was admittedly vested in the defendant Stanley. That portion of the premises included in Twigg's lease, on which the Roughan mills stood, was demised by Robert Lord Castlestuart, by a deed of the 21st of April 1843, to Joseph Stevenson and William Stevenson, under whom the plaintiff derived, for two lives or thirty-one years. In this lease the premises were granted as " All that and those that part and parcel of the " town and lands of Roughan or Roan, containing 39a. Or. 36p, "English statute measure, be the same more or less, together with" the several right to the current or flow of the waters of Drumreagh and Roughan lakes, sufficient for the purpose of working machinery, as formerly enjoyed by Messrs. Stuart and Murray with the appurtenances. Charles Andrew Knox Stuart had become Lord Castlestuart, by the deaths of his father and brother. A great deal of evidence was given with regard to the enjoyment of the alleged right, and the obstruction by the (???)

At the close of the case, neither party sought to have any question left to the jury, and the Lord Chief Justice thereupon directed a verdict for the defendant, to be changed into a verdict for the plaintiff, on the counts relating to the right to the water, with one shilling damages, in case he should not have so directed.


The Queen, at the prosecution of George PORTER, v The Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Tyrone.
(April 18, 24. Magistrates, who were virtually the complainants and therefore interested in the subject-matter of the proceedings took their set upon the bench among the other Magistrates, on the hearing of the complaint. Before the commencement of the proceedings, however, they announced that they were not there as Magistrates, and would not act as such. It was proved that they took no part in the proceedings, and that, when the other Magistrates retired to consider their decision, they did not retire with them, but remained in open Court. During the progress of the proceedings, they were called upon by the defendants' attorney to retire from the Bench; but the Chairman decided that they might remain, in which decision the defendants' attorney acquiesced. — Held, that their remaining on the Bench during the hearing of the complaint did not, under the circumstances, render the Court improperly constituted, so as to invalidate the proceedings ; and a conditional order for a certiorari to quash the proceedings on that ground was discharged, but without costs, inasmuch as the conduct of the Magistrates in so remaining on the Bench during the hearing was highly culpable. the hearing of the complaint.)
DOWSE (January 14th) obtained a conditional order for a writ of 'certiorari' directed to the Justices of the Peace for the county of Tyrone to remove into this Court all and singular orders or convictions for whatsoever trespasses and other offences whereof at a Petty Sessions held at Strabane, on the 1st of August 1859, on the respective complaints of the Marquis of Abercorn and T. W. D. HUMPHRYS, said George PORTER stood convicted, in order that the same might be quashed, upon the ground, among others, that the said T. W. D. Humphrys, together with John Humphrys, two of the Justices who presided at said Petty Sessions, and acted judicially in said cases, were and are interested therein as agents of the said Marquis of Abercorn; and inasmuch as one of said complaints was, as aforesaid, at the instance of the said T. W. D. Humphrys.

It appeared, from the affidavits on the part of the prosecution, that the said John Humphrys and T. W. D. Humphrys were the joint land agents of the Marquis of Abercorn. That the said G. Porter claimed to be entitled to the lands upon which the trespasses hereinafter mentioned were committed, under an assignment from his mother, who was tenant thereof to the Marquis of Abercorn. That the said G. Porter and his two servants, Patrick Brynes and Joseph Laffarty, were summoned to the Petty Sessions at Strabane, upon the 1st of August 1859, for trespasses committed on said lands. Of three summonses, which were signed by the said John Humphrys, two were in the name of the said Marquis of Abercorn against said G. Porter, for trespassing on said lands, and wilfully and maliciously damaging turnips and corn growing thereon, by riding a horse through them. Another of these summonses was in the name of the said T. W. D. Humphrys against the said G. Porter, for willfully and maliciously letting loose his entire horse in a field in which complainant's mare was working in turnips. The horse leaped upon the mare, and injured her. That summonses were also issued in the name of the Marquis of Abercorn against the said Patrick Brynes and Joseph Laffarty, for willfully and maliciously damaging complainant's corn and turnips, by riding a horse through them. That the said several parties so summoned were convicted, and ordered to pay certain fines, or, in default, to be imprisoned for seven days; and, in the case of said G. Porter, for letting loose the entire horse into the field, hard labour was superadded to the imprisonment. It was charged, although denied by the said T. W. D. Humphrys, that there was an agreement between him and the Marquis of Abercorn to give possession of said lands to said T. W. D. Humphrys for a residence. That the said John Humphrys and T. W. D. Humphrys formed part of the Court which pronounced the said order of conviction in said five several causes, and took an active part in the decision of, and sat upon the Bench during the hearing of said cases,as Justices usually sit, and spoke to and consulted with the other Justices during the hearing thereof; and that, being Justices interested in the result of said cases, such orders were invalid. It also appeared that the summons having been served on the said G. Porter, on Saturday the 3rd of July, about one o'clock, to appear on the following Monday, an application was made for an adjournment of the hearing of the case, which the Magistrates refused, except upon terms with which the said G. Porter would not comply. From the affidavits sworn as cause (including those of the Chairman and the three other Magistrates who presided on the occasion in question), it appeared that four Magistrates, besides the Messrs. Humphrys, occupied seats upon the Bench. That the Messrs. Humphrys both announced, at the sitting of the Court, that they would not act magisterially in any of the cases upon that day ; and Mr. T. W. D. Humphrys stated in his affidavit that, at the commencement of the proceedings, he distinctly and audibly stated that he was not there as a Magistrate, and would not act as such ; and the clerk of the Petty Sessions in his affidavit swore that the announcement was made audibly and distinctly by both the Messrs. Humphrys, at the sitting of the Court, in the hearing of all the persons assembled; that the Messrs. Humphrys took no part in the deliberations of the other Justices; but, on the contrary, that when they retired to their room to deliberate on the case, that they (the Messrs. Humphrys) remained in Court with the professional men and the general public. It appeared also, from the affidavit of the clerk of the Petty Sessions, that the attorney for G. Porter having called upon the Messrs.
Humphrys to leave the Bench, and take their places among the general public in another part of the Court, that the Chairman replied to said attorney that it was usual, as a matter of courtesy and civility to persons in a respectable position, when they came into the Court to allow them to occupy the position which the Messrs. Humphrys did, and that he saw no reason to deviate from the practice on that occasion; in which ruling of the Chairman the attorney for G. Porter then acquiesced. That the Magistrates refused to postpone the hearing of the said cases appearing to them that G. Porter could not, by such delay, make any better defense.



A most premeditated and barbarous murder was committed about the hour of 11o'clock in the morning of Thursday the 10th instant, in the townland of Maghiralongford, county of Tyrone, seven miles from Dungannon. In the month of November last, a man named James Tormar was dispossessed of his land, being unable to pay the arrears of rent ; another person, named Bernard O'Neill, paid the amount, and was regularly put in possession. Tormar several times told O'Neill that he would shoot him, or the first person he should employ to cultivate the farm.
O'Neill, however, on the day before mentioned, went on the land with his horse and plough, together with a man named Hugh Neill, whom he had hired for the occasion. Tormar, observing them coming towards the field, proceeded to a house two fields off from which he took a gun, and came back to the field. O'Neill and his man were about to enter, and were then standing on the road, when O'Neill said he would plough the land.

Tormar advanced, and in the most deliberate manner took regular aim at him and missed fire. At this moment Neill advanced, whom he covered in like manner, and shot him through the heart, not being more than eight paces from him when Neill fell. O'Neill seized Tormar, and although the deceased was weltering in his blood, there were four persons barbarous enough to rescue the murderer. Mr. Duff, chief constable of police, having received intimation of the murder from Mr. Caulfield, a magistrate, dispatched a sergeant and five cavalry, and proceeded to the spot, where, on his arrival, instead of meeting with any assistance, by information or otherwise, from the persons assembled, one and all of them entered into a justification of Tormar. The chief constable, thinking it likely the murderer would shelter himself in a large and thick wood called Killacolpy, about three miles further on, made for it, and, having dismounted some of his men, in a few minutes apprehended the murderer, concealed in a large thicket. Crowds of persons assembled and followed, all of whom expressed much more sympathy for the murderer than for the deceased, his widow, and five helpless children; and, on their being reasoned with on their want of feeling, several of the crowd said " Tormar did quite right to shoot him ; there is no man here who would not do the same to any man who should take land over our heads." The coroner's inquest returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder against Tormar; " who, with Mary Devlin, one of those who rescued Tormar in the first instance, was lodged in Dungannon gaol.
extract from the Annual Register of History Politics and literature of the year 1834

A very small example of the Transportations of criminals


CAMPBELL, JAMES Age: 17 Trial date: 29/03/1849 Crime Cattle stealing Sentence: Transportation for life Document ref1: TR 9, P 17 Comment1: Convict died in Spike Island Gaol, Co. Cork, 02/03/1852.

CAMPBELL, JAMES Imprisonment place: Omagh, Co. Tyrone Document date: 08/11/1816 Crime Assault Petitioner: Andrew Campbell Relationship: Father Document ref1: PPC 4075 Comment 1: Petitioner resides in Dunemana, Co. Tyrone. Petition endorsed: 'to be admitted to bail'.

CAREY JAMES Trial place: Omagh Document date: 26/09/1846 Crime Cattle stealing Sentence: Transportation for 10 years Petitioner: Matthew Boyd Birney Document ref 1: CRF 1846 C 48 Comment1: Petitioner's residence given as Five Mile Town, Co. Tyrone.

CASSIDY JAMES Age: 17 Trial date: 29/12/1853 Crime Breaking and entering house and larceny Sentence: Transportation 15 yrs Document ref1: TR 13, P 127 Comment 1: Convict died in Philipstown Gaol, King's Co, 08/12/1858

CONWAY BRIDGET Age:20 Trial date: 24/06/1842 Crime Larceny from person Sentence: Transportation 15 yrs Document ref 1: TR 4, P 297

CULLEN JAMES Age: 62 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime : Sheep stealing Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs,commuted 12 mths imprisonment Document ref 1: TR 3, P 166 Document ref 2: CRF 1839 C 38 Comment 1: Convict sentenced transportation 10 yrs commuted 12 mths imprisonment

CUMMINS ELIZA Age: 21 Trial date: 21/07/1840 Crime Vagrancy Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, P 290 Comment1: Transportation 7 yrs unless she finds security in 3 mths herself of £10.00 and 2 surities of £5.00

DESMOND WILLIAM Age: 31 Trial date: 09/07/1837 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 years Document ref1: TR 2, P 160

DONNELLY ANNE Age: 34 Trial date: 10/03/1849Crime: Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 9, P 73

DONNELLY PATRICK Age: 33 Trial date: 15/07/1844 Crime Cow stealing Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1: TR 5, P 177

DONOHOE THOMAS Trial date: 28/02/1848 Crime Murder Sentence: Death, 22/03/1848 Document ref1: TR 7, P 128

DUFFY PETER Age: 46 Trial place: Dungannon, Co. Tyrone Imprisonment place: Smithfield and Omagh Trial date: 09/10/1844 Crime Receiving stolen sheep Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Petitioner: Self and Catherine Duffy Relationship: Wife Document ref1: TR 5, P 177 Document ref2: TR 5, P 177 Comment1: Prisoner's residence was in Co. Tyrone

FLANIGAN PEGGY Age: 30 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime Burglary Sentence: Transportation for 14 years Document ref1: CRF 1839 Misc31 Comment1: Calender of convicts confined in the gaol of Omagh, Co. Tyrone.

FULTON THOMAS Age: 22 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation for 7 years Document ref1: CRF 1839 Misc31 Comment1: Calender of convicts confined in the gaol of Omagh, Co. Tyrone.

GLASS James Age: 52 Trial date: 18/04/1849 Crime Sheep stealing Sentence: Transportation 14 yrs Document ref1: TR 9, p 170 GORMAN HUGH age 24 Trial date: 00/00/1836 Crime Burglary Sentence: Death recorded Document ref1: TR 1, p 212 Comment1: Convict detained on board hulk "Essex", (11/08/1836)

GRENNAN JAMES Age: 21 Trial date: 28/06/1852 Crime Larceny from person Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Ship: WILLIAM, 00/02/1855 Document ref1: TR 12, p 144

HACKETT JOSEPH Age: 48 Imprisonment place: Co. Tyrone Trial date: 06/03/1848 Document date: 12/07/1848 Crime : Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Petitioner: Self & Elizabeth Hackett Relationship: Wife ref1: TR 7, p 153 Document ref2: CRF 1848 H 30 Comment1: Convict died in Spike Island Gaol, Co. Cork, 06/07/1852

HAGARTY JAMES Alias: Duffy, Neal Trial date: 00/00/1837 Crime Horse stealing Sentence: Transportation for life, commuted to transp.7 yrs. Document ref1: CRF 1837 Mc 197

HAMILTON THOMAS Age: 23 Trial date: 07/03/1836 Crime Burglary Sentence: To be hanged, 21/04/1836 Document ref1: TR 1, p 212 Comment1: Convict was detained on board hulk "Essex" (18/05/1836) Comment2: Convict Ref. File: Mc 15, 1836

JOHNSTON ELIZA Age: 12 Trial place: Strabane, Co. Tyrone Imprisonment place: Omagh Trial date: 16/04/1844 Document date: 26/04/1844 Crime Receiving a pair of stolen boots Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs com discharge (30/05/1844) Petitioner: Thomas Johnston Relationship Father Document ref1: TR 5, p 313 Document ref2: CRF 1844 J 3 Comment1: Convicts name struck through from Register. Petitioners residence given as Omagh. He is stated to have served in the Enniskillen Dragoons.

JOHNSTON SARAH Alias: Coulter Age: 27 Trial date: 27/06/1837 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Ship: Diamond, 15/11/1837 Document ref1: TR 2, P 109(F)

KANE THOMAS Age: 40 Trial date: 23/10/1840 Crime Malicious assault Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, p 167 Document ref2: CRF 1840 K 58 Comment1: Convict resides in Co. Tyrone and has a wife expecting their seventh child.

KEARNEY CHARLES Age: 25 Trial place: Omagh, Co Tyrone Imprisonment place: Omagh, Co Tyrone Trial date 16/03/1838 Crime: Manslaughter Sentence: Transportation 7 years Document ref1: CRF 1838 K 20 Comment1: Convict has a wife and parents dependant on his support.

KERR JOHN Trial date: 19/06/1847 Crime Larceny from person Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Ship RODNEY, (23/09/1851) Document ref1: TR 6, p 200 Comment1: Convict detained at Kilmainham Gaol, Co. Dublin

KERR ROBERT Age: 76 Trial date: 28/03/1841 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 4, p 171 Document ref2: CRF 1841 K 50 Comment1: The convict supports a wife and five small children.

KERRY JAMES age 16 Trial date: 09/03/1846 Crime Cow stealing Sentence:Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1:TR 6, p 198

KIRK PATRICK Age: 40 Trial date: 02/08/1841 Crime Ribbonsism Sentence Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1:TR 4, p 171

LOGUE THOMAS Age: 26 Trial date:07/07/1851 Crime Burglary Sentence:Transportation life Ship: LORD DALHOUSIE, 00/04/1852 Document ref1: TR 11, p 152

MCBRIDE BRIDGET Age: 23 Trial date:13/01/1840 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, p 290

McCLINTOCK ISABELLA Trial place: Co Londonderry Trial date: 00/00/1836 Crime Vagrancy Sentence: Trans 7 years Document ref1: CRF 1836 M 91 Comment1: Convicts' mother resides near the town of Strabane, Co Tyrone. See Anne Meenan Comment2: CRF 1836 M91.

McCULLOUGH Trial date: 00/00/1841 Crime Highway robbery Sentence: Fifteen years transcommuted to 7 years Ship: PRINCE REGENT Document ref1: CRF 1841 Mc 20 Comment1: Convict supports a widowed mother.

McGARRITY ANNE Age: 18 Trial date: 04/03/1844 Crime Arson Sentence: Transportation life Document ref1: TR 5, p 313

McGARRY MICHAEL Trial date: 25/02/1848 Crime Burglary Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1: TR 7, p 128 Comment1: Convict died at Richmond Gaol, Co. Dublin, 05/07/1850 and convict's name struck through from Register.

MAGRATH ROSE Age: 24 Trial date: 21/01/1851 Crime Larceny after previous conviction Sentence: Transportation 7 years Ship: MARTIN LUTHER Document ref1: TR 11, p 65 f.

McGUCKEN JAMES age: 23 Trial date: 07/03/1836 Crime Burglary Sentence: To be hanged 21/4/1836 Document ref1: TR 1, 212 Comment1: Convict detained on board hulk "Essex", 18/5/1836. Convict Ref File: Comment2: Mc 15, 1836. Commuted to Transportation for Life. commuted to Transportation 10 yrs.

McGUIRE HUGH Age:16 Trial date: 11/03/1850 Crime Larceny in dwelling house Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1:TR 10, p 248 Comment1: Convict died at Spike Island Gaol, Co. Cork, 10/12/1852

McGUIRK BERNARD Trial date 29/03/1848 Crime Larceny Sentence:Transportation 7 yrs Ship: LONDON Document ref1: TR 8, p 161

McGURK JANE age 30 Trial date: 13/03/1843 crime Vagrancy Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs unless bail given in 3 mths. Document ref1: TR 5, p 313

McKENNA SUSAN age 22 Trial date: 03/01/1850 Crime: Larceny Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Ship: DUKE OF CORNWALL Document ref1: TR 10, p 382

McKNIGHT BENJAMIN Age:42 Trial date: 15/07/1837 Crime Cattle stealing Sentence: Life commuted to transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 2, p 159 Comment1: Convict report no. Mc 197

McKENZIE MARY Age 61 Trial date: 10/04/1840 Crime : Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, p 290

MCNANLY OWEN Trial date: 02/08/1841 Crime Cow stealing Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1: TR 4, p 171

MANEARY WILLIAM Age: 27 Trial date: 07/03/1836 Crime Receiving stolen goods Sentence: Transportation 10 years Ship: ESSEX Document ref1: TR 1, p 212.

MOODY ROBERT Document date: 15/09/1816 Crime Being concerned in the Donnemana riots Document ref1: PPC 1323 Comment1: Report of the Provost of Strabane, Co. Tyrone.

MURPHY CATHERINE Age:23 Trial date: 19/01/1852 Crime Embezzlement Sentence:Transportation 10 yrs Document ref1: TR 12, p 262

NIMMONS WILLIAM Trial date: 00/03/1848 Crime:Cow stealing Sentence: Transportation 10 years Document ref1: CRF 1850 N 2

PARKES ELIZ Document date: 05/12/1820 Crime Possessing a stolen bundle Sentence: Trans 7 years Petitioner: Convict Document ref1: PPC 4121 Comment1: Convict is married with six children and resides in Donaghanie, Omagh Co Tyrone

PEMBERTON JOSEPH Age: 21 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime Larceny from person Sentence: Transportation for 10 years Document ref1: CRf 1839 Misc31 Comment1: Calender of convicts confined in the gaol of Omagh, Co. Tyrone.

QUINN Patrick life Petitioner: Convict Document ref1: PPC 3455 Comment1: Convict was convicted with Peter Gillespie for the same offense. Convict resides at Gortindaragh, Parish of Pomeroy, Trial place: Omagh, Co Tyrone Imprisonment place: Omagh, Co Tyrone Document date: 03/05/1828 Crime Sheep stealing Sentence: Transportation one and is a Cooper by trade.

RAFFERTY CATHERINE Age: 22 Trial date: 14/01/1842 Crime Larceny from person Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 4, p 297 Document ref2 CRF 1842 R 4 Comment1: Convict lives with her mother, Mary.

READ MATTY Age 16 Trial date:10/03/1849 Crime Vagrant Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs unless bail given Document ref1:TR 9, p 73 (F)

REED JANE Alias: FRAME- Imprisonment place: Omagh, Co Tyrone Trial date: 00/00/1819 Document date: 10/12/1820 Crime dsc: Stealing muslim Sentence: Transportation 7 years Petitioner: Convict Document ref1: PPC 4121 Comment1: Convict is a widow with five children and resides in Strabane, Co Tyrone.

RICHARDSON THOMAS WILLIAM Age:38 Trial date 11/01/1845 Crime Malicious Assault Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 5, p 177

SHERRY MARY Age: 18 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 years Document ref1: CRF 1839 Misc31 Comment1: Calender of convicts confined in the gaol of Omagh, Co Tyrone.

SKEY JOHN Trial date: 20/03/1842 Crime Cow stealing Sentence: Transportation for 10 years Document ref1: CRF 1842 S 26 Comment1: Convict has a wife and four children to support.

SLOTHERS DAVID Trial date: 08/03/1847 Document date: 12/04/1847 Crime Larceny Sentence: Transportation 7 Petitioner: Self Document ref1: CRF 1847 S 3

STEENSON JAMES Age: 58 Trial date: 20/01/1852 Crime : Larceny after previous conviction Sentence: Transportation 10 yrs Document ref TR 12, p 144 Comment1: Convict died at Spike Island Gaol, Co. Cork, 13/02/1854

STEWART JOHN Age 49 Trial date: 12/03/1839 Crime Receiving stolen goods Sentence: Transportation 14 yrs Document ref1: TR 3, p 166

SULLIVAN TIMOTHY Trial date: 08/01/1850 Crime Sheep stealing Sentence: Transportation 21 yrs Document ref1: TR 10, p 248

WALSH JOHN Age 15 Trial date: 02/07/1849 Crime Assault / aggravation Sentence: Transportation 7 yrs Document ref1: TR 9, p 170 Comment1: Convict died in Spike Island Gaol, Co. Cork, 05/02/1853